831 resultados para Reality effects


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The paper critiques the focus of creative industries policy on capability development of small and medium sized firms and the provision of regional incentives. It analyses factors affecting the competitiveness and sustainability of the games development industry and visual effects suppliers to feature films. Interviews with participants in these industries highlight the need for policy instruments to take into consideration the structure and organization of global markets and the power of lead multinational corporations. We show that although forms of economic governance in these industries may allow sustainable value capture, they are interrupted by bottlenecks in which ferocious competition among suppliers is confronted by comparatively little competition among the lead firms. We argue that current approaches to creative industries policy aimed at building self-sustaining creative industries are unlikely to be sufficient because of the globalized nature of the industries. Rather, we argue that a more profitable approach is likely to require supporting diversification of the industries as ‘feeders’ into other areas of the economy.


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Cold water immersion (CWI) and active recovery (ACT) are frequently used as post-exercise recovery strategies. However, the physiological effects of CWI and ACT after resistance exercise are not well characterized. We examined the effects of CWI and ACT on cardiac output (Q), muscle oxygenation (SmO2) and blood volume (tHb), muscle temperature (Tmuscle ) and isometric strength after resistance exercise. On separate days, 10 men performed resistance exercise, followed by 10 min CWI at 10°C or 10 min ACT (low-intensity cycling). Q (7.9±2.7 l) and Tmuscle (2.2±0.8ºC) increased, whereas SmO2 (-21.5±8.8%) and tHb (-10.1±7.7 μM) decreased after exercise (p<0.05). During CWI, Q ̇(-1.1±0.7 l) and Tmuscle (-6.6±5.3ºC) decreased, while tHb (121±77 μM) increased (p<0.05). In the hour after CWI, Q ̇and Tmuscle remained low, while tHb also decreased (p<0.05). By contrast, during ACT, Q ̇(3.9±2.3 l), Tmuscle (2.2±0.5ºC), SmO2 (17.1±5.7%) and tHb (91±66 μM) all increased (p<0.05). In the hour after ACT, Tmuscle and tHb remained high (p<0.05). Peak isometric strength during 10 s maximum voluntary contractions (MVCs) did not change significantly after CWI, whereas it decreased after ACT (-30 to -45 Nm; p<0.05). Muscle deoxygenation time during MVCs increased after ACT (p<0.05), but not after CWI. Muscle reoxygenation time after MVCs tended to increase after CWI (p=0.052). These findings suggest firstly that hemodynamics and muscle temperature after resistance exercise are dependent on ambient temperature and metabolic demands with skeletal muscle, and secondly, that recovery of strength after resistance exercise is independent of changes in hemodynamics and muscle temperature.


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One of the aims of Deleuze. Guattari. Schizoanalysis. Education. is to focus on the radical reconfiguration that education is undergoing, impacting educator, administrator, institution and ‘sector’ alike. More to the point, it is the responses to that process of reconfiguration - this newly emerging assemblage - that are a key focal point in this issue. Essential to these responses, we propose, is Deleuze and Guattari’s method of schizonalysis, which offers a way to not only understand the rules of this new game, but also, hopefully, some escape from the promise of a brave new world of continuous education and motivation. A brave new world of digitised courses, impersonal and corporate expertise, updatable performance metrics, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), learning analytics, transformative teaching and learning, online high-stakes testing in the name of transforming and augmenting human capital overlays the corporeal practices of institutional surveillance, examination and categorical sorting. A brave new world, importantly, where people’s continuous education is instituted less, or not simply, through disciplinary practices, and increasingly through a constant and continuous sampling and profiling of not simply performance but their activity, measured against the profiled activity of a ‘like’ age group, person, or an institution. This continuous education, including the sampling that accompanies it, we are all informed through various information and marketing campaigns, is in our best interest. An interest that is driven and governed by an ever-increasing corporatisation and monetisation of ‘the knowledge sector’, as well as an interest that is sustained through an ever-increasing, as well as continuous, debt.


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This paper explores Rizvi and Lingard’s (2010) idea of the “local vernacular” of the global education policy trend of using high-stakes testing to increase accountability and transparency, and by extension quality, within schools and education systems in Australia. In the first part of the paper a brief context of the policy trajectory of National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is given in Australia. In the second part, empirical evidence drawn from a survey of teachers in Western Australia (WA) and South Australia (SA) is used to explore teacher perceptions of the impacts a high-stakes testing regime is having on student learning, relationships with parents and pedagogy in specific sites. After the 2007 Australian Federal election, one of Labor’s policy objectives was to deliver an “Education Revolution” designed to improve both the equity and excellence in the Australian school system1 (Rudd & Gillard, 2008). This reform agenda aims to “deliver real changes” through: “raising the quality of teaching in our schools” and “improving transparency and accountability of schools and school systems” (Rudd & Gillard, 2008, p. 5). Central to this linking of accountability, the transparency of schools and school systems and raising teaching quality was the creation of a regime of testing (NAPLAN) that would generate data about the attainment of basic literacy and numeracy skills by students in Australian schools.


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This paper reports preliminary survey findings of Western Australian and South Australian teacher perceptions of the impact of NAPLAN on curriculum and pedagogy in their classroom and school. The paper examines how teachers perceive the effects of NAPLAN on curriculum and pedagogy and whether these perceptions mediated by the teacher’s gender, the socioeconomics of the school, the State and the school system in which the teacher works. Teachers report that they are either choosing or being instructed to teach to the test, that this results in less time being spent on other curriculum areas and that these effects contribute in a negative way to the class environment and the engagement of students. This largely agrees with a body of international research that suggests that high-stakes literacy and numeracy tests often results in unintended consequences such as a narrow curriculum focus, a return to teacher-centred instruction and a decrease in motivation. Analysis suggests there is a relationship between participant responses to the effect of NAPLAN on curriculum based on the characteristics of which State the teacher taught in, the socioeconomic status of the school and the school system in which they were employed (State, Catholic, and Independent).


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This paper reports preliminary findings of a survey of in-service teachers in WA and SA conducted in 2012. Participants completed an online survey open to all teachers in WA and SA. The survey ran for three months from April to June 2012. One section of the survey asked teachers to report their perceptions of the impact that NAPLAN has had on the curriculum and pedagogy of their classroom and school. Two principal research questions were addressed in this preliminary analysis. First what are teacher perceptions of the effects on NAPLAN on curriculum and pedagogy? Second, are there any interaction effects between gender, socioeconomics status, location and school system on teachers perceptions? Statistical analyses examined one- and two-way MANOVA to assess main effects and interaction effects on teachers' global perceptions. These were followed by a series of exploratory one- and two-way ANOVA of specific survey items to suggest potential sources for differences among teachers from different socioeconomic regions, states and systems. Teachers report that they are either choosing or being instructed to teach to the test, that this results in less time being spent on other curriculum areas and that these effects contribute in a negative way on the engagement of students. This largely agrees with a body of international research that suggests that high-stakes literacy and numeracy tests often results in unintended consequences such as a narrow curriculum focus (Au, 2007), a return to teacher-centred instruction (Barret, 2009) and a decrease in motivation (Ryan & Wesinstein, 2009). Preliminary results from early survey respondents suggests there is a relationship between participant responses to the effect of NAPLAN on curriculum and pedagogy based on the characteristics of which State the teacher taught in, their perceptions of the socioeconomic status of the school and the school system in which they were employed (State, Catholic, and Independent).


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While anecdotal evidence indicates financial advice affects consumers’ financial well-being, this research project is motivated by the absence of empirically-grounded research relating to the extent to which, and, importantly, how, financial planning advice contributes to broader client well-being. Accordingly, the aim of this project is to establish how the quality of financial planning advice can be optimised to add value, not only to clients’ financial situation, but also to broader aspects of their well-being. This broader construct of well-being captures a range of process and outcome factors that map to concepts of security, control, choice, mastery, and life satisfaction (Irving, 2012; Gallery, Gallery, Irving & Newton, 2011; Irving, Gallery, and Gallery, 2009). Financial planning is commonly purported to confer not only tangible benefits, but also intangible benefits, such as increased security and peace of mind that are considered as important, if not more important, than material outcomes. Such claims are intuitively appealing; however, little empirical evidence exists for the notion that engaging with a financial planner or adviser promotes peace of mind, feelings of security, and expands choices and possibilities. Nor is there evidence signalling what mechanisms might underpin such client benefits. In addressing this issue, we examine the financial planning advice (including financial product advice) provided to retail clients, and consider the short- and longer-term impacts on clients’ financial satisfaction and broader well-being. To this end, we examine both process (e.g., how financial planning advice is given) and outcome (e.g., financial situation) effects.


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Businesses in various consumer service industries have begun to unbundle their service offerings by introducing numerous fees for products and services that were previously provided as “free.” Anecdotal evidence in the media indicates that these fees cause widespread public displeasure, frustration, and outrage. This paper develops a framework of fee acceptability, negative emotions, and dysfunctional customer behavior, which is tested using data from the airline industry. Findings identify the strongest effects on betrayal in the case of baggage fees, followed by charges for comfort. Also, betrayal has a direct effect on complaining, whereas anger mediates the relationship between betrayal and negative word of mouth.


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Long-lasting interference effects in picture naming are induced when objects are presented in categorically related contexts in both continuous and blocked cyclic paradigms. Less consistent context effects have been reported when the task is changed to semantic classification. Experiment 1 confirmed the recent finding of cumulative facilitation in the continuous paradigm with living/non-living superordinate categorization. To avoid a potential confound involving participants responding with the identical superordinate category in related contexts in the blocked cyclic paradigm, we devised a novel set of categorically related objects that also varied in terms of relative age – a core semantic type associated with the adjective word class across languages. Experiment 2 demonstrated the typical interference effect with these stimuli in basic level naming. In Experiment 3, using the identical blocked cyclic paradigm, we failed to observe semantic context effects when the same pictures were classified as younger–older. Overall, the results indicate the semantic context effects in the two paradigms do not share a common origin, with the effect in the continuous paradigm arising at the level of conceptual representations or in conceptual-to-lexical connections while the effect in the blocked cyclic paradigm most likely originates at a lexical level of representation. The implications of these findings for current accounts of long-lasting interference effects in spoken word production are discussed.


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Background The use of compression garments during exercise is recommended for women with breast cancer-related lymphoedema, but the evidence behind this clinical recommendation is unclear. The aim of this randomised, cross-over trial was to compare the acute effects of wearing versus not wearing compression during a single bout of moderate-load resistance exercise on lymphoedema status and its associated symptoms in women with breast cancer-related lymphoedema. Methods Twenty-five women with clinically diagnosed, stable unilateral breast cancer-related lymphoedema completed two resistance exercise sessions, one with compression and one without, in a randomised order separated by a 14 day wash-out period. The resistance exercise session consisted of six upper-body exercises, with each exercise performed for three sets at a moderate-load (10-12 repetition maximum). Primary outcome was lymphoedema, assessed using bioimpedance spectroscopy (L-Dex score). Secondary outcomes were lymphoedema as assessed by arm circumferences (percent inter-limb difference and sum-of-circumferences), and symptom severity for pain, heaviness and tightness, measured using visual analogue scales. Measurements were taken pre-, immediately post- and 24 hours post-exercise. Results There was no difference in lymphoedema status (i.e., L-Dex scores) pre- and post-exercise sessions or between the compression and non-compression condition [Mean (SD) for compression pre-, immediately post- and 24 hours post-exercise: 17.7 (21.5), 12.7 (16.2) and 14.1 (16.7), respectively; no compression: 15.3 (18.3), 15.3 (17.8), and 13.4 (16.1), respectively]. Circumference values and symptom severity were stable across time and treatment condition. Conclusions An acute bout of moderate-load, upper-body resistance exercise performed in the absence of compression does not exacerbate lymphoedema in women with breast cancer-related lymphoedema.


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Objective To provide an up-to-date summary of current literature on the management of adverse effects of androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT). Patients and Methods All relevant medical literature on men with prostate cancer treated with ADT from 2005 to 2014, and older relevant papers, were reviewed. Recent health advisory statements from the Australian government, societies and advocacy groups have been incorporated to the document. Results There are numerous adverse effects of ADT that require pro-active prevention and treatment. Ranging from cardiovascular disease, diabetes and osteoporosis, to depression, cognitive decline and sexual dysfunction, the range of adverse effects is wide. Baseline assessment, monitoring, prevention and consultation from a multidisciplinary team are important in minimising the harm from ADT. Conclusions This review provides a series of practical recommendations to assist with managing the adverse effects of ADT.


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Monitoring pedestrian and cyclists movement is an important area of research in transport, crowd safety, urban design and human behaviour assessment areas. Media Access Control (MAC) address data has been recently used as potential information for extracting features from people’s movement. MAC addresses are unique identifiers of WiFi and Bluetooth wireless technologies in smart electronics devices such as mobile phones, laptops and tablets. The unique number of each WiFi and Bluetooth MAC address can be captured and stored by MAC address scanners. MAC addresses data in fact allows for unannounced, non-participatory, and tracking of people. The use of MAC data for tracking people has been focused recently for applying in mass events, shopping centres, airports, train stations etc. In terms of travel time estimation, setting up a scanner with a big value of antenna’s gain is usually recommended for highways and main roads to track vehicle’s movements, whereas big gains can have some drawbacks in case of pedestrian and cyclists. Pedestrian and cyclists mainly move in built distinctions and city pathways where there is significant noises from other fixed WiFi and Bluetooth. Big antenna’s gains will cover wide areas that results in scanning more samples from pedestrians and cyclists’ MAC device. However, anomalies (such fixed devices) may be captured that increase the complexity and processing time of data analysis. On the other hand, small gain antennas will have lesser anomalies in the data but at the cost of lower overall sample size of pedestrian and cyclist’s data. This paper studies the effect of antenna characteristics on MAC address data in terms of travel-time estimation for pedestrians and cyclists. The results of the empirical case study compare the effects of small and big antenna gains in order to suggest optimal set up for increasing the accuracy of pedestrians and cyclists’ travel-time estimation.


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This project is a step towards assessing the effects of climate change on the tra catfish industry in Vietnam. The methods were designed to evaluate possible effects of salinity and temperature increase and their interaction on fish physiological parameters, growth performance, survival and the expression of stress related genes. Results indicated that tra had higher overall performance at 35oC with 6ppt salinity and therefore should cope with moderate predicted outcomes of climate change for the region. The experiments were mostly conducted in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam - the centre of the tra catfish industry with the cooperation of Can Tho University – Can Tho City – Vietnam.


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Compelling evidence demonstrates the importance of regular exercise following breast cancer, and this is particularly important for those who develop breast cancer-related lymphoedema. However, fear of lymphoedema exacerbation and the need to wear compression while exercising present as significant barriers for these women. This Master's research evaluated the need for wearing compression during exercise in women with breast cancer-related lymphoedema. Findings demonstrated that exercise performed without compression does not exacerbate lymphoedema or related symptoms. These findings are clinically relevant as they highlight that compression use during exercise should be prescribed on an individual basis, taking into consideration patient preferences and adherence issues.


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A unique bias-dependent phenomenon in CH3NH3PbI3−xClx based planar perovskite solar cells has been demonstrated, in which the photovoltaic parameters derived from the current–voltage (I–V) curves are highly dependent on the initial positive bias of the I–V measurement. In FTO/CH3NH3PbI3−xClx/Au devices, the open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current increased by ca. 337.5% and 281.9% respectively, by simply increasing the initial bias from 0.5 V to 2.5 V.