235 resultados para Jacquinet, Ag.-Magd.


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In a previous study, we demonstrated that mouse adult F(1) offspring, exposed to a vitamin d deficiency during pregnancy, developed a less severe and delayed Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE), when compared with control offspring. We then wondered whether a similar response was observed in the subsequent generation. To answer this question, we assessed F(2) females whose F(1) parents (males or females) were vitamin d-deprived when developing in the uterus of F(0) females. Unexpectedly, we observed that the vitamin d deficiency affecting the F(0) pregnant mice induced a precocious and more severe EAE in the F(2) generation. This paradoxical finding led us to assess its implications for the epidemiology of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in humans. Using the REFGENSEP database for MS trios (the patient and his/her parents), we collected the parents' dates of birth and assessed a potential season of birth effect that could potentially be indicative of the vitamin d status of the pregnant grandmothers. A trend for a reduced number of births in the Fall for the parents of MS patients was observed but statistical significance was not reached. Further well powered studies are warranted to validate the latter finding.


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Examined communication between frail older people and their caregiving spouses (CGSs), and its relation to well-being in older care receivers. 53 community residing spousal dyads completed questionnaires about their well-being, relational satisfaction, and communication patterns. Conversations between the dyads were also videotaped and analyzed. The type of communication used by the CGSs was influenced by their sex, their earlier relationship with their spouse, and their level of well-being. CGSs who used an overly directive communication tone with their spouse were likely to be wives and CGSs who had a high degree of autonomy in their earlier relationship with their spouse. Low levels of life satisfaction and high affect balance in CGSs were associated with CGSs using a more patronizing tone. The well-being of care receivers was also related to their perceptions of their CGSs' communication. Care receivers who perceived their CGSs' communication as patronizing reported low levels of affect balance and high levels of conflict in the relationship. Findings suggest that certain characteristics of CGSs are related to the type of communication they use when conversing with their partner, although the relations are not always as expected.


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Superconducting thick films of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy (Bi-2212) on single-crystalline (100) MgO substrates have been prepared using a doctor-blade technique and a partial-melt process. It is found that the phase composition and the amount of Ag addition to the paste affect the structure and superconducting properties of the partially melted thick films. The optimum heat treatment schedule for obtaining high Jc has been determined for each paste. The heat treatment ensures attainment of high purity for the crystalline Bi-2212 phase and high orientation of Bi-2212 crystals, in which the c-axis is perpendicular to the substrate. The highest Tc, obtained by resistivity measurement, is 92.2 K. The best value for Jct (transport) of these thick films, measured at 77 K in self-field, is 8 × 10 3 Acm -2.


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The structure and composition of reaction products between Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-oxide (BSCCO) thick films and alumina substrates have been characterized using a combination of electron diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX). Sr and Ca are found to be the most reactive cations with alumina. Sr4Al6O12SO4 is formed between the alumina substrates and BSCCO thick films prepared from paste with composition close to Bi-2212 (and Bi-2212 + 10 wt.% Ag). For paste with composition close to Bi(Pb)-2223 + 20 wt.% Ag, a new phase with f.c.c. structure, lattice parameter about a = 24.5 A and approximate composition Al3Sr2CaBi2CuOx has been identified in the interface region. Understanding and control of these reactions is essential for growth of high quality BSCCO thick films on alumina. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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Effective flocculation and dewatering of mineral processing streams containing clays are microstructure dependent in clay-water systems. Initial clay flocculation is crucial in the design and for the development of a new methodology of gas exploitation. Microstructural engineering of clay aggregates using covalent cations and Keggin macromolecules have been monitored using the new state of the art Transmission X-ray Microscope (TXM) with 60 nm tomography resolution installed in a Taiwanese synchrotron. The 3-D reconstructions from TXM images show complex aggregation structures in montmorillonite aqueous suspensions after treatment with Na+, Ca2+ and Al13 Keggin macromolecules. Na-montmorillonite displays elongated, parallel, well-orientated and closed-void cellular networks, 0.5–3 μm in diameter. After treatment by covalent cations, the coagulated structure displays much smaller, randomly orientated and openly connected cells, 300–600 nm in diameter. The average distances measured between montmorillonite sheets was around 450 nm, which is less than half of the cell dimension measured in Na-montmorillonite. The most dramatic structural changes were observed after treatment by Al13 Keggin; aggregates then became arranged in compacted domains of a 300 nm average diameter composed of thick face-to-face oriented sheets, which forms porous aggregates with larger intra-aggregate open and connected voids.


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Metal and semiconductor nanowires (NWs) have been widely employed as the building blocks of the nanoelectromechanical systems, which usually acted a resonant beam. Recent researches reported that nanowires are often polycrystalline, which contains grain boundaries (GBs) that transect the whole nanowire into a bamboo like structure. Based on the larger-scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, a comprehensive investigation of the influence from grain boundaries on the vibrational properties of doubly clamped Ag NWs is conducted. It is found that, the presence of grain boundary will result in significant energy dissipation during the resonance of polycrystalline NWs, which leads a great deterioration to the quality factor. Further investigation reveals that the energy dissipation is originated from the plastic deformation of polycrystalline NWs in the form of the nucleation of partial dislocations or the generation of micro stacking faults around the GBs and the micro stacking faults is found to keep almost intact during the whole vibration process. Moreover, it is observed that the closer of the grain boundary getting to the regions with the highest strain state, the more energy dissipation will be resulted from the plastic deformation. In addition, either the increase of the number of grain boundaries or the decrease of the distance between the grain boundary and the highest strain state region is observed to induce a lower first resonance frequency. This work sheds lights on the better understanding of the mechanical properties of polycrystalline NWs, which benefits the increasing utilities of NWs in diverse nano-electronic devices.


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Background: Extracorporeal circulation (ECC), the diversion of blood flow through a circuit located outside of the body, has been one of the major advances in modern medicine. Cardio-pulmonary bypass (CPB), renal dialysis, apheresis and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) are all different forms of ECC. Despite its major benefits, when blood comes into contact with foreign material, both the coagulation and inflammation cascades are activated simultaneously. Short periods of exposure to ECC e.g. CPB (�2 h duration), are known to be associated with haemolysis, coagulopathies, bleeding and inflammation which demand blood product support. Therefore, it is not unexpected that these complications would be exaggerated with prolonged periods of ECC such as in ECMO (days to weeks duration). The variability and complexities of the underlying pathologies of patients requiring ECC makes it difficult to study the cause and effect of these complications. To overcome this problem we developed an ovine (sheep) model of ECC. Method: Healthy female sheep (1–3 y.o.) weighing 40–50 kg were fasted overnight, anaesthetised, intubated and ventilated [1]. Half the group received smoke induced acute lung injury (S-ALI group) (n = 8) and the other half did not (healthy group) (n = 8). Sheep were subsequently cannulated (Medtronic Inc, Minneapolis, MN, USA) and veno-venous ECMO commenced using PLS ECMO circuit and Quadrox D oxygenator (Maquet Cardiopulmonary AG, Hechinger Straße, Germany). There was continuous physiological monitoring and blood was collected at specified time intervals for full blood counts, platelet function analysis (by Multiplate®), routine coagulation and assessment of clot formation and lysis (by ROTEM®). Preliminary results Full blood counts and routine coagulation results from normal healthy sheep were comparable to those of normal human adults. Within 15 min of initiating of ECMO, PT, PTT and EXTEM clot formation time increased, whilst EXTEM maximum clot firmness decreased in both cohorts. Discussion & Conclusions: Preliminary results of sheep from both 2 h ECMO cohorts showed that the anatomy, haematology and coagulation parameters of an adult sheep are comparable to that a human adult. Experiments are currently underway with healthy (n = 8) and S-ALI (n = 8) sheep on ECMO for 24 h. In addition to characterising how ECMO alters haematology and coagulation parameters, we hope that it will also define which blood components will be most effective to correct bleeding or clotting complications during ECMO support.


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Cu/Ni/W nanolayered composites with individual layer thickness ranging from 5nm to 300nm were prepared by a magnetron sputtering system. Microstructures and strength of the nanolayered composites were investigated by using the nanoindentation method combined with theoretical analysis. Microstructure characterization revealed that the Cu/Ni/W composite consists of a typical Cu/Ni coherent interface and Cu/W and Ni/W incoherent interfaces. Cu/Ni/W composites have an ultrahigh strength and a large strengthening ability compared with bi-constituent Cu–X(X¼Ni, W, Au, Ag, Cr, Nb, etc.) nanolayered composites. Summarizing the present results and those reported in the literature, we systematically analyze the origin of the ultrahigh strength and its length scale dependence by taking into account the constituent layer properties, layer scales and heterogeneous layer/layer interface characteristics, including lattice and modulus mismatch as well as interface structure.


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Knowledge of the elements present in house dusts is important in understanding potential health effects on humans. In this study, dust samples collected from 10 houses in south-east Queensland have been analysed by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis to measure the inorganic element compositions and to investigate the form of heavy metals in the dusts. The overall analytical results were then used to discriminate between different localities using chemometric techniques. The relative amounts of elements, particularly of Si, Ca, and Fe, varied between size fractions and between different locations for the same size fraction. By analysing individual small particles, many other constituents were identified including Ti, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ba, Ag, W, Au, Hg, Pb, Bi, La and Ce. The heavy metals were mostly concentrated in small particles in the smaller size fractions, which allowed detection by particle analysis, though their average concentrations were very low.


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In BHP Coal Pty Ltd v K Orenstein & Koppel AG (No 2) [2009] QSC 64 McMurdo J considered the circumstances in which the ordinary rule under r 681 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld) (UCPR) that costs should follow the event should be departed from in favour of a party who was unsuccessful overall, but who succeeded on particular questions. When the court is satisfied that a departure from the usual order under r 681 of the UCPR is justified, it appears increasingly willing to exercise the power in r 684(2) to declare what percentage of costs was applicable to a particular issue


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The mineral creedite is a fluorinated hydroxy hydrated sulphate of aluminium and calcium of formula Ca3Al2SO4(F,OH)·2H2O. The mineral has been studied by a combination of electron probe analysis to determine the molecular formula of the mineral and the structure assessed by vibrational spectroscopy. The spectroscopy of creedite may be compared with that of the alums. The Raman spectrum of creedite is characterised by an intense sharp band at 986 cm−1 assigned to the View the MathML source ν1 (Ag) symmetric stretching mode. Multiple bands of creedite in the antisymmetric stretching region support the concept of a reduction in symmetry of the sulphate anion. Multiple bands are also observed in the bending region with the three bands at 601, 629 and 663 cm−1 assigned to the View the MathML source ν4 (Ag) bending modes. The observation of multiple bands at 440, 457 and 483 cm−1 attributed to the View the MathML source ν2 (Bg) bending modes supports the concept that the symmetry of the sulphate is reduced by coordination to the water bonded to the Al3+ in the creedite structure. The splitting of the ν2, ν3 and ν4 modes is attributed to the reduction of symmetry of the SO4 and it is proposed that the sulphate coordinates to water in the hydrated aluminium in bidentate chelation.


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In this chapter, we will present a contemporary review of the hitherto numerical characterization of nanowires (NWs). The bulk of the research reported in the literatures concern metallic NWs including Al, Cu, Au, Ag, Ni, and their alloys NWs. Research has also been reported for the investigation of some nonmetallic NWs, such as ZnO, GaN, SiC, SiO2. A plenty of researches have been conducted regarding the numerical investigation of NWs. Issues analyzed include structural changes under different loading situations, the formation and propagation of dislocations, and the effect of the magnitude of applied loading on deformation mechanics. Efforts have also been made to correlate simulation results with experimental measurements. However, direct comparisons are difficult since most simulations are carried out under conditions of extremely high strain/loading rates and small simulation samples due to computational limitations. Despite of the immense numerical studies of NWs, a significant work still lies ahead in terms of problem formulation, interpretation of results, identification and delineation of deformation mechanisms, and constitutive characterization of behavior. In this chapter, we present an introduction of the commonly adopted experimental and numerical approaches in studies of the deformation of NWs in Section 1. An overview of findings concerning perfect NWs under different loading situations, such as tension, compression, torsion, and bending are presented in Section 2. In Section 3, we will detail some recent results from the authors’ own work with an emphasis on the study of influences from different pre-existing defect on NWs. Some thoughts on future directions of the computational mechanics of NWs together with Conclusions will be given in the last section.


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While fibroin isolated from the cocoons of domesticated silkworm Bombyx mori supports growth of human corneal limbal epithelial (HLE) cells, the mechanism of cell attachment remains unclear. In the present study we sought to enhance the attachment of HLE cells to membranes of Bombyx mori silk fibroin (BMSF) through surface functionalization with an arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD)-containing peptide. Moreover, we have examined the response of HLE cells to BMSF when blended with the fibroin produced by a wild silkworm, Antheraea pernyi, which is known to contain RGD sequences within its primary structure. A procedure to isolate A. pernyi silk fibroin (APSF) from the cocoons was established, and blends of the two fibroins were prepared at five different BMSF/APSF ratios. In another experiment, BMSF surface was modified by binding chemically the GRGDSPC peptide using a water-soluble carbodiimide. Primary HLE were grown in the absence of serum on membranes made of BMSF, APSF, and their blends, as well as on RGD-modified BMSF. There was no statistically significant enhancing effect on the cell attachment due to the RGD presence. This suggests that the adhesion through RGD ligands may have a complex mechanism, and the investigated strategies are of limited value unless the factors contributing to this mechanism become better known.


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In this letter the core-core-valence Auger transitions of an atomic impurity, both in bulk or adsorbed on a jellium-like surface, are computed within a DFT framework. The Auger rates calculated by the Fermi golden rule are compared with those determined by an approximate and simpler expression. This is based on the local density of states (LDOS) with a core hole present, in a region around the impurity nucleus. Different atoms, Na and Mg, solids, Al and Ag, and several impurity locations are considered. We obtain an excellent agreement between KL1V and KL23V rates worked out with the two approaches. The radius of the sphere in which we calculate the LDOS is the relevant parameter of the simpler approach. Its value only depends on the atomic species regardless of the location of the impurity and the type of substrate. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ‘Giving Australia’ project is an initiative of the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership, coordinated by the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) in collaboration with the Centre for Australian Community Organisations and Management (CACOM) at the University of Technology, Sydney, the Australian Centre of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies (ACPNS)at the Queensland University of Technology, Roy Morgan Research (RMR),McNair Ingenuity Research and the Fundraising Institute - Australia (FIA).