111 resultados para rotational oscillation


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The Brain Research Institute (BRI) uses various types of indirect measurements, including EEG and fMRI, to understand and assess brain activity and function. As well as the recovery of generic information about brain function, research also focuses on the utilisation of such data and understanding to study the initiation, dynamics, spread and suppression of epileptic seizures. To assist with the future focussing of this aspect of their research, the BRI asked the MISG 2010 participants to examine how the available EEG and fMRI data and current knowledge about epilepsy should be analysed and interpreted to yield an enhanced understanding about brain activity occurring before, at commencement of, during, and after a seizure. Though the deliberations of the study group were wide ranging in terms of the related matters considered and discussed, considerable progress was made with the following three aspects. (1) The science behind brain activity investigations depends crucially on the quality of the analysis and interpretation of, as well as the recovery of information from, EEG and fMRI measurements. A number of specific methodologies were discussed and formalised, including independent component analysis, principal component analysis, profile monitoring and change point analysis (hidden Markov modelling, time series analysis, discontinuity identification). (2) Even though EEG measurements accurately and very sensitively record the onset of an epileptic event or seizure, they are, from the perspective of understanding the internal initiation and localisation, of limited utility. They only record neuronal activity in the cortical (surface layer) neurons of the brain, which is a direct reflection of the type of electrical activity they have been designed to record. Because fMRI records, through the monitoring of blood flow activity, the location of localised brain activity within the brain, the possibility of combining fMRI measurements with EEG, as a joint inversion activity, was discussed and examined in detail. (3) A major goal for the BRI is to improve understanding about ``when'' (at what time) an epileptic seizure actually commenced before it is identified on an eeg recording, ``where'' the source of this initiation is located in the brain, and ``what'' is the initiator. Because of the general agreement in the literature that, in one way or another, epileptic events and seizures represent abnormal synchronisations of localised and/or global brain activity the modelling of synchronisations was examined in some detail. References C. M. Michel, G. Thut, S. Morand, A. Khateb, A. J. Pegna, R. Grave de Peralta, S. Gonzalez, M. Seeck and T. Landis, Electric source imaging of human brain functions, Brain Res. 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The use of dual growing rods is a fusionless surgical approach to the treatment of early onset scoliosis (EOS) which aims to harness potential growth in order to correct spinal deformity. This study compared through in-vitro experiments the biomechanical response of two different rod designs under axial rotation loading. The study showed that a new design of telescoping growing rod preserved the rotational flexibility of the spine in comparison with rigid rods indicating them to be a more physiological way to improve the spinal deformity.


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In the title compound, [K2(C7H3Cl2O2)2(H2O)]n, the potassium salt of 2,4-dichlorobenzoic acid, the repeating unit in the polymeric structure consists of two identical irregular KO6Cl complex units related by twofold rotational symmetry, linked by a bridging water molecule lying on the twofold axis. The coordination polyhedron about each K+ comprises a carboxyl O-atom and a Cl-atom donor from a bidentate chelate ligand interaction, four O-atom donors from a doubly bridging bidentate carboxyl (O,O')-chelate interaction and the water molecule. A two-dimensional layered coordination polymer structure lying parallel to (100) is generated through a series of conjoined cyclic bridges between K centres and is stabilized by water O-H...O(carboxyl) hydrogen-bonding interactions.


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We show that it is possible to detect specifically adsorbed bacteriophage directly by breaking the interactions between proteins displayed on the phage coat and ligands immobilized on the surface of a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). This is achieved through increasing the amplitude of oscillation of the QCM surface and sensitively detecting the acoustic emission produced when the bacteriophage detaches from the surface. There is no interference from nonspecifically adsorbed phage. The detection is quantitative over at least 5 orders of magnitude and is sensitive enough to detect as few as 20 phage. The method has potential as a sensitive and low-cost method for virus detection.


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Introduction This study aimed to examine the geometric and dosimetric results when radiotherapy treatment plans are designed for prostate cancer patients with hip prostheses. Methods Ten EBRT treatment plans for localised prostate cancer, in the presence of hip prostheses, were analysed and compared with a reference set of 196 treatment plans for localised prostate cancer in patients without prostheses. Crowe et al.’s TADA code [1] was used to extract treatment plan parameters and evaluate doses to target volumes and critical structures against recommended goals [2] and constraints [3, 4]. Results The need to avoid transmitting the radiation beam through the hip prostheses limited the range of gantry angles available for use in both the rotational (VMAT) and the non-rotational (3DCRT and IMRT) radiotherapy treatments. This geometric limitation (exemplified in the VMAT data shown in Fig. 1) reduced the overall quality of the treatment plans for patients with prostheses compared to the reference plans. All plans with prostheses failed the PTV dose homogeneity requirement [2], whereas only 4 % of the plans without prostheses failed this test. Several treatment plans for patients with hip prostheses also failed the QUANTEC requirements that less than 50 % of the rectum receive 50 Gy and less than 35 % of the rectum receive 60 Gy to keep the grade 3 toxicity rate below 10 % [3], or the Hansen and Roach requirement that less than 25 % of the bladder receive 75 Gy [4]. Discussion and conclusions The results of this study exemplify the difficulty of designing prostate radiotherapy treatment plans, where beams provide adequate doses to targeted tissues while avoiding nearby organs at risk, when the presence of hip prostheses limits the available treatment geometries. This work provides qualitative evidence of the compromised dose distributions that can result, in such cases.


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We show that it is possible to detect specifically adsorbed bacteriophage directly by breaking the interactions between proteins displayed on the phage coat and ligands immobilized on the surface of a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). This is achieved through increasing the amplitude of oscillation of the QCM surface and sensitively detecting the acoustic emission produced when the bacteriophage detaches from the surface. There is no interference from nonspecifically adsorbed phage. The detection is quantitative over at least 5 orders of magnitude and is sensitive enough to detect as few as 20 phage. The method has potential as a sensitive and low-cost method for virus detection.


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Portable water-filled barriers (PWFBs) are roadside appurtenances that prevent vehicles from penetrating into temporary construction zones on roadways. PWFBs are required to satisfy the strict regulations for vehicle re-direction in tests. However, many of the current PWFBs fail to re-direct the vehicle at high speeds due to the inability of the joints to provide appropriate stiffness. The joint mechanism hence plays a crucial role in the performance of a PWFB system at high speed impacts. This paper investigates the desired features of the joint mechanism in a PWFB system that can re-direct vehicles at high speeds, while limiting the lateral displacement to acceptable limits. A rectangular “wall” representative of a 30 m long barrier system was modeled and a novel method of joining adjacent road barriers was introduced through appropriate pin-joint connections. The impact response of the barrier “wall” and the vehicle was obtained and the results show that a rotational stiffness of 3000 kNm/rad at the joints seems to provide the desired features of the PWFB system to re-direct impacting vehicles and restrict the lateral deflection. These research findings will be useful to safety engineers and road barrier designers in developing a new generation of PWFBs for increased road safety.


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This study presents a general approach to identify dominant oscillation modes in bulk power system by using wide-area measurement system. To automatically identify the dominant modes without artificial participation, spectral characteristic of power system oscillation mode is applied to distinguish electromechanical oscillation modes which are calculated by stochastic subspace method, and a proposed mode matching pursuit is adopted to discriminate the dominant modes from the trivial modes, then stepwise-refinement scheme is developed to remove outliers of the dominant modes and the highly accurate dominant modes of identification are obtained. The method is implemented on the dominant modes of China Southern Power Grid which is one of the largest AC/DC paralleling grids in the world. Simulation data and field-measurement data are used to demonstrate high accuracy and better robustness of the dominant modes identification approach.


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INTRODUCTION Managing spinal deformities in young children is challenging, particularly early onset scoliosis (EOS). Surgical intervention is often required if EOS has been unresponsive to conservative treatment particularly with rapidly progressive curves. An emerging treatment option for EOS is fusionless scoliosis surgery. Similar to bracing, this surgical option potentially harnesses growth, motion and function of the spine along with correcting spinal deformity. Dual growing rods are one such fusionless treatment, which aims to modulate growth of the vertebrae. The aim of this study was to ascertain the extent to which semiconstrained growing rods (Medtronic, Sofamor, Danek, Memphis, TN) with a telescopic sleeve component, reduce rotational constraint on the spine compared with standard "constrained / rigid" rods and hence potentially provide a more physiological mechanical environment for the growing spine. METHODS Six 40-60kg English Large White porcine spines served as a model for the paediatric human spine. Each spine was dissected into a 7 level thoracolumbar multi-segment unit (MSU), removing all non-ligamentous soft tissues and leaving 3cm of ribs either side. Pure nondestructive axial rotation moments of ±4Nm at a constant rotation rate of 8deg.s-1 were applied to the mounted MSU spines using a biaxial Instron testing machine. Displacement of each vertebral level was captured using a 3D motion tracking system (Optotrak 3020, Northern Digital Inc, Waterloo, ON). Each spine was tested in an un-instrumented state first and then with appropriately sized semi-constrained growing rods and rigid rods in alternating sequence. The rods were secured by multi-axial pedicle screws (Medtronic CD Horizon) at levels 2 and 6 of the construct. The range of motion (ROM), neutral zone (NZ) size and stiffness (Nm.deg-1) were calculated from the Instron load-displacement data and intervertebral ROM was calculated through a MATLAB algorithm from Optotrak data. RESULTS Irrespective of the order of testing, rigid rods significantly reduced the total ROM compared with semi-constrained rods (p<0.05) with in a significantly stiffer spine for both left and right axial rotation (p<0.05). Analysing the intervertebral motion within the instrumented levels 2-6, rigid rods showed reduced ROM compared with semi-constrained growing rods and compared with un-instrumented motion segments. CONCLUSION Semi-constrained growing rods maintain similar stiffness in axial rotation to un-instrumented spines, while dual rigid rods significantly reduce axial rotation. Clinically the effect of semi-constrained growing rods as observed in this study is that they would be expected to allow growth via the telescopic rod components while maintaining the axial flexibility of the spine, which may reduce occurrence of the crankshaft phenomenon.


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In this paper the renormalization group (RG) method of Chen, Goldenfeld, and Oono [Phys. Rev. Lett., 73 (1994), pp.1311-1315; Phys. Rev. E, 54 (1996), pp.376-394] is presented in a pedagogical way to increase its visibility in applied mathematics and to argue favorably for its incorporation into the corresponding graduate curriculum.The method is illustrated by some linear and nonlinear singular perturbation problems. Key word. © 2012 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.


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The charge of an isolated dust grain and ion drag forces on the grain in a collisionless, high-voltage, capacitive rf sheath are studied theoretically. The studies are carried out assuming that the positive ions are monoenergetic, as well as in more realistic approximation, assuming that the time-averaged energy distribution of ions impinging on the dust grain has a double-peaked hollow profile. For the nonmonoenergetic case, an analytical expression for the ion flux to the dust grain is obtained. It is studied how the dust charge and ion drag forces depend on the rf frequency, electron density at plasma-sheath boundary, electron temperature and ratio of the effective oscillation amplitude of rf current to the electron Debye length. It is shown that the dust charge and ion drag forces obtained in the monoenergetic ion approximation may differ from those calculated assuming that the ions are nonmonoenergetic. The difference increases with increasing the width of the ion energy spread in the ion distribution. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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Solo3 is and evening of solo works collaboratively created by Jenny Roche and choreographers John Jasperse (US), Jodi Melnick (US) and Liz Roche (Ireland). It was commissioned by the Dublin Dance Festival 2008 for the culmination of Jenny Roche's residency as an artist with the festival. The three works address the role of the dancer as co-creator within choreographic practice and further examine how the dancer can inhabit multiple embodiments across various choreographies leading to a plurality of selfhood in line with post-modern and poststructuralist notions of subjectivity (Deleuze and Guattari 1987). Furthermore, the oscillation of real and imagined subjectivities in performance (Emilyn Claid 2006) and the interplay of intercorporeal and intersubjective relations between choreographer and dancer (Sally Gardner 2007) are highlighted in these works.


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INTRODUCTION Managing spinal deformities in young children is challenging, particularly early-onset scoliosis (EOS). Any progressive spinal deformity particularly in early life presents significant health risks for the child and a challenge for the treating surgeon. Surgical intervention is often required if EOS has been unresponsive to conservative treatment particularly with rapidly progressive curves. An emerging treatment option particularly for EOS is fusionless scoliosis surgery. Similar to bracing this surgical option potentially harnesses growth, motion and function of the spine along with correcting spinal deformity. Dual growing rods is one such fusionless treatment, which aims to modulate growth of the vertebrae. The aim of this study was to ascertain the extent to which semi-constrained growing rods (Medtronic, Memphis, TN) with a telescopic sleeve component, reduce rotational constraint on the spine compared with standard rigid rods and hence potentially provide a more physiological mechanical environment for the growing spine. METHODS Six 40-60kg English Large White porcine spines served as a model for the paediatric human spine. Each spine was dissected into 7 level thoracolumbar multi-segment unit (MSU) spines, removing all non-ligamentous soft tissues. Appropriately sized semi-constrained growing rods and rigid rods were secured by multi-axial screws (Medtronic) prior to testing in alternating sequences for each spine. Pure nondestructive moments of +/4Nm at a constant rotation rate of 8deg/s was applied to the mounted MSU spines. Displacement of each level was captured using an Optotrak (Northern Digital Inc, Waterloo, ON). The range of motion (ROM), neutral zone (NZ) size and stiffness (Nm/deg) were calculated from the Instron load-displacement data and intervertebral ROM was calculated through a MATLAB algorithm from Optotrak data. RESULTS Irrespective of sequence order rigid rods significantly reduced the total ROM (deg) than compared to semi-constrained rods (p<0.05) and resulted in a significantly stiffer (Nm/deg) spine for both left and right axial rotation testing (p<0.05). Analysing the intervertebral motion within the instrumented levels, rigid rods showed reduced ROM (Deg) than compared to semi-constrained growing rods and the un-instrumented (UN-IN) test sequences. CONCLUSION The semi-constrained growing rods maintained rotation similar to UN-IN spines while the rigid rods showed significantly reduced axial rotation across all instrumented levels. Clinically the effect of semi-constrained growing rods evaluated in this study is that they will allow growth via the telescopic rod components while maintaining the axial rotation ability of the spine, which may also reduce the occurrence of the crankshaft phenomenon.


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This paper proposes a nonlinear excitation controller to improve transient stability, oscillation damping and voltage regulation of the power system. The energy function of the predicted system states is used to obtain the desired flux for the next time step, which in turn is used to obtain a supplementary control input using an inverse filtering method. The inverse filtering technique enables the system to provide an additional input for the excitation system, which forces the system to track the desired flux. Synchronous generator flux saturation model is used in this paper. A single machine infinite bus (SMIB) test system is used to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed control method using time-domain simulations. The robustness of the controller is assessed under different operating conditions.


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Wi-Fi is a commonly available source of localization information in urban environments but is challenging to integrate into conventional mapping architectures. Current state of the art probabilistic Wi-Fi SLAM algorithms are limited by spatial resolution and an inability to remove the accumulation of rotational error, inherent limitations of the Wi-Fi architecture. In this paper we leverage the low quality sensory requirements and coarse metric properties of RatSLAM to localize using Wi-Fi fingerprints. To further improve performance, we present a novel sensor fusion technique that integrates camera and Wi-Fi to improve localization specificity, and use compass sensor data to remove orientation drift. We evaluate the algorithms in diverse real world indoor and outdoor environments, including an office floor, university campus and a visually aliased circular building loop. The algorithms produce topologically correct maps that are superior to those produced using only a single sensor modality.