124 resultados para Ownership of Values


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In 2003, Bill Dunstone, John McCallum and Paul Makeham began a collaboration with researchers at the Centre for the Management of Arid Environments (CMAE) in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. CMAE researchers are keen to develop 'people-oriented' strategies for implementing agricultural extension initiatives in their region. Traditional hierarchies of knowledge-transfer have impeded the 'connectedness' between community and researchers that gives meaning and relevance to useful practice (Ison and Russell, 2000). Our aim is to establish a partnership between the Live Events Research Network (LERN) and CMAE, investigating ways to link creative, performance-based research and practice with the scientific methodologies associated with natural resources management. This accords with recent work undertaken by Deborah Mills and Paul Brown, showing how community cultural development strategies enhance the implementation of policy concerned with community wellbeing. Mills and Brown 'adopted a concept of wellbeing which builds on a social and environmental view of health', and considered such themes as ecological sustainability, rural economic revitalisation, community strengthening, health and wellbeing (Mills, 2003). We propose that rangeland communities can creatively manage some of the challenges confronting them through performance-based projects which: - activate the stories through which a community enacts its sense of place; - facilitate live events in which the community enacts ownership of its culture and identity; - directly involve the community in the formulation of research issues


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Knowledge is about cultural power. Considering that it is both resource and product within the brave new world of fast capitalism, this collection argues for knowledge cultures that are mutually engaged and hence more culturally inclusive and socially productive. Globalized intellectual property regimes, the privatization of information, and their counterpoint, the information and creative commons movements, constitute productive sites for the exploration of epistemologies that talk with each other rather than at and past each other. Global Knowledge Cultures provides a collection of accessible essays by some of the world’s leading legal scholars, new media analysts, techno activists, library professionals, educators and philosophers. Issues canvassed by the authors include the ownership of knowledge, open content licensing, knowledge policy, the common-wealth of learning, transnational cultural governance, and information futures. Together, they call for sustained intercultural dialogue for more ethical knowledge cultures within contexts of fast knowledge capitalism.


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The changing ownership of roles in organisational work-life leads this paper to examine what universities are doing in their academic development practice through research at an Australian university where ‘artful’ collaboration with the real world aims to build capability for innovative academic community engagement. The paper also presents findings on the ‘return on expectations’ (Hodges, 2004) of community engagement for both academics and their organisational supervisors.


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The holistic conception of the troika, as described in the first chapter, centres on the relationship between the implicit and explicit teaching of values the nurturing of the specific dimensions of quality teaching and the opportunity to ‘walk the talk’ of the values education program through aspects such as practical citizenship (Lovat, Toomey, Clement, Crotty & Nielsen, 2009). It is proposed in this chapter that the conception can be realized through the embedding of Philosophy in the Classroom within pre-service teaching programs. The troika, a Russian sleigh with three horses, only function well when there is complete synergy and balance between all Classroom is a scaffold for ensuring that all three elements of the troika, namely, quality teaching, values education and service learning in the form of education for citizenship, exist within the classroom to achieve an optimal learning, growth and wellbeing for all students. For this to be more widely accomplished Philosophy in the Classroom and discusses how it constitutes a successful synergy and balance of the troika for effective teaching. It then proposes how it might be embedded into pre-service teacher education.


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A community history project must be relevant to each person within it so that they see themselves as part of the socio-cultural fabric of the area and feel a sense of ownership of their environment. The Mill Albion community history project is a diverse, multi-layered public history/art program that captures the social heritage of The Mill Albion and allows the community to contribute to their ongoing history. The Albion Flour Mill was built in 1930 at a time when Australia was feeling the effects of its worst economic depression and continued operations for more than 72 years. After ceasing operation in 2005 the site was left to deteriorate. The FKP Property Group purchased the land to undertake a new urban redevelopment project, drawing on the design principles of a traditional ‘village’, while valuing the importance of remembering the community that once included the Flour Mill. This paper reflects on the this project and showcases some of the culturally creative ways this community’s history was told, using methods such as digital stories, contemporary and historical photography and oral history.


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This paper will focus on the literature review for Goreen Narrkwarren Ngrn-toura- Healthy Family Air, formerly known as Reducing smoking amongst pregnant Aboriginal women in Victoria: An Holistic Approach. Before we outline the findings from the literature review, we will provide some background information on the project, including why it is important and what and who are involved.


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The Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) conducted a research project to find out the impact of social determinants such as education, employment, income, racism and housing on the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal peoples. Forums and workshops were conducted to establish future research outcomes and priorities. The project will help in developing localised and community-oriented solutions to Aboriginal health issues.


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Copyright protects much of the creative, cultural, educational, scientific and informational material generated by federal, State/Territory and local governments and their constituent departments and agencies. Governments at all levels develop, manage and distribute a vast array of materials in the form of documents, reports, websites, datasets and databases on CD or DVD and files that can be downloaded from a website. Under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), with few exceptions government copyright is treated the same as copyright owned by non-government parties insofar as the range of protected materials and the exclusive proprietary rights attaching to them are concerned. However, the rationale for recognizing copyright in public sector materials and vesting ownership of copyright in governments is fundamentally different to the main rationales underpinning copyright generally. The central justification for recognizing Crown copyright is to ensure that government documents and materials created for public administrative purposes are disseminated in an accurate and reliable form. Consequently, the exclusive rights held by governments as copyright owners must be exercised in a manner consistent with the rationale for conferring copyright ownership on them. Since Crown copyright exists primarily to ensure that documents and materials produced for use in the conduct of government are circulated in an accurate and reliable form, governments should exercise their exclusive rights to ensure that their copyright materials are made available for access and reuse, in accordance with any laws and policies relating to access to public sector materials. While copyright law vests copyright owners with extensive bundles of exclusive rights which can be exercised to prevent others making use of the copyright material, in the case of Crown copyright materials these rights should rarely be asserted by government to deviate from the general rule that Crown copyright materials will be available for “full and free reproduction” by the community at large.


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The ad hoc growth of administrative controls on land use has produced an information management problem. Land registries face growing demands to record on the Torrens register particulars of rights, obligations and restrictions created under public law statutes, in order to reduce information costs, promote compliance and inform planning. As sustainable management of land and natural resources will require more legislative regulation, this paper proposes a framework of principles for the more coherent and consistent management of public law controls on private land use.


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Internationally universities have been characterised by shrinking government funding, fierce competition for student enrolments, and greater pressures to become commercially viable. It is against this complex background that academic leaders have been required to confront and resolve a multitude of conflicting interests as they seek to balance a variety of values in their decision-making processes. In this article we put forward a model of ethical decision-making developed from empirical research and literature. To test the efficacy of the model, a case scenario is posed. The article concludes by raising a number of implications for academic leaders regarding ongoing professional learning needed in this area.


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Assessment for Learning is a pedagogical practice with anticipated gains of increased student motivation, mastery and autonomy as learners develop their capacity to monitor and plan their own learning progress. Assessment for Learning (AfL) differs from Assessment of learning in its timing, occurring within the regular flow of learning rather than end point, in its purpose of improving student learning rather than summative grading and in the ownership of the learning where the student voice is heard in judging quality. Since Black and Wiliam (1998) highlighted the achievement gains that AfL practices seem to bring to all learners in classrooms, it has become part of current educational policy discourse in Australia, yet teacher adoption of the practices is not a straightforward implementation of techniques within an existing classroom repertoire. As can be seen from the following meta-analysis, recent research highlights a more complex interrelationship between teacher and student beliefs about learning and assessment, and the social and cultural interactions in and contexts of the classroom. More research is needed from a sociocultural perspective that allows meaning to emerge from practice. Before another policy push, we need to understand better the many factors within the assessment relationship. We need to hear from teachers and students through long-term AfL case studies both to inform AfL theory and to shed light on the complexities of pedagogical change for enhancing learner autonomy.


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Within Queensland middle schools the implementation of an integrated curriculum has been challenging for many practitioners. In working to enhance dance learning in a Queensland middle school this research has focused on how dance can be integrated using a transdisciplinary approach. The research has investigated and reflected on the teaching and learning strategies used to integrate dance and has identified the key issues and challenges associated with the complex nature of an integrated curriculum in this context. Action research was used to review, plan for and implement integrated curriculum approaches and give insight into the external and internal challenges within the practice. This research has identified challenges associated with sustaining the integrity of dance as a subject area when integration requires designing curricula that go across key learning area boundaries. It has also revealed working within an integrated curriculum requires using common planning principles that focus on the students’ problem solving skills, making connections with the concepts, topics or ideas from the unit of work. The discussion of ways of working highlights a set of values, strategies or attributes a dance teacher can use while working within this middle school context. These include making collaborative partnerships and showing a willingness to work outside your area of expertise. For the school community, it outlines issues for attention and recommendations to assist in implementing dance while using a transdisciplinary approach. These recommended steps include embedding opportunities for teachers to partake in common planning, and time for professional development around transdisciplinary learning and Arts education.


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Do English teachers around the world share a common set of values, knowledge and experiences? Do they face the same kind of challenges? What can English teachers from different national settings learn by engaging with dialogue with one another? What histories shape the professional practice of English teachers? What impact have government policies and curricula had on English teachers' sense of professional identity? English Teachers at Work focuses on the professional knowledge and practice of teachers of English in a range of national settings.


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We present a novel, web-accessible scientific workflow system which makes large-scale comparative studies accessible without programming or excessive configuration requirements. GPFlow allows a workflow defined on single input values to be automatically lifted to operate over collections of input values and supports the formation and processing of collections of values without the need for explicit iteration constructs. We introduce a new model for collection processing based on key aggregation and slicing which guarantees processing integrity and facilitates automatic association of inputs, allowing scientific users to manage the combinatorial explosion of data values inherent in large scale comparative studies. The approach is demonstrated using a core task from comparative genomics, and builds upon our previous work in supporting combined interactive and batch operation, through a lightweight web-based user interface.


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The literature on recruiting and/or retaining health professionals in rural areas focuses primarily on the development of recruitment and retention strategies and assessing whether such strategies are effective. The objective of this article is to argue that it is important for all stakeholders involved in rural recruitment and/or retention processes to consider their decisions and actions from an ethics perspective. Recruitment and/or retention processes are not value neutral and it is important to understand their ethical dimensions. Methods: From the literature, elements of the recruitment and/or retention strategies that have been employed were identified and organised in respect of levels of governance (namely, the levels of health system/government, community, and individual health professionals). The elements identified in these levels were subjected to analysis to identify their ethical dimensions and to determine whether a clash or complement of values arose at each level of governance or between governance levels. Results: There is very little literature in this area that considers the ethical dimensions of rural recruitment and/or retention processes. However, all policies and practices have ethical dimensions that need to be identified and understood as they may have significant implications for recruitment and/or retention processes. Conclusion: This article recommends the application of an ethics perspective when reflecting on rural recruitment and/or retention strategies. The collective decisions of all involved in rural recruitment and/or retention processes may fundamentally influence the 'health' (broadly understood) of rural communities.