226 resultados para Exome sequencing


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It is exciting to be living at a time when the big questions in biology can be investigated using modern genetics and computing [1]. Bauzà-Ribot et al.[2] take on one of the fundamental drivers of biodiversity, the effect of continental drift in the formation of the world’s biota 3 and 4, employing next-generation sequencing of whole mitochondrial genomes and modern Bayesian relaxed molecular clock analysis. Bauzà-Ribot et al.[2] conclude that vicariance via plate tectonics best explains the genetic divergence between subterranean metacrangonyctid amphipods currently found on islands separated by the Atlantic Ocean. This finding is a big deal in biogeography, and science generally [3], as many other presumed biotic tectonic divergences have been explained as probably due to more recent transoceanic dispersal events [4]. However, molecular clocks can be problematic 5 and 6 and we have identified three issues with the analyses of Bauzà-Ribot et al.[2] that cast serious doubt on their results and conclusions. When we reanalyzed their mitochondrial data and attempted to account for problems with calibration 5 and 6, modeling rates across branches 5 and 7 and substitution saturation [5], we inferred a much younger date for their key node. This implies either a later trans-Atlantic dispersal of these crustaceans, or more likely a series of later invasions of freshwaters from a common marine ancestor, but either way probably not ancient tectonic plate movements.


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Global aquaculture has expanded rapidly to address the increasing demand for aquatic protein needs and an uncertain future for wild fisheries. To date, however, most farmed aquatic stocks are essentially wild and little is known about their genomes or the genes that affect important economic traits in culture. Biologists have recognized that recent technological advances including next generation sequencing (NGS) have opened up the possibility of generating genome wide sequence data sets rapidly from non-model organisms at a reasonable cost. In an era when virtually any study organism can 'go genomic', understanding gene function and genetic effects on expressed quantitative trait locus phenotypes will be fundamental to future knowledge development. Many factors can influence the individual growth rate in target species but of particular importance in agriculture and aquaculture will be the identification and characterization of the specific gene loci that contribute important phenotypic variation to growth because the information can be applied to speed up genetic improvement programmes and to increase productivity via marker-assisted selection (MAS). While currently there is only limited genomic information available for any crustacean species, a number of putative candidate genes have been identified or implicated in growth and muscle development in some species. In an effort to stimulate increased research on the identification of growth-related genes in crustacean species, here we review the available information on: (i) associations between genes and growth reported in crustaceans, (ii) growth-related genes involved with moulting, (iii) muscle development and degradation genes involved in moulting, and; (iv) correlations between DNA sequences that have confirmed growth trait effects in farmed animal species used in terrestrial agriculture and related sequences in crustacean species. The information in concert can provide a foundation for increasing the rate at which knowledge about key genes affecting growth traits in crustacean species is gained.


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The study assessed natural levels and patterns of genetic variation in Arabian Gulf populations of a native pearl oyster to define wild population structure considering potential intrinsic and extrinsic factors that could influence any wild structure detected. The study was also the first attempt to develop microsatellite markers and to generate a genome survey sequence (GSS) dataset for the target species using next generation sequencing technology. The partial genome dataset generated has potential biotechnological applications and for pearl oyster farming in the future.


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Migraine is a common neurological disorder with a significantly heritable component. It is a complex disease and despite numerous molecular genetic studies, the exact pathogenesis causing the neurological disturbance remains poorly understood. Although several known molecular mechanisms have been associated with an increased risk for developing migraine, there remains significant scope for future studies. The majority of studies have investigated the most plausible candidate genes involved in common migraine pathogenesis utilising criteria that takes into account a combination of physiological functionality in conjunction with regions of genomic association. Thus, far genes involved in neurological, vascular or hormonal pathways have been identified and investigated on this basis. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) studies have helped to identify novel regions that may be associated with migraine and have aided in providing the basis for further molecular investigations. However, further studies utilising sequencing technologies are required to characterise the genetic basis for migraine.


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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. Susceptibility to the disease is affected by both environmental and genetic factors. Genetic factors include haplotypes in the histocompatibility complex (MHC) and over 50 non-MHC loci reported by genome-wide association studies. Amongst these, we previously reported polymorphisms in chromosome 12q13-14 with a protective effect in individuals of European descent. This locus spans 288 kb and contains 17 genes, including several candidate genes which have potentially significant pathogenic and therapeutic implications. In this study, we aimed to fine-map this locus. We have implemented a two-phase study: a variant discovery phase where we have used next-generation sequencing and two target-enrichment strategies [long-range polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Nimblegen's solution phase hybridization capture] in pools of 25 samples; and a genotyping phase where we genotyped 712 variants in 3577 healthy controls and 3269 MS patients. This study confirmed the association (rs2069502, P = 9.9 × 10−11, OR = 0.787) and narrowed down the locus of association to an 86.5 kb region. Although the study was unable to pinpoint the key-associated variant, we have identified a 42 (genotyped and imputed) single-nucleotide polymorphism haplotype block likely to harbour the causal variant. No evidence of association at previously reported low-frequency variants in CYP27B1 was observed. As part of the study we compared variant discovery performance using two target-enrichment strategies. We concluded that our pools enriched with Nimblegen's solution phase hybridization capture had better sensitivity to detect true variants than the pools enriched with long-range PCR, whilst specificity was better in the long-range PCR-enriched pools compared with solution phase hybridization capture enriched pools; this result has important implications for the design of future fine-mapping studies.


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Prior to the completion of the human genome project, the human genome was thought to have a greater number of genes as it seemed structurally and functionally more complex than other simpler organisms. This along with the belief of “one gene, one protein”, were demonstrated to be incorrect. The inequality in the ratio of gene to protein formation gave rise to the theory of alternative splicing (AS). AS is a mechanism by which one gene gives rise to multiple protein products. Numerous databases and online bioinformatic tools are available for the detection and analysis of AS. Bioinformatics provides an important approach to study mRNA and protein diversity by various tools such as expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences obtained from completely processed mRNA. Microarrays and deep sequencing approaches also aid in the detection of splicing events. Initially it was postulated that AS occurred only in about 5%; of all genes but was later found to be more abundant. Using bioinformatic approaches, the level of AS in human genes was found to be fairly high with 35-59%; of genes having at least one AS form. Our ability to determine and predict AS is important as disorders in splicing patterns may lead to abnormal splice variants resulting in genetic diseases. In addition, the diversity of proteins produced by AS poses a challenge for successful drug discovery and therefore a greater understanding of AS would be beneficial.


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Background Hyperhomocysteinemia as a consequence of the MTHFR 677 C > T variant is associated with cardiovascular disease and stroke. Another factor that can potentially contribute to these disorders is a depleted nitric oxide level, which can be due to the presence of eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants that make an individual more susceptible to endothelial dysfunction. A number of genotyping methods have been developed to investigate these variants. However, simultaneous detection methods using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis are still lacking. In this study, a novel multiplex PCR-RFLP method for the simultaneous detection of MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants was developed. A total of 114 healthy Malay subjects were recruited. The MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants were genotyped using the novel multiplex PCR-RFLP and confirmed by DNA sequencing as well as snpBLAST. Allele frequencies of MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C were calculated using the Hardy Weinberg equation. Methods The 114 healthy volunteers were recruited for this study, and their DNA was extracted. Primer pair was designed using Primer 3 Software version 0.4.0 and validated against the BLAST database. The primer specificity, functionality and annealing temperature were tested using uniplex PCR methods that were later combined into a single multiplex PCR. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) was performed in three separate tubes followed by agarose gel electrophoresis. PCR product residual was purified and sent for DNA sequencing. Results The allele frequencies for MTHFR 677 C > T were 0.89 (C allele) and 0.11 (T allele); for eNOS +894 G > T, the allele frequencies were 0.58 (G allele) and 0.43 (T allele); and for eNOS −786 T > C, the allele frequencies were 0.87 (T allele) and 0.13 (C allele). Conclusions Our PCR-RFLP method is a simple, cost-effective and time-saving method. It can be used to successfully genotype subjects for the MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants simultaneously with 100% concordance from DNA sequencing data. This method can be routinely used for rapid investigation of the MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants.


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The Nrf2/ARE pathway is a major cellular defense mechanism that prevents damage by reactive oxygen species through induction of antioxidative phase II enzymes. However, the activity of the Nrf2/ARE system is not uniform with variability in response presumed to be dependent on the Nrf2 genotype. We recently completed a pilot human coffee intervention trial with healthy humans, where large interindividual differences in the antioxidative response to the study coffee were examined. Here, we address the question whether differences in the modulation of Nrf2 gene transcription, assessed as an induction of Nrf2 gene transcription by Q-PCR, might be correlated with specific Nrf2 genotypes. To date, nine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been identified in the Nrf2 (NFE2L2) gene. Two of these, the -617C/A and -651G/A SNPs are located within the promoter region and have previously been reported to influence the activity of the Nrf2/ARE pathway by reducing Nrf2 transcriptional activity. Sequencing of the critical Nrf2 gene promoter region not only confirmed the existence of these SNPs within the participants of the trial at the expected frequency (33% carrying the -617C/A, 17% the -651G/A and 56% the -653A/G SNP) but also indicated reduced Nrf2 gene transcription associated with a normal diet if the SNPs at position -617, -651 or -653 were present. Of note, the data also indicated the study coffee increased Nrf2 gene transcription even in SNP carriers. This further highlights the relevance of genotype-dependent induction of Nrf2 gene transcription that appears to be largely influenced by dietary factors.


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Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) is a hereditary disease of small vessel caused by mutations in the NOTCH3 gene (NCBI Gene ID: 4854) located on chromosome 19p13.1. NOTCH3 consists of 33 exons which encode a protein of 2321 amino acids. Exons 3 and 4 were found to be mutation hotspots, containing more than 65% of all CADASIL mutations. We performed direct sequencing on an ABI 3130 Genetic Analyser to screen for mutations and polymorphisms on 300 patients who were clinically suspected to have CADASIL. First, exons 3 and 4 were screened in NOTCH3 and if there were no variations found, then extended CADASIL testing (exons 2, 11, 18 and 19) was offered to patients. Here we report two novel non-synonymous mutations identified in the NOTCH3 gene. The first mutation, located in exon 4 was found in a 49-year-old female and causes an alanine to valine amino acid change at position 202 (605C > T). The second mutation, located in exon 11, was found in a 66-year-old female and causes a cysteine to arginine amino acid change at position 579 (1735T > C). We also report a 46-year-old male with a known polymorphism Thr101Thr (rs3815188) and an unreported polymorphism NM_000435.2:c.679+60G>A observed in intron 4 of the NOTCH3 gene. Although Ala202Ala (rs1043994) is a common polymorphism in the NOTCH3 gene, our reported novel mutation (Ala202Val) causes an amino acid change at the same locus. Our other reported mutation (Cys579Arg) correlates well with other known mutations in NOTCH3, as the majority of the CADASIL-associated mutations in NOTCH3 generally occur in the EGF-like (epidermal growth factor-like) repeat domain, causing a change in the number of cysteine residues. The intronic polymorphism NM_000435.2:c.679+60G>A lies close to the intron–exon boundary and may affect the splicing mechanism in the NOTCH3 gene.


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Skin tumors can arise as a result of cumulative genetic abnormalities, including chromosomal ­aberrations that can be described as either morphological (structural rearrangements) or molecular (copy number variations). Cytogenetic techniques have been used to examine both large and small chromosomal aberrations, and include karyotyping, comparative genomic hybridization, and fluorescence in situ hybridization. This chapter describes the recurrent aberrations associated with skin tumors, such as benign melanocytic nevi, melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, actinic (solar) keratosis, Bowen’s disease, keratoacanthoma, Merkel cell carcinoma, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, and cutaneous lymphomas, as detected by cytogenetic methodologies. A significant number of genomic aberrations are shared across different subtypes of skin tumors, including structural and numerical alterations of chromosome 1, −3p, +3q, +6, +7, +8q, −9p, +9q, −10, −17p, +17q and +20. Aberrations specific to certain skin cancers have also been detected, and include: loss of 18q in squamous cell carcinoma, but not its precursor, actinic keratosis; loss of 9q22 in sporadic basal cell carcinoma; and translocation involving 17q22 and 22q13 in dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans. These regions contain a number of potential candidate genes that are involved in aspects of cell signaling, proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Cytogenetic methodologies continue to evolve with the advent of array-based comparative genomic hybridization, copy number variation microarrays, and next-generation sequencing. It is envisioned that cytogenetic analysis will continue to be employed for identification and further exploration of novel chromosomal regions and associated genes that drive skin tumorigenesis.


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NCOA3 is a known low to moderate-risk breast cancer susceptibility gene, amplified in 5–10% and over expressed in about 60% of breast tumours. Additionally, this over expression is associated with Tamoxifen resistance and poor prognosis. Previously, two variants of NCOA3, 1758G > C and 2880A > G have been associated with breast cancer in two independent populations. Here we assessed the influence of the two NCOA3 variants on breast cancer risk by genotyping an Australian case–control study population. 172 cases and 178 controls were successfully genotyped for the 1758G > C variant and 186 cases and 182 controls were successfully genotyped for the 2880A > G variant using high-resolution melt analysis (HRM). The genotypes of the 1758G > C variant were validated by sequencing. χ2 tests were performed to determine if significant differences exist in the genotype and allele frequencies between the cases and controls. χ2 analysis returned no statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) for genotype frequencies between cases and controls for 1758G > C (χ2 = 0.97, p = 0.6158) or 2880A > G (χ2 = 2.09, p = 0.3516). Similarly, no statistical difference was observed for allele frequencies for 1758G > C (χ2 = 0.07, p = 0.7867) or 2880A > G (χ2 = 0.04, p = 0.8365). Haplotype analysis of the two SNPs also showed no difference between the cases and the controls (p = 0.9585). Our findings in an Australian Caucasian population composed of breast cancer sufferers and an age matched control population did not support the findings of previous studies demonstrating that these markers play a significant role in breast cancer susceptibility. Here, no significant difference was detected between breast cancer patients and healthy matched controls by either the genotype or allele frequencies for the investigated variants (all p ≥ 0.05). While an association of the two variants and breast cancer was not detected in our case–control study population, exploring these variants in a larger population of the same kind may obtain results in concordance with previous studies. Given the importance of NCOA3 and its involvement in biological processes involved in breast cancer and the possible implications variants of the gene could have on the response to Tamoxifen therapy, NCOA3 remains a candidate for further investigations.


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In the mammary gland, Wnt signals are strongly implicated in initial development of the mammary rudiments and in the ductal branching and alveolar morphogenesis that occurs during pregnancy. Previously, we identified two Wnt signaling pathway-implicated genes, PPP3CA and MARK4, as having a role in more aggressive and potentially metastatic breast tumors. In this study, we examined two SNPs within PPP3CA and MARK4 in an Australian case-control study population for a potential role in human breast cancers. 182 cases and 180 controls were successfully genotyped for the PPP3CA SNP (rs2850328) and 182 cases and 177 controls were successfully genotyped for the MARK4 SNP (rs2395) using High Resolution Melt (HRM) analysis. Genotypes of randomly selected samples for both SNPs were validated by dye terminator sequencing. Chi-square tests were performed to determine any significant differences in the genotype and allele frequencies between the cases and controls. Chi-square analysis showed no statistically significant difference (p > .05) for genotype frequencies between cases and controls for rs2850328 (χ2 = 1.2, p = .5476) or rs2395 (χ2 = .3, p = .8608). Similarly, no statistical difference was observed for allele frequencies for rs2850328 (χ2 = .68, p = .4108) or rs2395 (χ2 = .02, p = .893). Even though an association of the polymorphisms rs2850328 and rs2395 and breast cancer was not detected in our case-control study population, other variants within the PPP3CA and MARK4 genes may still be associated with breast cancer, as both genes are implicated with processes involved in the disease as well as their mutual partaking in the Wnt signaling pathway.


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To investigate the migraine locus around the C19p13 region through analysis of the NOTCH3 gene (C19p13.2-p13.1), previously shown to be a gene involved in CADASIL and the TNFSF7 gene (C19p13), homologous to the ligands of TNF-alpha and TNF-beta, genes that have previously been associated with migraine. The NOTCH3 gene was analysed by sequencing all exons with known CADASIL mutations in a typical (non-familial hemiplegic) migraine family (MF1) that has previously been shown to be linked to C19p13. The TNFSF7 gene was investigated through SNP association analysis using a matched case-control migraine population. NOTCH3 gene sequencing results for affected members of MF1 proved to be negative for all known sequence variants giving rise to mutations for CADASIL. TNFSF7 gene chi-square results showed non-significant P values across all populations tested against controls, except for the MO subgroup which displayed a possible association with the TNFSF7 SNP (genotype, allele analysis P = 0.036, P = 0.017 respectively). Our results suggest that common migraine is not caused by any known CADASIL mutations in the NOTCH3 gene of interest. However, the TNFSF7 gene displayed signs of involvement in a MO affected population and indicates that further independent studies of this marker are warranted.


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Bactrocera dorsalis sensu stricto, B. papayae, B. philippinensis and B. carambolae are serious pest fruit fly species of the B. dorsalis complex that predominantly occur in south-east Asia and the Pacific. Identifying molecular diagnostics has proven problematic for these four taxa, a situation that cofounds biosecurity and quarantine efforts and which may be the result of at least some of these taxa representing the same biological species. We therefore conducted a phylogenetic study of these four species (and closely related outgroup taxa) based on the individuals collected from a wide geographic range; sequencing six loci (cox1, nad4-3′, CAD, period, ITS1, ITS2) for approximately 20 individuals from each of 16 sample sites. Data were analysed within maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic frameworks for individual loci and concatenated data sets for which we applied multiple monophyly and species delimitation tests. Species monophyly was measured by clade support, posterior probability or bootstrap resampling for Bayesian and likelihood analyses respectively, Rosenberg's reciprocal monophyly measure, P(AB), Rodrigo's (P(RD)) and the genealogical sorting index, gsi. We specifically tested whether there was phylogenetic support for the four 'ingroup' pest species using a data set of multiple individuals sampled from a number of populations. Based on our combined data set, Bactrocera carambolae emerges as a distinct monophyletic clade, whereas B. dorsalis s.s., B. papayae and B. philippinensis are unresolved. These data add to the growing body of evidence that B. dorsalis s.s., B. papayae and B. philippinensis are the same biological species, which poses consequences for quarantine, trade and pest management.


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The aim of this study was to investigate through direct sequencing the insulin receptor (INSR) gene in DNA samples from a migraine affected family previously showing linkage to chromosome 19p13 in an attempt to detect disease associated mutations. Migraine is a common debilitating disorder with a significant genetic component. At present, the number and type of genes involved in the common forms of migraine are not clear. The INSR gene on chromosome 19p13.3-13.2 is a gene of interest since a number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located within the gene have been implicated in migraine with (MA) and without aura (MO). Six DNA samples obtained from non-founding migraine affected members of migraine family 1 (MF1) were used in this study. Genomic DNA was sequenced for the INSR gene in exons 1-22 and the promoter region. In the six migraine family member samples, previously reported SNPs were detected within two exonic DNA coding regions of the INSR gene. These SNPs, in exons 13 and 17, do not alter the normal INSR polypeptide sequence. In addition, intron 7 also revealed a DNA base sequence variation. For the 5' untranslated promoter region of the gene, no mutations or polymorphisms were detected. In conclusion, this study detected no INSR mutations in affected members of a chromosome 19 linked migraine pedigree. Hence, migraine linkage to this chromosomal region may involve other candidate genes.