377 resultados para structural health monitoring


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In many bridges, vertical displacements are one of the most relevant parameters for structural health monitoring in both the short- and long-terms. Bridge managers around the globe are always looking for a simple way to measure vertical displacements of bridges. However, it is difficult to carry out such measurements. On the other hand, in recent years, with the advancement of fibre-optic technologies, fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensors are more commonly used in structural health monitoring due to their outstanding advantages including multiplexing capability, immunity of electromagnetic interference as well as high resolution and accuracy. For these reasons, a methodology for measuring the vertical displacements of bridges using FBG sensors is proposed. The methodology includes two approaches. One of which is based on curvature measurements while the other utilises inclination measurements from successfully developed FBG tilt sensors. A series of simulation tests of a full-scale bridge was conducted. It shows that both approaches can be implemented to measure the vertical displacements for bridges with various support conditions, varying stiffness along the spans and without any prior known loading. A static loading beam test with increasing loads at the mid-span and a beam test with different loading locations were conducted to measure vertical displacements using FBG strain sensors and tilt sensors. The results show that the approaches can successfully measure vertical displacements.


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Cable structures find many applications such as in power transmission, in anchors and especially in bridges. They serve as major load bearing elements in suspension bridges, which are capable of spanning long distances. All bridges, including suspension bridges, are designed to have long service lives. However, during this long life, they become vulnerable to damage due to changes in loadings, deterioration with age and random action such as impacts. The main cables are more vulnerable to corrosion and fatigue, compared to the other bridge components, and consequently reduces the serviceability and ultimate capacity of the bridge. Detecting and locating such damage at the earliest stage is challenging in the current structural health monitoring (SHM) systems of long span suspension bridges. Damage or deterioration of a structure alters its stiffness, mass and damping properties which in turn modify its vibration characteristics. This phenomenon can therefore be used to detect damage in a structure. The modal flexibility, which depends on the vibration characteristics of a structure, has been identified as a successful damage indicator in beam and plate elements, trusses and simple structures in reinforced concrete and steel. Successful application of the modal flexibility phenomenon to detect and locate the damage in suspension bridge main cables has received limited attention in recent research work. This paper, therefore examines the potential of the modal flexibility based Damage Index (DI) for detecting and locating damage in the main cable of a suspension bridge under four different damage scenarios. Towards this end, a numerical model of a suspension bridge cable was developed to extract the modal parameters at both damaged and undamaged states. Damage scenarios considered in this study with varied location and severity were simulated by changing stiffness at particular locations of the cable model. Results confirm that the DI has the potential to successfully detect and locate damage in suspension bridge main cables. This simple method can therefore enable bridge engineers and managers to detect and locate damage in suspension bridges at an early stage, minimize expensive retrofitting and prevent bridge collapse.


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The use of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) has become a promising approach due to many advantages such as low cost, fast and flexible deployment. However, inherent technical issues such as data synchronization error and data loss have prevented these distinct systems from being extensively used. Recently, several SHM-oriented WSNs have been proposed and believed to be able to overcome a large number of technical uncertainties. Nevertheless, there is limited research examining effects of uncertainties of generic WSN platform and verifying the capability of SHM-oriented WSNs, particularly on demanding SHM applications like modal analysis and damage identification of real civil structures. This article first reviews the major technical uncertainties of both generic and SHM-oriented WSN platforms and efforts of SHM research community to cope with them. Then, effects of the most inherent WSN uncertainty on the first level of a common Output-only Modal-based Damage Identification (OMDI) approach are intensively investigated. Experimental accelerations collected by a wired sensory system on a benchmark civil structure are initially used as clean data before being contaminated with different levels of data pollutants to simulate practical uncertainties in both WSN platforms. Statistical analyses are comprehensively employed in order to uncover the distribution pattern of the uncertainty influence on the OMDI approach. The result of this research shows that uncertainties of generic WSNs can cause serious impact for level 1 OMDI methods utilizing mode shapes. It also proves that SHM-WSN can substantially lessen the impact and obtain truly structural information without having used costly computation solutions.


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The use of Mahalanobis squared distance–based novelty detection in statistical damage identification has become increasingly popular in recent years. The merit of the Mahalanobis squared distance–based method is that it is simple and requires low computational effort to enable the use of a higher dimensional damage-sensitive feature, which is generally more sensitive to structural changes. Mahalanobis squared distance–based damage identification is also believed to be one of the most suitable methods for modern sensing systems such as wireless sensors. Although possessing such advantages, this method is rather strict with the input requirement as it assumes the training data to be multivariate normal, which is not always available particularly at an early monitoring stage. As a consequence, it may result in an ill-conditioned training model with erroneous novelty detection and damage identification outcomes. To date, there appears to be no study on how to systematically cope with such practical issues especially in the context of a statistical damage identification problem. To address this need, this article proposes a controlled data generation scheme, which is based upon the Monte Carlo simulation methodology with the addition of several controlling and evaluation tools to assess the condition of output data. By evaluating the convergence of the data condition indices, the proposed scheme is able to determine the optimal setups for the data generation process and subsequently avoid unnecessarily excessive data. The efficacy of this scheme is demonstrated via applications to a benchmark structure data in the field.


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In this study, experimental and numerical investigations have been conducted to explore the possibility of using A0 mode in Lamb waves to detect the position of delamination in carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminated beams. An experimental technique for exciting and sensing the pure A0 mode has been developed. By measuring the propagation speed of A0 mode and traveling time of a signal reflected from the delamination, its location can be identified experimentally and numerically. Moreover, the numerical analysis has been extended to gain a better understanding of the complex interaction between A0 mode and a long delamination case.


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The use of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) for vibration-based Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) has become a promising approach due to many advantages such as low cost, fast and flexible deployment. However, inherent technical issues such as data asynchronicity and data loss have prevented these distinct systems from being extensively used. Recently, several SHM-oriented WSNs have been proposed and believed to be able to overcome a large number of technical uncertainties. Nevertheless, there is limited research verifying the applicability of those WSNs with respect to demanding SHM applications like modal analysis and damage identification. Based on a brief review, this paper first reveals that Data Synchronization Error (DSE) is the most inherent factor amongst uncertainties of SHM-oriented WSNs. Effects of this factor are then investigated on outcomes and performance of the most robust Output-only Modal Analysis (OMA) techniques when merging data from multiple sensor setups. The two OMA families selected for this investigation are Frequency Domain Decomposition (FDD) and data-driven Stochastic Subspace Identification (SSI-data) due to the fact that they both have been widely applied in the past decade. Accelerations collected by a wired sensory system on a large-scale laboratory bridge model are initially used as benchmark data after being added with a certain level of noise to account for the higher presence of this factor in SHM-oriented WSNs. From this source, a large number of simulations have been made to generate multiple DSE-corrupted datasets to facilitate statistical analyses. The results of this study show the robustness of FDD and the precautions needed for SSI-data family when dealing with DSE at a relaxed level. Finally, the combination of preferred OMA techniques and the use of the channel projection for the time-domain OMA technique to cope with DSE are recommended.


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This article presents the field applications and validations for the controlled Monte Carlo data generation scheme. This scheme was previously derived to assist the Mahalanobis squared distance–based damage identification method to cope with data-shortage problems which often cause inadequate data multinormality and unreliable identification outcome. To do so, real-vibration datasets from two actual civil engineering structures with such data (and identification) problems are selected as the test objects which are then shown to be in need of enhancement to consolidate their conditions. By utilizing the robust probability measures of the data condition indices in controlled Monte Carlo data generation and statistical sensitivity analysis of the Mahalanobis squared distance computational system, well-conditioned synthetic data generated by an optimal controlled Monte Carlo data generation configurations can be unbiasedly evaluated against those generated by other set-ups and against the original data. The analysis results reconfirm that controlled Monte Carlo data generation is able to overcome the shortage of observations, improve the data multinormality and enhance the reliability of the Mahalanobis squared distance–based damage identification method particularly with respect to false-positive errors. The results also highlight the dynamic structure of controlled Monte Carlo data generation that makes this scheme well adaptive to any type of input data with any (original) distributional condition.


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This thesis has systemically investigated the possibility of improving one type of optical fiber sensors by using a novel mechanism. Many parameters of the sensor have been improved, and one outcome of this innovation is that civil structures, such as bridges and high-rise buildings, may be operated more safely and used longer.


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The strain data acquired from structural health monitoring (SHM) systems play an important role in the state monitoring and damage identification of bridges. Due to the environmental complexity of civil structures, a better understanding of the actual strain data will help filling the gap between theoretical/laboratorial results and practical application. In the study, the multi-scale features of strain response are first revealed after abundant investigations on the actual data from two typical long-span bridges. Results show that, strain types at the three typical temporal scales of 10^5, 10^2 and 10^0 sec are caused by temperature change, trains and heavy trucks, and have their respective cut-off frequency in the order of 10^-2, 10^-1 and 10^0 Hz. Multi-resolution analysis and wavelet shrinkage are applied for separating and extracting these strain types. During the above process, two methods for determining thresholds are introduced. The excellent ability of wavelet transform on simultaneously time-frequency analysis leads to an effective information extraction. After extraction, the strain data will be compressed at an attractive ratio. This research may contribute to a further understanding of actual strain data of long-span bridges; also, the proposed extracting methodology is applicable on actual SHM systems.


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This research has successfully developed a novel synthetic structural health monitoring system model that is cost-effective and flexible in sensing and data acquisition; and robust in the structural safety evaluation aspect for the purpose of long-term and frequent monitoring of large-scale civil infrastructure during their service lives. Not only did it establish a real-world structural monitoring test-bed right at the heart of QUT Gardens Point Campus but it can also facilitate reliable and prompt protection for any built infrastructure system as well as the user community involved.


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Acoustic emission technique has become a significant and powerful structural health monitoring tool for structures. Researches to date have been done on crack location, fatigue crack propagation in materials and severity assessment of failure using acoustic emission technique. Determining severity of failure in steel structures using acoustic emission technique is still a challenge to accurately determine the relationship between the severity of crack propagation and acoustic emission activities. In this study three point bending test on low carbon steel samples along with acoustic emission technique have been used to determine crack propagation and severity. A notch is introduced at the tension face of the loading point to the samples to initiate the crack. The results show that the percentage of load drop of the steel specimen has a reciprocal relationship with the crack opening i.e. crack opening zones are influenced by the loading rate. In post yielding region, common acoustic emission signal parameters such as, signal strength, energy and amplitudes are found to be higher than those at pre-yielding and at yielding.


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Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) schemes are useful for proper management of the performance of structures and for preventing their catastrophic failures. Vibration based SHM schemes has gained popularity during the past two decades resulting in significant research. It is hence evitable that future SHM schemes will include robust and automated vibration based damage assessment techniques (VBDAT) to detect, localize and quantify damage. In this context, the Damage Index (DI) method which is classified as non-model or output based VBDAT, has the ability to automate the damage assessment process without using a computer or numerical model along with actual measurements. Although damage assessment using DI methods have been able to achieve reasonable success for structures made of homogeneous materials such as steel, the same success level has not been reported with respect to Reinforced Concrete (RC) structures. The complexity of flexural cracks is claimed to be the main reason to hinder the applicability of existing DI methods in RC structures. Past research also indicates that use of a constant baseline throughout the damage assessment process undermines the potential of the Modal Strain Energy based Damage Index (MSEDI). To address this situation, this paper presents a novel method that has been developed as part of a comprehensive research project carried out at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. This novel process, referred to as the baseline updating method, continuously updates the baseline and systematically tracks both crack formation and propagation with the ability to automate the damage assessment process using output only data. The proposed method is illustrated through examples and the results demonstrate the capability of the method to achieve the desired outcomes.


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As the society matures, there was an increasing pressure to preserve historic buildings. The economic cost in maintaining these important heritage legacies has become the prime consideration of every state. Dedicated intelligent monitoring systems supplementing the traditional building inspections will enable the stakeholder to carry out not only timely reactive response but also plan the maintenance in a more vigilant approach; thus, preventing further degradation which was very costly and difficult to address if neglected. The application of the intelligent structural health monitoring system in this case studies of ‘modern heritage’ buildings is on its infancy but it is an innovative approach in building maintenance. ‘Modern heritage’ buildings were the product of technological change and were made of synthetic materials such as reinforced concrete and steel. Architectural buildings that was very common in Oceania and The Pacific. Engineering problems that arose from this type of building calls for immediate engineering solution since the deterioration rate is exponential. The application of this newly emerging monitoring system will improve the traditional maintenance system on heritage conservation. Savings in time and resources can be achieved if only pathological results were on hand. This case study will validate that approach. This publication will serve as a position paper to the on-going research regarding application of (Structural Health Monitoring) SHM systems to heritage buildings in Brisbane, Australia. It will be investigated with the application of the SHM systems and devices to validate the integrity of the recent structural restoration of the newly re-strengthened heritage building, the Brisbane City Hall.


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It is important to develop reliable finite element models for real structures not only in the design phase but also for the structural health monitoring and structural maintenance purposes. This paper describes the experience of the authors in using ambient vibration model identification techniques together with model updating tools to develop reliable finite element models of real civil engineering structures. Case studies of two real structures are presented in this paper. One is a 10 storey concrete building which is considered as a non-slender structure with complex boundary conditions. The other is a single span concrete foot bridge which is also a relatively inflexible planar structure with complex boundary conditions. Both structures are located at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and equipped with continuous structural health monitoring systems.


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Mode indicator functions (MIFs) are used in modal testing and analysis as a means of identifying modes of vibration, often as a precursor to modal parameter estimation. Various methods have been developed since the MIF was introduced four decades ago. These methods are quite useful in assisting the analyst to identify genuine modes and, in the case of the complex mode indicator function, have even been developed into modal parameter estimation techniques. Although the various MIFs are able to indicate the existence of a mode, they do not provide the analyst with any descriptive information about the mode. This paper uses the simple summation type of MIF to develop five averaged and normalised MIFs that will provide the analyst with enough information to identify whether a mode is longitudinal, vertical, lateral or torsional. The first three functions, termed directional MIFs, have been noted in the literature in one form or another; however, this paper introduces a new twist on the MIF by introducing two MIFs, termed torsional MIFs, that can be used by the analyst to identify torsional modes and, moreover, can assist in determining whether the mode is of a pure torsion or sway type (i.e., having a rigid cross-section) or a distorted twisting type. The directional and torsional MIFs are tested on a finite element model based simulation of an experimental modal test using an impact hammer. Results indicate that the directional and torsional MIFs are indeed useful in assisting the analyst to identify whether a mode is longitudinal, vertical, lateral, sway, or torsion.