881 resultados para Entertainment


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"Tim Kring, Creator of the hit television show 'Heroes' tells how the big idea began, and where you can jump in. "A few years ago, I started thinking about an entirely new way to tell a story, far different from traditional TV. I didn't just want to talk about 'saving the world' in fiction, I wanted to create a narrative that spilled out into the streets. One that you could live inside of for a while. How cool would it be, I thought, to create a story that exists all around you all of the time? On your laptop, your mobile phone, on your sidewalks, as a secret message hidden in your favorite song or while standing at the bus stop on your way to work. And, taking it further, what if your participation over a few weeks or months actually impacts the story's development and creates positive change in the real world because a philanthropic mission is integrated into the narrative itself? The Conspiracy For Good is the culmination of this dream. This is the pilot project for a first-of-itskind interactive story that empowers its audience to take real-life action and create positive change in the world. Call it Social Benefit Storytelling. To achieve this, I need you to participate. Reality and fiction have to blur. Every story needs a villain and you will meet the villain in the STORY SO FAR section on this site. And every story needs a hero. That's where YOU come in. As part of The Conspiracy For Good you will join a collective of thinkers, artists, musicians, and causes, creating a unified voice to fight the forces of social and environmental injustice. This is our site, where together we can follow the story and build a community that focuses on changing the world for the better, one person and one action at a time. Welcome to the Conspiracy." Tim Kring"


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"What is Bluebird AR? Bluebird AR was the ABC's alternate reality drama set around the leak of Bluebird, a clandestine geoengineering initiative created by eco-billionaire Harrison Wyld. Proposing a fictional scenario set against a backdrop of real world possibilities, Bluebird AR took some of the conventions of the well-established alternate reality game (ARG) genre and pulled them into the relatively new area of online drama, to create a hybrid entertainment form best described as 'participatory drama'. With Bluebird AR's interactive narrative centred on the experimental science of geoengineering, the deliberate manipulation of the Earth's atmosphere to counteract global warming, the events and characters in the Bluebird story were entirely fictional but fused with reality online. Inhabiting a mixture of third party social media spaces and websites created by the ABC, the story incorporated real online articles, scientific journals, media and debate around geoengineering. In an Australian first, ABC Innovation launched Bluebird AR on 27 April 2010, with a 6 week live phase. Audience members were invited to play collectively to help 'unlock the drama' and push forward the emerging narrative, or passively watch the story unfold in real-time across the internet. Bluebird AR subverted ARG conventions with the high quality of its production and assets, and raised the stakes for online drama with its level of audience participation." © 2014 ABC "Introduction One of the most exciting creative challenges of producing Bluebird AR was formulating the broad array of visual styles and treatments required for the project's diverse range of content. Many assets also needed to translate well not only online but across other media, including television and print. With the project's producers keen to create a visually rich narrative with high production values from the outset, inspiration for the production design for various aspects of the Bluebird story began in the earliest pitching phase in September 2008. Particular visual treatments and styles for Bluebird's characters, their web spaces and real world possessions were formulated concurrently with the creation of their profiles. Ideas around how various clues and gameplay spaces might look and feel were also explored at this early stage. Bluebird AR's small but tight creative team produced 7 website designs and brands, motion graphics for title sequences and logo animations, rotoscope animation, 3D compositing and animation, 3D wireframes and schematics, countless Photoshop composites, and a vast array of character assets for the DC (including Kyle's Bluebird Labs security pass and resignation letter, Kruger's American and Russia passports and birth certificate, Harrison's divorce papers, and more)…" © 2014 ABC


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Christy Dena was commissioned by the Australia Council for the Arts to organise and curate a special conference and workshop event on transmedia. Her brief was to secure all the relevant funding bodies to support it financially (the first time they ever all funded the same event). Christy brought in transmedia professionals from around the world, and targeted directors, writers, designers, and producers, from film, TV, theatre, gaming, music, literature and digital sectors. She curated the audience as well as the speakers. It was a huge success, and follow-up meetups with the IGDA were also organised.


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Video works,paintings and photographic collages installed as part of an international group exhibition in Japan. The exhibition dealt with how women born after 1960 negotiated ideas of globalisation, feminism and identity and was accompanied by an exhibition catalogue.


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The passage of indeterminacy in the intensification of being is a digital video projection by Daniel McKewen. The work used digital visual effects and experimentation with time-based video synchronisation to manipulate images of celebrities plundered from the internet and television. The result was a sequence of images that served as both portrait of the constructed nature of screen-based imagery, as well as portrait of the pop culture audience that consumes such constructions.


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A solo exhibition by Joseph Breikers included in the MetroArts 2011 galleries Program. The exhbition comprised a series of predominantly sculptural works that reflected the artists ongoing interest in medieval, gothic and death metal visual motifs. The exhibition thus acted as a ironic meditation on ritual, belonging and cultural identity.


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A solo show by Courtney Coombs held at MetroArts in Brisbane as part of the 2011 Allies Program. The exhibtion comprised a series of sculptural, photographic, text and video works that each employed motifs evocative of romantic love combined with the artist self-effacing and ambivalent relationship to the art world and its male canon. The resulting exhibition acted as a meditation of female authorship in the studio and the contradictory impulses of critique and adoration.


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"Future Perfect" is a solo artist exhibition featuring a 9 channel video installation, which is comprised of looped computer animation projections. In the first room, the big one, there are nine projections of looped computer animations. Many of these look like representations of gallery spaces containing sculptures, including rotating interpenetrating discs, bouncing coloured coffins, and jostling cardboard cubes (the cubes are blank, then covered in drawings, then covered in photographic imagery). In one video, a man and a woman walk towards one another but never get together. In the second room, an animated video on a flatscreen suggests an origin story. The subtitles tell how, in Russia, my great-grandfather made a joke about Stalin's child bride that cost him his life. That one isn’t a loop; it has a beginning, middle, and end. Lying on the floor, in front of the video, are two slightly crumpled mural prints of photographs of the ocean. There's also a clear Perspex cloud shape on a wall. Viewers will see themselves reflected in it, as if it were a distant hovering mirage. The first room of the exhibition, where objects are set in perpetual motion, is about departure. The second room registers some sense of arrival. The future perfect implies looking back on something that hasn't happened yet; future and past are conflated and the present is somehow deferred. The future perfect combines anticipation and reflection, and it relates to my interest in combining 3-D animation with other mediums like drawing, painting, and shot video. In my work, the virtual and actual coexist in tension, just like experience and expectation in the future perfect.


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“Selectively Revealed investigates the blurry line between the public and the private in artistic practice. The artist is presented as voyeur, muse, subject, performer and social commentator. Using a variety of screen based practices, each artist pushes and pulls at the notion of what is private and what is public, choosing precisely what, when, how or when not to reveal their subjects or themselves. Ultimately, everything is presented for scrutiny; an innermost feeling, a personal moment, a fear or failure, an everyday encounter, an experience of rapture, a banal endeavour. Much is revealed, celebrated and critiqued.” Sarah Bond (Asialink) and Clare Needham (Experimenta)


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Collective Coverings, Communal Skin is a large-scale site-specific installation that grows with community contributions created for the 2012 Liverpool Biennial. The work involves transforming objects used in conflict (second hand hunting and camouflage t-shirts) into objects of comfort (hula hoop rag mats) . Many of the shirts were either donated or purchased from thrift stores in Los Angeles and Liverpool. With the massive help of the Liverpool community we transformed individual t-shirts through weaving them into a communal skin that covers the existing internal architecture. There was a workshop space with instruction video, inside the installation where visitors could sit and work on patchwork body-pillows. During structured workshops I talked with the community about meditating while they weave so as to contemplate the spiritual and conceptual dimension of the project. The hula-hoop weavings grew throughout the space for the duration of the 10-week Biennial. The community contributed 770 weavings. This project was funded by the Australia Council for the Arts and FACT.


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A series of large-scale photographic collages and videoworks installed in the 2010 The Beauty Of Distance: Songs of Survival in a Precarious Age, Sydney Biennale Cockatoo Island, Sydney (cat.)The work addresses her ongoing interest in feminist strategies for negotiating individual and collective identities, equality,and social activism.


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A large scale installation over three gallery spaces that addresses Wymans ongoing in exploring feminist strategies for negotiating individual and collective identities, equality, and social activism.


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A solo exhibiton of painting, photography, collage and fabric sculpture works that continues Wyman's interest in exploring feminist strategies for negotiating individual and collective identities,equallity and social activism. She explores the idea that the clothed body is often the first point of protest and demonstrates how masks and disguises provide collective power and protection in conflict zones.


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A single channel video work that explores the idea that the clothed body is often the first point of protest and demonstrates how masks and disguses provide collective power and protection in conflict zones. With catalogue.


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Digital photographs sewn onto secondhand tie-dye t-shirts. The work continues Wyman's interest in exploring feminist strategies for negotiating individual and collective identiities, equality and social activism.