338 resultados para Ageing processes


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The effective atomic number is widely employed in radiation studies, particularly for the characterisation of interaction processes in dosimeters, biological tissues and substitute materials. Gel dosimeters are unique in that they comprise both the phantom and dosimeter material. In this work, effective atomic numbers for total and partial electron interaction processes have been calculated for the first time for a Fricke gel dosimeter, five hypoxic and nine normoxic polymer gel dosimeters. A range of biological materials are also presented for comparison. The spectrum of energies studied spans 10 keV to 100 MeV, over which the effective atomic number varies by 30 %. The effective atomic numbers of gels match those of soft tissue closely over the full energy range studied; greater disparities exist at higher energies but are typically within 4 %.


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There is an increasing global reliance on the Internet for retrieving information on health, illness, and recovery (Sillence et al, 2007; Laurent et al, 2009; Adams, 2010). People suffering from a vast array of illnesses, conditions, and complaints, as well as healthy travelers seeking advice about safe practices abroad, and teens seeking information about safe sexual practices are all now more likely to go to the internet for information than they are to rely solely on a general practitioner or physician (Santor et al, 2007; Moreno et al, 2009; Bartlett et al, 2010). Women in particular seek advice and support online for a number of health-related concerns regarding issues such as puberty, conception, pregnancy, postnatal depression, mothering, breast-cancer recovery, and ageing healthily (van Zutphen, 2008; Raymond et al, 2005). In keeping with this increasing socio-technological trend, the Women’s Health Unit at the Queensland University of Technology (Q.U.T), Brisbane, Australia, introduced the research, design, and development of online information resources for issues affecting the health of Australian women as an assessment item for students in the undergraduate Public Health curriculum. Students were required to research a particular health issue affecting Australian women, including pregnancy, pregnancy terminations, postnatal depression, returning to the work force after having a baby, breast cancer recovery, chronic disease prevention, health and safety for sex-workers, and ageing healthily. Students were required to design and develop websites that supported people living with these conditions, or who were in these situations. The websites were designed for communicating effectively with both women seeking information about their health, and their health practitioners. The pedagogical challenge inherent in this exercise was twofold: firstly, to encourage students to develop the skills to design and maintain software for online health forums; and secondly, to challenge public health students to go beyond generating ‘awareness’ and imparting health information to developing a nuanced understanding of the worlds and perspectives of their audiences, who require supportive networks and options that resonate with their restrictions, capabilities, and dispositions. This latter challenge spanned the realms of research, communication, and aesthetic design. This paper firstly, discusses an increasing reliance on the Internet by women seeking health-related information and the potential health risks and benefits of this trend. Secondly, it applies a post-structural analysis of the de-centred and mobile female self, as online social ‘spaces’ and networks supersede geographical ‘places’ and hierarchies, with implications for democracy, equality, power, and ultimately women’s health. Thirdly, it depicts the processes (learning reflections) and products (developed websites) created within this Women’s Health Unit by the students. Finally, we review this development in the undergraduate curriculum in terms of the importance of providing students with skills in research, communication, and technology in order to share and implement improved health care and social marketing for women as both recipients and providers of health care in the Internet Age.


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Creative processes, for instance, the development of visual effects or computer games, increasingly become part of the agenda of information systems researchers and practitioners. Such processes get their managerial challenges from the fact that they comprise both well-structured, transactional parts and creative parts. The latter can often not be precisely specified in terms of control flow, required resources, and outcome. The processes’ high uncertainty sets boundaries for the application of traditional business process management concepts, such as process automation, process modeling, process performance measurement, and risk management. Organizations must thus exercise caution when it comes to managing creative processes and supporting these with information technology. This, in turn, requires a profound understanding of the concept of creativity in business processes. In response to this, the present paper introduces a framework for conceptualizing creativity within business processes. The conceptual framework describes three types of uncertainty and constraints as well as the interrelationships among these. The study is grounded in the findings from three case studies that were conducted in the film and visual effects industry. Moreover, we provide initial evidence for the framework’s validity beyond this narrow focus. The framework is intended to serve as a sensitizing device that can guide further information systems research on creativity-related phenomena.


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My research investigates why nouns are learned disproportionately more frequently than other kinds of words during early language acquisition (Gentner, 1982; Gleitman, et al., 2004). This question must be considered in the context of cognitive development in general. Infants have two major streams of environmental information to make meaningful: perceptual and linguistic. Perceptual information flows in from the senses and is processed into symbolic representations by the primitive language of thought (Fodor, 1975). These symbolic representations are then linked to linguistic input to enable language comprehension and ultimately production. Yet, how exactly does perceptual information become conceptualized? Although this question is difficult, there has been progress. One way that children might have an easier job is if they have structures that simplify the data. Thus, if particular sorts of perceptual information could be separated from the mass of input, then it would be easier for children to refer to those specific things when learning words (Spelke, 1990; Pylyshyn, 2003). It would be easier still, if linguistic input was segmented in predictable ways (Gentner, 1982; Gleitman, et al., 2004) Unfortunately the frequency of patterns in lexical or grammatical input cannot explain the cross-cultural and cross-linguistic tendency to favor nouns over verbs and predicates. There are three examples of this failure: 1) a wide variety of nouns are uttered less frequently than a smaller number of verbs and yet are learnt far more easily (Gentner, 1982); 2) word order and morphological transparency offer no insight when you contrast the sentence structures and word inflections of different languages (Slobin, 1973) and 3) particular language teaching behaviors (e.g. pointing at objects and repeating names for them) have little impact on children's tendency to prefer concrete nouns in their first fifty words (Newport, et al., 1977). Although the linguistic solution appears problematic, there has been increasing evidence that the early visual system does indeed segment perceptual information in specific ways before the conscious mind begins to intervene (Pylyshyn, 2003). I argue that nouns are easier to learn because their referents directly connect with innate features of the perceptual faculty. This hypothesis stems from work done on visual indexes by Zenon Pylyshyn (2001, 2003). Pylyshyn argues that the early visual system (the architecture of the "vision module") segments perceptual data into pre-conceptual proto-objects called FINSTs. FINSTs typically correspond to physical things such as Spelke objects (Spelke, 1990). Hence, before conceptualization, visual objects are picked out by the perceptual system demonstratively, like a finger pointing indicating ‘this’ or ‘that’. I suggest that this primitive system of demonstration elaborates on Gareth Evan's (1982) theory of nonconceptual content. Nouns are learnt first because their referents attract demonstrative visual indexes. This theory also explains why infants less often name stationary objects such as plate or table, but do name things that attract the focal attention of the early visual system, i.e., small objects that move, such as ‘dog’ or ‘ball’. This view leaves open the question how blind children learn words for visible objects and why children learn category nouns (e.g. 'dog'), rather than proper nouns (e.g. 'Fido') or higher taxonomic distinctions (e.g. 'animal').


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This article concerns the changing nature of the relationship between age and the labour market. Global demographic, economic and technological changes potentially pose major challenges for older workers trying to maintain a secure attachment to the labour market. Recent public policy has responded by defining concepts such as 'active ageing' which encourage older workers to participate fully within society, including maintaining workforce participation. Older workers' ability to secure quality work within a volatile labour market is considered. While activation approaches are currently popular among policymakers, the notion that older workers will easily avoid a diminution of their employment prospects is challenged.


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Queensland University of Technology (QUT) completed an Australian National Data Service (ANDS) funded “Seeding the Commons Project” to contribute metadata to Research Data Australia. The project employed two Research Data Librarians from October 2009 through to July 2010. Technical support for the project was provided by QUT’s High Performance Computing and Research Support Specialists. ---------- The project identified and described QUT’s category 1 (ARC / NHMRC) research datasets. Metadata for the research datasets was stored in QUT’s Research Data Repository (Architecta Mediaflux). Metadata which was suitable for inclusion in Research Data Australia was made available to the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) in RIF-CS format. ---------- Several workflows and processes were developed during the project. 195 data interviews took place in connection with 424 separate research activities which resulted in the identification of 492 datasets. ---------- The project had a high level of technical support from QUT High Performance Computing and Research Support Specialists who developed the Research Data Librarian interface to the data repository that enabled manual entry of interview data and dataset metadata, creation of relationships between repository objects. The Research Data Librarians mapped the QUT metadata repository fields to RIF-CS and an application was created by the HPC and Research Support Specialists to generate RIF-CS files for harvest by the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC). ---------- This poster will focus on the workflows and processes established for the project including: ---------- • Interview processes and instruments • Data Ingest from existing systems (including mapping to RIF-CS) • Data entry and the Data Librarian interface to Mediaflux • Verification processes • Mapping and creation of RIF-CS for the ARDC


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Entrepreneurship, creativity, and design are all ingredients of the innovation process and are sometimes confused, misapplied, and used interchangeably. This conceptual paper responds to recent calls for further investigation of the links between entrepreneurship and related disciplines, and explores a solution focused approach most strongly developed and applied in new product and enterprise development — that of design and design thinking. The paper extends prior research on entrepreneurship, creativity, and design, and argues for tighter links between these notions in the establishment and ongoing evolution of enterprises.


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In this article we examine some of the challenges in the educational policy process today. While acknowledging the inherent tensions in, and complexities of, the policy process, we suggest some ways that might help to better understand it. An evidence-based approach to policy making is offered for consideration. While such an approach is not new, we frame the approach around three lenses drawn from the work of Head (2008): these lenses are titled political, research, and technical. It is argued that consideration of the complexities and challenges at play across these three lenses in a context of contested policy terrain can result in better understanding of the policy process and lead to better policy conceptualisation, planning, and implementation.


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Exclusion processes on a regular lattice are used to model many biological and physical systems at a discrete level. The average properties of an exclusion process may be described by a continuum model given by a partial differential equation. We combine a general class of contact interactions with an exclusion process. We determine that many different types of contact interactions at the agent-level always give rise to a nonlinear diffusion equation, with a vast variety of diffusion functions D(C). We find that these functions may be dependent on the chosen lattice and the defined neighborhood of the contact interactions. Mild to moderate contact interaction strength generally results in good agreement between discrete and continuum models, while strong interactions often show discrepancies between the two, particularly when D(C) takes on negative values. We present a measure to predict the goodness of fit between the discrete and continuous model, and thus the validity of the continuum description of a motile, contact-interacting population of agents. This work has implications for modeling cell motility and interpreting cell motility assays, giving the ability to incorporate biologically realistic cell-cell interactions and develop global measures of discrete microscopic data.


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On the microscale, migration, proliferation and death are crucial in the development, homeostasis and repair of an organism; on the macroscale, such effects are important in the sustainability of a population in its environment. Dependent on the relative rates of migration, proliferation and death, spatial heterogeneity may arise within an initially uniform field; this leads to the formation of spatial correlations and can have a negative impact upon population growth. Usually, such effects are neglected in modeling studies and simple phenomenological descriptions, such as the logistic model, are used to model population growth. In this work we outline some methods for analyzing exclusion processes which include agent proliferation, death and motility in two and three spatial dimensions with spatially homogeneous initial conditions. The mean-field description for these types of processes is of logistic form; we show that, under certain parameter conditions, such systems may display large deviations from the mean field, and suggest computationally tractable methods to correct the logistic-type description.


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Though web services offer unique opportunities for the design of new business processes, the assessment of the potential impact of Web services on existing business information systems is often reduced to technical aspects. This paper proposes a four-phase methodology which facilitates the evaluation of the potential use of Web services on business information systems both from a technical and from a strategic viewpoint. It is based on business process models, which are used to frame the adoption and deployment of Web services and to assess their impact on existing business processes. The application of this methodology is described using a procurement scenario.


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Given that what students learn is so strongly related to how they learn, the modes of delivery and assessment that we as teachers provide them with have a major impact on their ability to learn. As this paper shows, good learning environments are constructed from a range of modes that respond to student learning styles and seek to align activities and learning outcomes with assessment tasks, to better accommodate a diversity of student learning styles and backgrounds. This paper uses a number of models of learning to critique and analyse the traditional practices of assessment in an architectural design class, and then proposes and reports on an alternative pattern of assessment. It discusses the issues of accommodating a group of first-year architecture students at Queensland University of Technology in 2009. These students arrived with diverse prior learning backgrounds, the group being evenly split between those with drawing capabilities and those without. They also had a variety of learning style preferences. The experiment in alternative assessment patterns presented here shows that what has traditionally been considered a diverse and difficult cohort of students can benefit from the assessment of a range of task types at different stages in the learning cycle.


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The purpose of this study is to contribute to the cross-disciplinary body of literature of identity and organisational culture. This study empirically investigated the Hatch and Schultz (2002) Organisational Identity Dynamics (OID) model to look at linkages between identity, image, and organisational culture. This study used processes defined in the OID model as a theoretical frame by which to understand the relationships between actual and espoused identity manifestations across visual identity, corporate identity, and organisational identity. The linking processes of impressing, mirroring, reflecting, and expressing were discussed at three unique levels in the organisation. The overarching research question of How does the organisational identity dynamics process manifest itself in practice at different levels within an organisation? was used as a means of providing empirical understanding to the previously theoretical OID model. Case study analysis was utilised to provide exploratory data across the organisational groups of: Level A - Senior Marketing and Corporate Communications Management, Level B - Marketing and Corporate Communications Staff, and Level C - Non-Marketing Managers and Employees. Data was collected via 15 in-depth interviews with documentary analysis used as a supporting mechanism to provide triangulation in analysis. Data was analysed against the impressing, mirroring, reflecting, and expressing constructs with specific criteria developed from literature to provide a detailed analysis of each process. Conclusions revealed marked differences in the ways in which OID processes occurred across different levels with implications for the ways in which VI, CI, and OI interact to develop holistic identity across organisational levels. Implications for theory detail the need to understand and utilise cultural understanding in identity programs as well as the value in developing identity communications which represent an actual rather than an espoused position.


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This paper discusses an experiment investigating the effects of cognitive ageing and prior-experience with technology on using complex interfaces intuitively. Overall 37 participants, between the ages of 18 to 83, participated in this study. All participants were assessed for their cognitive abilities and prior-experience with technology. It was anticipated that the Central Executive function (a component of Working Memory) would emerge as one of the important cognitive functions in using complex interfaces. This was found to be the case with the strongest negative correlation occurring between sustained attention (one of the functions of the Central Executive), the time to complete the task and number of errors made by the participants.