126 resultados para Chemical Synthesis


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The composition of a series of hydroxycarbonate precursors to copper/zinc oxide methanol synthesis catalysts prepared under conditions reported as optimum for catalytic activity has been studied. Techniques employed included thermogravimetry (TG), temperature-programmed decomposition (TPD), X-ray diffraction (XRD), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), and Raman and FTIR spectroscopies. Evidence was obtained for various structural phases including hydrozincite, copper hydrozincite, aurichalcite, zincian malachite and malachite (the concentrations of which depended upon the exact Cu/Zn ratio used). Significantly, previously reported phases such as gerhardite and rosasite were not identified when catalysts were synthesized at optimum solution pH and temperature values, and after appropriate aging periods. Calcination of the hydroxycarbonate precursors resulted in the formation of catalysts containing an intimate mixture of copper and zinc oxides. Temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) revealed that a number of discrete copper oxide species were present in the catalyst, the precise concentrations of which were determined to be related to the structure of the catalyst precursor. Copper hydrozincite decomposed to give zinc oxide particles decorated by highly dispersed, small copper oxide species. Aurichalcite appeared to result ultimately in the most intimately mixed catalyst structure whereas zincian malachite decomposed to produce larger copper oxide and zinc oxide grains. The reason for the stabilization of small copper oxide and zinc oxide clusters by aurichalcite was investigated by using carefully selected calcination temperatures. It was concluded that the unique formation of an 'anion-modified' oxide resulting from the initial decomposition stage of aurichalcite was responsible for the 'binding' of copper species to zinc moieties.


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Carbon dioxide reforming of methane produces synthesis gas with a low hydrogen to carbon monoxide ratio, which is desirable for many industrial synthesis processes. This reaction also has very important environmental implications since both methane and carbon dioxide contribute to the greenhouse effect. Converting these gases into a valuable feedstock may significantly reduce the atmospheric emissions of CO2 and CH4. In this paper, we present a comprehensive review on the thermodynamics, catalyst selection and activity, reaction mechanism, and kinetics of this important reaction. Recently, research has centered on the development of catalysts and the feasible applications of this reaction in industry. Group VIII metals supported on oxides are found to be effective for this reason. However, carbon deposition causing catalyst deactivation is the major problem inhibiting the industrial application of the CO2/CH4 reaction. Ni-based catalysts impregnated on certain supports show carbon-free operation and thus attract much attention. To develop an effective catalyst for CO2 reforming of CH4 and accelerate the commercial application of the reaction, the following are identified to be the most important areas for future work: (1) selection of metal and support and studying the effect of their interaction on catalyst activity; (2) the effect of different promoter on catalyst activity; (3) the reaction mechanism and kinetics; and (4) pilot reactor performance and scale-up operation.


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A rapid electrochemical method based on using a clean hydrogen-bubble template to form a bimetallic porous honeycomb Cu/Pd structure has been investigated. The addition of palladium salt to a copper-plating bath under conditions of vigorous hydrogen evolution was found to influence the pore size and bulk concentration of copper and palladium in the honeycomb bimetallic structure. The surface was characterised by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, which revealed that the surface of honeycomb Cu/Pd was found to be rich with a Cu/Pd alloy. The inclusion of palladium in the bimetallic structure not only influenced the pore size, but also modified the dendritic nature of the internal wall structure of the parent copper material into small nanometre-sized crystallites. The chemical composition of the bimetallic structure and substantial morphology changes were found to significantly influence the surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopic response for immobilised rhodamine B and the hydrogen-evolution reaction. The ability to create free-standing films of this honeycomb material may also have many advantages in the areas of gas- and liquid-phase heterogeneous catalysis.


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The spontaneous reaction between microrods of an organic semiconductor molecule, copper 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (CuTCNQ) with [AuBr4]− ions in an aqueous environment is reported. The reaction is found to be redox in nature which proceeds via a complex galvanic replacement mechanism, wherein the surface of the CuTCNQ microrods is replaced with metallic gold nanoparticles. Unlike previous reactions reported in acetonitrile, the galvanic replacement reaction in aqueous solution proceeds via an entirely different reaction mechanism, wherein a cyclical reaction mechanism involving continuous regeneration of CuTCNQ consumed during the galvanic replacement reaction occurs in parallel with the galvanic replacement reaction. This results in the driving force of the galvanic replacement reaction in aqueous medium being largely dependent on the availability of [AuBr4]− ions during the reaction. Therefore, this study highlights the importance of the choice of an appropriate solvent during galvanic replacement reactions, which can significantly impact upon the reaction mechanism. The reaction progress with respect to different gold salt concentration was monitored using Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), Raman, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), as well as XRD and EDX analysis, and SEM imaging. The CuTCNQ/Au nanocomposites were also investigated for their potential photocatalytic properties, wherein the destruction of the organic dye, Congo red, in a simulated solar light environment was found to be largely dependent on the degree of gold nanoparticle surface coverage. The approach reported here opens up new possibilities of decorating metal–organic charge transfer complexes with a host of metals, leading to potentially novel applications in catalysis and sensing.


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Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is widely utilized to synthesize graphene with controlled properties for many applications, especially when continuous films over large areas are required. Although hydrocarbons such as methane are quite efficient precursors for CVD at high temperature (∼1000 °C), finding less explosive and safer carbon sources is considered beneficial for the transition to large-scale production. In this work, we investigated the CVD growth of graphene using ethanol, which is a harmless and readily processable carbon feedstock that is expected to provide favorable kinetics. We tested a wide range of synthesis conditions (i.e., temperature, time, gas ratios), and on the basis of systematic analysis by Raman spectroscopy, we identified the optimal parameters for producing highly crystalline graphene with different numbers of layers. Our results demonstrate the importance of high temperature (1070 °C) for ethanol CVD and emphasize the significant effects that hydrogen and water vapor, coming from the thermal decomposition of ethanol, have on the crystal quality of the synthesized graphene.


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Taguchi method is for the first time applied to optimize the synthesis of graphene films by copper-catalyzed decomposition of ethanol. In order to find the most appropriate experimental conditions for the realization of thin high-grade films, six experiments suitably designed and performed. The influence of temperature (1000–1070 °C) and synthesis duration (1–30 min) and hydrogen flow (0–100 sccm) on the number of graphene layers and defect density in the graphitic lattice was ranked by monitoring the intensity of the 2D- and D-bands relative to the G-band in the Raman spectra. After critical examination and adjusting of the conditions predicted to give optimal results, a continuous film consisting of 2–4 nearly defect-free graphene layers was obtained.


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This thesis is focus on developing new photocatalysts for synthesis of fine organic chemicals on supported nanostructures. These photocatalysts can facilitate reactions by using visible light, moderate temperature and atmospheric pressure which is suitable for a sustainable, green and eco-friendly modern chemical industry. Both Semiconductor Photocatalyst and Noble Metal Photocatalysts are designed to facilitate the homocouplings reaction of imine generation by amines.


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A focused library based on the marine natural products polyandrocarpamines A (1) and B (2) has been designed and synthesised using parallel solution-phase chemistry. In silico physicochemical property calculations were performed on synthetic candidates in order to optimise the library for drug discovery and chemical biology. A library of ten 2-aminoimidazolone products (3–12) was prepared by coupling glycocyamidine and a variety of aldehydes using a one-step stereoselective aldol condensation reaction under microwave conditions. All analogues were characterised by NMR, UV, IR and MS. The library was evaluated for cytotoxicity towards the prostate cancer cell lines, LNCaP, PC-3 and 22Rv1.


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Mesoporous titania microspheres composed of nanosheets with exposed active facets were prepared by hydrothermal synthesis in the presence of hexafluorosilicic acid. They exhibited superior catalytic activity in the solvent-free synthesis of azoxybenzene by oxidation of aniline and could be used for 7 cycles with slight loss of activity.


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The ion (C2CHC2)(-) is formed in the gas phase by the process -C=C-CH(OCOR)-C=CD --> (C2CHC2)(-) + ('RDCO2') [R = H, Me or Et]; the ground state structure is a singlet, with C-2 nu symmetry.


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A mechanochemical synthesis process has been used to synthesise aluminium nanoparticles. The aluminium is synthesised via a solid state chemical reaction which is initiated inside a ball mill at room temperature between either lithium (Li) or sodium (Na) metal which act as reducing agents with unreduced aluminium chloride (AlCl3). The reaction product formed consists of aluminium nanoparticles embedded within a by-product salt phase (LiCl or NaCl, respectively). The LiCl is washed with a suitable solvent resulting in aluminium (Al) nanoparticles which are not oxidised and are separated from the byproduct phase. Synthesis and washing was confirmed using X-ray diffraction (XRD). Nanoparticles were found to be ∼25–100nm from transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and an average size of 55nm was determined fromsmall angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements. As synthesised Al/NaCl composites, washed Al nanoparticles, and purchased Al nanoparticles were deuterium (D2) absorption tested up to 2 kbar at a variety of temperatures, with no absorption detected within system resolution.


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Inspired by the interesting photo- and electrochemical properties observed in bipyridinium and porphyrin containing interlocked catenanes, herein we describe new approaches towards the synthesis of related rotaxanes. Previous efforts in this domain had been hampered by the limited range of chemical reactions that are compatible with these motifs, however the use of a “click” methodology, together with a better understanding of the size of these strapped porphyrin macrocycles, resulted in the synthesis of a bipyridinium porphyrin [2]rotaxane in modest yields. X-ray crystallography of the zinc metalloporphyrin macrocycle used in this study revealed that in the solid state, these strapped porphyrins adopt a 1-dimensional coordination polymer, in which an oxygen atom in the strap of one macrocycle is coordinated to the zinc metal center in an adjacent porphyrin ring


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A general chemo-enzymatic process has been developed to prepare enantiomerically pure L- and D-amino acids in high yield by deracemisation of racemic starting materials. The method has been developed from initial academic studies to be a robust, scalable industrial process. Unnatural amino acids, in high optical purity, are a rapidly growing class of intermediates required for pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and other fine chemical applications. However, no single method has proven sufficiently adaptable to prepare these compounds generally at large scale. Our approach uses an enantioselective oxidase biocatalyst and a non-selective chemical reducing agent to effect the stereoinversion of one enantiomer and can result in an enantiomeric excess of > 99 % from a starting racemate, and product yields over 90 %. The current approach compares very favourably to resolution methods which have a maximum single pass yield of 50 %. Efficient methods have been developed to adapt the biocatalyst used in this process towards new target compounds and to optimise key factors which improve the process efficiency and offer competitive economics at scale.


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Two unique test systems were designed and built to allow the effects of varied gravity (high, normal, reduced) during synthesis of titanium sol–gels to be studied. A centrifuge capable of providing high gravity environments of up to 70 g for extended periods while applying a 100 mbar vacuum and a temperature of 40–50 °C to the reaction chambers was developed. The second system was used in the QUT Microgravity Drop Tower Facility also provided the same thermal and vacuum conditions used in the centrifuge, but was required to operate autonomously during free fall. Through the use of post synthesis instrumental characterization, it was found that increased gravity levels during synthesis, had the greatest effect on the final products. Samples produced in reduced and normal gravity appeared to form amorphous gels containing very small particles with moderate surface areas. Whereas crystalline anatase (TiO2), was found to form in samples synthesized above 5 g with significant increases in crystallinity, particle size and surface area observed when samples were produced at gravity levels up to 70 g. It is proposed that for samples produced in higher gravity, an increased concentration gradient of water is forms at the bottom of the reacting film due to forced convection. The particles formed in higher gravity diffuse downward toward this excess of water, which favors the condensation reaction of remaining sol–gel precursors with the particles promoting increased particle growth. Due to the removal of downward convection in reduced gravity, particle growth due to condensation reaction processes are physically hindered hydrolysis reactions favored instead. Another significant finding from this work was that anatase could be produced at relatively low temperatures of 40–50 °C instead of the conventional method of calcination above 450 °C solely through sol–gel synthesis at higher gravity levels.


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Plasma-based techniques offer many unique possibilities for the synthesis of various nanostructures both on the surface and in the plasma bulk. In contrast to the conventional chemical vapor deposition and some other techniques, plasma-based processes ensure high level of controllability, good quality of the produced nanomaterials, and reduced environmental risk. In this work, the authors briefly review the unique features of the plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition approaches, namely, the techniques based on inductively coupled, microwave, and arc discharges. Specifically, the authors consider the plasmas with the ion/electron density ranging from 10^10 to 10^14 cm−3, electron energy in the discharge up to ∼10 eV, and the operating pressure ranging from 1 to 10^4 Pa (up to 105 Pa for the atmospheric-pressure arc discharges). The operating frequencies of the discharges considered range from 460 kHz for the inductively coupled plasmas, and up to 2.45 GHz for the microwave plasmas. The features of the direct-current arc discharges are also examined. The authors also discuss the principles of operation of these systems, as well as the effects of the key plasma parameters on the conditions of nucleation and growth of the carbon nanostructures, mainly carbon nanotubes and graphene. Advantages and disadvantages of these plasma systems are considered. Future trends in the development of these plasma-based systems are also discussed.