123 resultados para rf sputtering


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An innovative and effective approach based on low-pressure, low-frequency, thermally nonequilibrium, high-density inductively coupled plasmas is proposed to synthesize device-quality nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si) thin films at room temperature and with very competitive growth rates. The crystallinity and microstructure properties (including crystal structure, crystal volume fraction, surface morphology, etc.) of this nanostructured phase of Si can be effectively tailored in broad ranges for different device applications by simply varying the inductive rf power density from 25.0 to 41.7 mW/cm3. In particular, at a moderate rf power density of 41.7 mW/cm3, the nc-Si films feature a very high growth rate of 2.37 nm/s, a high crystalline fraction of 86%, a vertically aligned columnar structure with the preferential (111) growth orientation and embedded Si quantum dots, as well as a clean, smooth and defect-free interface. We also propose the formation mechanism of nc-Si thin films which relates the high electron density and other unique properties of the inductively coupled plasmas and the formation of the nanocrystalline phase on the Si surface.


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A custom-designed inductively coupled plasma (ICP)-assisted radio-frequency magnetron sputtering deposition system has been employed to synthesize aluminium-doped zinc oxide (ZnO:Al) nanofilms on glass substrates at room temperature. The effects of film thickness and ZnO target (partially covered by Al chips) power on the structural, electrical and optical properties of the ZnO:Al nanofilms are studied. A high growth rate (∼41 nm/min), low electrical sheet resistance (as low as 30 Ω/□) and high optical transparency (>80%) over the visible spectrum has been achieved at a film thickness of ∼615 nm and ZnO target power of 150 W. The synthesis of ZnO:Al nanofilms at room temperature and with high growth rates is attributed to the unique features of the ICP-assisted radio-frequency magnetron sputtering deposition approach. The results are relevant to the development of photovoltaic thin-film solar cells and flat panel displays.


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The charge of an isolated dust grain and ion drag forces on the grain in a collisionless, high-voltage, capacitive rf sheath are studied theoretically. The studies are carried out assuming that the positive ions are monoenergetic, as well as in more realistic approximation, assuming that the time-averaged energy distribution of ions impinging on the dust grain has a double-peaked hollow profile. For the nonmonoenergetic case, an analytical expression for the ion flux to the dust grain is obtained. It is studied how the dust charge and ion drag forces depend on the rf frequency, electron density at plasma-sheath boundary, electron temperature and ratio of the effective oscillation amplitude of rf current to the electron Debye length. It is shown that the dust charge and ion drag forces obtained in the monoenergetic ion approximation may differ from those calculated assuming that the ions are nonmonoenergetic. The difference increases with increasing the width of the ion energy spread in the ion distribution. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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Catalytic probes are used for plasma diagnostics in order to quantify the density of neutral atoms. The probe response primarily depends on the probe material and its surface morphology. Here we report on the design, operation and modelling of the response of niobium pentoxide sensors with a flat and nanowire (NW) surfaces. These sensors were used to detect neutral oxygen atoms in the afterglow region of an inductively coupled rf discharge in oxygen. A very different response of the flat-surface and NW probes to the varying densities of oxygen atoms was explained by modelling heat conduction and taking into account the associated temperature gradients. It was found that the nanostructure probe can measure in a broader range than the flat oxide probe due to an increase in the surface to volume ratio, and the presence of nanostructures which act as a thermal barrier against sensor overheating. These results can be used for the development of the new generation of catalytic probes for gas/discharge diagnostics in a range of industrial and environmental applications.


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The effect of near-sheath dusts on the rf power loss in a surface-wave-sustained gas discharge is studied. The planar plasma is bounded by a dielectric and consists of an inhomogeneous near-wall transition layer (sheath), a dusty plasma layer and an outer dust-free plasma. The discharge is maintained by high-frequency axially symmetrical surface waves. The surface-wave power loss from the most relevant dissipative mechanisms in typical discharge plasmas is analysed.


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Management of nanopowder and reactive plasma parameters in a low-pressure RF glow discharge in silane is studied. It is shown that the discharge control parameters and reactor volume can be adjusted to ensure lower abundance of nanopowders, which is one of the requirements of the plasma-assisted fabrication of low-dimensional quantum nanostructures. The results are relevant to micro- and nanomanufacturing technologies employing low-pressure glow discharge plasmas of silane-based gas mixtures.


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The equilibrium profiles of the plasma parameters of large-area if discharges in a finite-length metal-shielded dielectric cylinder are computed using a two-dimensional fluid code. The rf power is coupled to the plasma through edge-localized surface waves traveling in the azimuthal direction along the plasma edge. It is shown that self-consistent accounting for axial plasma diffusion and radial nonuniformity of the electron temperature can explain the frequently reported deviations of experimentally measured radial density profiles from that of the conventional linear diffusion models. The simulation results are in a good agreement with existing experimental data obtained from surface-wave sustained large-diameter plasmas. © 2002 The American Physical Society.


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This contribution sheds light on the role of crystal size and phase composition in inducing biomimetic apatite growth on the surface of nanostructured titania films synthesized by reactive magnetron sputtering of Ti targets in Ar+O2 plasmas. Unlike most existing techniques, this method enables one to deposit highly crystalline titania films with a wide range of phase composition and nanocrystal size, without any substrate heating or postannealing. Moreover, by using this dry plasma-based method one can avoid surface hydroxylation at the deposition stage, almost inevitable in wet chemical processes. Results of this work show that high phase purity and optimum crystal size appear to be the essential requirement for efficient apatite formation on magnetron plasma-fabricated bioactive titania coatings. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Nanoparticle manipulation by various plasma forces in near-substrate areas of the Integrated Plasma-Aided Nanofabrication Facility (IPANF) is investigated. In the IPANF, high-density plasmas of low-temperature rf glow discharges are sustained. The model near-substrate area includes a variable-length pre-sheath, where a negatively charged nanoparticle is accelerated, and a self-consistent collisionless sheath with a repulsive electrostatic potential. Conditions enabling the nanoparticle to overcome the repulsive barrier and deposit onto the substrate are investigated numerically and experimentally. Under certain conditions the momentum gained by the nanoparticle in the pre-sheath area appears to be sufficient for the driving ion drag force to outbalance the repulsive electrostatic and thermophoretic forces. Numerical results are applied for the explanation of size-selective nanoparticle deposition in the Ar+H2+CH4 plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition of various carbon nanostructure patterns for electron field emitters and are cross-referenced by the field emission scanning electron microscopy. It is shown that the nanoparticles can be efficiently manipulated by the temperature gradient-controlled thermophoretic force. Experimentally, the temperature gradients in the near-substrate areas are measured in situ by means of the temperature gradient probe and related to the nanofilm fabrication conditions. The results are relevant to plasma-assisted synthesis of numerous nanofilms employing structural incorporation of the plasma-grown nanoparticles, including but not limited to nanofabrication of ordered single-crystalline carbon nanotip arrays for electron field emission applications.


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Al-C-N-O composite thin films have been synthesized by radio frequency reactive diode sputtering of an aluminum target in plasmas of N2+O2+CH4 gas mixtures. The chemical structure and composition of the films have been investigated by means of infrared and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results reveal the formation of C-N, Al-C, Al-N and Al-O bonds. The X-ray diffraction pattern suggests that the films are of nanometer composite material and contain predominately crystalline grains of hexagonal AlN and α-Al2O3. A good thermal stability of the composite has been confirmed by the annealing treatment at temperatures up to 600 °C.


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A generic approach towards tailoring of ion species composition in reactive plasmas used for nanofabrication of various functional nanofilms and nanoassemblies, based on a simplified model of a parallel-plate rf discharge, is proposed. The model includes an idealized reactive plasma containing two neutral and two ionic species interacting via charge exchange collisions in the presence of a microdispersed solid component. It is shown that the number densities of the desired ionic species can be efficiently managed by adjusting the dilution of the working gas in a buffer gas, rates of electron impact ionization, losses of plasma species on the discharge walls, and surfaces of fine particles, charge exchange rates, and efficiency of three-body recombination processes in the plasma bulk. The results are relevant to the plasma-aided nanomanufacturing of ordered patterns of carbon nanotip and nanopyramid microemitters.


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Transitions between the two discharge modes in a low-frequency (∼460 kHz) inductively coupled plasma sustained by an internal oscillating radio frequency (rf) current sheet are studied. The unidirectional rf current sheet is generated by an internal antenna comprising two orthogonal sets of synphased rf currents driven in alternately reconnected copper litz wires. It is shown that in the low-to-intermediate pressure range the plasma source can be operated in the electrostatic (E) and electromagnetic (H) discharge modes. The brightness of the E -mode argon plasma glow is found remarkably higher than in inductively coupled plasmas with external flat spiral "pancake" coils. The cyclic variations of the input rf power result in pronounced hysteretic variations of the optical emission intensity and main circuit parameters of the plasma source. Under certain conditions, it appears possible to achieve a spontaneous E→H transition ("self-transition"). The observed phenomenon can be attributed to the thermal drift of the plasma parameters due to the overheating of the working gas. The discharge destabilizing factors due to the gas heating and step-wise ionization are also discussed. © 2005 American Vacuum Society.


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Operation regimes, plasma parameters, and applications of the low-frequency (∼500 kHz) inductively coupled plasma (ICP) sources with a planar external coil are investigated. It is shown that highly uniform, high-density (ne∼9×1012 cm-3) plasmas can be produced in low-pressure argon discharges with moderate rf powers. The low-frequency ICP sources operate in either electrostatic (E) or electromagnetic (H) regimes in a wide pressure range without any Faraday shield or an external multipolar magnetic confinement, and exhibit high power transfer efficiency, and low circuit loss. In the H mode, the ICP features high level of uniformity over large processing areas and volumes, low electron temperatures, and plasma potentials. The low-density, highly uniform over the cross-section, plasmas with high electron temperatures and plasma and sheath potentials are characteristic to the electrostatic regime. Both operation regimes offer great potential for various plasma processing applications. As examples, the efficiency of the low-frequency ICP for steel nitriding and plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of hydrogenated diamond-like carbon (DLC) films, is demonstrated. It appears possible to achieve very high nitriding rates and dramatically increase micro-hardness and wear resistance of the AISI 304 stainless steel. It is also shown that the deposition rates and mechanical properties of the DLC films can be efficiently controlled by selecting the discharge operating regime.


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This paper reports on the efficient deposition of hydrogenated diamond-like carbon (DLC) film in a plasma reactor that features both the capacitively and inductively coupled operation regimes. The hydrogenated DLC films have been prepared on silicon wafers using a low-frequency (500 kHz) inductively coupled plasma (ICP) chemical vapor deposition (CVD) system. At low RF powers, the system operates as an asymmetric capacitively coupled plasma source, and the film deposition process is undertaken in the electrostatic (E) discharge regime. Above the mode transition threshold, the high-density inductively coupled plasma is produced in the electromagnetic (H) discharge regime. It has been shown that the deposition rate and hardness of the DLC film are much higher in the H-mode deposition regime. For a 2.66-Pa H-mode CH4 + Ar gas mixture discharge, the deposited DLC film exhibits a mechanical hardness of 18 GPa, Young's modulus of 170 GPa, and compressive stress of 1.3 GPa.


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Efficient hydrogenated diamond-like carbon (DLC) film deposition in a plasma reactor that features both the capacitive and inductively coupled operation regimes is reported. The hydrogenated DLC films have been prepared on silicon wafers using a low-frequency (500 kHz) inductively coupled plasma (LF ICP) chemical vapor deposition (CVD) system. At low RF powers, the system operates as an asymmetric capacitively coupled plasma source, and the film deposition process is undertaken in the electrostatic (E) discharge regime. The films deposited in the electrostatic mode feature graphite-like structure. Above the mode transition threshold, the high-density inductively coupled plasma is produced in the electromagnetic (H) discharge regime. Raman spectrometry suggests the possibility to control relative proportions of sp2 and sp3 hybridized carbon. Variation of the DC substrate bias results in dramatic modification of the film structure from the polymeric (unbiased substrates) to the diamond-like (optimized bias). It has been shown that the deposition rate and hardness of the DLC film are much higher in the H-mode deposition regime. For a 20 m Torr H-mode CH4+Ar gas mixture discharge, the DLC film exhibits mechanical hardness of 18 GPa, Young's modulus of 170 GPa, and compressive stress of 1.3 GPa.