308 resultados para biomechanics


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Background: Bone healing is sensitive to the initial mechanical conditions with tissue differentiation being determined within days of trauma. Whilst axial compression is regarded as stimulatory, the role of interfragmentary shear is controversial. The purpose of this study was to determine how the initial mechanical conditions produced by interfragmentary shear and torsion differ from those produced by axial compressive movements. ----- ----- Methods: The finite element method was used to estimate the strain, pressure and fluid flow in the early callus tissue produced by the different modes of interfragmentary movement found in vivo. Additionally, tissue formation was predicted according to three principally different mechanobiological theories. ----- ----- Findings: Large interfragmentary shear movements produced comparable strains and less fluid flow and pressure than moderate axial interfragmentary movements. Additionally, combined axial and shear movements did not result in overall increases in the strains and the strain magnitudes were similar to those produced by axial movements alone. Only when axial movements where applied did the non-distortional component of the pressure–deformation theory influence the initial tissue predictions. ----- ----- Interpretation: This study found that the mechanical stimuli generated by interfragmentary shear and torsion differed from those produced by axial interfragmentary movements. The initial tissue formation as predicted by the mechanobiological theories was dominated by the deformation stimulus.


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During secondary fracture healing, various tissue types including new bone are formed. The local mechanical strains play an important role in tissue proliferation and differentiation. To further our mechanobiological understanding of fracture healing, a precise assessment of local strains is mandatory. Until now, static analyses using Finite Elements (FE) have assumed homogenous material properties. With the recent quantification of both the spatial tissue patterns (Vetter et al., 2010) and the development of elastic modulus of newly formed bone during healing (Manjubala et al., 2009), it is now possible to incorporate this heterogeneity. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the effect of this heterogeneity on the strain patterns at six successive healing stages. The input data of the present work stemmed from a comprehensive cross-sectional study of sheep with a tibial osteotomy (Epari et al., 2006). In our FE model, each element containing bone was described by a bulk elastic modulus, which depended on both the local area fraction and the local elastic modulus of the bone material. The obtained strains were compared with the results of hypothetical FE models assuming homogeneous material properties. The differences in the spatial distributions of the strains between the heterogeneous and homogeneous FE models were interpreted using a current mechanobiological theory (Isakson et al., 2006). This interpretation showed that considering the heterogeneity of the hard callus is most important at the intermediate stages of healing, when cartilage transforms to bone via endochondral ossification.


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To analyse mechanotransduction resulting from tensile loading under defined conditions, various devices for in vitro cell stimulation have been developed. This work aimed to determine the strain distribution on the membrane of a commercially available device and its consistency with rising cycle numbers, as well as the amount of strain transferred to adherent cells. The strains and their behaviour within the stimulation device were determined using digital image correlation (DIC). The strain transferred to cells was measured on eGFP-transfected bone marrow-derived cells imaged with a fluorescence microscope. The analysis was performed by determining the coordinates of prominent positions on the cells, calculating vectors between the coordinates and their length changes with increasing applied tensile strain. The stimulation device was found to apply homogeneous (mean of standard deviations approx. 2% of mean strain) and reproducible strains in the central well area. However, on average, only half of the applied strain was transferred to the bone marrow-derived cells. Furthermore, the strain measured within the device increased significantly with an increasing number of cycles while the membrane's Young's modulus decreased, indicating permanent changes in the material during extended use. Thus, strain magnitudes do not match the system readout and results require careful interpretation, especially at high cycle numbers.


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Fracture healing is influenced by fixation stability and experimental evidence suggests that the initial mechanical conditions may determine the healing outcome. We hypothesised that mechanical conditions influence not only the healing outcome, but also the early phase of fracture healing. Additionally, it was hypothesised that decreased fixation stability characterised by an increased shear interfragmentary movement results in a delay in healing. Sixty-four sheep underwent a mid-shaft tibial osteotomy which was treated with either a rigid or a semi-rigid external fixator. Animals were sacrificed at 2, 3, 6 and 9 weeks postoperatively and the fracture callus was analysed using radiological, biomechanical and histological techniques. The tibia treated with semi-rigid fixation showed inferior callus stiffness and quality after 6 weeks. At 9 weeks, the calluses were no longer distinguishable in their mechanical competence. The calluses at 9 weeks produced under rigid fixation were smaller and consisted of a reduced fibrous tissue component. These results demonstrate that the callus formation over the course of healing differed both morphologically and in the rate of development. In this study, we provide evidence that the course of healing is influenced by the initial fixation stability. The semi-rigid fixator did not result in delayed healing, but a less optimal healing path was taken. An upper limit of stability required for successful healing remains unknown, however a limit by which healing is less optimal has been determined.


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Adult articular cartilage has depth-dependent mechanical and biochemical properties which contribute to zone-specific functions. The compressive moduli of immature cartilage and tissue-engineered cartilage are known to be lower than those of adult cartilage. The objective of this study was to determine if such tissues exhibit depth-dependent compressive properties, and how these depth-varying properties were correlated with cell and matrix composition of the tissue. The compressive moduli of fetal and newborn bovine articular cartilage increased with depth (p < 0.05) by a factor of 4-5 from the top 0.1 mm (28 +/- 13 kPa, 141 +/- 10 kPa, respectively) to 1 mm deep into the tissue. Likewise, the glycosaminoglycan and collagen content increased with depth (both p < 0.001), and correlated with the modulus (both p < 0.01). In contrast, tissue-engineered cartilage formed by either layering or mixing cells from the superficial and middle zone of articular cartilage exhibited similarly soft regions at both construct surfaces, as exemplified by large equilibrium strains. The properties of immature cartilage may provide a template for developing tissue-engineered cartilage which aims to repair cartilage defects by recapitulating the natural development and growth processes. These results suggest that while depth-dependent properties may be important to engineer into cartilage constructs, issues other than cell heterogeneity must be addressed to generate such tissues. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The functional properties of cartilaginous tissues are determined predominantly by the content, distribution, and organization of proteoglycan and collagen in the extracellular matrix. Extracellular matrix accumulates in tissue-engineered cartilage constructs by metabolism and transport of matrix molecules, processes that are modulated by physical and chemical factors. Constructs incubated under free-swelling conditions with freely permeable or highly permeable membranes exhibit symmetric surface regions of soft tissue. The variation in tissue properties with depth from the surfaces suggests the hypothesis that the transport processes mediated by the boundary conditions govern the distribution of proteoglycan in such constructs. A continuum model (DiMicco and Sah in Transport Porus Med 50:57-73, 2003) was extended to test the effects of membrane permeability and perfusion on proteoglycan accumulation in tissue-engineered cartilage. The concentrations of soluble, bound, and degraded proteoglycan were analyzed as functions of time, space, and non-dimensional parameters for several experimental configurations. The results of the model suggest that the boundary condition at the membrane surface and the rate of perfusion, described by non-dimensional parameters, are important determinants of the pattern of proteoglycan accumulation. With perfusion, the proteoglycan profile is skewed, and decreases or increases in magnitude depending on the level of flow-based stimulation. Utilization of a semi-permeable membrane with or without unidirectional flow may lead to tissues with depth-increasing proteoglycan content, resembling native articular cartilage.


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Background: Fusionless scoliosis surgery is an early-stage treatment for idiopathic scoliosis which claims potential advantages over current fusion-based surgical procedures. Anterior vertebral stapling using a shape memory alloy staple is one such approach. Despite increasing interest in this technique, little is known about the effects on the spine following insertion, or the mechanism of action of the staple. The purpose of this study was to investigate the biomechanical consequences of staple insertion in the anterior thoracic spine, using in vitro experiments on an immature bovine model. Methods: Individual calf spine thoracic motion segments were tested in flexion, extension, lateral bending and axial rotation. Changes in motion segment rotational stiffness following staple insertion were measured on a series of 14 specimens. Strain gauges were attached to three of the staples in the series to measure forces transmitted through the staple during loading. A micro-CT scan of a single specimen was performed after loading to qualitatively examine damage to the vertebral bone caused by the staple. Findings: Small but statistically significant decreases in bending stiffness occurred in flexion,extension, lateral bending away from the staple, and axial rotation away from the staple. Each strain-gauged staple showed a baseline compressive loading following insertion which was seen to gradually decrease during testing. Post-test micro-CT showed substantial bone and growth plate damage near the staple. Interpretation: Based on our findings it is possible that growth modulation following staple insertion is due to tissue damage rather than sustained mechanical compression of the motion segment.


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Nanoindentation is a useful technique for probing the mechanical properties of bone, and finite element (FE) modeling of the indentation allows inverse determination of elasto-plastic constitutive properties. However, all but one FE study to date have assumed frictionless contact between indenter and bone. The aim of this study was to explore the effect of friction in simulations of bone nanoindentation. Two dimensional axisymmetric FE simulations were performed using a spheroconical indenter of tip radius 0.6 m and angle 90°. The coefficient of friction between indenter and bone was varied between 0.0 (frictionless) and 0.3. Isotropic linear elasticity was used in all simulations, with bone elastic modulus E=13.56GPa and Poisson‟s ratio f 0.3. Plasticity was incorporated using both Drucker-Prager and von Mises yield surfaces. Friction had a modest effect on the predicted force-indentation curve for both von Mises and Drucker-Prager plasticity, reducing maximum indenter displacement by 10% and 20% respectively as friction coefficient was increased from zero to 0.3 (at a maximum indenter force of 5mN). However, friction has a much greater effect on predicted pile-up after indentation, reducing predicted pile-up from 0.27 to 0.11 m with a von Mises model, and from 0.09 to 0.02 m with Drucker-Prager plasticity. We conclude that it is potentially important to include friction in nanoindentation simulations of bone if pile-up is used to compare simulation results with experiment.


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INTRODUCTION. Following anterior thoracoscopic instrumentation and fusion for the treatment of thoracic AIS, implant related complications have been reported as high as 20.8%. Currently the magnitudes of the forces applied to the spine during anterior scoliosis surgery are unknown. The aim of this study was to measure the segmental compressive forces applied during anterior single rod instrumentation in a series of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients. METHODS. A force transducer was designed, constructed and retrofitted to a surgical cable compression tool, routinely used to apply segmental compression during anterior scoliosis correction. Transducer output was continuously logged during the compression of each spinal joint, the output at completion converted to an applied compression force using calibration data. The angle between adjacent vertebral body screws was also measured on intra-operative frontal plane fluoroscope images taken both before and after each joint compression. The difference in angle between the two images was calculated as an estimate for the achieved correction at each spinal joint. RESULTS. Force measurements were obtained for 15 scoliosis patients (Aged 11-19 years) with single thoracic curves (Cobb angles 47˚- 67˚). In total, 95 spinal joints were instrumented. The average force applied for a single joint was 540 N (± 229 N)ranging between 88 N and 1018 N. Experimental error in the force measurement, determined from transducer calibration was ± 43 N. A trend for higher forces applied at joints close to the apex of the scoliosis was observed. The average joint correction angle measured by fluoroscope imaging was 4.8˚ (±2.6˚, range 0˚-12.6˚). CONCLUSION. This study has quantified in-vivo, the intra-operative correction forces applied by the surgeon during anterior single rod instrumentation. This data provides a useful contribution towards an improved understanding of the biomechanics of scoliosis correction. In particular, this data will be used as input for developing patient-specific finite element simulations of scoliosis correction surgery.


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Fractures of long bones are sometimes treated using various types of fracture fixation devices including internal plate fixators. These are specialised plates which are used to bridge the fracture gap(s) whilst anatomically aligning the bone fragments. The plate is secured in position by screws. The aim of such a device is to support and promote the natural healing of the bone. When using an internal fixation device, it is necessary for the clinician to decide upon many parameters, for example, the type of plate and where to position it; how many and where to position the screws. While there have been a number of experimental and computational studies conducted regarding the configuration of screws in the literature, there is still inadequate information available concerning the influence of screw configuration on fracture healing. Because screw configuration influences the amount of flexibility at the area of fracture, it has a direct influence on the fracture healing process. Therefore, it is important that the chosen screw configuration does not inhibit the healing process. In addition to the impact on the fracture healing process, screw configuration plays an important role in the distribution of stresses in the plate due to the applied loads. A plate that experiences high stresses is prone to early failure. Hence, the screw configuration used should not encourage the occurrence of high stresses. This project develops a computational program in Fortran programming language to perform mathematical optimisation to determine the screw configuration of an internal fixation device within constraints of interfragmentary movement by minimising the corresponding stress in the plate. Thus, the optimal solution suggests the positioning and number of screws which satisfies the predefined constraints of interfragmentary movements. For a set of screw configurations the interfragmentary displacement and the stress occurring in the plate were calculated by the Finite Element Method. The screw configurations were iteratively changed and each time the corresponding interfragmentary displacements were compared with predefined constraints. Additionally, the corresponding stress was compared with the previously calculated stress value to determine if there was a reduction. These processes were continued until an optimal solution was achieved. The optimisation program has been shown to successfully predict the optimal screw configuration in two cases. The first case was a simplified bone construct whereby the screw configuration solution was comparable with those recommended in biomechanical literature. The second case was a femoral construct, of which the resultant screw configuration was shown to be similar to those used in clinical cases. The optimisation method and programming developed in this study has shown that it has potential to be used for further investigations with the improvement of optimisation criteria and the efficiency of the program.


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We present a novel method and instrument for in vivo imaging and measurement of the human corneal dynamics during an air puff. The instrument is based on high-speed swept source optical coherence tomography (ssOCT) combined with a custom adapted air puff chamber from a non-contact tonometer, which uses an air stream to deform the cornea in a non-invasive manner. During the short period of time that the deformation takes place, the ssOCT acquires multiple A-scans in time (M-scan) at the center of the air puff, allowing observation of the dynamics of the anterior and posterior corneal surfaces as well as the anterior lens surface. The dynamics of the measurement are driven by the biomechanical properties of the human eye as well as its intraocular pressure. Thus, the analysis of the M-scan may provide useful information about the biomechanical behavior of the anterior segment during the applanation caused by the air puff. An initial set of controlled clinical experiments are shown to comprehend the performance of the instrument and its potential applicability to further understand the eye biomechanics and intraocular pressure measurements. Limitations and possibilities of the new apparatus are discussed.


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Background and Purpose Although plantar fascial thickening is a sonographic criterion for the diagnosis of plantar fasciitis, the effect of local loading and structural factors on fascial morphology are unknown. The purposes of this study were to compare sonographic measures of fascial thickness and radiographic measures of arch shape and regional loading of the foot during gait in individuals with and without unilateral plantar fasciitis and to investigate potential relationships between these loading and structural factors and the morphology of the plantar fascia in individuals with and without heel pain. Subjects The participants were 10 subjects with unilateral plantar fasciitis and 10 matched asymptomatic controls. Methods Heel pain on weight bearing was measured by a visual analog scale. Fascial thickness and static arch angle were determined from bilateral sagittal sonograms and weight-bearing lateral foot roentgenograms. Regional plantar loading was estimated from a pressure plate. Results On average, the plantar fascia of the symptomatic limb was thicker than the plantar fascia of the asymptomatic limb (6.1±1.4 mm versus 4.2±0.5 mm), which, in turn, was thicker than the fascia of the matched control limbs (3.4±0.5 mm and 3.5±0.6 mm). Pain was correlated with fascial thickness, arch angle, and midfoot loading in the symptomatic foot. Fascial thickness, in turn, was positively correlated with arch angle in symptomatic and asymptomatic feet and with peak regional loading of the midfoot in the symptomatic limb. Discussion and Conclusion The findings indicate that fascial thickness and pain in plantar fasciitis are associated with the regional loading and static shape of the arch.