151 resultados para Electron tubes


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The present study focused on simulating a trajectory point towards the end of the first experimental heatshield of the FIRE II vehicle, at a total flight time of 1639.53s. Scale replicas were sized according to binary scaling and instrumented with thermocouples for testing in the X1 expansion tube, located at The University of Queensland. Correlation of flight to experimental data was achieved through the separation, and independent treatment of the heat modes. Preliminary investigation indicates that the absolute value of radiant surface flux is conserved between two binary scaled models, whereas convective heat transfer increases with the length scale. This difference in the scaling techniques result in the overall contribution of radiative heat transfer diminishing to less than 1% in expansion tubes from a flight value of approximately 9-17%. From empirical correlation's it has been shown that the St √Re number decreases, under special circumstances, in expansion tubes by the percentage radiation present on the flight vehicle. Results obtained in this study give a strong indication that the relative radiative heat transfer contribution in the expansion tube tests is less than that in flight, supporting the analysis that the absolute value remains constant with binary scaling.


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Capture of an electron by tetracyanoethylene oxide can initiate a number of decomposition pathways. One of these decompositions yields [(NC)3C]− as the ionic product. Ab initio calculations (at the B3LYP/6-31+G∗ level of theory) indicate that the formation of [(NC)3C]− is initiated by capture of an electron into the LUMO of tetracyanoethylene oxide to yield the anion radical [(NC)2C–O–C(CN)2]−· that undergoes internal nucleophilic substitution to form intermediate [(NC)3C–OCCN]−·. This intermediate dissociates to form [(NC)3C]− (m/z 90) as the ionic product. The radical (NC)3C· has an electron affinity of 4.0 eV (385 kJ mol−1). Ab initio calculations show that [(NC)3C]− is trigonal planar with the negative charge mainly on the nitrogens. A pictorial representation of this structure is the resonance structure formed from three degenerate contributing structures (NC)2–CCN−. The other product of the reaction is nominally (NCCO)·, but there is no definitive experimental evidence to indicate whether this radical survives intact, or decomposes to NC· and CO. The overall process [(NC)2C–O–C(CN)2]−· → [(NC)3C]− + (NCCO)· is calculated to be endothermic by 21 kJ mol−1 with an overall barrier of 268 kJ mol−1.


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This paper treats the design and analysis of an energy absorbing system. Experimental tests were conducted on a prototype, and these tests were used to validate a finite element model of the system. The model was then used to analyze the response of the system under dynamic impact loading. The response was compared with that of a similar system consisting of straight circular tubes, empty and foam-filled conical tubes. Three types of such supplementary devices were included in the energy absorbing system to examine the crush behavior and energy absorption capacity when subjected to axial and oblique impact loadings. The findings were used to develop design guidelines and recommendations for the implementation of tapered tubes in energy absorbing systems. To this end, the system was conceptual in form such that it could be adopted for a variety of applications. Nevertheless, for convenience, the approach in this study is to treat the system as a demonstrator car bumper system used to absorb impact energy during minor frontal collisions.


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Oral endotracheal tubes (ETTs) and nasogastric tubes (NGT) are common devices used in adult intensive care and numerous options exist for safe and comfortable securement of these devices. The aim of this project was to identify the available range of ETT and NGT securement devices in Australia as a resource for clinicians seeking to explore options for tube stabilisation. This article reports part A of this project: ETT securement options. Part B will report NGT device fixation options. Securing ETTs to ensure a patent airway with minimal ETT movement, promotion of patient comfort and absence of adverse events such as ETT dislodgement, unplanned extubation and device-related injury1, are essential critical care nursing actions. The ETT requires a fixation method that is robust yet does not traumatise or injure the mucosal tissues of the mouth and soft tissue of the lips.2,3 Choice of a securement apparatus is often determined by product availability in our units or hospitals but is also driven by evidence-based practice and clinician preference. Trying to put this information together can be difficult and time-consuming for the bedside clinician...


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This article is the second part of a two-part series examining securement options for commonly used therapeutic devices in the adult intensive care unit. Part A focused on endotracheal device securement.1 This article addresses nasogastric tube (NGT) securement options and with the aim of identifying the available range of NGT securement devices in Australia as a resource for clinicians seeking to explore options for tube stabilisation. Nasogastric feeding or gastric decompression tubes are commonly inserted via the nostril/nares. The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) 2011 position statement on mucosal pressure injuries, highlighted that mucosal tissues are vulnerable to pressure from devices.2 Securing of these devices sometimes leads to pressure-related injury to the internal mucosa due to difficulty visualising the mucosa and failure to reposition the nasogastric tube to relieve the pressure in a particular area.3 The nasal orifice is much smaller than the oral cavity and regular tube position changes are vital to minimise the risk of mucosal damage and ulcer development.


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The rat nucleus accumbens contains medium-sized, spiny projection neurons and intrinsic, local circuit neurons, or interneurons. Sub-classes of interneurons, revealed by calretinin (CR) or parvalbumin (PV) immunoreactivity or reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-diaphorase histochemistry, were compared in the nucleus accumbens core, shell and rostral pole. CR, PV and NADPH-diaphorase-containing neurons are shown to form three non-co-localising populations in these three areas. No significant differences in neuronal population densities were found between the subterritories. NADPH-diaphorase-containing neurons could be further separated morphologically into three sub-groups, but CR- and PV-immunoreactive neurons form homogeneous populations. Ultrastructurally, NADPH-diaphorase-, CR- and PV-containing neurons in the nucleus accumbens all possess nuclear indentations. These are deeper and fewer in neurons immunoreactive for PV than in CR- and NADPH-diaphorase-containing neurons. CR-immunoreactive boutons form asymmetrical and symmetrical synaptic specialisations on spines, dendrites and somata, while PV-immunoreactive boutons make only symmetrical synaptic specialisations. Both CR- and PV-immunoreactive boutons form symmetrical synaptic specialisations with medium-sized spiny neurons and contact other CR- and PV-immunoreactive somata, respectively. A novel non-carcinogenic substrate for the peroxidase reaction (Vector Slate Grey, SG) was found to be characteristically electron-dense and may be distinguishable from the diaminobenzidine reaction product. We conclude that the three markers used in this study are localised in distinct populations of nucleus accumbens interneurons. Our studies of their synaptic connections contribute to an increased understanding of the intrinsic circuitry of this area.


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Graphene films with different structures were catalytically grown on the silicon substrate pre-deposited with a gold film by hot filament chemical vapor deposition under different conditions, where methane, hydrogen and nitrogen were used as the reactive gases. The morphological and compositional properties of graphene films were studied using advanced instruments including field emission scanning electron microscopy, micro-Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results indicate that the structure and composition of graphene films are changed with the variation of the growth conditions. According to the theory related to thermodynamics, the formation of graphene films was theoretically analyzed and the results indicate that the formation of graphene films is related to the fast incorporation and precipitation of carbon. The electron field emission (EFE) properties of graphene films were studied in a high vacuum system of ∼10-6 Pa and the EFE results show that the turn-on field is in a range of 5.2-5.64 V μm-1 and the maximum current density is about 63 μ A cm-2 at the field of 7.7 V μm-1. These results are important to control the structure of graphene films and have the potential applications of graphene in various nanodevices.


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Palladium is sputtered on multi-walled carbon nanotube forests to form carbon-metal core-shell nanowire arrays. These hybrid nanostructures exhibited resistive responses when exposed to hydrogen with an excellent baseline recovery at room temperature. The magnitude of the response is shown to be tuneable by an applied voltage. Unlike the charge-transfer mechanism commonly attributed to Pd nanoparticle-decorated carbon nanotubes, this demonstrates that the hydrogen response mechanism of the multi-walled carbon nanotube-Pd core-shell nanostructure is due to the increase in electron scattering induced by physisorption of hydrogen. These hybrid core-shell nanostructures are promising for gas detection in hydrogen storage applications.


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Plasma plumes with exotically segmented channel structure and plasma bullet propagation are produced in atmospheric plasma jets. This is achieved by tailoring interruptions of a continuous DC power supply over the time scales of lifetimes of residual electrons produced by the preceding discharge phase. These phenomena are explained by studying the plasma dynamics using nanosecond-precision imaging. One of the plumes is produced using 2-10μs interruptions in the 8kV DC voltage and features a still bright channel from which a propagating bullet detaches. A shorter interruption of 900ns produces a plume with the additional long conducting dark channel between the jet nozzle and the bright area. The bullet size, formation dynamics, and propagation speed and distance can be effectively controlled. This may lead to micrometer-and nanosecond-precision delivery of quantized plasma bits, warranted for next-generation health, materials, and device technologies.


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Carbon nanorods and graphene-like nanosheets are catalytically synthesized in a hot filament chemical vapor deposition system with and without plasma enhancement, with gold used as a catalyst. The morphological and structural properties of the carbon nanorods and nanosheets are investigated by field-emission scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and micro-Raman spectroscopy. It is found that carbon nanorods are formed when a CH4 + H2 + N2 plasma is present while carbon nanosheets are formed in a methane environment without a plasma. The formation of carbon nanorods and carbon nanosheets are analyzed. The results suggest that the formation of carbon nanorods is primarily a precipitation process while the formation of carbon nanosheets is a complex process involving surface-catalysis, surface diffusion and precipitation influenced by the Gibbs–Thomson effect. The electron field emission properties of the carbon nanorods and graphene-like nanosheets are measured under high-vacuum; it is found that the carbon nanosheets have a lower field emission turn-on than the carbon nanorods. These results are important to improve the understanding of formation mechanisms of carbon nanomaterials and contribute to eventual applications of these structures in nanodevices.


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Nitrogenated carbon nanotips (NCNTPs) are synthesized by plasma-enhanced hot filament chemical vapor deposition from the hydrogen, methane, and nitrogen gas mixtures with different flow rate ratios of hydrogen to nitrogen. The morphological, structural, compositional, and electron field emission (EFE) properties of the NCNTPs were investigated by field emissionscanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, x ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and EFE high-vacuum system. It is shown that the NCNTPs deposited at an intermediate flow rate ratio of hydrogen to nitrogen feature the best size/shape and pattern uniformity, the highest nanotip density, the highest nitrogen concentration, as well as the best electron field emission performance. Several factors that come into play along with the nitrogen incorporation, such as the combined effect of the plasma sputtering and etching, the transition of sp 3carbon clusters to sp 2carbon clusters, the increase of the size of the sp 2 clusters, as well as the reduction of the work function, have been examined to interpret these experimental findings. Our results are highly relevant to the development of the next generation electron field emitters, flat panel displays, atomic force microscope probes, and several other advanced applications.


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The electron field emission (EFE) properties of nitrogenated carbon nanotips (NCNTPs) were studied under high-vacuum conditions. The NCNTPs were prepared in a plasma-assisted hot filament chemical vapor deposition system using CH4 and N2 as the carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. The work functions of NCNTPs were measured using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The morphological and structural properties of NCNTPs were studied by field emission scanning electron microscopy, micro-Raman spectroscopy, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The field enhancement factors of NCNTPs were calculated using relevant EFE models based on the Fowler-Nordheim approximation. Analytical characterization and modeling results were used to establish the relations between the EFE properties of NCNTPs and their morphology, structure, and composition. It is shown that the EFE properties of NCNTPs can be enhanced by the reduction of oxygen termination on the surface as well as by increasing the ratio of the NCNTP height to the radius of curvature at its top. These results also suggest that a significant amount of electrons is emitted from other surface areas besides the NCNTP tops, contrary to the common belief. The outcomes of this study advance our knowledge on the electron emission properties of carbonnanomaterials and contribute to the development of the next-generation of advanced applications in the fields of micro- and opto-electronics.


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Sub-oxide-to-metallic highly-crystalline nanowires with uniformly distributed nanopores in the 3 nm range have been synthesized by a unique combination of the plasma oxidation, re-deposition and electron-beam reduction. Electron beam exposure-controlled oxide → sub-oxide → metal transition is explained using a non-equilibrium model.


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