288 resultados para electron backscattering diffraction


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One of the next great challenges of cell biology is the determination of the enormous number of protein structures encoded in genomes. In recent years, advances in electron cryo-microscopy and high-resolution single particle analysis have developed to the point where they now provide a methodology for high resolution structure determination. Using this approach, images of randomly oriented single particles are aligned computationally to reconstruct 3-D structures of proteins and even whole viruses. One of the limiting factors in obtaining high-resolution reconstructions is obtaining a large enough representative dataset ($>100,000$ particles). Traditionally particles have been manually picked which is an extremely labour intensive process. The problem is made especially difficult by the low signal-to-noise ratio of the images. This paper describes the development of automatic particle picking software, which has been tested with both negatively stained and cryo-electron micrographs. This algorithm has been shown to be capable of selecting most of the particles, with few false positives. Further work will involve extending the software to detect differently shaped and oriented particles.


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There is a growing interest in the use of megavoltage cone-beam computed tomography (MV CBCT) data for radiotherapy treatment planning. To calculate accurate dose distributions, knowledge of the electron density (ED) of the tissues being irradiated is required. In the case of MV CBCT, it is necessary to determine a calibration-relating CT number to ED, utilizing the photon beam produced for MV CBCT. A number of different parameters can affect this calibration. This study was undertaken on the Siemens MV CBCT system, MVision, to evaluate the effect of the following parameters on the reconstructed CT pixel value to ED calibration: the number of monitor units (MUs) used (5, 8, 15 and 60 MUs), the image reconstruction filter (head and neck, and pelvis), reconstruction matrix size (256 by 256 and 512 by 512), and the addition of extra solid water surrounding the ED phantom. A Gammex electron density CT phantom containing EDs from 0.292 to 1.707 was imaged under each of these conditions. The linear relationship between MV CBCT pixel value and ED was demonstrated for all MU settings and over the range of EDs. Changes in MU number did not dramatically alter the MV CBCT ED calibration. The use of different reconstruction filters was found to affect the MV CBCT ED calibration, as was the addition of solid water surrounding the phantom. Dose distributions from treatment plans calculated with simulated image data from a 15 MU head and neck reconstruction filter MV CBCT image and a MV CBCT ED calibration curve from the image data parameters and a 15 MU pelvis reconstruction filter showed small and clinically insignificant differences. Thus, the use of a single MV CBCT ED calibration curve is unlikely to result in any clinical differences. However, to ensure minimal uncertainties in dose reporting, MV CBCT ED calibration measurements could be carried out using parameter-specific calibration measurements.


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Biotites and muscovites from a gneiss have been experimentally shocked between 18 and 70 GPa using powder-propellant guns at NASA Johnson Space Center and at the California Institute of Technology. This study shows that shock in biotite and muscovite can produce homogeneous and devolatilized glasses within microseconds. Shock-deformed micas display fracturing, kinking, and complex extinction patterns over the entire pressure range investigated. However, these deformation features are not a sensitive pressure indicator. Localized melting of micas begins at 33 GPa and goes to completion at 70 GPa. Melted biotite and muscovite are optically opaque, but show extensive microvesiculation and flow when observed with the SEM. Electron diffraction confirms that biotite and muscovite have transformed to a glass. The distribution of vesicles in shock-vitrified mica shows escape of volatiles within the short duration of the shock experiment. Experimentally shocked biotite and muscovite undergo congruent melting. Compositions of the glasses are similar to the unshocked micas except for volatiles (H2O loss and K loss). These unusual glasses derived from mica may be quenched by rapid cooling conditions during the shock experiment. Based on these results, the extremely low H2O content of tektites may be reconciled with a terrestrial origin by impact. Release of volatiles in shock-melted micas affects the melting behavior of coexisting dry silicates during the short duration of the shock experiment. Transportation and escape of volatiles released from shock-melted micas may provide plausible mechanisms for the origin of protoatmospheres on terrestrial planets, hydrothermal activity on phyllosilicate-rich meteorite parent bodies, and fluid entrapment in meteorites.


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The average structure (CI) of a volcanic plagioclase megacryst with composition Ano, from the Hogarth Ranges, Australia, has been determined using three-dimensional, singlecrystal neutron and X-ray diffraction data. Least squaresr efinements, incorporating anisotropic thermal motion of all atoms and an extinction correction, resulted in weighted R factors (based on intensities) of 0.076 and 0.056, respectively, for the neutron and X-ray data. Very weak e reflections could be detected in long-exposure X-ray and electron diffraction photographs of this crystal, but the refined average structure is believed to be unaffected by the presence of such a weak superstructure. The ratio of the scattering power of Na to that of Ca is different for X ray and neutron radiation, and this radiation-dependence of scattering power has been used to determine the distribution of Na and Ca over a split-atom M site (two sites designated M' and M") in this Ano, plagioclase. Relative peak-height ratios M'/M", revealed in difference Fourier sections calculated from neutron and X-ray data, formed the basis for the cation-distribution analysis. As neutron and X-ray data sets were directly compared in this analysis, it was important that systematic bias between refined neutron and X-ray positional parameters could be demonstrated to be absent. In summary, with an M-site model constrained only by the electron-microprobedetermined bulk composition of the crystal, the following values were obtained for the M-site occupanciesN: ar, : 0.29(7),N ar. : 0.23(7),C ar, : 0.15(4),a nd Car" : 0.33(4). These results indicate that restrictive assumptions about M sites, on which previous plagioclase refinements have been based, are not applicable to this Ano, and possibly not to the entire compositional range. T-site ordering determined by (T-O) bond-length variation-t,o : 0.51(l), trm = t2o = t2m = 0.32(l)-is weak, as might be expectedf rom the volcanic origin of this megacryst.


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The study of matrices of rare Type 4 carbonaceous chondrites can reveal important information on parent body rnetamorp~ic processes and provide a comparison with processes on parent bodies of ordinary chc-idrites. Reflectance spectra (Tholen, 1984) from the two largest asteroids in the asteroid belt, Ceres and Pallas, suggest that they may be metamorphosed carbonaceous chondrites. These two asteroids constitute - onethird of the mass in the asteroid belt implying that type 4-6 carbonaceous chondrites are poorly represented in the meteorite collection and may be of considerable importance. The matrix of the C4 chondrite Karoonda has been investigated using a JEOL 2000FX analytical electron microscope (AEM) with an attached Tracor-Northem TN5500 energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). In previous studies (Scott and Taylor, 1985; Fitzgerald, 1979; Van Schmus, 1969), the petrography of the Karoonda matrix has been described as consisting largely of coarse-grained (50-200 urn in size) olivine and plagioclase (20-100 um in size), associated with micrometer sized magnetite and rare sulphides. AEM observations on matrix show that in addition to these large grains, there is a significant fraction (10 vol%) of interstitial fine grained phases « 5 urn). The mineralogy of these fine-grained phases differs in some respects from that of the coarser-grained matrix identified by optical and SEM techniques (Scott and Taylor, 1985; Fitzgerald, 1979; Van Schmus, 1969). I~ particular crystals of two compositionally distinct pyroxenes « 2 urn in size) have been identified which have not been previously observed in Karoonda by other analytical techniques. Thin film microanalyses (Mackinnon et al., 1986) of these two pyroxenes indicate compositions consistent with augite and low-Ca pyroxene (- Fs27). Fine-grained anhedral olivine « 2 urn size) is the most abundant phase with composition -Fa29' This composition is essentially indistinguishable from that determined for coarser-grained matrix olivines using an electron microprobe (Scott and Taylor, 1985; Fitzgerald, 1979; Van Schmus, 1969). All olivines are associated with subhedral magnetites « 1 urn size) which contain significant Cr (- 2%) and Al (- 1%) as was also noted for larger sized Karoonda magnetites by Delaney et al. (1985). It has recently been suggested (Burgess et al., 1987) on the basis of sulphur release profiles for S-isotope analyses of Karoonda that CaS04 (anhydrite) may be present. However, no sulphate phase has, as yet, been identified in the matrix of Karoonda. Low magnification contrast images suggest that Karoonda may have a significant porosity within the fine-grained matrix fraction. Most crystals are anhedral and do not show evidence for significant compaction. Individual grains often show single point contact with other grains which result in abundant intergranular voids. These voids frequently contain epoxy which was used as part of the specimen preparation procedure due to the friable nature of the bulk sample.