163 resultados para 2,6-Dichlorindophenol


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Changes in the molecular structure of polymer antioxidants such as hindered amine light stabilisers (HALS) is central to their efficacy in retarding polymer degradation and therefore requires careful monitoring during their in-service lifetime. The HALS, bis-(1-octyloxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidinyl) sebacate (TIN123) and bis-(1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidinyl) sebacate (TIN292), were formulated in different polymer systems and then exposed to various curing and ageing treatments to simulate in-service use. Samples of these coatings were then analysed directly using liquid extraction surface analysis (LESA) coupled with a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. Analysis of TIN123 formulated in a cross-linked polyester revealed that the polymer matrix protected TIN123 from undergoing extensive thermal degradation that would normally occur at 292 degrees C, specifically, changes at the 1- and 4-positions of the piperidine groups. The effect of thermal versus photo-oxidative degradation was also compared for TIN292 formulated in polyacrylate films by monitoring the in situ conversion of N-CH3 substituted piperidines to N-H. The analysis confirmed that UV light was required for the conversion of N-CH3 moieties to N-H - a major pathway in the antioxidant protection of polymers - whereas this conversion was not observed with thermal degradation. The use of tandem mass spectrometric techniques, including precursor-ion scanning, is shown to be highly sensitive and specific for detecting molecular-level changes in HALS compounds and, when coupled with LESA, able to monitor these changes in situ with speed and reproducibility. (C) 2013 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes the development of small low-cost cooperative robots for sustainable broad-acre agriculture to increase broad-acre crop production and reduce environmental impact. The current focus of the project is to use robotics to deal with resistant weeds, a critical problem for Australian farmers. To keep the overall system affordable our robot uses low-cost cameras and positioning sensors to perform a large scale coverage task while also avoiding obstacles. A multi-robot coordinator assigns parts of a given field to individual robots. The paper describes the modification of an electric vehicle for autonomy and experimental results from one real robot and twelve simulated robots working in coordination for approximately two hours on a 55 hectare field in Emerald Australia. Over this time the real robot 'sprayed' 6 hectares missing 2.6% and overlapping 9.7% within its assigned field partition, and successfully avoided three obstacles.


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RATIONALE: Polymer-based surface coatings in outdoor applications experience accelerated degradation due to exposure to solar radiation, oxygen and atmospheric pollutants. These deleterious agents cause undesirable changes to the aesthetic and mechanical properties of the polymer, reducing its lifetime. The use of antioxidants such as hindered amine light stabilisers (HALS) retards these degradative processes; however, mechanisms for HALS action and polymer degradation are poorly understood. METHODS: Detection of the HALS TINUVINW123 (bis(1-octyloxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate) and the polymer degradation products directly from a polyester-based coil coating was achieved by liquid extraction surface analysis (LESA) coupled to a triple quadrupole QTRAPW 5500 mass spectrometer. The detection of TINUVINW123 and melamine was confirmed by the characteristic fragmentation pattern observed in LESA-MS/MS spectra that was identical to that reported for authentic samples. RESULTS: Analysis of an unstabilised coil coating by LESA-MS after exposure to 4 years of outdoor field testing revealed the presence of melamine (1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine) as a polymer degradation product at elevated levels. Changes to the physical appearance of the coil coating, including powder-like deposits on the coating's surface, were observed to coincide with melamine deposits and are indicative of the phenomenon known as polymer ' blooming'. CONCLUSIONS: For the first time, in situ detection of analytes from a thermoset polymer coating was accomplished without any sample preparation, providing advantages over traditional extraction-analysis approaches and some contemporary ambient MS methods. Detection of HALS and polymer degradation products such as melamine provides insight into the mechanisms by which degradation occurs and suggests LESA-MS is a powerful new tool for polymer analysis. Copyright (C) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Background: International epidemic clones (ribotypes 027 and 078) of Clostridium difficile have been associated with death, toxic megacolon and other adverse outcomes in North America and Europe. In 2010, the first local transmission of an epidemic strain (027) of C. difficile was reported in the state of Victoria, Australia, but no cases of infection with this strain were reported in the state of Queensland. In 2012, a prevalence study was undertaken in all public and selected private hospitals to examine the epidemiology of CDI and determine the prevalence of epidemic C. difficile strains in Queensland. Methods: Enhanced surveillance was undertaken on all hospital identified CDI cases aged over 2 years between 10 April and 15 June 2012. Where available, patient samples were cultured and isolates of C. difficile ribotyped. The toxin profile of each isolate was determined by PCR. Results: In total, 168 cases of CDI were identified during the study period. A majority (58.3%) of cases had onset of symptoms in hospital. Of the 62 patients with community onset of symptoms, most (74%) had a hospital admission in the previous 3 months. Only 4 of 168 patients had onset of symptoms within a residential care facility. Thirteen out of the 168 (7.7%) patients included in the study had severe disease (ICU admission and/or death within 30 days of onset). Overall 136/168 (81%) of cases had been prescribed antibiotics in the last month. Of concern was the emergence of a novel ribotype (244) which has recently been described in other parts of Australia and is genetically related to ribotype 027. Seven patients were infected with C. difficile ribotype 244 (8% of 83 samples ribotyped), including one patient requiring ICU admission and one patient who died. Ribotype 244 was tcdA, tcdB and CDT positive and contained a tcdC mutation at position 117. Conclusion: Ongoing surveillance is required to determine the origin and epidemiology of C. difficile ribotype 244 infections in Australia.


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Detection and characterisation of structural modifications of a hindered amine light stabiliser (HALS) directly from a polyester-based coil coating have been achieved by desorption electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (DESI-MS) for the first time. In situ detection is made possible by exposing the coating to an acetone vapour atmosphere prior to analysis. This is a gentle and non-destructive treatment that allows diffusion of analyte to the surface without promoting lateral migration. Using this approach a major structural modification of the HALS TINUVIN®123 (bis(1-octyloxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate) was discovered where one N-ether piperidine moiety (N-OC8H17) is converted to a secondary piperidine (N–H). With the use of 2-dimensional DESI-MS imaging the modification was observed to arise during high curing temperatures (ca. 260 °C) and under simulated physiological conditions (80 °C, full solar spectrum). It is proposed that the secondary piperidine derivative is a result of a highly reactive aminyl radical intermediate produced by N–O homolytic bond cleavage. The nature of the bond cleavage is also suggested by ESR spin-trapping experiments employing α-phenyl-N-tert-butyl nitrone (PBN) in toluene at 80 °C. The presence of a secondary piperidine derivative in situ and the implication of N–OR competing with NO–R bond cleavage suggest an alternative pathway for generation of the nitroxyl radical—an essential requirement in anti-oxidant activity that has not previously been described for the N-ether sub-class of HALS.


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Potenital pathways for the deactivation of hindered amine light stabilisers (HALS) have been investigated by observing reactions of model compounds-based on 4-substituted derivatives of 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl (TEMPO)-with hydroxyl radicals. In these reactions, dilute aqueous suspensions of photocatalytic nanoparticulate titanium dioxide were irradiated with UV light in the presence of water-soluble TEMPO derivatives. Electron spin resonance (ESR) and electrospray ionisation mass-spectrometry (ESI-MS) data were acquired to provide complementary structural elucidation of the odd-and even-electron products of these reactions and both techniques show evidence for the formation of 4-oxo-TEMPO (TEMPONE). TEMPONE formation from the 4-substituted TEMPO compounds is proposed to be initiated by hydrogen abstraction at the 4-position by hydroxyl radical. High-level ab initio calculations reveal a thermodynamic preference for abstraction of this hydrogen but computed activation barriers indicate that, although viable, it is less favoured than hydrogen abstraction from elsewhere on the TEMPO scaffold. If a radical is formed at the 4-position however, calculations elucidate two reaction pathways leading to TEMPONE following combination with either a second hydroxyl radical or dioxygen. An alternate mechanism for conversion of TEMPOL to TEMPONE via an alkoxyl radical intermediate is also considered and found to be competitive with the other pathways. ESI-MS analysis also shows an increased abundance of analogous 4-substituted piperidines during the course of irradiation, suggesting competitive modification at the 1-position to produce a secondary amine. This modification is confirmed by characteristic fragmentation patterns of the ionised piperidines obtained by tandem mass spectrometry. The conclusions describe how reaction at the 4-position could be responsible for the gradual depletion of HALS in pigmented surface coatings and secondly, that modification at nitrogen to form the corresponding secondary amine species may play a greater role in the stabilisation mechanisms of HALS than previously considered.


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Hindered amine light stabilisers (HALS) are the most effective antioxidants currently available for polymer systems in post-production, in-service applications, yet the mechanism of their action is still not fully understood. Structural characterisation of HALS in polymer matrices, particularly the identification of structural modifications brought about by oxidative conditions, is critical to aid mechanistic understanding of the prophylactic effects of these molecules. In this work, electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS) was applied to the analysis of a suite of commercially available 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-based HALS. Fragmentation mechanisms for the \[M + H](+) ions are proposed, which provide a rationale for the product ions observed in the MS/MS and MS(3) mass spectra of N-H, N-CH(3), N-C(O)CH(3) and N-OR containing HALS (where R is an alkyl substituent). A common product ion at m/z 123 was identified for the group of antioxidants containing N-H, N-CH3 or N-C(0)CH3 functionality, and this product ion was employed in precursor ion scans on a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer to identify the HALS species present in a crude extract from of a polyester-based coil coating. Using MS/MS, two degradation products were unambiguously identified. This technique provides a simple and selective approach to monitoring HALS structures within complex matrices. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Purpose This Study evaluated the predictive validity of three previously published ActiGraph energy expenditure (EE) prediction equations developed for children and adolescents. Methods A total of 45 healthy children and adolescents (mean age: 13.7 +/- 2.6 yr) completed four 5-min activity trials (normal walking. brisk walking, easy running, and fast running) in ail indoor exercise facility. During each trial, participants were all ActiGraph accelerometer oil the right hip. EE was monitored breath by breath using the Cosmed K4b(2) portable indirect calorimetry system. Differences and associations between measured and predicted EE were assessed using dependent t-tests and Pearson correlations, respectively. Classification accuracy was assessed using percent agreement, sensitivity, specificity, and area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Results None of the equations accurately predicted mean energy expenditure during each of the four activity trials. Each equation, however, accurately predicted mean EE in at least one activity trial. The Puyau equation accurately predicted EE during slow walking. The Trost equation accurately predicted EE during slow running. The Freedson equation accurately predicted EE during fast running. None of the three equations accurately predicted EE during brisk walking. The equations exhibited fair to excellent classification accuracy with respect to activity intensity. with the Trost equation exhibiting the highest classification accuracy and the Puyau equation exhibiting the lowest. Conclusions These data suggest that the three accelerometer prediction equations do not accurately predict EE on a minute-by-minute basis in children and adolescents during overground walking and running. The equations maybe, however, for estimating participation in moderate and vigorous activity.


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In the avian model of myopia, retinal image degradation quickly leads to ocular enlargement. We now give evidence that regionally specific changes in ocular size are correlated with both biomechanical indices of scleral remodeling, e.g. hydration capacity and with biochemical changes in proteinase activities. The latter include a 72 kDa matrix metalloproteinase (putatively MMP-2), other gelatin-binding MMPs, an acid pH MMP and a serine protease. Specifically, we have found that increases in scleral hydrational capacity parallel increases in collagen degrading activities. Gelatin zymography reveals that eyes with 7 days of retinal image degradation have elevated levels (1.4-fold) of gelatinolytic activities at 72 and 67 kDa M(r) in equatorial and posterior pole regions of the sclera while, after 14 days of treatment, increases are no longer apparent. Lower M(r) zymographic activities at 50, 46 and 37 kDa M(r) are collectively increased in eyes treated for both 7 and 14 days (1.4- and 2.4-fold respectively) in the equator and posterior pole areas of enlarging eyes. Western blot analyses of scleral extracts with an antibody to human MMP-2 reveals immunoreactive bands at 65, 30 and 25 kDa. Zymograms incubated under slightly acidic conditions reveal that, in enlarging eyes, MMP activities at 25 and 28 kDa M(r) are increased in scleral equator and posterior pole (1.6- and 4.5-fold respectively). A TIMP-like protein is also identified in sclera and cornea by Western blot analysis. Finally, retinal-image degradation also increases (~2.6-fold) the activity of a 23.5 kDa serine proteinase in limbus, equator and posterior pole sclera that is inhibited by aprotinin and soybean trypsin inhibitor. Taken together, these results indicate that eye growth induced by retinal-image degradation involves increases in the activities of multiple scleral proteinases that could modify the biomechanical properties of scleral structural components and contribute to tissue remodeling and growth.


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The expression of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) has been shown to be upregulated in ovarian cancer cells. In this study, we report that the expression of immunoreactive NGAL (irNGAL) in ovarian tumors changes with disease grade and that this change is reflected in the concentration of NGAL in peripheral blood. A total of 59 ovarian tissues including normal, benign, borderline malignant and grades 1, 2 and 3 malignant were analyzed using immunohistochemistry. irNGAL was not present in normal ovaries and the NGAL expression was weak to moderate in benign tissues. Both borderline and grade 1 tumors displayed the highest amount of NGAL expression with moderate to strong staining, whereas in grade 2 and 3 tumors, the extent of staining was significantly less (p < 0.01) and staining intensity was weak to moderate. Staining in all cases was confined to the epithelium. NGAL expression was analyzed by ELISA in 62 serum specimens from normal and different grades of cancer patients. Compared to control samples, the NGAL concentration was 2 and 2.6-fold higher in the serum of patients with benign tumors and cancer patients with grade 1 tumors (p < 0.05) and that result was consistent with the expression of NGAL performed by Western blot. NGAL expression was evaluated by Western blot in an immortalized normal ovarian cell line (IOSE29) as well as ovarian cancer cell lines. Moderate to strong expression of NGAL was observed in epithelial ovarian cancer cell lines SKOV3 and OVCA433 while no expression of NGAL was evident in normal IOSE29 and mesenchyme-like OVHS1, PEO.36 and HEY cell lines. NGAL expression was downregulated in ovarian cancer cell lines undergoing epithelio-mesenchymal transition (EMT) induced by epidermal growth factor (EGF). Down-regulation of NGAL expression correlated with the upregulation of vimentin expression, enhanced cell dispersion and downregulation of E-cadherin expression, some of the hallmarks of EMT. EGF-induced EMT phenotypes were inhibited in the presence of AG1478, an inhibitor of EGF receptor tyrosine kinase activity. These data indicate that NGAL may be a good marker to monitor changes of benign to premalignant and malignant ovarian tumors and that the molecule may be involved in the progression of epithelial ovarian malignancies.


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The impact of acid rock drainage (ARD) and eutrophication on microbial communities in stream sediments above and below an abandoned mine site in the Adelaide Hills, South Australia, was quantified by PLFA analysis. Multivariate analysis of water quality parameters, including anions, soluble heavy metals, pH, and conductivity, as well as total extractable metal concentrations in sediments, produced clustering of sample sites into three distinct groups. These groups corresponded with levels of nutrient enrichment and/or concentration of pollutants associated with ARD. Total PLFA concentration, which is indicative of microbial biomass, was reduced by >70% at sites along the stream between the mine site and as far as 18 km downstream. Further downstream, however, recovery of the microbial abundance was apparent, possibly reflecting dilution effect by downstream tributaries. Total PLFA was >40% higher at, and immediately below, the mine site (0-0.1 km), compared with sites further downstream (2.5-18 km), even after accounting for differences in specific surface area of different sediment samples. The increased microbial population in the proximity of the mine source may be associated with the presence of a thriving iron-oxidizing bacteria community as a consequence of optimal conditions for these organisms while the lower microbial population further downstream corresponded with greater sediments' metal concentrations. PCA of relative abundance revealed a number of PLFAs which were most influential in discriminating between ARD-polluted sites and the rest of the sites. These PLFA included the hydroxy fatty acids: 2OH12:0, 3OH12:0, 2OH16:0; the fungal marker: 18:2ω6; the sulfate-reducing bacteria marker 10Me16:1ω7; and the saturated fatty acids 12:0, 16:0, 18:0. Partial constrained ordination revealed that the environmental parameters with the greatest bearing on the PLFA profiles included pH, soluble aluminum, total extractable iron, and zinc. The study demonstrated the successful application of PLFA analysis to rapidly assess the toxicity of ARD-affected waters and sediments and to differentiate this response from the effects of other pollutants, such as increased nutrients and salinity.


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The hydrolysis of triasulfuron, metsulfuron-methyl and chlorsulfuron in aqueous buffer solutions and in soil suspensions at pH values ranging from 5.2 to 11.2 was investigated. Hydrolysis of all three compounds in both aqueous buffer and soil suspensions was highly pH-sensitive. The rate of hydrolysis was much faster in the acidic pH range (5.2-6.2) than under neutral and moderately alkaline conditions (8.2-9.4), but it increased rapidly as the pH exceeded 10.2. All three compounds degraded faster at pH 5.2 than at pH 11.2. Hydrolysis rates of all three compounds could be described well with pseudo-first-order kinetics. There were no significant differences (P =0.05) in the rate constants (k, day-1) of the three compounds in soil suspensions from those in buffer solutions within the pH ranges studied. A functional relationship based on the propensity of nonionic and anionic species of the herbicides to hydrolyse was used to describe the dependence of the 'rate constant' on pH. The hydrolysis involving attack by neutral water was at least 100-fold faster when the sulfonylurea herbicides were undissociated (acidic conditions) than when they were present as the anion at near neutral pH. In aqueous buffer solution at pH > 11, a prominent degradation pathway involved O-demethylation of metsulfuron-methyl to yield a highly polar degradate, and hydrolytic opening of the triazine ring. It is concluded that these herbicides are not likely to degrade substantially through hydrolysis in most agricultural (C) 2000 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Purpose The purpose of this study was to examine the validity of current practice in smoking cessation for the general population i.e., a telephone counselling and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) intervention and its applicability to people with chronic hepatitis-C. Methods A randomised controlled trial was conducted over twelve weeks. Following consent, ninety-two smokers (outpatients) with chronic hepatitis-C were recruited by the Nurse Practitioner hepatology, randomly assigned and stratified by number of cigarettes smoked (i.e., 15 and greater; <15) into the intervention group (telephone counselling and NRT) and control group (telephone counselling). Outcomes measured included socio-demographics, nicotine dependence, depression, anxiety and stress and quality of life (QOL). All statistical data were analysed using SPSS. Results After 12 weeks, the intervention group showed a sustained reduction of smoking i.e., 5.8(CI: 2.4,9.3) cigarettes less per day, whereas the control group showed 1.6(CI:-1.9,5.2) cigarette reduction. Although not statistically significantly different (F=2.9, p=0.090) the intervention group on average smoked 4.2 fewer cigarettes compared to the control group. After twelve weeks, seven patients in the intervention group and three patients in the control group reported quitting. Whilst not statistically significant (Fisher’s Exact, p=0.311) this was a clinically significant result. No differences were found for nicotine dependence or depression, anxiety and stress. The intervention group experienced no change in QOL (-0.1,CI:-0.9, 0.6), however, the environmental score for the control group decreased by 1.8(CI:1.0, 2.6,p= 0.001). This was statistically significant. Conclusion A telephone counselling and nicotine replacement therapy intervention from the nurse practitioner, hepatology reduced smoking in patients with chronic hepatitis-C. The intervention group showed a sustained reduction over the 12 weeks. A total of 10 patients quit smoking at the end of the study. QOL deteriorated in the environmental subscale for the control group. These results informed a nurse practitioner model of care for approaches to smoking cessation.


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INTRODUCTION Managing spinal deformities in young children is challenging, particularly early onset scoliosis (EOS). Surgical intervention is often required if EOS has been unresponsive to conservative treatment particularly with rapidly progressive curves. An emerging treatment option for EOS is fusionless scoliosis surgery. Similar to bracing, this surgical option potentially harnesses growth, motion and function of the spine along with correcting spinal deformity. Dual growing rods are one such fusionless treatment, which aims to modulate growth of the vertebrae. The aim of this study was to ascertain the extent to which semiconstrained growing rods (Medtronic, Sofamor, Danek, Memphis, TN) with a telescopic sleeve component, reduce rotational constraint on the spine compared with standard "constrained / rigid" rods and hence potentially provide a more physiological mechanical environment for the growing spine. METHODS Six 40-60kg English Large White porcine spines served as a model for the paediatric human spine. Each spine was dissected into a 7 level thoracolumbar multi-segment unit (MSU), removing all non-ligamentous soft tissues and leaving 3cm of ribs either side. Pure nondestructive axial rotation moments of ±4Nm at a constant rotation rate of 8deg.s-1 were applied to the mounted MSU spines using a biaxial Instron testing machine. Displacement of each vertebral level was captured using a 3D motion tracking system (Optotrak 3020, Northern Digital Inc, Waterloo, ON). Each spine was tested in an un-instrumented state first and then with appropriately sized semi-constrained growing rods and rigid rods in alternating sequence. The rods were secured by multi-axial pedicle screws (Medtronic CD Horizon) at levels 2 and 6 of the construct. The range of motion (ROM), neutral zone (NZ) size and stiffness (Nm.deg-1) were calculated from the Instron load-displacement data and intervertebral ROM was calculated through a MATLAB algorithm from Optotrak data. RESULTS Irrespective of the order of testing, rigid rods significantly reduced the total ROM compared with semi-constrained rods (p<0.05) with in a significantly stiffer spine for both left and right axial rotation (p<0.05). Analysing the intervertebral motion within the instrumented levels 2-6, rigid rods showed reduced ROM compared with semi-constrained growing rods and compared with un-instrumented motion segments. CONCLUSION Semi-constrained growing rods maintain similar stiffness in axial rotation to un-instrumented spines, while dual rigid rods significantly reduce axial rotation. Clinically the effect of semi-constrained growing rods as observed in this study is that they would be expected to allow growth via the telescopic rod components while maintaining the axial flexibility of the spine, which may reduce occurrence of the crankshaft phenomenon.


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The effect of nitrogen on the growth of vertically oriented graphene nanosheets on catalyst-free silicon and glass substrates in a plasma-assisted process is studied. Different concentrations of nitrogen were found to act as versatile control knobs that could be used to tailor the length, number density and structural properties of the nanosheets. Nanosheets with different structural characteristics exhibit markedly different optical properties. The nanosheet samples were treated with a bovine serum albumin protein solution to investigate the effects of this variation on the optical properties for biosensing through confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy and UV-Vis spectrophotometry. © 2012 Optical Society of America.