95 resultados para high-intensity exercise


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- Background Tobacco is the main preventable cause of death and disease worldwide. Adolescent smoking is increasing in many countries with poorer countries following the earlier experiences of affluent countries. Preventing adolescents starting smoking is crucial to decreasing tobacco-related illness. - Objective To assess effectiveness of family-based interventions alone and combined with school-based interventions to prevent children and adolescents from initiating tobacco use. - Data Sources 14 bibliographic databases and the Internet, journals hand-searched, experts consulted. - Study Eligibility Criteria, Participants, and Interventions Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) with children or adolescents and families, interventions to prevent starting tobacco use, follow-up ≥ 6 months. - Study Appraisal/Synthesis methods Abstracts/titles independently assessed and data independently entered by two authors. Risk-of-bias assessed with the Cochrane Risk-of-Bias tool. - Results Twenty-seven RCTs were included. Nine trials of never-smokers compared to a control provided data for meta-analysis. Family intervention trials had significantly fewer students who started smoking. Meta-analysis of twoRCTs of combined family and school interventions compared to school only, showed additional significant benefit. The common feature of effective high intensity interventions was encouraging authoritative parenting. - Limitations Only 14 RCTs provided data for meta-analysis (about 1/3 of participants). Of the 13 RCTs which did not provide data for meta-analysis eight compared a family intervention to no intervention and one found significant effects, and five compared a family + school intervention to a school intervention and none found additional significant effects. - Conclusions and Implications of Key Findings There is moderate quality evidence that family-based interventions prevent children and adolescents starting to smoke.


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The current approach for protecting the receiving water environment from urban stormwater pollution is the adoption of structural measures commonly referred to as Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD). The treatment efficiency of WSUD measures closely depends on the design of the specific treatment units. As stormwater quality is influenced by rainfall characteristics, the selection of appropriate rainfall events for treatment design is essential to ensure the effectiveness of WSUD systems. Based on extensive field investigations in four urban residential catchments based at Gold Coast, Australia, and computer modelling, this paper details a technically robust approach for the selection of rainfall events for stormwater treatment design using a three-component model. The modelling results confirmed that high intensity-short duration events produce 58.0% of TS load while they only generated 29.1% of total runoff volume. Additionally, rainfall events smaller than 6-month average recurrence interval (ARI) generates a greater cumulative runoff volume (68.4% of the total annual runoff volume) and TS load (68.6% of the TS load exported) than the rainfall events larger than 6-month ARI. The results suggest that for the study catchments, stormwater treatment design could be based on the rainfall which had a mean value of 31 mm/h average intensity and 0.4 h duration. These outcomes also confirmed that selecting smaller ARI rainfall events with high intensity-short duration as the threshold for treatment system design is the most feasible approach since these events cumulatively generate a major portion of the annual pollutant load compared to the other types of events, despite producing a relatively smaller runoff volume. This implies that designs based on small and more frequent rainfall events rather than larger rainfall events would be appropriate in the context of efficiency in treatment performance, cost-effectiveness and possible savings in land area needed.


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Objective: In the majority of exercise intervention studies, the aggregate reported weight loss is often small. The efficacy of exercise as a weight loss tool remains in question. The aim of the present study was to investigate the variability in appetite and body weight when participants engaged in a supervised and monitored exercise programme. ---------- Design: Fifty-eight obese men and women (BMI = 31·8 ± 4·5 kg/m2) were prescribed exercise to expend approximately 2092 kJ (500 kcal) per session, five times a week at an intensity of 70 % maximum heart rate for 12 weeks under supervised conditions in the research unit. Body weight and composition, total daily energy intake and various health markers were measured at weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12. ---------- Results: Mean reduction in body weight (3·2 ± 1·98 kg) was significant (P < 0·001); however, there was large individual variability (−14·7 to +2·7 kg). This large variability could be largely attributed to the differences in energy intake over the 12-week intervention. Those participants who failed to lose meaningful weight increased their food intake and reduced intake of fruits and vegetables. ---------- Conclusion: These data have demonstrated that even when exercise energy expenditure is high, a healthy diet is still required for weight loss to occur in many people.


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Given the present worldwide epidemic of obesity, it is pertinent to ask how effective exercise could be in helping people to lose weight or to prevent weight gain. There is a widely held belief that exercise is futile for weight reduction because any energy expended in exercise is automatically compensated for by a corresponding increase in energy intake (EI). In other words, exercise elevates the intensity of hunger and drives food consumption. This “commonsense” view appears to originate in an energy-balance model of appetite control, which stipulates that energy expended will drive EI as a consequence of the regulation of energy balance. However, it is very clear that EI (food consumption or eating) is not just a biological matter. Eating does not occur solely to rectify some internal need state. Indeed, an examination of the relation between exercise and appetite control has shown a very weak coupling; most studies have demonstrated that food intake does not immediately rise after exercise, even after very high energy expenditure (EE).[1] The processes of exercise-induced EE and food consumption do not appear to be tightly linked. After exercise, there is only slow and partial compensation for the energy expended. Therefore, exercise can be very useful in helping to bring about weight loss and is even more important in preventing weight gain or weight regain. This editorial explores this issue.


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Objectives The effects of 30 min of exercise on postprandial lipaemia in the overweight and obese are unknown as previous studies have only investigated bouts of at least 60 min in lean, healthy individuals. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a single 30-min bout of resistance, aerobic or combined exercise at moderate-intensity would decrease postprandial lipaemia, glucose and insulin levels as well as increase resting energy expenditure and increase fat oxidation following a high fat meal consumed 14 h after the exercise bout, in overweight and obese individuals compared to no exercise. We also compared the effects of the different exercise modalities. Methods This study was a randomized cross-over design which examined the postprandial effects of 30 min of different types of exercise in the evening prior to a breakfast meal in overweight and obese men and women. Participants were randomized on four occasions, each one-week apart, to each condition; either no exercise, aerobic exercise, resistance exercise or a combination of aerobic exercise and resistance exercise. Results An acute bout of combination training did not have any significant effect on postprandial measurements compared to no exercise. However, aerobic exercise significantly reduced postprandial triglyceride levels by 8% compared to no exercise (p = 0.02) and resistance exercise decreased postprandial insulin levels by 30% compared to aerobic exercise (p = 0.01). Conclusion These results indicate that a single moderate-intensity 30 min bout of aerobic or resistance exercise improves risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease in overweight and obese individuals.


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Objective To evaluate the time course of the recovery of transverse strain in the Achilles and patellar tendon following a bout of resistance exercise. Methods Seventeen healthy adults underwent sonographic examination of the right patellar (n=9) and Achilles (n=8) tendons immediately prior to and following 90 repetitions of weight-bearing quadriceps and gastrocnemius-resistance exercise performed against an effective resistance of 175% and 250% body weight, respectively. Sagittal tendon thickness was determined 20 mm from the enthesis and transverse strain, as defined by the stretch ratio, was repeatedly monitored over a 24 h recovery period. Results Resistance exercise resulted in an immediate decrease in Achilles (t7=10.6, p<0.01) and patellar (t8=8.9, p<0.01) tendon thickness, resulting in an average transverse stretch ratio of 0.86±0.04 and 0.82±0.05, which was not significantly different between tendons. The magnitude of the immediate transverse strain response, however, was reduced with advancing age (r=0.63, p<0.01). Recovery in transverse strain was prolonged compared with the duration of loading and exponential in nature. The average primary recovery time was not significantly different between the Achilles (6.5±3.2 h) and patellar (7.1±3.2 h) tendons. Body weight accounted for 62% and 64% of the variation in recovery time, respectively. Conclusions Despite structural and biochemical differences between the Achilles and patellar tendon, the mechanisms underlying transverse creep recovery in vivo appear similar and are highly time dependent. These novel findings have important implications concerning the time required for the mechanical recovery of high-stress tendons following an acute bout of exercise.


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Background Low levels of physical activity and high levels of sedentary behavior (SB) are major public health concerns. This study was designed to develop and validate the 7-day Sedentary (S) and Light Intensity Physical Activity (LIPA) Log (7-day SLIPA Log), a self-report measure of specific daily behaviors. Method To develop the log, 62 specific SB and LIPA behaviors were chosen from the Compendium of Physical Activities. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 32 sedentary volunteers to identify domains and behaviors of SB and LIPA. To validate the log, a further 22 sedentary adults were recruited to wear the GT3X for 7 consecutive days and nights. Results Pearson correlations (r) between the 7-day SLIPA Log and GT3X were significant for sedentary (r =.86, p < 0.001), for LIPA (r =.80, p < 0.001). Lying and sitting postures were positively correlated with GT3X output (r =.60 and r =.64, p < 0.001, respectively). No significant correlation was found for standing posture (r =.14, p = 0.53).The kappa values between the 7-day SLIPA Log and GT3X variables ranged from 0.09–0.61, indicating poor to good agreement. Conclusion The 7-day SLIPA Log is a valid self-report measure of SB and LIPA in specific behavioral domains.


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We determined the effect of coingestion of caffeine (Caff) with carbohydrate (CHO) on rates of muscle glycogen resynthesis during recovery from exhaustive exercise in seven trained subjects who completed two experimental trials in a randomized, double-blind crossover design. The evening before an experiment subjects performed intermittent exhaustive cycling and then consumed a low-CHO meal. The next morning subjects rode until volitional fatigue. On completion of this ride subjects consumed either CHO [4 g/kg body mass (BM)] or the same amount of CHO + Caff (8 mg/kg BM) during 4 h of passive recovery. Muscle biopsies and blood samples were taken at regular intervals throughout recovery. Muscle glycogen levels were similar at exhaustion [?75 mmol/kg dry wt (dw)] and increased by a similar amount (?80%) after 1 h of recovery (133 ± 37.8 vs. 149 ± 48 mmol/kg dw for CHO and Caff, respectively). After 4 h of recovery Caff resulted in higher glycogen accumulation (313 ± 69 vs. 234 ± 50 mmol/kg dw, P < 0.001). Accordingly, the overall rate of resynthesis for the 4-h recovery period was 66% higher in Caff compared with CHO (57.7 ± 18.5 vs. 38.0 ± 7.7 mmol·kg dw-1·h-1, P < 0.05). After 1 h of recovery plasma Caff levels had increased to 31 ± 11 ?M (P < 0.001) and at the end of the recovery reached 77 ± 11 ?M (P < 0.001) with Caff. Phosphorylation of CaMKThr286 was similar after exercise and after 1 h of recovery, but after 4 h CaMKThr286 phosphorylation was higher in Caff than CHO (P < 0.05). Phosphorylation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)Thr172 and AktSer473 was similar for both treatments at all time points. We provide the first evidence that in trained subjects coingestion of large amounts of Caff (8 mg/kg BM) with CHO has an additive effect on rates of postexercise muscle glycogen accumulation compared with consumption of CHO alone.


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PURPOSE: Regulation of skeletal muscle mass is highly dependent on contractile loading. The purpose of this study was to examine changes in growth factor and inflammatory pathways following high-frequency resistance training. METHODS: Using a novel design in which male Sprague-Dawley rats undertook a "stacked" resistance training protocol designed to generate a summation of transient exercise-induced signaling responses (four bouts of three sets × 10 repetitions of squat exercise, separated by 3 h of recovery), we determined the effects of high training frequency on signaling pathways and transcriptional activity regulating muscle mass. RESULTS: The stacked training regimen resulted in acute suppression of insulin-like growth factor 1 mRNA abundance (P < 0.05) and Akt phosphorylation (P < 0.05), an effect that persisted 48 h after the final training bout. Conversely, stacked training elicited a coordinated increase in the expression of tumor necrosis factor alpha, inhibitor kappa B kinase alpha/beta activity (P < 0.05), and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation (P < 0.05) at 3 h after each training bout. In addition, the stacked series of resistance exercise bouts induced an increase in p70 S6 kinase phosphorylation 3 h after bouts ×3 and ×4, independent of the phosphorylation state of Akt. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that high resistance training frequency extends the transient activation of inflammatory signaling cascades, concomitant with persistent suppression of key mediators of anabolic responses. We provide novel insights into the effects of the timing of exercise-induced overload and recovery on signal transduction pathways and transcriptional activity regulating skeletal muscle mass in vivo.


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The aim of this study was to examine the effect of endurance training on skeletal muscle phospholipid molecular species from high-fat fed rats. Twelve female Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a high-fat diet (78.1% energy). The rats were randomly divided into two groups, a sedentary control group and a trained group (125 min of treadmill running at 8 m/min, 4 days/wk for 4 weeks). Forty-eight hours after their last training bout phospholipids were extracted from the red and white vastus lateralis and analyzed by electrospray-ionization mass spectrometry. Exercise training was associated with significant alterations in the relative abundance of a number of phospholipid molecular species. These changes were more prominent in red vastus lateralis than white vastus lateralis. The largest observed change was an increase of similar to 30% in the abundance of 1-palmitoyl-2-linoleoyl phosphatidylcholine ions in oxidative fibers. Reductions in the relative abundance of a number of phospholipids containing long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids were also observed. These data suggest a possible reduction in phospholipid remodeling in the trained animals. This results in a decrease in the phospholipid n-3 to n-6 ratio that may in turn influence endurance capacity.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the threshold of exercise energy expenditure necessary to change blood lipid and lipoprotein concentrations and lipoprotein lipase activity (LPLA) in healthy, trained men. On different days, 11 men (age, 26.7 +/- 6.1 yr; body fat, 11.0 +/- 1.5%) completed four separate, randomly assigned, submaximal treadmill sessions at 70% maximal O-2 consumption. During each session 800, 1,100, 1,300, or 1,500 kcal were expended. Compared with immediately before exercise, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) concentration was significantly elevated 24 h after exercise (P < 0.05) in the 1,100-, 1,300-, and 1,500-kcal sessions. HDL-C concentration was also elevated (P < 0.05) immediately after and 48 h after exercise in the 1,500-kcal session. Compared with values 24 h before exercise, LPLA. was significantly greater (P < 0.05) 24 h after exercise in the 1,100-, 1,300-, and 1,500-kcal sessions and remained elevated 48 h after exercise in the 1,500-kcal session. These data indicate that, in healthy, trained men, 1,100 kcal of energy expenditure are necessary to elicit increased HDL-C concentrations. These HDL-C changes coincided with increased LPLA.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of prolonged exercise oil plasma lipid and lipoprotein concentrations and to identify caloric time-points where changes occurred. Eleven active male Subjects ran oil a treadmill at 70%,, of maximal fitness (VO2max) and expended 6 278.7 kilojoules (Kj) energy (1500 kcal). Blood samples were obtained at the 4185.8 Kj (1000 kcal) time-point during exercise and at each additional 418.6 Kj (100 kcal) expenditure until 6278.7 Kj was expended. After correcting for plasma volume changes, decreases in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) were observed during exercise at time-points corresponding to 4604.4 and 5441.5 Kj (1100 and 1300 kcal) of energy expenditure, and immediately after exercise. Total cholesterol concentrations decreased significantly at exercise kilojoule expenditures of 4604.4, 5441.5 and 5860.1 (1100, 1300 and 1400 kcal). There were also exercise induced increases in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and HDL2-C concentrations immediately after exercise. Although acute lipid and lipoprotein changes are typically reported in the days following exercise, the Current data indicate that some lipoprotein concentrations change during acute exercise. Our data suggest that a threshold of exercise may be necessary to change lipoproteins during exercise. Future work Should identify potential mechanisms (lipoprotein lipase, cholesterol ester transport protein, LDL uptake) that alter lipoprotein concentrations during prolonged exercise.


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It is commonly accepted that regular moderate intensity physical activity reduces the risk of developing many diseases. Counter intuitively, however, evidence also exists for oxidative stress resulting from acute and strenuous exercise. Enhanced formation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species may lead to oxidatively modified lipids, proteins and nucleic acids and possibly disease. Currently, only a few studies have investigated the influence of exercise on DNA stability and damage with conflicting results, small study groups and the use of different sample matrices or methods and result units. This is the first review to address the effect of exercise of various intensities and durations on DNA stability, focusing on human population studies. Furthermore, this article describes the principles and limitations of commonly used methods for the assessment of oxidatively modified DNA and DNA stability. This review is structured according to the type of exercise conducted (field or laboratory based) and the intensity performed (i.e. competitive ultra/endurance exercise or maximal tests until exhaustion). The findings presented here suggest that competitive ultra-endurance exercise (>4h) does not induce persistent DNA damage. However, when considering the effects of endurance exercise (<4h), no clear conclusions could be drawn. Laboratory studies have shown equivocal results (increased or no oxidative stress) after endurance or exhaustive exercise. To clarify which components of exercise participation (i.e. duration, intensity and training status of subjects) have an impact on DNA stability and damage, additional carefully designed studies combining the measurement of DNA damage, gene expression and DNA repair mechanisms before, during and after exercise of differing intensities and durations are required.


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Cold water immersion (CWI) and active recovery (ACT) are frequently used as post-exercise recovery strategies. However, the physiological effects of CWI and ACT after resistance exercise are not well characterized. We examined the effects of CWI and ACT on cardiac output (Q), muscle oxygenation (SmO2) and blood volume (tHb), muscle temperature (Tmuscle ) and isometric strength after resistance exercise. On separate days, 10 men performed resistance exercise, followed by 10 min CWI at 10°C or 10 min ACT (low-intensity cycling). Q (7.9±2.7 l) and Tmuscle (2.2±0.8ºC) increased, whereas SmO2 (-21.5±8.8%) and tHb (-10.1±7.7 μM) decreased after exercise (p<0.05). During CWI, Q ̇(-1.1±0.7 l) and Tmuscle (-6.6±5.3ºC) decreased, while tHb (121±77 μM) increased (p<0.05). In the hour after CWI, Q ̇and Tmuscle remained low, while tHb also decreased (p<0.05). By contrast, during ACT, Q ̇(3.9±2.3 l), Tmuscle (2.2±0.5ºC), SmO2 (17.1±5.7%) and tHb (91±66 μM) all increased (p<0.05). In the hour after ACT, Tmuscle and tHb remained high (p<0.05). Peak isometric strength during 10 s maximum voluntary contractions (MVCs) did not change significantly after CWI, whereas it decreased after ACT (-30 to -45 Nm; p<0.05). Muscle deoxygenation time during MVCs increased after ACT (p<0.05), but not after CWI. Muscle reoxygenation time after MVCs tended to increase after CWI (p=0.052). These findings suggest firstly that hemodynamics and muscle temperature after resistance exercise are dependent on ambient temperature and metabolic demands with skeletal muscle, and secondly, that recovery of strength after resistance exercise is independent of changes in hemodynamics and muscle temperature.