119 resultados para Computational Fluid Dynamics


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In a very recent study [1] the Renormalisation Group (RNG) turbulence model was used to obtain flow predictions in a strongly swirling quarl burner, and was found to perform well in predicting certain features that are not well captured using less sophisticated models of turbulence. The implication is that the RNG approach should provide an economical and reliable tool for the prediction of swirling flows in combustor and furnace geometries commonly encountered in technological applications. To test this hypothesis the present work considers flow in a model furnace for which experimental data is available [2]. The essential features of the flow which differentiate it from the previous study [1] are that the annular air jet entry is relatively narrow and the base wall of the cylindrical furnace is at 90 degrees to the inlet pipe. For swirl numbers of order 1 the resulting flow is highly complex with significant inner and outer recirculation regions. The RNG and standard k-epsilon models are used to model the flow for both swirling and non-swirling entry jets and the results compared with experimental data [2]. Near wall viscous effects are accounted for in both models via the standard wall function formulation [3]. For the RNG model, additional computations with grid placement extending well inside the near wall viscous-affected sublayer are performed in order to assess the low Reynolds number capabilities of the model.


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In this work we numerically model isothermal turbulent swirling flow in a cylindrical burner. Three versions of the RNG k-epsilon model are assessed against performance of the standard k-epsilon model. Sensitivity of numerical predictions to grid refinement, differing convective differencing schemes and choice of (unknown) inlet dissipation rate, were closely scrutinised to ensure accuracy. Particular attention is paid to modelling the inlet conditions to within the range of uncertainty of the experimental data, as model predictions proved to be significantly sensitive to relatively small changes in upstream flow conditions. We also examine the characteristics of the swirl--induced recirculation zone predicted by the models over an extended range of inlet conditions. Our main findings are: - (i) the standard k-epsilon model performed best compared with experiment; - (ii) no one inlet specification can simultaneously optimize the performance of the models considered; - (iii) the RNG models predict both single-cell and double-cell IRZ characteristics, the latter both with and without additional internal stagnation points. The first finding indicates that the examined RNG modifications to the standard k-e model do not result in an improved eddy viscosity based model for the prediction of swirl flows. The second finding suggests that tuning established models for optimal performance in swirl flows a priori is not straightforward. The third finding indicates that the RNG based models exhibit a greater variety of structural behaviour, despite being of the same level of complexity as the standard k-e model. The plausibility of the predicted IRZ features are discussed in terms of known vortex breakdown phenomena.


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A computational model for isothermal axisymmetric turbulent flow in a quarl burner is set up using the CFD package FLUENT, and numerical solutions obtained from the model are compared with available experimental data. A standard k-e model and and two versions of the RNG k-e model are used to model the turbulence. One of the aims of the computational study is to investigate whether the RNG based k-e turbulence models are capable of yielding improved flow predictions compared with the standard k-e turbulence model. A difficulty is that the flow considered here features a confined vortex breakdown which can be highly sensitive to flow behaviour both upstream and downstream of the breakdown zone. Nevertheless, the relatively simple confining geometry allows us to undertake a systematic study so that both grid-independent and domain-independent results can be reported. The systematic study includes a detailed investigation of the effects of upstream and downstream conditions on the predictions, in addition to grid refinement and other tests to ensure that numerical error is not significant. Another important aim is to determine to what extent the turbulence model predictions can provide us with new insights into the physics of confined vortex breakdown flows. To this end, the computations are discussed in detail with reference to known vortex breakdown phenomena and existing theories. A major conclusion is that one of the RNG k-e models investigated here is able to correctly capture the complex forward flow region inside the recirculating breakdown zone. This apparently pathological result is in stark contrast to the findings of previous studies, most of which have concluded that either algebraic or differential Reynolds stress modelling is needed to correctly predict the observed flow features. Arguments are given as to why an isotropic eddy-viscosity turbulence model may well be able to capture the complex flow structure within the recirculating zone for this flow setup. With regard to the flow physics, a major finding is that the results obtained here are more consistent with the view that confined vortex breakdown is a type of axisymmetric boundary layer separation, rather than a manifestation of a subcritical flow state.


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We report here a CFD model of highly swirling flow in a quarl burner using three versions of the k-epsilon model. Results for the recirculating zone, the bounding shear layer and the downstream flow are presented. We discuss, with suitable qualifications, how the model predictions can inform our understanding of this class of flows.


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This research presents an innovative design approach for the development of high efficiency Ventricular assist device that can be used for long-term support a heart failure patient. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques were applied to the development and intensive analysis to improve the performance and reliability of the pump. From the CFD analysis, a prototype pump was created and evaluated on the mock circulation loop that simulate the human circulatory system environment to evaluate its performance in support varying heart conditions.


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Hydraulic instabilities represent a critical problem for Francis and Kaplan turbines, reducing their useful life due to increase of fatigue on the components and cavitation phenomena. Whereas an exhaustive list of publications on computational fluid-dynamic models of hydraulic instability is available, the possibility of applying diagnostic techniques based on vibration measurements has not been investigated sufficiently, also because the appropriate sensors seldom equip hydro turbine units. The aim of this study is to fill this knowledge gap and to exploit fully, for this purpose, the potentiality of combining cyclostationary analysis tools, able to describe complex dynamics such as those of fluid-structure interactions, with order tracking procedures, allowing domain transformations and consequently the separation of synchronous and non-synchronous components. This paper will focus on experimental data obtained on a full-scale Kaplan turbine unit, operating in a real power plant, tackling the issues of adapting such diagnostic tools for the analysis of hydraulic instabilities and proposing techniques and methodologies for a highly automated condition monitoring system. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd.


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In present work, numerical solution is performed to study the confined flow of power-law non Newtonian fluids over a rotating cylinder. The main purpose is to evaluate drag and thermal coefficients as functions of the related governing dimensionless parameters, namely, power-law index (0.5 ≤ n ≤ 1.4), dimensionless rotational velocity (0 ≤ α ≤ 6) and the Reynolds number (100 ≤ Re ≤ 500). Over the range of Reynolds number, the flow is known to be steady. Results denoted that the increment of power law index and rotational velocity increases the drag coefficient due to momentum diffusivity improvement which is responsible for low rate of heat transfer, because the thicker the boundary layer, the lower the heat transfer is implemented.


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In this study, the mixed convection heat transfer and fluid flow behaviors in a lid-driven square cavity filled with high Prandtl number fluid (Pr = 5400, ν = 1.2×10-4 m2/s) at low Reynolds number is studied using thermal Lattice Boltzmann method (TLBM) where ν is the viscosity of the fluid. The LBM has built up on the D2Q9 model and the single relaxation time method called the Lattice-BGK (Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook) model. The effects of the variations of non dimensional mixed convection parameter called Richardson number(Ri) with and without heat generating source on the thermal and flow behavior of the fluid inside the cavity are investigated. The results are presented as velocity and temperature profiles as well as stream function and temperature contours for Ri ranging from 0.1 to 5.0 with other controlling parameters that present in this study. It is found that LBM has good potential to simulate mixed convection heat transfer and fluid flow problem. Finally the simulation results have been compared with the previous numerical and experimental results and it is found to be in good agreement.


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Since 1996, ther provision of a refuge floor has been a mandatory feature for all new tall buildings in Hong Kong. These floors are designed to provide for building occupants a fire safe environment that is also free from smoke. However, the desired cross ventilation on these floors to achieve the removal of smoke, assumed by the Building Codes of Hong Kong, is still being questioned so that a further scientific study of the wind-induced ventilation of a refuge fllor is needed. This paper presents an investigation into this issue. The developed computational technique used in this paper was adopted to study the wind-induced natural ventilation on a refuge floor. The aim of the investigation was to establish whether a refuge floor with a cetnral core and having cross ventilation produced by only two open opposite external side walls on the refuge floor would provide the required protection in all situations taking into account behaviour of wind due to different floor heights, wall boundary conditions and turbulence intensity profiles. The results revealed that natural ventilation can be increased by increasng the floor heigh provided the wind angle to the building is less than 90 degrees. The effectiveness of the solution was greatly reduced when the wind was blowing at 90 degrees to the refuge floor opening.


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In this study, a discussion of the fluid dynamics in the attic space is reported, focusing on its transient response to sudden and linear changes of temperature along the two inclined walls. The transient behaviour of an attic space is relevant to our daily life. The instantaneous and non-instantaneous (ramp) heating boundary condition is applied on the sloping walls of the attic space. A theoretical understanding of the transient behaviour of the flow in the enclosure is performed through scaling analysis. A proper identification of the timescales, the velocity and the thickness relevant to the flow that develops inside the cavity makes it possible to predict theoretically the basic flow features that will survive once the thermal flow in the enclosure reaches a steady state. A time scale for the heating-up of the whole cavity together with the heat transfer scales through the inclined walls has also been obtained through scaling analysis. All scales are verified by the numerical simulations.


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A fundamental study of the fluid dynamics inside an attic shaped triangular enclosure with cold upper walls and adiabatic horizontal bottom wall is reported in this study. The transient behaviour of the attic fluid which is relevant to our daily life is examined based on a scaling analysis. The transient phenomenon begins with the instantaneous cooling and the cooling with linear decreases of temperature up to some specific time (ramp time) and then maintain constant of the upper sloped walls. It is shown that both inclined walls develop a thermal boundary layer whose thicknesses increase towards steady-state or quasi-steady values. A proper identification of the timescales, the velocity and the thickness relevant to the flow that develops inside the cavity makes it possible to predict theoretically the basic flow features that will survive once the thermal flow in the enclosure reaches a steady state. A time scale for the cooling-down of the whole cavity together with the heat transfer scales through the inclined walls has also been obtained through scaling analysis. All scales are verified by the numerical simulations.


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Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models for ultrahigh velocity waterjets and abrasive waterjets (AWJs) are established using the Fluent 6 flow solver. Jet dynamic characteristics for the flow downstream from a very fine nozzle are then simulated under steady state, turbulent, two-phase and three-phase flow conditions. Water and particle velocities in a jet are obtained under different input and boundary conditions to provide an insight into the jet characteristics and a fundamental understanding of the kerf formation process in AWJ cutting. For the range of downstream distances considered, the results indicate that a jet is characterised by an initial rapid decay of the axial velocity at the jet centre while the cross-sectional flow evolves towards a top-hat profile downstream.


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Percolation flow problems are discussed in many research fields, such as seepage hydraulics, groundwater hydraulics, groundwater dynamics and fluid dynamics in porous media. Many physical processes appear to exhibit fractional-order behavior that may vary with time, or space, or space and time. The theory of pseudodifferential operators and equations has been used to deal with this situation. In this paper we use a fractional Darcys law with variable order Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives, this leads to a new variable-order fractional percolation equation. In this paper, a new two-dimensional variable-order fractional percolation equation is considered. A new implicit numerical method and an alternating direct method for the two-dimensional variable-order fractional model is proposed. Consistency, stability and convergence of the implicit finite difference method are established. Finally, some numerical examples are given. The numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the methods. This technique can be used to simulate a three-dimensional variable-order fractional percolation equation.