164 resultados para Varied parameters


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Traffic safety studies demand more than what current micro-simulation models can provide as they presume that all drivers of motor vehicles exhibit safe behaviours. Several car-following models are used in various micro-simulation models. This research compares the mainstream car following models’ capabilities of emulating precise driver behaviour parameters such as headways and Time to Collisions. The comparison firstly illustrates which model is more robust in the metric reproduction. Secondly, the study conducted a series of sensitivity tests to further explore the behaviour of each model. Based on the outcome of these two steps exploration of the models, a modified structure and parameters adjustment for each car-following model is proposed to simulate more realistic vehicle movements, particularly headways and Time to Collision, below a certain critical threshold. NGSIM vehicle trajectory data is used to evaluate the modified models performance to assess critical safety events within traffic flow. The simulation tests outcomes indicate that the proposed modified models produce better frequency of critical Time to Collision than the generic models, while the improvement on the headway is not significant. The outcome of this paper facilitates traffic safety assessment using microscopic simulation.


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We examined the variation in association between high temperatures and elderly mortality (age ≥ 75 years) from year to year in 83 US cities between 1987 and 2000. We used a Poisson regression model and decomposed the mortality risk for high temperatures into: a “main effect” due to high temperatures using lagged non-linear function, and an “added effect” due to consecutive high temperature days. We pooled yearly effects across both regional and national levels. The high temperature effects (both main and added effects) on elderly mortality varied greatly from year to year. In every city there was at least one year where higher temperatures were associated with lower mortality. Years with relatively high heat-related mortality were often followed by years with relatively low mortality. These year to year changes have important consequences for heat-warning systems and for predictions of heat-related mortality due to climate change.


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The nurse practitioner is emerging as a new level and type of health care. Increasing specialisation and advanced educational opportunities in nursing and the inequality in access to health care for sectors of the community have established the conditions under which the nurse practitioner movement has strengthened both nationally and internationally. The boundaries of responsibility for nurses are changing, not only because of increased demands but also because nurses have demonstrated their competence in varied extended and expanded practice roles. The nurse practitioner role reflects the continuing development of the nursing profession and substantially extends the career path for clinical nurses. This paper describes an aspect of a large-scale investigation into the feasibility of the role of the nurse practitioner in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) health care system. The paper reports on the trial of practice for a wound care nurse practitioner model in a tertiary institution. In the trial the wound care nurse practitioner worked in an extended practice role for 10 months. The nurse practitioner practice was supported, monitored and mentored by a clinical support team. Data were collected relating to a range of outcomes including definition of the scope of practice for the model, description of patient demographics and outcomes and the efficacy of the nurse practitioner service. The findings informed the development of clinical protocols that define the scope of practice and the parameters of the wound care nurse practitioner model and provided information on the efficacy of this model of health care for the tertiary care environment. The findings further suggest that this model brings expert wound care and case management to an at-risk patient population. Recommendations are made relating to ongoing research into the role of the wound care nurse practitioner model in the ACT health care system.


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The feasibility of real-time calculation of parameters for an internal combustion engine via reconfigurable hardware implementation is investigated as an alternative to software computation. A detailed in-hardware field programmable gate array (FPGA)-based design is developed and evaluated using input crank angle and in-cylinder pressure data from fully instrumented diesel engines in the QUT Biofuel Engine Research Facility (BERF). Results indicate the feasibility of employing a hardware-based implementation for real-time processing for speeds comparable to the data sampling rate currently used in the facility, with acceptably low level of discrepancies between hardware and software-based calculation of key engine parameters.


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Determining the properties and integrity of subchondral bone in the developmental stages of osteoarthritis, especially in a form that can facilitate real-time characterization for diagnostic and decision-making purposes, is still a matter for research and development. This paper presents relationships between near infrared absorption spectra and properties of subchondral bone obtained from 3 models of osteoarthritic degeneration induced in laboratory rats via: (i) menisectomy (MSX); (ii) anterior cruciate ligament transaction (ACL); and (iii) intra-articular injection of mono-ido-acetate (1 mg) (MIA), in the right knee joint, with 12 rats per model group (N = 36). After 8 weeks, the animals were sacrificed and knee joints were collected. A custom-made diffuse reflectance NIR probe of diameter 5 mm was placed on the tibial surface and spectral data were acquired from each specimen in the wavenumber range 4000–12 500 cm− 1. After spectral acquisition, micro computed tomography (micro-CT) was performed on the samples and subchondral bone parameters namely: bone volume (BV) and bone mineral density (BMD) were extracted from the micro-CT data. Statistical correlation was then conducted between these parameters and regions of the near infrared spectra using multivariate techniques including principal component analysis (PCA), discriminant analysis (DA), and partial least squares (PLS) regression. Statistically significant linear correlations were found between the near infrared absorption spectra and subchondral bone BMD (R2 = 98.84%) and BV (R2 = 97.87%). In conclusion, near infrared spectroscopic probing can be used to detect, qualify and quantify changes in the composition of the subchondral bone, and could potentially assist in distinguishing healthy from OA bone as demonstrated with our laboratory rat models.


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The objective of this research was to investigate the effects of driving conditions and suspension parameters on dynamic load-sharing of longitudinal-connected air suspensions of a tri-axle semi-trailer. A novel nonlinear model of a multi-axle semi-trailer with longitudinal-connected air suspension was formulated based on fluid mechanics and thermodynamics and was validated through test results. The effects of driving conditions and suspension parameters on dynamic load-sharing and road-friendliness of the semi-trailer were analyzed. Simulation results indicate that the road-friendliness metric-DLC (dynamic load coefficient) is not always in accordance with the load-sharing metric-DLSC (dynamic load-sharing coefficient). The effect of employing larger air lines and connectors on the DLSC optimization ratio gives varying results as road roughness increases and as driving speed increases. When the vehicle load reduces, or the static pressure increases, the DLSC optimization ratio declines monotonically. The results also indicate that if the air line diameter is always assumed to be larger than the connector diameter, the influence of air line diameter on load-sharing is more significant than that of the connector.


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The effects of ethanol fumigation on the inter-cycle variability of key in-cylinder pressure parameters in a modern common rail diesel engine have been investigated. Specifically, maximum rate of pressure rise, peak pressure, peak pressure timing and ignition delay were investigated. A new methodology for investigating the start of combustion was also proposed and demonstrated—which is particularly useful with noisy in-cylinder pressure data as it can have a significant effect on the calculation of an accurate net rate of heat release indicator diagram. Inter-cycle variability has been traditionally investigated using the coefficient of variation. However, deeper insight into engine operation is given by presenting the results as kernel density estimates; hence, allowing investigation of otherwise unnoticed phenomena, including: multi-modal and skewed behaviour. This study has found that operation of a common rail diesel engine with high ethanol substitutions (>20% at full load, >30% at three quarter load) results in a significant reduction in ignition delay. Further, this study also concluded that if the engine is operated with absolute air to fuel ratios (mole basis) less than 80, the inter-cycle variability is substantially increased compared to normal operation.


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The effects of small changes in flight-path parameters (primary and secondary flight paths, detector angles), and of displacement of the sample along the beam axis away from its ideal position, are examined for an inelastic time-of-flight (TOF) neutron spectrometer, emphasising the deep-inelastic regime. The aim was to develop a rational basis for deciding what measured shifts in the positions of spectral peaks could be regarded as reliable in the light of the uncertainties in the calibrated flight-path parameters. Uncertainty in the length of the primary or secondary flight path has the least effect on the positions of the peaks of H, D and He, which are dominated by the accuracy of the calibration of the detector angles. This aspect of the calibration of a TOF spectrometer therefore demands close attention to achieve reliable outcomes where the position of the peaks is of significant scientific interest and is discussed in detail. The corresponding sensitivities of the position of peak of the Compton profile, J(y), to flight-path parameters and sample position are also examined, focusing on the comparability across experiments of results for H, D and He. We show that positioning the sample to within a few mm of the ideal position is required to ensure good comparability between experiments if data from detectors at high forward angles are to be reliably interpreted.


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We sought to determine the impact of electrospinning parameters on a trustworthy criterion that could evidently improve the maximum applicability of fibrous scaffolds for tissue regeneration. We used an image analysis technique to elucidate the web permeability index (WPI) by modeling the formation of electrospun scaffolds. Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (P3HB) scaffolds were fabricated according to predetermined conditions of levels in a Taguchi orthogonal design. The material parameters were the polymer concentration, conductivity, and volatility of the solution. The processing parameters were the applied voltage and nozzle-to-collector distance. With a law to monitor the WPI values when the polymer concentration or the applied voltage was increased, the pore interconnectivity was decreased. The quality of the jet instability altered the pore numbers, areas, and other structural characteristics, all of which determined the scaffold porosity and aperture interconnectivity. An initial drastic increase was observed in the WPI values because of the chain entanglement phenomenon above a 6 wt % P3HB content. Although the solution mixture significantly (p < 0.05) changed the scaffold architectural characteristics as a function of the solution viscosity and surface tension, it had a minor impact on the WPI values. The solution mixture gained the third place of significance, and the distance was approved as the least important factor.


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A quasi-maximum likelihood procedure for estimating the parameters of multi-dimensional diffusions is developed in which the transitional density is a multivariate Gaussian density with first and second moments approximating the true moments of the unknown density. For affine drift and diffusion functions, the moments are exactly those of the true transitional density and for nonlinear drift and diffusion functions the approximation is extremely good and is as effective as alternative methods based on likelihood approximations. The estimation procedure generalises to models with latent factors. A conditioning procedure is developed that allows parameter estimation in the absence of proxies.


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The deposition of small metal clusters (Cu, Au and Al) on f.c.c. metals (Cu, Au and Ni) has been studied by molecular dynamics simulation using Finnis–Sinclair (FS) potential. The impact energy varied from 0.01 to 10 eV/atom. First, the deposition of single cluster was simulated. We observed that, even at much lower energy, a small cluster with (Ih) icosahedral symmetry was reconstructed to match the substrate structure (f.c.c.) after deposition. Next, clusters were modeled to drop, one after the other, on the surface. The nanostructure was found by soft landing of Au clusters on Cu with increasing coverage, where interfacial energy dominates. While at relatively higher deposition energy (a few eV), the ordered f.c.c.-like structure was observed in the first adlayer of the film formed by Al clusters depositing on Ni substrate. This characteristic is mainly attributive to the ballistic collision. Our results indicate that the surface morphology synthesized by cluster deposition could be controlled by experimental parameters, which will be helpful for controlled design of nanostructure.


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Introduction: The accurate identification of tissue electron densities is of great importance for Monte Carlo (MC) dose calculations. When converting patient CT data into a voxelised format suitable for MC simulations, however, it is common to simplify the assignment of electron densities so that the complex tissues existing in the human body are categorized into a few basic types. This study examines the effects that the assignment of tissue types and the calculation of densities can have on the results of MC simulations, for the particular case of a Siemen’s Sensation 4 CT scanner located in a radiotherapy centre where QA measurements are routinely made using 11 tissue types (plus air). Methods: DOSXYZnrc phantoms are generated from CT data, using the CTCREATE user code, with the relationship between Hounsfield units (HU) and density determined via linear interpolation between a series of specified points on the ‘CT-density ramp’ (see Figure 1(a)). Tissue types are assigned according to HU ranges. Each voxel in the DOSXYZnrc phantom therefore has an electron density (electrons/cm3) defined by the product of the mass density (from the HU conversion) and the intrinsic electron density (electrons /gram) (from the material assignment), in that voxel. In this study, we consider the problems of density conversion and material identification separately: the CT-density ramp is simplified by decreasing the number of points which define it from 12 down to 8, 3 and 2; and the material-type-assignment is varied by defining the materials which comprise our test phantom (a Supertech head) as two tissues and bone, two plastics and bone, water only and (as an extreme case) lead only. The effect of these parameters on radiological thickness maps derived from simulated portal images is investigated. Results & Discussion: Increasing the degree of simplification of the CT-density ramp results in an increasing effect on the resulting radiological thickness calculated for the Supertech head phantom. For instance, defining the CT-density ramp using 8 points, instead of 12, results in a maximum radiological thickness change of 0.2 cm, whereas defining the CT-density ramp using only 2 points results in a maximum radiological thickness change of 11.2 cm. Changing the definition of the materials comprising the phantom between water and plastic and tissue results in millimetre-scale changes to the resulting radiological thickness. When the entire phantom is defined as lead, this alteration changes the calculated radiological thickness by a maximum of 9.7 cm. Evidently, the simplification of the CT-density ramp has a greater effect on the resulting radiological thickness map than does the alteration of the assignment of tissue types. Conclusions: It is possible to alter the definitions of the tissue types comprising the phantom (or patient) without substantially altering the results of simulated portal images. However, these images are very sensitive to the accurate identification of the HU-density relationship. When converting data from a patient’s CT into a MC simulation phantom, therefore, all possible care should be taken to accurately reproduce the conversion between HU and mass density, for the specific CT scanner used. Acknowledgements: This work is funded by the NHMRC, through a project grant, and supported by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (RBWH), Brisbane, Australia. The authors are grateful to the staff of the RBWH, especially Darren Cassidy, for assistance in obtaining the phantom CT data used in this study. The authors also wish to thank Cathy Hargrave, of QUT, for assistance in formatting the CT data, using the Pinnacle TPS. Computational resources and services used in this work were provided by the HPC and Research Support Group, QUT, Brisbane, Australia.


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In this paper we analyse the effects of highway traffic flow parameters like vehicle arrival rate and density on the performance of Amplify and Forward (AF) cooperative vehicular networks along a multi-lane highway under free flow state. We derive analytical expressions for connectivity performance and verify them with Monte-Carlo simulations. When AF cooperative relaying is employed together with Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC) at the receivers the average route error rate shows 10-20 fold improvement compared to direct communication. A 4-8 fold increase in maximum number of traversable hops can also be observed at different vehicle densities when AF cooperative communication is used to strengthen communication routes. However the theorical upper bound of maximum number of hops promises higher performance gains.


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Sol-gel synthesis in varied gravity is only a relatively new topic in the literature and further investigation is required to explore its full potential as a method to synthesise novel materials. Although trialled for systems such as silica, the specific application of varied gravity synthesis to other sol-gel systems such as titanium has not previously been undertaken. Current literature methods for the synthesis of sol-gel material in reduced gravity could not be applied to titanium sol-gel processing, thus a new strategy had to be developed in this study. To successfully conduct experiments in varied gravity a refined titanium sol-gel chemical precursor had to be developed which allowed the single solution precursor to remain un-reactive at temperatures up to 50oC and only begin to react when exposed to a pressure decrease from a vacuum. Due to the new nature of this precursor, a thorough characterisation of the reaction precursors was subsequently undertaken with the use of techniques such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Infra-red and UV-Vis spectroscopy in order to achieve sufficient understanding of precursor chemistry and kinetic stability. This understanding was then used to propose gelation reaction mechanisms under varied gravity conditions. Two unique reactor systems were designed and built with the specific purpose to allow the effects of varied gravity (high, normal, reduced) during synthesis of titanium sol-gels to be studied. The first system was a centrifuge capable of providing high gravity environments of up to 70 g’s for extended periods, whilst applying a 100 mbar vacuum and a temperature of 40-50oC to the reaction chambers. The second system to be used in the QUT Microgravity Drop Tower Facility was also required to provide the same thermal and vacuum conditions used in the centrifuge, but had to operate autonomously during free fall. Through the use of post synthesis characterisation techniques such as Raman Spectroscopy, X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and N2 adsorption, it was found that increased gravity levels during synthesis, had the greatest effect on the final products. Samples produced in reduced and normal gravity appeared to form amorphous gels containing very small particles with moderate surface areas. Whereas crystalline anatase (TiO2), was found to form in samples synthesised above 5 g with significant increases in crystallinity, particle size and surface area observed when samples were produced at gravity levels up to 70 g. It is proposed that for samples produced in higher gravity, an increased concentration gradient of water is forms at the bottom of the reacting film due to forced convection. The particles formed in higher gravity diffuse downward towards this excess of water, which favours the condensation reaction of remaining sol gel precursors with the particles promoting increased particle growth. Due to the removal of downward convection in reduced gravity, particle growth due to condensation reaction processes are physically hindered hydrolysis reactions favoured instead. Another significant finding from this work was that anatase could be produced at relatively low temperatures of 40-50oC instead of the conventional method of calcination above 450oC solely through sol-gel synthesis at higher gravity levels. It is hoped that the outcomes of this research will lead to an increased understanding of the effects of gravity on chemical synthesis of titanium sol-gel, potentially leading to the development of improved products suitable for diverse applications such as semiconductor or catalyst materials as well as significantly reducing production and energy costs through manufacturing these materials at significantly lower temperatures.