172 resultados para Groundwater Hydrology


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A recent Australian survey of beginning teachers indicates that issue of classroom management continues to be a key concern for early career educators (Australian Education Union, 2007). This finding is supported by the wider literature that identifies managing the classroom, particularly managing behaviour within the classroom, as critical issues for early career teachers (Arends, 2006; Charles, 2004; Groundwater-Smith, Ewing & Le Cornu, 2007). In fact, struggling to manage student behaviour and maintain positive relationships with students are among the top reasons for teachers leaving the teaching profession (Charles, 2004). So, how does a teacher effectively organise and manage up to thirty students learning and behaviour at any one time? The issue of classroom management is a persistent one for all teachers, but is particularly daunting for new teachers. Historically, classrooms were established on strong hierarchical structures that relied heavily on teacher control and authority. However, more recent approaches to managing the classroom are proactive and more collaborative. That is not to say that there exists a single management recipe, far from it. Beginning teachers must view possible approaches to managing the classroom in light of their own beliefs about teaching and learning, their current classroom practice and variables from the context in which they are teaching.


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The Howard East rural area has experienced a rapid growth of small block subdivisions and horticulture over the last 40 years, which has been based on groundwater supply. Early bores in the area provide part of the water supply for Darwin City and are maintained and monitored by NT Power & Water Corporation. The Territory government (NRETAS) has established a monitoring network, and now 48 bores are monitored. However, in the area there are over 2700 private bores that are unregulated.Although NRETAS has both FDM and FEM simulations for the region, community support for potential regulation is sought. To improve stakeholder understanding of the resource QUT was retained by the TRaCKconsortium to develop a 3D visualisation of the groundwater system.


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Background: SEQ Catchments Ltd and QUT are collaborating on groundwater investigations in the SE Qld region, which utilise community engagement and 3D Visualisation methodologies. The projects, which have been funded by the Australian Government’s NHT and Caring for our Country programmes, were initiated from local community concerns regarding groundwater sustainability and quality in areas where little was previously known. ----- Objectives: Engage local and regional stakeholders to tap all available sources of information;•Establish on-going (2 years +) community-based groundwater / surface water monitoring programmes;•Develop 3D Visualisation from all available data; and•Involve, train and inform the local community for improved on-ground land and water use management. ----- Results and findings: Respectful community engagement yielded information, access to numerous monitoring sites and education opportunities at low cost, which would otherwise be unavailable. A Framework for Community-Based Groundwater Monitoring has been documented (Todd, 2008).A 3D visualisation models have been developed for basaltic settings, which relate surface features familiar to the local community with the interpreted sub-surface hydrogeology. Groundwater surface movements have been animated and compared to local rainfall using the time-series monitoring data.An important 3D visualisation feature of particular interest to the community was the interaction between groundwater and surface water. This factor was crucial in raising awareness of potential impacts of land and water use on groundwater and surface water resources.


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A significant amount (ca. 15-25 GL/a) of PRW (Purified Recycled Water) from urban areas is foreseen as augmentation of the depleted groundwater resources of the Lockyer Valley (approx. 80 km west of Brisbane). Theresearch project uses field investigations, lab trials and modelling techniques to address the key challenges: (i) how to determine benefits of individual users from the augmentation of a natural common pool resource; (ii) how to minimise impacts of applying different quality water on the Lockyer soils, to creeks and on aquifier materials; (iii) how to minimuse mobilisation of salts in the unsaturated and saturated zones as a result of increased deep drainage; (iv) determination of potential for direct aquifer recharge using injection wells?


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Observation bores from lower Lockyer creek are displayed with classified geology and water levels disks. The disks are interpolated to form a water surface (surface red/yellow/green). The image is taken from below the ground surface (surface cream), in the alluvium.


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All bores in the Lockyer Valley are displayed with classified geology where it is available. The surface (green) is the alluvial basement and was developed by interpolating the classified geology. The major watercoarses, Lockyer and Laidley Creeks (blue lines) are also visible.


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Lockyer Valley - Sliced topographic mesh, basement surfaces and surface watercourses as well as observation bores with classified geology and water level disks.