292 resultados para thoracic spine


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Bidirectional (anterograde and retrograde) motor-based intraflagellar transport (IFT) governs cargo transport and delivery processes that are essential for primary cilia growth and maintenance and for hedgehog signaling functions. The IFT dynein-2 motor complex that regulates ciliary retrograde protein transport contains a heavy chain dynein ATPase/motor subunit, DYNC2H1, along with other less well functionally defined subunits. Deficiency of IFT proteins, including DYNC2H1, underlies a spectrum of skeletal ciliopathies. Here, by using exome sequencing and a targeted next-generation sequencing panel, we identified a total of 11 mutations in WDR34 in 9 families with the clinical diagnosis of Jeune syndrome (asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy). WDR34 encodes a WD40 repeat-containing protein orthologous to Chlamydomonas FAP133, a dynein intermediate chain associated with the retrograde intraflagellar transport motor. Three-dimensional protein modeling suggests that the identified mutations all affect residues critical for WDR34 protein-protein interactions. We find that WDR34 concentrates around the centrioles and basal bodies in mammalian cells, also showing axonemal staining. WDR34 coimmunoprecipitates with the dynein-1 light chain DYNLL1 in vitro, and mining of proteomics data suggests that WDR34 could represent a previously unrecognized link between the cytoplasmic dynein-1 and IFT dynein-2 motors. Together, these data show that WDR34 is critical for ciliary functions essential to normal development and survival, most probably as a previously unrecognized component of the mammalian dynein-IFT machinery.


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Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mineral density (BMD) and poor bone quality. Peak bone density is achieved by the third decade of life, after which bone is maintained by a balanced cycle of bone resorption and synthesis. Age-related bone loss occurs as the bone resorption phase outweighs the bone synthesis phase of bone metabolism. Heritability accounts for up to 90% of the variability in BMD. Chromosomal loci including 1p36, 2p22-25, 11q12-13, parathyroid hormone receptor type 1 (PTHR1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin 1 alpha (IL-1α) and type II collagen A1/vitamin D receptor (COL11A1/VDR) have been linked or shown suggestive linkage with BMD in other populations. To determine whether these loci predispose to low BMD in the Irish population, we investigated 24 microsatellite markers at 7 chromosomal loci by linkage studies in 175 Irish families of probands with primary low BMD (T-score ≤ -1.5). Nonparametric analysis was performed using the maximum likelihood variance estimation and traditional Haseman-Elston tests on the Mapmaker/Sibs program. Suggestive evidence of linkage was observed with lumbar spine BMD at 2p22-25 (maximum LOD score 2.76) and 11q12-13 (MLS 2.55). One region, 1p36, approached suggestive linkage with femoral neck BMD (MLS 2.17). In addition, seven markers achieved LOD scores > 1.0, D2S149, D11S1313, D11S987, D11S1314 including those encompassing the PTHR1 (D3S3559, D3S1289) for lumbar spine BMD and D2S149 for femoral neck BMD. Our data suggest that genes within a these chromosomal regions are contributing to a predisposition to low BMD in the Irish population.


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Background Cervical Spinal Manipulation (CSM) is considered a high-level skill of the central nervous system because it requires bimanual coordinated rhythmical movements therefore necessitating training to achieve proficiency. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of real-time feedback on the performance of CSM. Methods Six postgraduate physiotherapy students attending a training workshop on Cervical Spine Manipulation Technique (CSMT) using inertial sensor derived real-time feedback participated in this study. The key variables were pre-manipulative position, angular displacement of the thrust and angular velocity of the thrust. Differences between variables before and after training were investigated using t-tests. Results There were no significant differences after training for the pre-manipulative position (rotation p = 0.549; side bending p = 0.312) or for thrust displacement (rotation p = 0.247; side bending p = 0.314). Thrust angular velocity demonstrated a significant difference following training for rotation (pre-training mean (sd) 48.9°/s (35.1); post-training mean (sd) 96.9°/s (53.9); p = 0.027) but not for side bending (p = 0.521). Conclusion Real-time feedback using an inertial sensor may be valuable in the development of specific manipulative skill. Future studies investigating manipulation could consider a randomized controlled trial using inertial sensor real time feedback compared to traditional training.


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Background The Spine Functional Index (SFI) is a recently published, robust and clinimetrically valid patient reported outcome measure. Objectives The purpose of this study was the adaptation and validation of a Spanish-version (SFI-Sp) with cultural and linguistic equivalence. Methods A two stage observational study was conducted. The SFI was cross-culturally adapted to Spanish through double forward and backward translation then validated for its psychometric characteristics. Participants (n = 226) with various spine conditions of >12 weeks duration completed the SFI-Sp and a region specific measure: for the back, the Roland Morris Questionnaire (RMQ) and Backache Index (BADIX); for the neck, the Neck Disability Index (NDI); for general health the EQ-5D and SF-12. The full sample was employed to determine internal consistency, concurrent criterion validity by region and health, construct validity and factor structure. A subgroup (n = 51) was used to determine reliability at seven days. Results The SFI-Sp demonstrated high internal consistency (α = 0.85) and reliability (r = 0.96). The factor structure was one-dimensional and supported construct validity. Criterion specific validity for function was high with the RMQ (r = 0.79), moderate with the BADIX (r = 0.59) and low with the NDI (r = 0.46). For general health it was low with the EQ-5D and inversely correlated (r = −0.42) and fair with the Physical and Mental Components of the SF-12 and inversely correlated (r = −0.56 and r = −0.48), respectively. The study limitations included the lack of longitudinal data regarding other psychometric properties, specifically responsiveness. Conclusions The SFI-Sp was demonstrated as a valid and reliable spine-regional outcome measure. The psychometric properties were comparable to and supported those of the English-version, however further longitudinal investigations are required.


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Objective: To study the anisotropic mechanical properties of the thoracic aorta in porcine. Methods: Twenty-one porcine thoracic aortas were collected and categorized into three groups. The aortas were then cut through in their axial directions and expanded into two-dimensional planes. Then, by setting the length direction of the planar aortas (i.e., axial directions of the aortas) as 0°, each planar aorta was counterclockwisely cut into 8 samples with orientation of 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, 120°, 135°, 150° and 180°, respectively. Finally, the uniaxial tensile tests were applied on three groups of samples at the loading rates of 1, 5 and 10 mm/min, respectively, to obtain the elastic modulus and ultimate stress of the aorta in different directions and at different loading rates. Results: The stress-strain curves exhibited different viscoelastic behaviors. With the increase of sample orientations, the elastic modulus gradually increased from 30°, reached the maximum value at 90°, and then gradually decreased till 180°. The variation trend of ultimate stress was similar to that of elastic modulus. Moreover, different loading rates showed a significant influence on the results of elastic modulus and ultimate stress, but a weak influence on the anisotropic degree. Conclusions: The porcine thoracic aorta is highly anisotropic. This research finding provides parameter references for assignment of material properties in finite element modeling, and is significant for understanding biomechanical properties of the arteries.


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Study Design Retrospective review of prospectively collected data. Objectives To analyze intervertebral (IV) fusion after thoracoscopic anterior spinal fusion (TASF) and explore the relationship between fusion scores and key clinical variables. Summary of Background Information TASF provides comparable correction with some advantages over posterior approaches but reported mechanical complications, and their relationship to non-union and graft material is unclear. Similarly, the optimal combination of graft type and implant stiffness for effecting successful radiologic union remains undetermined. Methods A subset of patients from a large single-center series who had TASF for progressive scoliosis underwent low-dose computed tomographic scans 2 years after surgery. The IV fusion mass in the disc space was assessed using the 4-point Sucato scale, where 1 indicates <50% and 4 indicates 100% bony fusion of the disc space. The effects of rod diameter, rod material, graft type, fusion level, and mechanical complications on fusion scores were assessed. Results Forty-three patients with right thoracic major curves (mean age 14.9 years) participated in the study. Mean fusion scores for patient subgroups ranged from 1.0 (IV levels with rod fractures) to 2.2 (4.5-mm rod with allograft), with scores tending to decrease with increasing rod size and stiffness. Graft type (autograft vs. allograft) did not affect fusion scores. Fusion scores were highest in the middle levels of the rod construct (mean 2.52), dropping off by 20% to 30% toward the upper and lower extremities of the rod. IV levels where a rod fractured had lower overall mean fusion scores compared to levels without a fracture. Mean total Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) questionnaire scores were 98.9 from a possible total of 120, indicating a good level of patient satisfaction. Conclusions Results suggest that 100% radiologic fusion of the entire disc space is not necessary for successful clinical outcomes following thoracoscopic anterior selective thoracic fusion.


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Background Segmental biomechanics of the scoliotic spine are important since the overall spinal deformity is comprised of the cumulative coronal and axial rotations of individual joints. This study investigates the coronal plane segmental biomechanics for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients in response to physiologically relevant axial compression. Methods Individual spinal joint compliance in the coronal plane was measured for a series of 15 idiopathic scoliosis patients using axially loaded magnetic resonance imaging. Each patient was first imaged in the supine position with no axial load, and then again following application of an axial compressive load. Coronal plane disc wedge angles in the unloaded and loaded configurations were measured. Joint moments exerted by the axial compressive load were used to derive estimates of individual joint compliance. Findings The mean standing major Cobb angle for this patient series was 46°. Mean intra-observer measurement error for endplate inclination was 1.6°. Following loading, initially highly wedged discs demonstrated a smaller change in wedge angle, than less wedged discs for certain spinal levels (+ 2,+1,− 2 relative to the apex, (p < 0.05)). Highly wedged discs were observed near the apex of the curve, which corresponded to lower joint compliance in the apical region. Interpretation While individual patients exhibit substantial variability in disc wedge angles and joint compliance, overall there is a pattern of increased disc wedging near the curve apex, and reduced joint compliance in this region. Approaches such as this can provide valuable biomechanical data on in vivo spinal biomechanics of the scoliotic spine, for analysis of deformity progression and surgical planning.


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Background Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis is the most common type of spinal deformity, and whilst the risk of progression appears to be biomechanically mediated (larger deformities are more likely to progress), the detailed biomechanical mechanisms driving progression are not well understood. Gravitational forces in the upright position are the primary sustained loads experienced by the spine. In scoliosis they are asymmetrical, generating moments about the spinal joints which may promote asymmetrical growth and deformity progression. Using 3D imaging modalities to estimate segmental torso masses allows the gravitational loading on the scoliotic spine to be determined. The resulting distribution of joint moments aids understanding of the mechanics of scoliosis progression. Methods Existing low-dose CT scans were used to estimate torso segment masses and joint moments for 20 female scoliosis patients. Intervertebral joint moments at each vertebral level were found by summing the moments of each of the torso segment masses above the required joint. Results The patients’ mean age was 15.3 years (SD 2.3; range 11.9 – 22.3 years); mean thoracic major Cobb angle 52° (SD 5.9°; range 42°-63°) and mean weight 57.5 kg (SD 11.5 kg; range 41 – 84.7 kg). Joint moments of up to 7 Nm were estimated at the apical level. No significant correlation was found between the patients’ major Cobb angles and apical joint moments. Conclusions Patients with larger Cobb angles do not necessarily have higher joint moments, and curve shape is an important determinant of joint moment distribution. These findings may help to explain the variations in progression between individual patients. This study suggests that substantial corrective forces are required of either internal instrumentation or orthoses to effectively counter the gravity-induced moments acting to deform the spinal joints of idiopathic scoliosis patients.


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A prospective, consecutive series of 106 patients receiving endoscopic anterior scoliosis correction. The aim was to analyse changes in radiographic parameters and rib hump in the two years following surgery. Endoscopic anterior scoliosis correction is a level sparing approach, therefore it is important to assess the amount of decompensation which occurs after surgery. All patients received a single anterior rod and vertebral body screws using a standard compression technique. Cleared disc spaces were packed with either mulched femoral head allograft or rib head/iliac crest autograft. Radiographic parameters (major, instrumented, minor Cobb, T5-T12 kyphosis) and rib hump were measured at 2,6,12 and 24 months after surgery. Paired t-tests and Wilcoxon signed ranks tests were used to assess the statistical significant of changes between adjacent time intervals.----- Results: Mean loss of major curve correction from 2 to 24 months after surgery was 4 degrees. Mean loss of rib hump correction was 1.4 degrees. Mean sagittal kyphosis increased from 27 degrees at 2 months to 30.6 degrees at 24 months. Rod fractures and screw-related complications resulted in several degrees less correction than patients without complications, but overall there was no clinically significant decompensation following complications. The study concluded that there are small changes in deformity measures after endoscopic anterior scoliosis surgery, which are statistically significant but not clinically significant.


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Growth rods are commonly used for the treatment of scoliosis in the immature spine. Many variations have been proposed but breakage of implants is a common problem. Growth rod insertion commonly involves large exposures at initial insertion followed by multiple smaller procedures for lengthening. We present our early experiences using a percutaneous technique of insertion of a new titanium mobile bearing implant (Medtronic Inc). The implant allows some rotatory motion in the middle of the construct thus reducing construct stresses and thus possibly reducing rod breakage risk. Based on this small initial series with 12 months follow-up, percutaneous insertion of growth rods using the new implant is a safe and reliable technique although the infection rate in our sample was of note. This may be related to the titanium wear and inflammation seen in the soft tissues at time of operation and visualised on histology. No implants have required removal due to infection, and all infections were treated with debridement at next lengthening and suppressive antibiotics. Propionibacterium is one of the commonest infections seen with spinal implants and sometimes does not respond to simple antibiotic suppression. The technique allows preservation of the soft tissues until definitive fusion is needed and may lead to a decrease in hospital stay. The implant is low profile and seems to offer advantages over other systems on the market. Further follow up is needed to look at longer term outcomes with this new implant type.


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The anatomy and microstructure of the spine and in particular the intervertebral disc are intimately linked to how they operate in vivo and how they distribute loads to the adjacent musculature and bony anatomy. The degeneration of the intervertebral discs may be characterised by a loss of hydration, loss of disc height, a granular texture and the presence of annular lesions. As such, degeneration of the intervertebral discs compromises the mechanical integrity of their components and results in adaption and modification in the mechanical means by which loads are distributed between adjacent spinal motion segments.


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The primary aims of scoliosis surgery are to halt the progression of the deformity, and to reduce its severity (cosmesis). Currently, deformity correction is measured in terms of posterior parameters (Cobb angles and rib hump), even though the cosmetic concern for most patients is anterior chest wall deformity. In this study, we propose a new measure for assessing anterior chest wall deformity and examine the correlation between rib hump and the new measure. 22 sets of CT scans were retrieved from the QUT/Mater Paediatric Spinal Research Database. The Image J software (NIH) was used to manipulate formatted CT scans into 3-dimensional anterior chest wall reconstructions. A ‘chest wall angle’ was then measured in relation to the first sacral vertebral body. The chest wall angle was found to be a reliable tool in the analysis of chest wall deformity. No correlation was found between the new measure and rib hump angle. Since rib hump has been shown to correlate with vertebral rotation on CT, this suggests that there maybe no correlation between anterior and posterior deformity measures. While most surgical procedures will adequately address the coronal imbalance & posterior rib hump elements of scoliosis, they do not reliably alter the anterior chest wall shape. This implies that anterior chest wall deformity is to a large degree an intrinsic deformity, not directly related to vertebral rotation.


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Fusionless scoliosis surgery is an emerging treatment for idiopathic scoliosis as it offers theoretical advantages over current forms of treatment. Anterior vertebral stapling using a nitinol staple is one such treatment. Despite increasing interest in this technique, little is known about the effects on the spine following insertion, or the mechanism of action of the staple. The aims of this study were threefold; (1) to measure changes in the bending stiffness of a single motion segment following staple insertion, (2) to describe the forces that occur within the staple during spinal movement, and (3) to describe the anatomical changes that occur following staple insertion. Results suggest that staple insertion consistently decreased stiffness in all directions of motion. An explanation for the finding may be found in the outcomes of the strain gauge testing and micro-CT scan. The strain gauge testing showed that once inserted, the staple tips applied a baseline compressive force to the surrounding trabecular bone and vertebral end-plate. This finding would be consistent with the current belief that the clinical effect of the staples is via unilateral compression of the physis. Interestingly however, as each specimen progressed through the five cycles of each test, the baseline load on the staple tips gradually decreased, implying that the force at the staple tip-bone interface was decreasing. We believe that this was likely occurring as a result of structural damage to the trabecular bone and vertebral end-plate by the staple effectively causing ‘loosening’ of the staple. This hypothesis is further supported by the findings of the micro-CT scan. The pictures depict significant trabecular bone and physeal injury around the staple blades. These results suggest that the current hypothesis that stapling modulates growth through physeal compression may be incorrect, but rather the effect occurs through mechanical disruption of the vertebral growth plate.


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The measurement of Cobb angles from radiographs is routine practice in spinal clinics. The technique relies on the use and availability of specialist equipment such as a goniometer, cobbometer or protractor. The aim of this study was to validate the use of i-Phone (Apple Inc) combined with Tilt Meter Pro software as compared to a protractor in the measurement of Cobb angles. Between November 2008 and December 2008 20 patients were selected at random from the Paediatric Spine Research Groups Database. A power calculation was performed which indicated if n=240 measurements the study had a 96% chance of detecting a 5 degree difference between groups. All patients had idiopathic scoliosis with a range of curve types and severities. The study found the i-Phone combined with Tilt Meter Pro software offers a faster alternative to the traditional method of Cobb angle measurement. The use of i-Phone offers a more convenient way of measuring Cobb angles in the outpatient setting. The intra-observer repeatability of the iPhone is equivalent to the protractor in the measurement of Cobb angles.


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Bone graft is generally considered fundamental in achieving solid fusion in scoliosis correction and pseudarthrosis following instrumentation may predispose to implant failure. In endoscopic anterior-instrumented scoliosis surgery, autologous rib or iliac crest graft has been utilised traditionally but both techniques increase operative duration and cause donor site morbidity. Allograft bone and bone- morphogenetic-protein alternatives may improve fusion rates but this remains controversial. This study's objective was to compare two-year postoperative fusion rates in a series of patients who underwent endoscopic anterior instrumentation for thoracic scoliosis utilising various bone graft types. Significantly better rates of fusion occurred in endoscopic anterior instrumented scoliosis correction using femoral allograft compared to autologous rib-heads and iliac crest graft. This may be partly explained by the difficulty obtaining sufficient quantities of autologous graft. Lower fusion rates in the autologous graft group appeared to predispose to rod fracture although the clinical consequence of implant failure is uncertain.