170 resultados para 111204 Cancer Therapy (excl. Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy)


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Thoracic malignancies present a considerable global health burden with the incidence and mortality of both lung cancer and malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) increasing year on year. Survival rates are poor and treatment options are limited in these cancers. Several epigenetic modifications have been associated with the development of both of these diseases with alterations discriminating between MPM and adenocarcinoma (AC) of the lung. In addition, studies have suggested that epigenetic agents are effective in altering the cellular characteristics of lung and MPM cells in terms of proliferation and migration. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that epigenetic therapy can alter a pathologically relevant gene expression profile, with one that is more associated with comparative normal tissue. Therefore agents, which target the epi-genomes of lung cancer and MPM, may provide a substantial therapeutic improvement when used in combination with current therapy or indeed benefit when used as a single treatment modality.


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Objective: To assess the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of regional and rural breast cancer survivors at 12 months post-diagnosis and to identify correlates of HRQoL. Methods: 323 (202 regional and 121 rural) Queensland women diagnosed with unilateral breast cancer in 2006/2007 participated in a population-based, cross-sectional study. HRQoL was measured using the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy, Breast plus arm morbidity (FACT-B+4) self-administered questionnaire. Results: In age-adjusted analyses, mean HRQoL scores of regional breast cancer survivors were comparable to their rural counterparts 12 months post-diagnosis (122.9, 95% CI: 119.8, 126.0 vs. 123.7, 95% CI: 119.7, 127.8; p>0.05). Irrespective of residence, younger (<50 years) women reported lower HRQoL than older (50+ years) women (113.5, 95% CI: 109.3, 117.8 vs. 128.2, 95%CI: 125.1, 131.2; p<0.05). Those women who received chemotherapy, reported two complications post-surgery, had poorer upper-body function than most, reported more stress, reduced coping, who were socially isolated, had no confidante for social-emotional support, had unmet healthcare needs, and low health self-efficacy reported lower HRQoL scores. Together, these factors explained 66% of the variance in overall HRQoL. The pattern of results remained similar for younger and older age groups. Conclusions and Implications: The results underscore the importance of supporting and promoting regional and rural breast cancer programs that are designed to improve physical functioning, reduce stress and provide psychosocial support following diagnosis. Further, the information can be used by general practitioners and other allied health professionals for identifying women at risk of poorer HRQoL.


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Objective: The nature of contemporary cancer therapy means that patients are faced with difficult treatment decisions about surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. For some, this process may also involve consideration of therapies that sit outside the biomedical approach to cancer treatment, in our research, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Thus, it is important to explore how cancer patients in Taiwan incorporate TCM into their cancer treatment journey. This paper aims to explore of the patterns of combining the use of TCM and Western medicine into cancer treatment journey in Taiwanese people with cancer. Methods: The sampling was purposive and the data collected through in-depth interviews. Data collection occurred over an eleven month. The research was grounded in the premises of symbolic interactionism and adopted the methods of grounded theory. Twenty four participants who were patients receiving cancer treatment were recruited from two health care settings in Taiwan. Results: The study findings suggest that perceptions of health and illness are mediated through ongoing interactions with different forms of therapy. The participants in this study had a clear focus on “process and patterns of using TCM and Western medicine”. Further, ‘different importance in Western medicine and TCM’, ‘taken for granted to use TCM’, ‘each has specialized skills in Western medicine and TCM’ and ‘different symptoms use different approaches (Western medicine or TCM)’ may explicit how the participants in this study see CAM and Western medicine. Conclusions/Implications for practice: The descriptive frame of the study suggests that TCM and Western medicine occupy quite distinct domains in terms of decision making over their use. People used TCM based on interpretations of the present and against a background of an enduring cultural legacy grounded in Chinese philosophical beliefs about health and healthcare. The increasingly popular term of 'integrative medicine' obscures the complex contexts of the patterns of use of both therapeutic modalities. It is this latter point that is worthy of further exploration.


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Background: Recent clinical studies have demonstrated an emerging subgroup of head and neck cancers that are virally mediated. This disease appears to be a distinct clinical entity with patients presenting younger and with more advanced nodal disease, having lower tobacco and alcohol exposure and highly radiosensitive tumours. This means they are living longer, often with the debilitating functional side effects of treatment. The primary objective of this study was to determine how virally mediated nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal cancers respond to radiation therapy treatment. The aim was to determine risk categories and corresponding adaptive treatment management strategies to proactively manage these patients. Method/Results: 121 patients with virally mediated, node positive nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal cancer who received radiotherapy treatment with curative intent between 2005 and 2010 were studied. Relevant patient demographics including age, gender, diagnosis, TNM stage, pre-treatment nodal size and dose delivered was recorded. Each patient’s treatment plan was reviewed to determine if another computed tomography (re-CT) scan was performed and at what time point (dose/fraction) this occurred. The justification for this re-CT was determined using four categories: tumour and/or nodal regression, weight loss, both or other. Patients who underwent a re-CT were further investigated to determine whether a new plan was calculated. If a re-plan was performed, the dosimetric effect was quantified by comparing dose volume histograms of planning target volumes and critical structures from the actual treatment delivered and the original treatment plan. Preliminary results demonstrated that 25/121 (20.7%) patients required a re-CT and that these re-CTs were performed between fractions 20 to 25 of treatment. The justification for these re-CTs consisted of a combination of tumour and/or nodal regression and weight loss. 16/25 (13.2%) patients had a replan calculated. 9 (7.4%) of these replans were implemented clinically due to the resultant dosimetric effect calculated. The data collected from this assessment was statistically analysed to identify the major determining factors for patients to undergo a re-CT and/or replan. Specific factors identified included nodal size and timing of the required intervention (i.e. how when a plan is to be adapted). This data was used to generate specific risk profiles that will form the basis of a biologically guided adaptive treatment management strategy for virally mediated head and neck cancer. Conclusion: Preliminary data indicates that virally mediated head and neck cancers respond significantly during radiation treatment (tumour and/or nodal regression and weight loss). Implications of this response are the potential underdosing or overdosing of tumour and/or surrounding critical structures. This could lead to sub-optimal patient outcomes and compromised quality of life. Consequently, the development of adaptive treatment strategies that improve organ sparing for this patient group is important to ensure delivery of the prescribed dose to the tumour volume whilst minimizing the dose received to surrounding critical structures. This could reduce side effects and improve overall patient quality of life. The risk profiles and associated adaptive treatment approaches developed in this study will be tested prospectively in the clinical setting in Phase 2 of this investigation.


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Purpose: Virally mediated head and neck cancers (VMHNC) often present with nodal involvement, and are generally considered radioresponsive, resulting in the need for plan adaptation during radiotherapy in a subset of patients. We sought to identify a high-risk group based on pre-treatment nodal size to be evaluated in a future prospective adaptive radiotherapy trial. Methodology: Between 2005-2010, 121 patients with virally-mediated, node positive nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal cancers, receiving definitive radiotherapy were reviewed. Patients were analysed based on maximum size of the dominant node at diagnosis with a view to grouping them in varying risk categories for the need of re-planning. The frequency and timing of the re-planning scans were also evaluated. Results: Sixteen nasopharyngeal and 105 oropharyngeal tumours were reviewed. Twenty-five (21%) patients underwent a re-planning CT at a median of 22 (range, 0-29) fractions with 1 patient requiring re-planning prior to the commencement of treatment. Based on the analysis, patients were subsequently placed into 3 groups defined by pre-treatment nodal size; ≤ 35mm (Group 1), 36-45mm (Group 2), ≥ 46mm (Group 3). Applying these groups to the patient cohort, re-planning CT’s were performed in Group 1- 8/68 (11.8%), Group 2- 4/28 (14.3%), Group 3- 13/25 (52%). Conclusion: In this series, patients with VMHNC and nodal size > 46mm appear to be a high-risk group for the need of plan adaptation during a course of definitive radiotherapy. This finding will now be tested in a prospective adaptive radiotherapy study.


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QUT Bachelor of Radiation Therapy students progress from first visiting a radiation therapy department to graduation and progression into the NPDP over a span of three years. Although there are clear guidelines as to expected competency level post-NPDP, there is still a variety of perceived levels prior to this. Staff and students feedback both suggest that different centres and within centres different staff have differing opinions of these levels. Indeed, many staff members object to the use of the word “competency” for a pre-NPODP undergraduate, preferring the term “achievement”. While it is acknowledged that students progress at different rates, it is vitally important for equity that staff expectations of students at different academic levels are identical. Provision of guidelines for different stages of progression are essential for equitable assessment and most assessments, including the NRTAT are complemented by statements to enable level to be determined. For the University-specific competency assessments some level of consensus between clinical staff is required, especially where students are placed at a large number of different placement sites. Aims The main aim of this initial study is to gauge staff opinions of levels of student progression in order to judge cross-centres consistency. A secondary objective is to evaluate the degree of correlation between staff seniority and perception of student levels. Informal feedback suggests that staff at or just post NPDP level have a different perception of student competency expectations than more senior staff. If these perceptions change with level it will make agreement of guidelines statements more challenging. Study Methods A standard evaluation questionnaire was provided to RT staff participating in ongoing updates to clinical assessment. As part of curriculum development staff were asked to provide anonymous and optional answers to further questions in order to audit current practice. This involved assigning level of student progression to different statements relating to tasks or competencies. After data collation, scores were assigned to level and totals used to rank statements according to perceived student level. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to identify which statements were easier to assign to student level and which were more ambiguous. Further sub-analysis was performed for each category of staff seniority to judge differences in perception. Strength of correlation between seniority and expectation was calculated to confirm or contradict the informal feedback. Results By collating different staff perceptions of competencies for different student levels commonly agreed statements can be used to define achievement level. This presentation outlines the results of the audit including statements that most staff perceived as relevant to a specific student group and statements that staff found to be harder to attribute. Strength of correlation between staff perception and seniority will be outlined where statistically significant.


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As the use of fiducial markers (FMs) for the localisation of the prostate during external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) has become part of routine practice, radiation therapists (RTs) have become increasingly responsible for online image interpretation. The aim of this investigation was to quantify the limits of agreement (LoA) between RTs when localising to FMs with orthogonal kilovoltage (kV) imaging. Methods Six patients receiving prostate EBRT utilising FMs were included in this study. Treatment localisation was performed using kV imaging prior to each fraction. Online stereoscopic assessment of FMs, performed by the treating RTs, was compared with the offline assessment by three RTs. Observer agreement was determined by pairwise Bland-Altman analysis. Results Stereoscopic analysis of 225 image pairs was performed online at the time of treatment, and offline by three RT observers. Eighteen pairwise Bland-Altman analyses were completed to assess the level of agreement between observers. Localisation by RTs was found to be within clinically acceptable 95% LoAs. Conclusions Small differences between RTs, in both the online and offline setting, were found to be within clinically acceptable limits. RTs were able to make consistent and reliable judgements when matching FMs on planar kV imaging.


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Purpose Virally mediated head and neck cancers (VMHNC) often present with nodal involvement and are highly radioresponsive, meaning that treatment plan adaptation during radiotherapy (RT) in a subset of patients is required. We sought to determine potential risk profiles and a corresponding adaptive treatment strategy for these patients. Methodology 121 patients with virally mediated, node positive nasopharyngeal (Epstein Barr Virus positive) or oropharyngeal (Human Papillomavirus positive) cancers, receiving curative intent RT were reviewed. The type, frequency and timing of adaptive interventions, including source-to-skin distance (SSD) corrections, re-scanning and re-planning, were evaluated. Patients were reviewed based on the maximum size of the dominant node to assess the need for plan adaptation. Results Forty-six patients (38%) required plan adaptation during treatment. The median fraction at which the adaptive intervention occurred was 26 for SSD corrections and 22 for re-planning CTs. A trend toward 3 risk profile groupings was discovered: 1) Low risk with minimal need (< 10%) for adaptive intervention (dominant pre-treatment nodal size of ≤ 35 mm), 2) Intermediate risk with possible need (< 20%) for adaptive intervention (dominant pre-treatment nodal size of 36 mm – 45 mm) and 3) High-risk with increased likelihood (> 50%) for adaptive intervention (dominant pre-treatment nodal size of ≥ 46 mm). Conclusion In this study, patients with VMHNC and a maximum dominant nodal size of > 46 mm were identified at a higher risk of requiring re-planning during a course of definitive RT. Findings will be tested in a future prospective adaptive RT study.


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Introduction Patients with virally mediated head and neck cancer (VMHNC) often present with advanced nodal disease that is highly radioresponsive as demonstrated by tumour and nodal regression during treatment. The resultant changes may impact on the planned dose distribution and so adversely affect the therapeutic ratio. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dosimetric effect of treatment-induced anatomical changes in VMHNC patients who had undergone a re-plan. Methods Thirteen patients with virally mediated oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal cancer who presented for definitive radiotherapy between 2005 and 2010 and who had a re-plan generated were investigated. The dosimetric effect of anatomical changes, was quantified by comparing dose volume histograms (DVH) of primary and nodal gross target volumes and organs at risk (OAR), including spinal cord and parotid glands, from the original plan and a comparison plan. Results Eleven 3DCRT and 2 IMRT plans were evaluated. Dose to the spinal cord and brainstem increased by 4.1% and 2.6%, respectively. Mean dose to the parotid glands also increased by 3.5%. In contrast, the dose received by 98% of the primary and nodal gross tumour volumes decreased by 0.15% and 0.3%, respectively when comparing the initial treatment plan to the comparison plan. Conclusion In this study, treatment-induced anatomical changes had the greatest impact on OAR dose with negligible effect on the dose to nodal gross tumour volumes. In the era of intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), accounting for treatment-induced anatomical changes is important as focus is placed on minimising the acute and long-term side effects of treatment.


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Extrapulmonary small cell and small cell neuroendocrine tumors of unknown primary site are, in general, aggressive neoplasms with a short median survival. Like small cell lung cancer (SCLC), they often are responsive to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Small cell lung cancer and well differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas tend to express somatostatin receptors. These tumors may be localized in patients by scintigraphic imaging using radiolabeled somatostatin analogues. A patient with an anaplastic neuroendocrine small cell tumor arising on a background of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 syndrome is reported. The patient had a known large pancreatic gastrinoma and previously treated parathyroid adenopathy. At presentation, there was small cell cancer throughout the liver and skeleton. Imaging with a radiolabeled somatostatin analogue, 111In- pentetreotide (Mallinckrodt Medical B. V., Petten, Holland), revealed all sites of disease detected by routine biochemical and radiologic methods. After six cycles of chemotherapy with doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, and etoposide, there was almost complete clearance of the metastatic disease. 111In-pentetreotide scintigraphy revealed uptake consistent with small areas of residual disease in the liver, the abdomen (in mesenteric lymph nodes), and posterior thorax (in a rib). The primary gastrinoma present before the onset of the anaplastic small cell cancer showed no evidence of response to the treatment. The patient remained well for 1 year and then relapsed with brain, lung, liver, and skeletal metastases. Despite an initial response to salvage radiotherapy and chemotherapy with carboplatin and dacarbazine, the patient died 6 months later.


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Despite developments in diagnosis and treatment, lung cancer is the commonest cause of cancer death in Europe and North America. Due to increasing cigarette consumption, the incidence of the disease and resultant mortality is rising dramatically in women. Novel approaches to the management of lung cancer are urgently required. Somatostatin is a tetradecapeptide first identified in the pituitary and subsequently throughout the body particularly in neuroendocrine cells of the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system. The peptide has numerous functions including inhibition of hormone release, immunomodulation and neurotransmission and is an endogenous inhibitor of cell proliferation and angiogenesis. Somatostatin and its analogs, including octreotide (SMS 201-995), somatuline (BIM 23014) and vapreotide (RC-160), act by binding to specific somatostatin receptors (SSTR) of which there are 5 principal subtypes, SSTR-1-5. Although elevated plasma somatostatin levels may be detected in 14-15% of patients, tumor cell expression appears rare. SSTR may be expressed by lung tumors, particularly small cell lung cancer and bronchial carcinoid disease. [111In]pentetreotide scintigraphy may have a role to play in the localization and staging of lung cancers both before and following treatment, and in detecting relapsed disease. The potential role of radiolabelled somatostatin analogs as radiotherapeutic agents in the management of lung cancer is currently being explored. Somatostatin analog therapy results in significant growth inhibition of both SSTR-positive and SSTR-negative lung tumors in vivo. Recent work indicates that these agents may enhance the efficacy of chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of solid tumors including lung cancer. Copyright © 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Penile cancer is rare and receives little public attention. There are few treatment options for advanced disease. The most active regimen to date is a combination of bleomycin, methotrexate, and cisplatin. However the treatment-related mortality is 11% and hence this combination has not been adapted as a standard of care. We report two cases of advanced penile cancer where a sustained palliative response was observed with combination chemotherapy using cisplatin and gemcitabine. Our experience demonstrates that this is a well tolerated regimen active in this setting. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The progression of a tumour from one of benign and delimited growth to one that is invasive and metastatic is the major cause of poor clinical outcome in cancer patients. The invasion and metastasis of tumours is a highly complex and multistep process that requires a tumour cell to modulate its ability to adhere, degrade the surrounding extracellular matrix, migrate, proliferate at a secondary site and stimulate angiogenesis. Knowledge of the process has greatly increased and this has resulted in the identification of a number of molecules that are fundamental to the process. The involvement of these molecules has been shown to relate not only to the survival and proliferation of the tumour cell but, also to the processes of tumour cell adhesion, migration, and the tumour cells ability to degrade and escape the primary site as well as play a role in angiogenesis. These molecules may provide important therapeutic targets that represent the ability to target specific steps in the process of invasion and metastasis and provide additional therapies. The review focuses on representative key targets in each of these processes and summarises the state of play in each case.


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Toxicity is a major concern for anti-neoplastic drugs, with much of the existing pharmacopoeia being characterized by a very narrow therapeutic index. 'Network-targeted' combination therapy is a promising new concept in cancer therapy, whereby therapeutic index might be improved by targeting multiple nodes in a cell's signaling network, rather than a single node. Here, we examine the potential of this novel approach, illustrating how therapeutic benefit could be achieved with smaller doses of the necessary agents.


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Background/Aim: Cardiotoxicity resulting in heart failure is a devastating complication of cancer therapy. It is possible that a patient may survive cancer only to develop heart failure (HF), which is more deadly than cancer. The aim of this project was to profile the characteristics of patients at risk of cancer treatment induced heart failure. Methods: Linked Health Data Analysis of Queensland Cancer Registry (QCR) from 1996-2009, Death Registry and Hospital Administration records for HF and chemotherapy admissions were reviewed. Index heart failure admission must have occurred after the date of cancer registry entry. Results: A total of 15,987 patients were included in this analysis; 1,062 (6.6%) had chemotherapy+HF admission (51.4% Female) and 14,925 (93.4%) chemotherapy_no HF admission. Median age of chemotherapy+HF patients was 67 years (IQR 58 to 75) vs. 54 years (IQR 44 to 64) for chemotherapy_no HF admission. Chemotherapy+HF patients had increased risk of all cause mortality (HR 2.79 [95% CI 2.58-3.02] and 1.67 [95% CI, 1.54 to 1.81] after adjusting for age, sex, marital status, country of birth, cancer site and chemotherapy dose). Index HF admission occurred within one year of cancer diagnosis in 47% of HF patients with 80% of patinets having there index admission with 3 years. The number of chemotherapy cycles was not associated with significant reduction in survival time in chemotherapy+HF patients. Mean survival for heart failure patients was 5.3 years (95% CI, 4.99 - 5.62) vs.9.57 years (95% CI, 9.47-9.68) for chemotherapy_no HF admission patients. Conclusion: All-cause mortality was 67% higher in patients diagnosed with HF following chemotherapy in adjusted analysis for covariates. Methods to improve and better coordinate of the interdisciplinary care for cancer patients with HF involving cardiologists and oncologists are required, including evidence-based guidelines for the comprehensive assessment, monitoring and management of this cohort.