106 resultados para 091207 Metals and Alloy Materials


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Synthesis of metal borides is typically undertaken at high temperature using direct combinations of elemental starting materials[1]. Techniques include carbothermal reduction using elemental carbon, metals, metal oxides and B2O3[2] or reaction between metal chlorides and boron sources[3]. These reactions generally require temperatures greater than 1200oC and are not readily suitable for an industrial setting nor scalable to bulk production.


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Various forms of hydrogenated graphene have been produced to date by several groups, while the synthesis of pure graphane has not been achieved yet. The study of the interface between graphane, in all its possible hydrogenation configurations, and catalyst metal surfaces can be pivotal to assess the feasibility of direct CVD growth methods for this material. We investigated the adhesion of graphane to a Cu(111) surface by adopting the vdW-DF2-C09 exchange-correlation functional, which is able to describe dispersion forces. The results are further compared with the PBE and the LDA exchange-correlation functionals. We calculated the most stable geometrical configurations of the slab/graphane interface and evaluated how graphane's geometrical parameters are modified. We show that dispersion forces play an important role in the slab/graphane adhesion. Band structure calculations demonstrated that in the presence of the interaction with copper, the band gap of graphane is not only preserved, but also enlarged, and this increase can be attributed to the electronic charge accumulated at the interface. We calculated a substantial energy barrier at the interface, suggesting that CVD graphane films might act as reliable and stable insulating thin coatings, or also be used to form compound layers in conjunction with metals and semiconductors.


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This thesis reports on an empirically based study of the manner in which Victorian Magistrates Courts constructed occupational health and safety (OHS) issues when hearing prosecutions for offences under the Industrial Safety, Health and Welfare Act 1981 (the ISHWA) and the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1985 (OHSA) from 1983 to 1991. These statutes established OHS standards for employers and other relevant parties. The State government enforced these standards through an OHS inspectorate which had a range of enforcement powers, including prosecution. After outlining the historical development of Victoria’s OHS legislation, the magistracy’s historical role in its enforcement, and the development of an enforcement culture in which inspectors viewed prosecution as a last resort, the study shows how the key provisions of the ISHWA and OHSA required occupiers of workplaces and employers to provide and maintain safe systems of work, including the guarding of dangerous machinery. Using a wide range of empirical research methods and legal materials, it shows how the enforcement policies, procedures and practices of the inspectorate heavily slanted inspectors workplace investigations and hence prosecutions towards a restricted and often superficial, analysis of incidents (or “events”) most of which involved injuries on machinery. There was evidence, however, that after the establishment of the Central Investigation Unit in 1989 cases were more thoroughly investigated and prosecuted. From 1990 the majority of prosecutions were taken under the employer’s general duty provisions, and by 1991 there was evidence that prosecutions were focusing on matters other than machinery guarding.


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There has been an increasing focus on the development of test methods to evaluate the durability performance of concrete. This paper contributes to this focus by presenting a study that evaluates the effect of water accessible porosity and oven-dry unit weight on the resistance of both normal and light-weight concrete to chloride-ion penetration. Based on the experimental results and regression analyses, empirical models are established to correlate the total charge passed and the chloride migration coefficient with the basic properties of concrete such as water accessible porosity, oven dry unit weight, and compressive strength. These equations can be broadly applied to both normal and lightweight aggregate concretes. The model was also validated by an independent set of experimental results from two different concrete mixtures. The model provides a very good estimate on the concrete’s durability performance in respect to the resistance to chloride ion penetration.


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It is well understood that that there is variation inherent in all testing techniques, and that all soil and rock materials also contain some degree of natural variability. Less consideration is normally given to variation associated with natural material heterogeneity within a site, or the relative condition of the material at the time of testing. This paper assesses the impact of spatial and temporal variability upon repeated insitu testing of a residual soil and rock profile present within a single residential site over a full calendar year, and thus range of seasonal conditions. From this repeated testing, the magnitude of spatial and temporal variation due to seasonal conditions has demonstrated that, depending on the selected location and moisture content of the subsurface at the time of testing, up to a 35% variation within the test results can be expected. The results have also demonstrated that the completed insitu test technique has a similarly large measurement and inherent variability error and, for the investigated site, up to a 60% variation in normalised results was observed. From these results, it is recommended that the frequency and timing of insitu tests should be considered when deriving geotechnical design parameters from a limited data set.


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The properties and toxicity of untreatedwastewater at Davis Station, East Antarctica,were investigated to inform decisions regarding the appropriate level of treatment for local discharge purposes and more generally, to better understand the risk associated with dispersal and impact of wastewaters in Antarctica. Suspended solids, nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus), biological oxygen demand (BOD), metals, organic contaminants, surfactants and microbiological load were measured at various locations throughout the wastewater discharge system. Wastewater quality and properties varied greatly between buildings on station, each ofwhich has separate holding tanks. Nutrients, BOD and settleable solid levelswere higher than standard municipal wastewaters. Microbiological loads were typical of untreated wastewater. Contaminants detected in the wastewater included metals and persistent organic compounds, mainly polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). The toxicity of wastewater was also investigated in laboratory bioassays using two local Antarctic marine invertebrates, the amphipod Paramoera walkeri and the microgastropod Skenella paludionoides. Animals were exposed to a range of wastewater concentrations from3% to 68% (test 1) or 63% (test 2) over 21 days with survival monitored daily. Significant mortality occurred in all concentrations of wastewater after 14 to 21 days, and at higher concentrations (50–68% wastewater) mortality occurred after only one day. Results indicate that the local receiving marine environment at Davis Station is at risk from existing wastewater discharges, and that advanced treatment is required both to remove contaminants shown to cause toxicity to biota, as well as to reduce the environmental risks associated with non-native micro-organisms in wastewater.


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This paper investigated the influence of nano-silica (NS) on the mechanical and transport properties of lightweight concrete (LWC). The resistance of LWC to water and chloride ions penetration was enhanced despite strength marginally increased. Water penetration depth, moisture sorptivity, chloride migration and diffusion coefficient was reduced by 23% and 49%, 23% and 10%, 5% and 0%, 22% and 12% compared to the two reference LWC mixes (pure cement and 60% slag blended cement), respectively with 1% NS. Such improvements were attributed to more compact microstructures because the micropore system was refined and the interface between aggregates and paste was enhanced.


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The present study deals with two dimensional, numerical simulation of railway track supporting system subjected to dynamic excitation force. Under plane strain condition, the coupled finite-infinite elements to represent the near and far field stress distribution and thin layer interface element was employed to model the interfacial behavior between sleepers and ballast. To account for the relative debonding, slipping and crushing that could take place in the contact area between the sleepers and ballast, modified Mohr-Coulomb criterion was adopted. Furthermore an attempt has been made to consider the elasto-plastic material non-linearity of the railway track supporting media by employing different constitutive models to represent steel, concrete and supporting materials. Based on the proposed physical and constitutive modeling a code has been developed for dynamic loads. The applicability of the developed F.E code has been demonstrated by analyzing a real railway supporting structure.


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This article describes research conducted for the Japanese government in the wake of the magnitude 9.0 earthquake and tsunami that struck eastern Japan on March 11, 2011. In this study, material stock analysis (MSA) is used to examine the losses of building and infrastructure materials after this disaster. Estimates of the magnitude of material stock that has lost its social function as a result of a disaster can indicate the quantities required for reconstruction, help garner a better understanding of the volumes of waste flows generated by that disaster, and also help in the course of policy deliberations in the recovery of disaster-stricken areas. Calculations of the lost building and road materials in the five prefectures most affected were undertaken. Analysis in this study is based on the use of geographical information systems (GIS) databases and statistics; it aims to (1) describe in spatial terms what construction materials were lost, (2) estimate the amount of infrastructure material needed to rehabilitate disaster areas, and (3) indicate the amount of lost material stock that should be taken into consideration during government policy deliberations. Our analysis concludes that the material stock losses of buildings and road infrastructure are 31.8 and 2.1 million tonnes, respectively. This research approach and the use of spatial MSA can be useful for urban planners and may also convey more appropriate information about disposal based on the work of municipalities in disaster-afflicted areas.


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The influence of graphene oxide (GO) and its surface oxidized debris (OD) on the cure chemistry of an amine cured epoxy resin has been investigated by Fourier Transform Infrared Emission Spectroscopy (FT-IES) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). Spectral analysis of IR radiation emitted at the cure temperature from thin films of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A epoxy resin (DGEBA) and 4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane (DDM) curing agent with and without GO allowed the cure kinetics of the interphase between the bulk resin and GO to be monitored in real time, by measuring both the consumption of primary (1°) amine and epoxy groups, formation of ether groups as well as computing the profiles for formation of secondary (2°) and tertiary (3°) amines. OD was isolated from as-produced GO (aGO) by a simple autoclave method to give OD-free autoclaved GO (acGO). It has been found that the presence of OD on the GO prevents active sites on GO surfaces fully catalysing and participating in the reaction of DGEBA with DDM, which results in slower reaction and a lower crosslink density of the three-dimensional networks in the aGO-resin interphase compared to the acGO-resin interphase. We also determined that OD itself promoted DGEBA homopolymerization. A DSC study further confirmed that the aGO nanocomposite exhibited lower Tg while acGO nanocomposite showed higher Tg compared to neat resin because of the difference in crosslink densities of the matrix around the different GOs.


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This work reports the effect of seed nanoparticle size and concentration effects on heterogeneous crystal nucleation and growth in colloidal suspensions. We examined these effects in the Au nanoparticle-seeded growth of Au-ZnO hetero-nanocrystals under synthesis conditions that generate hexagonal, cone-shaped ZnO nanocrystals. It was observed that small (~ 4 nm) Au seed nanoparticles form one-to-one Au-ZnO hetero dimers and that Au nanoparticle seeds of this size can also act as crystallization ‘catalysts’ that readily promote the nucleation and growth of ZnO nanocrystals. Larger seed nanoparticles (~9 nm, ~ 11 nm) provided multiple, stable ZnO-nucleation sites, generating multi-crystalline hetero trimers, tetramers and oligomers.


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This RIRDC publication reports the findings and recommendations of the RIRDC funded study, "Fabrication of Electronic Materials from Australian Essential Oils". This project was undertaken to facilitate an expansion of the Australian Essential Oils Industry through the development of novel applications in the Electronic and Bio-Materials Industries. The findings presented in this report will provide value broadly across the Australian Essential Oils Industry, and more particularly to the growers involved in the production of tea tree, lavender and other essential oils. Several essential oils, namely tea tree oil, sandalwood oil, eucalyptus oil, alpha-pinene, d-limonene, lavender oil (a separate PhD project) and five major components of tea tree oil were tested. With the exception of sandalwood oil, all oils investigated were successfully polymerised. Importantly, this project determined that it is possible to use an environmentally friendly, inexpensive process of polymerisation to fabricate materials from essential oils in a reproducible manner with properties required by the optics, electronics, protective coatings, and bio-material industries.


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The research project developed a quantitative approach to assess the risk to human health from heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban stormwater based on traffic and land use factors. The research outcomes are expected to strengthen the scientifically robust management and reuse of urban stormwater. The innovative methodology developed can be applied to evaluate human health risk in relation to toxic chemical pollutants in urban stormwater runoff and for the development of effective risk mitigation strategies.


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Uncertainty inherent to heavy metal build-up and wash-off stems from process variability. This results in inaccurate interpretation of stormwater quality model predictions. The research study has characterised the variability in heavy metal build-up and wash-off processes based on the temporal variations in particle-bound heavy metals commonly found on urban roads. The study outcomes found that the distribution of Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were consistent over particle size fractions <150µm and >150µm, with most metals concentrated in the particle size fraction <150µm. When build-up and wash-off are considered as independent processes, the temporal variations in these processes in relation to the heavy metals load are consistent with variations in the particulate load. However, the temporal variations in the load in build-up and wash-off of heavy metals and particulates are not consistent for consecutive build-up and wash-off events that occur on a continuous timeline. These inconsistencies are attributed to interactions between heavy metals and particulates <150µm and >150µm, which are influenced by particle characteristics such as organic matter content. The behavioural variability of particles determines the variations in the heavy metals load entrained in stormwater runoff. Accordingly, the variability in build-up and wash-off of particle-bound pollutants needs to be characterised in the description of pollutant attachment to particulates in stormwater quality modelling. This will ensure the accounting of process uncertainty, and thereby enhancing the interpretation of the outcomes derived from modelling studies.


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Metal nanoparticle photocatalysts have attracted recent interest due to their strong absorption of visible and ultraviolet light. The energy absorbed by the metal conduction electrons and the intense electric fields in close proximity, created by the localized surface plasmon resonance effect, makes the crucial contribution of activating the molecules on the metal nanoparticles which facilitates chemical transformation. There are now many examples of successful reactions catalyzed by supported nanoparticles of pure metals and of metal alloys driven by light at ambient or moderate temperatures. These examples demonstrate these materials are a novel group of efficient photocatalysts for converting solar energy to chemical energy and that the mechanisms are distinct from those of semiconductor photocatalysts. We present here an overview of recent research on direct photocatalysis of supported metal nanoparticles for organic synthesis under light irradiation and discuss the significant reaction mechanisms that occur through light irradiation.