218 resultados para tin-oxide film


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Cultural policy settings attempting to foster the growth and development of the Australian feature film industry in era of globalisation are coming under increasing pressure. Global forces and emerging production and distribution models are challenging the “narrowness” of cultural policy – mandating a particular film culture, circumscribing certain notions of value and limiting the variety of films produced through cultural policy driven subvention models. Australian horror film production is an important case study. Horror films are a production strategy well suited to the financial limitations of the Australian film industry with competitive advantages for producers against international competitors. However, emerging within a “national” cinema driven by public subsidy and social/cultural objectives, horror films – internationally oriented with a low-culture status – have been severely marginalised within public funding environments. This paper introduces Australian horror film production, and examines the limitations of cultural policy, and the impacts of these questions for the Producer Offset.


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Infrared spectroscopy has been used to study nano to micro sized gallium oxyhydroxide α-GaO(OH), prepared using a low temperature hydrothermal route. Rod-like α-GaO(OH) crystals with average length of ~2.5 μm and width of 1.5 μm were prepared when the initial molar ratio of Ga to OH was 1:3. β-Ga2O3 nano and micro-rods were prepared through the calcination of α-GaO(OH) The initial morphology of α-GaO(OH) is retained in the β-Ga2O3 nanorods. The combination of infrared and infrared emission spectroscopy complimented with dynamic thermal analysis were used to characterise the α-GaO(OH) nanotubes and the formation of β-Ga2O3 nanorods. Bands at around 2903 and 2836 cm-1 are assigned to the -OH stretching vibration of α-GaO(OH) nanorods. Infrared bands at around 952 and 1026 cm-1 are assigned to the Ga-OH deformation modes of α-GaO(OH). A significant number of bands are observed in the 620 to 725 cm-1 region and are assigned to GaO stretching vibrations.


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Co-production and strategic partnerships may generate valuable learning opportunities for firms to access to the knowledge and expertise of their partners. Such sharing and transfer of knowledge has become an increasingly common way for organising corporate finance and resources. However, not all collaborations result in a net positive experience for both partners. It can be a zero-sum game in which the partner learning the fastest dominates the relationship. In some cases, failure to gain access to partner knowledge results in unequal benefits accruing from such alliances. By examining the Singapore film industry from a learning perspective and taking into account particular forms of alliances, the study contributes to our understanding of the potential benefit and challenges of coproduction as a strategy for development.


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In conventional fabrication of ceramic separation membranes, the particulate sols are applied onto porous supports. Major structural deficiencies under this approach are pin-holes and cracks, and the dramatic losses of flux when pore sizes are reduced to enhance selectivity. We have overcome these structural deficiencies by constructing hierarchically structured separation layer on a porous substrate using lager titanate nanofibers and smaller boehmite nanofibers. This yields a radical change in membrane texture. The resulting membranes effectively filter out species larger than 60 nm at flow rates orders of magnitude greater than conventional membranes. This reveals a new direction in membrane fabrication.


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Ceramic membranes were fabricated by in situ synthesis of alumina nanofibres in the pores of an alumina support as a separation layer, and exhibited a high permeation selectivity for bovine serum albumin relative to bovine hemoglobin (over 60 times) and can effectively retain DNA molecules at high fluxes.


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Cultural policy studies have previously highlighted the importance of multiple logics, friction and contradiction in cultural policy. Recent developments in institutional theory provide a framework for analysing change in cultural policy which explores movement between these multiple and sometimes contradictory logics. This paper analyses the role of friction in the evolution of Australian film industry policy and in particular the tension between competing logics regarding nationalism, commercialism and the state. The paper is suggestive of the relevance of institutional theory as a framework for understanding cultural policy evolution.


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Traditional ceramic separation membranes, which are fabricated by applying colloidal suspensions of metal hydroxides to porous supports, tend to suffer from pinholes and cracks that seriously affect their quality. Other intrinsic problems for these membranes include dramatic losses of flux when the pore sizes are reduced to enhance selectivity and dead-end pores that make no contribution to filtration. In this work, we propose a new strategy for addressing these problems by constructing a hierarchically structured separation layer on a porous substrate using large titanate nanofibers and smaller boehmite nanofibers. The nanofibers are able to divide large voids into smaller ones without forming dead-end pores and with the minimum reduction of the total void volume. The separation layer of nanofibers has a porosity of over 70% of its volume, whereas the separation layer in conventional ceramic membranes has a porosity below 36% and inevitably includes dead-end pores that make no contribution to the flux. This radical change in membrane texture greatly enhances membrane performance. The resulting membranes were able to filter out 95.3% of 60-nm particles from a 0.01 wt % latex while maintaining a relatively high flux of between 800 and 1000 L/m2·h, under a low driving pressure (20 kPa). Such flow rates are orders of magnitude greater than those of conventional membranes with equal selectivity. Moreover, the flux was stable at approximately 800 L/m2·h with a selectivity of more than 95%, even after six repeated runs of filtration and calcination. Use of different supports, either porous glass or porous alumina, had no substantial effect on the performance of the membranes; thus, it is possible to construct the membranes from a variety of supports without compromising functionality. The Darcy equation satisfactorily describes the correlation between the filtration flux and the structural parameters of the new membranes. The assembly of nanofiber meshes to combine high flux with excellent selectivity is an exciting new direction in membrane fabrication.


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Cobalt hydroxide, cobalt oxyhydroxide and cobalt oxide nanomaterials were synthesized through simple soft chemistry. The cobalt hydroxide displays hexagonal morphology with clear edges 20 nm long. This morphology and nanosize is retained through to cobalt oxide Co3O4 through a topotactical relationship. Cobalt oxyhydroxide and cobalt oxide nanomaterials were synthesized through oxidation and low temperature calcination from the as-prepared cobalt hydroxide. Characterisation of these cobalt-based nanomaterials were fully developed, including X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy combined with selected area electron diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and thermal gravimetric analysis. Bonding of the divalent cobalt hydroxide from the oxyhydroxide and oxides by studying their high resolution XPS spectra for Co 2p3/2 and O 1s. Raman spectroscopy of the as-prepared Co(OH)2, CoO(OH) and Co3O4 nanomaterials characterised each material. The thermal stability of the materials Co(OH)2 and CoO(OH) were established. This research has developed methodology for the synthesis of cobalt oxide and cobalt oxyhydroxide nanodiscs at low temperatures.


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During the last decade many cities have sought to promote creativity as a driver for economic growth. They have done this by encouraging specific sectors of creative industries. This paper focuses on the film industry as one of these sectors which also has a high level of interaction with place. Film industry, has had an important role in incubating the creativity potential. It can be a powerful magnet for creative people, fostering indigenous creativity and attracting outside talent, and might thus contribute to the formation of creative cities. This recent research suggests that the film industry has positively effect on tourism by increasing place recognition through the locations used in films and for cities that host film festivals. Film festivals provide events, workshops and experiences that allow visitors to express themselves through interaction with the place and its living culture. This paper examines the importance of creative industries for both urban development and sustainable tourism. To explore the relation between creative tourism, culture and the film industry and its effect on successful tourism planning this paper presents the preliminary findings of case studies of the film industry in Beyo


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Ceramic membranes are of particular interest in many industrial processes due to their ability to function under extreme conditions while maintaining their chemical and thermal stability. Major structural deficiencies under conventional fabrication approach are pin-holes and cracks, and the dramatic losses of flux when pore sizes are reduced to enhance selectivity. We overcome these structural deficiencies by constructing hierarchically structured separation layer on a porous substrate using larger titanate nanofibres and smaller boehmite nanofibres. This yields a radical change in membrane texture. The differences in the porous supports have no substantial influences on the texture of resulting membranes. The membranes with top layer of nanofibres coated on different porous supports by spin-coating method have similar size of the filtration pores, which is in a range of 10–100 nm. These membranes are able to effectively filter out species larger than 60 nm at flow rates orders of magnitude greater than conventional membranes. The retention can attain more than 95%, while maintaining a high flux rate about 900 L m-2 h. The calcination after spin-coating creates solid linkages between the fibres and between fibres and substrate, in addition to convert boehmite into -alumina nanofibres. This reveals a new direction in membrane fabrication.


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The Australian film industry is evolving. The days when government film agencies handed out millions of taxpayers' dollars for filmmakers to produce "Australian stories" with little regard to commercial returns are limited. If the Australian film industry is to reach mainstream audiences – and increase its relevance – then filmmakers need to take greater notice of genre movies and the possibilities they create within the financial restraints of the local industry. The $20 million Aussie vampire movie, Daybreakers, is a prototype for how this can be achieved.


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Objectives. To evaluate the performance of the dynamic-area high-speed videokeratoscopy technique in the assessment of tear film surface quality with and without the presence of soft contact lenses on eye. Methods. Retrospective data from a tear film study using basic high-speed videokeratoscopy, captured at 25 frames per second, (Kopf et al., 2008, J Optom) were used. Eleven subjects had tear film analysis conducted in the morning, midday and evening on the first and seventh day of one week of no lens wear. Five of the eleven subjects then completed an extra week of hydrogel lens wear followed by a week of silicone hydrogel lens wear. Analysis was performed on a 6 second period of the inter-blink recording. The dynamic-area high-speed videokeratoscopy technique uses the maximum available area of Placido ring pattern reflected from the tear interface and eliminates regions of disturbance due to shadows from the eyelashes. A value of tear film surface quality was derived using image rocessing techniques, based on the quality of the reflected ring pattern orientation. Results. The group mean tear film surface quality and the standard deviations for each of the conditions (bare eye, hydrogel lens, and silicone hydrogel lens) showed a much lower coefficient of variation than previous methods (average reduction of about 92%). Bare eye measurements from the right and left eyes of eleven individuals showed high correlation values (Pearson’s correlation r = 0.73, p < 0.05). Repeated measures ANOVA across the 6 second period of measurement in the normal inter-blink period for the bare eye condition showed no statistically significant changes. However, across the 6 second inter-blink period with both contact lenses, statistically significant changes were observed (p < 0.001) for both types of contact lens material. Overall, wearing hydrogel and silicone hydrogel lenses caused the tear film surface quality to worsen compared with the bare eye condition (repeated measures ANOVA, p < 0.0001 for both hydrogel and silicone hydrogel). Conclusions. The results suggest that the dynamic-area method of high-speed videokeratoscopy was able to distinguish and quantify the subtle, but systematic worsening of tear film surface quality in the inter-blink interval in contact lens wear. It was also able to clearly show a difference between bare eye and contact lens wearing conditions.