87 resultados para CATIONIC DRUGS


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This week, the secrecy surrounding an independent Australian report on patent law and pharmaceutical drugs has been lifted, and the work has been published to great acclaim...


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Introduction and Aims Wastewater analysis provides a non-intrusive way of measuring drug use within a population. We used this approach to determine daily use of conventional illicit drugs [cannabis, cocaine, methamphetamine and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)] and emerging illicit psychostimulants (benzylpiperazine, mephedrone and methylone) in two consecutive years (2010 and 2011) at an annual music festival. Design and Methods Daily composite wastewater samples, representative of the festival, were collected from the on-site wastewater treatment plant and analysed for drug metabolites. Data over 2 years were compared using Wilcoxon matched-pair test. Data from 2010 festival were compared with data collected at the same time from a nearby urban community using equivalent methods. Results Conventional illicit drugs were detected in all samples whereas emerging illicit psychostimulants were found only on specific days. The estimated per capita consumption of MDMA, cocaine and cannabis was similar between the two festival years. Statistically significant (P < 0.05; Z = −2.0–2.2) decreases were observed in use of methamphetamine and one emerging illicit psychostimulant (benzyl piperazine). Only consumption of MDMA was elevated at the festival compared with the nearby urban community. Discussion and Conclusions Rates of substance use at this festival remained relatively consistent over two monitoring years. Compared with the urban community, drug use among festival goers was only elevated for MDMA, confirming its popularity in music settings. Our study demonstrated that wastewater analysis can objectively capture changes in substance use at a music setting without raising major ethical issues. It would potentially allow effective assessments of drug prevention strategies in such settings in the future.


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The biodistribution of micelles with and without folic acid targeting ligands were studied using a block copolymer consisting of acrylic acid (AA) and polyethylene glycol methyl ether acrylate (PEGMEA) blocks. The polymers were prepared using RAFT polymerization in the presence of a folic acid functionalized RAFT agent. Oxoplatin was conjugated onto the acrylic acid block to form amphiphilic polymers which, when diluted in water, formed stable micelles. In order to probe the in vivo stability, a selection of micelles were cross-linked using 1,8-diamino octane. The sizes of the micelles used in this study range between 75 and 200 nm, with both spherical and worm-like conformation. The effects of cross-linking, folate conjugation and different conformation on the biodistribution were studied in female nude mice (BALB/c) following intravenous injection into the tail vein. Using optical imaging to monitor the fluorophore-labeled polymer, the in vivo biodistribution of the micelles was monitored over a 48 h time-course after which the organs were removed and evaluated ex vivo. These experiments showed that both cross-linking and conjugation with folic acid led to increased fluorescence intensities in the organs, especially in the liver and kidneys, while micelles that are not conjugated with folate and not cross-linked are cleared rapidly from the body. Higher accumulation in the spleen, liver, and kidneys was also observed for micelles with worm-like shapes compared to the spherical micelles. While the various factors of cross-linking, micelle shape, and conjugation with folic acid all contribute separately to prolong the circulation time of the micelle, optimization of these parameters for drug delivery devices could potentially overcome adverse effects such as liver and kidney toxicity.


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We evaluated the development of the exocrine pancreas in 16 healthy preterm infants (29.3 ± 1.6 weeks). The infants were fed breast milk with formula supplements (n=8) or formula alone (n=8). Growth was monitored weekly for 12 weeks then at 3, 6, 9, 12 months. At the same intervals sera were determined for pancreatic lipase and cationic trypsinogen. In addition, cord blood samples were analysed from another 33 preterm (27.6 ± 5.2 weeks) and 75 healthy full-term infants. Serum pancreatic lipase in the cord blood of term (3.7 ± 0.4 μg/l) and preterm infants (1.8 ± 0.2 μg/l) was significantly below values reported for older children (10.5 ± 0.9 μg/l; p < 0.001). In the preterm infant, serum lipase was also significantly lower than values obtained at term (p < 0.001). At birth, serum trypsinogen for preterm (16.8 ± 1.3 μg/l) and term infants (23.3 ± 1.9 μg/l) were below those for older children (31.4 ± 3.7 μg/l; p < 0.05). Over the first 3 weeks of life, serum lipase and trypsinogen increased significantly. From 3 weeks to 12 months of age, serum trypsinogen values remained unchanged, but serum lipase increased dramatically after 10 weeks of age. Thus, at 6 and 12 months of age, the preterm infants had significantly higher serum lipase values than infants of the same age born at term. These two pancreatic enzymes appear to show independent age-related maturation in infants born before term. The rate of maturation of lipase appears to be accelerated by exposure to the extrauterine environment.


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We evaluated serum cationic trypsinogen as a marker of exocrine pancreatic function in children without cystic fibrosis. The ability of this test to determine steatorrhoea of pancreatic origin, and its relationship to a wide range of exocrine pancreatic function were assessed. Serum trypsinogen was measured in 32 children with steatorrhoea, 10 with pancreatic and 22 with non-pancreatic causes. In patients with pancreatic steatorrhoea, serum cationic trypsinogen was 4·9±4·9 μg/l (mean ±SD), significantly below values in patients with non-pancreatic steatorrhoea (47·0±22·1 μg/l, p<0·001) and 50 control subjects (31·4±7·4 μg/l, p<0·001). Serum cationic trypsinogen values in patients with pancreatic steatorrhoea all fell below the lower limit of our control range and below all values for patients with non-pancreatic steatorrhoea. Serum cationic trypsinogen was also evaluated against pancreatic trypsin output in 47 patients (range 0·2-17·0 yr) who underwent a hormonal pancreatic stimulation test. In 17 patients, serum cationic trypsinogen was low (<-2SD or 16·6 μg/l), and associated with greatly impaired pancreatic trypsin output, ranging from 0-8% of mean normal trypsin output. Five of these 17 patients did not have steatorrhoea. In 30 patients with normal or raised serum cationic trypsinogen (≥16·6 μg/l), pancreatic trypsin output ranged from 15-183% of mean normal values. In conclusion, low serum cationic trypsinogen suggests severely impaired exocrine pancreatic function, with sensitivity extending above the steatorrhoeic threshold. In the presence of steatorrhoea, low serum cationic trypsinogen indicates a pancreatic aetiology. Normal serum cationic trypsinogen, however, does not exclude impaired pancreatic function, above the steatorrhoeic threshold.


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Serum immunoreactive cationic trypsinogen levels were determined in 99 control subjects and 381 cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. To evaluate the status of the exocrine pancreas all CF patients had previously undergone fecal fat balance studies and/or pancreatic stimulation tests. Three hundred fourteen CF patients had fat malabsorption and/or had inadequate pancreatic enzyme secretion (pancreatic insufficiency) requiring oral pancreatic enzyme supplements with meals. Sixty-seven CF patients did not have fat malabsorption and/or had adequate enzyme secretion (pancreatic sufficiency) and were not receiving pancreatic enzyme supplements with meals. Mean serum trypsinogen in 99 control subjects was 31.4 ± 14.8 /µg/hter (± 2 SD) and levels did not vary with age or sex. In CF infants (< 2 yr) with pancreatic insufficiency, mean serum trypsinogen was significantly above the non-CF values (p < 0.001). Ninety-one percent of the CF infants had elevated levels. Serum trypsinogen values in the pancreatic insuffi ient group declined steeply up to 5 years, reaching subnormal values by age 6. An equation was developed which described these age-related changes very accurately. Only six CF patients with pancreatic insufficiency had serum trypsinogen levels above the 95% confidence limits of this equation. In contrast, there was no age related decline in serum trypsinogen among the CF group with pancreatic sufficiency. Under 7 yr, serum trypsinogen failed to distinguish the two groups. In those over 7 yr of age, however, serum trypsinogen was significantly higher than the CF group with pancreatic insufficiency (p < 0.001), and 93% had values within or above the control range. In conclusion, serum trypsinogen appears to be a useful screening test for CF in infancy. Between 2 and 7 yr of age this test is of little diagnostic value. After 7 yr of age, serum trypsinogen can reliably distinguish between CF patients with and without pancreatic insufficiency.


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Indirect and qualitative tests of pancreatic function are commonly used to screen patients with cystic fibrosis for pancreatic insufficiency. In an attempt to develop a more quantitative assessment, we compared the usefulness of measuring serum pancreatic lipase using a newly developed enzyme-linked immunosorbent immunoassay with that of cationic trypsinogen using a radioimmunoassay in the assessment of exocrine pancreatic function in patients with cystic fibrosis. Previously, we have shown neither lipase nor trypsinogen to be of use in assessing pancreatic function prior to 5 years of age because the majority of patients with cystic fibrosis in early infancy have elevated serum levels regardless of pancreatic function. Therefore, we studied 77 patients with cystic fibrosis older than 5 years of age, 41 with steatorrhea and 36 without steatorrhea. In addition, 28 of 77 patients consented to undergo a quantitative pancreatic stimulation test. There was a significant difference between the steatorrheic and nonsteatorrheic patients with the steatorrheic group having lower lipase and trypsinogen values than the nonsteatorrheic group (P < .001). Sensitivities and specificities in detecting steatorrhea were 95% and 86%, respectively, for lipase and 93% and 92%, respectively, for trypsinogen. No correlations were found between the serum levels of lipase and trypsinogen and their respective duodenal concentrations because of abnormally high serum levels of both enzymes found in some nonsteatorrheic patients. We conclude from this study that both serum lipase and trypsinogen levels accurately detect steatorrhea in patients with cystic fibrosis who are older than 5 years but are imprecise indicators of specific pancreatic exocrine function above the level needed for normal fat absorption.


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Serum immunoreactive pancreatic lipase and cationic trypsinogen are elevated in young infants with cystic fibrosis (CF) and may be useful neonatal screening tests for CF. We compared lipase measured by a recently developed ELISA immunoassay with trypsinogen measured by radioimmunoassay in 70 children (ages 0.1 to 9.9 years) with CF who had various degrees of pancreatic dysfunction and in 79 similarly aged children without CF (controls). In the control children, lipase activity increased with advancing age, whereas trypsinogen showed no age-related trend. Lipase and trypsinogen were significantly elevated in the infants with CF who were younger than 1 year, irrespective of pancreatic function (trypsinogen, P<0.001; lipase, P<0.05). Sensitivities in detecting CF were 76% and 90% for lipase and trypsinogen, respectively. After the first year of life, lipase and trypsinogen values declined toward normal, the rate of decline of lipase being greater than that of trypsinogen; 67% of lipase values were within or below the normal range by 3 years, whereas 67% of trypsinogen values continued to be elevated. We conclude that trypsinogen is an excellent screening test for CF in young infants regardless of pancreatic function, and that the addition of a serum pancreatic lipase determination does not improve the accuracy of trypsinogen as a screening test for cystic fibrosis.


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Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) applies advanced analytical methods to quantify drug residues in wastewater with the aim to estimate illicit drug use at the population level. Transformation processes during transport in sewers (chemical and biological reactors) and storage of wastewater samples before analysis are expected to change concentrations of different drugs to varying degrees. Ignoring transformation for drugs with low to medium stability will lead to an unknown degree of systematic under- or overestimation of drug use, which should be avoided. This review aims to summarize the current knowledge related to the stability of commonly investigated drugs and, furthermore, suggest a more effective approach to future experiments. From over 100 WBE studies, around 50 mentioned the importance of stability and 24 included tests in wastewater. Most focused on in-sample stability (i.e., sample preparation, preservation and storage) and some extrapolated to in-sewer stability (i.e., during transport in real sewers). While consistent results were reported for rather stable compounds (e.g., MDMA and methamphetamine), a varying range of stability under different or similar conditions was observed for other compounds (e.g., cocaine, amphetamine and morphine). Wastewater composition can vary considerably over time, and different conditions prevail in different sewer systems. In summary, this indicates that more systematic studies are needed to: i) cover the range of possible conditions in sewers and ii) compare results more objectively. To facilitate the latter, we propose a set of parameters that should be reported for in-sewer stability experiments. Finally, a best practice of sample collection, preservation, and preparation before analysis is suggested in order to minimize transformation during these steps.


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Estimated 638,400 persons suffered a work-related injury or illness in 2009-2010 and 337 lost their lives as a result in 2009-2010. In 2013-2014, there were 186 fatalities with 29 (16%) occurring in construction. Very little is known about what proportion of accidents are directly attributable to the effects of AOD. Anecdotal evidence highlights issues of AOD and its association with safety risk on construction sites. Research Objective: • To scientifically evaluate the relationship between the use of AOD and the safety impacts within the Australian construction industry to engender a cultural change in the workforce • A nationally consistent and collaborative approach involving government, employers and employees, unions and other key industry stakeholders


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Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are an untapped source of novel chemical entities and, therefore, offer exciting new opportunities for the development of novel drug molecules because of their unique physical and biological properties. Advances in the functional understanding of GAG–protein interactions are enabling the development of GAG mimetics for use as anti-angiogenic, anti-metastatic, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant and anti-thrombotic agents. Many anti-thrombotic molecules, such as Fondaparinux and Idraparinux, have been successful in clinical trials, and a new generation of heparin mimetic oligosaccharides and small molecules are currently in different stages of clinical development. In particular, the recent increased activity in the development of new mimetics by altering the composition of sulphated GAGs is very encouraging. This article reviews structurally defined heparin-mimetic oligosaccharides and small molecules currently in development or clinical trials...