110 resultados para fibro-osseous lesions


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The 'human topoisomerase I (htopoI) damage response' was reported to be triggered by various kinds of DNA lesions. Also, a high and persistent level of htopoI cleavage complexes correlated with apoptosis. In the present study, we demonstrate that DNA damage-independent induction of cell death using colcemid and tumor necrosis factor is also accompanied by a strong htopoI response that correlates with the onset of apoptotic hallmarks. Consequently, these results suggest that htopoI cleavage complex formation may be caused by signaling pathways independent of the kind of cellular stress. Thus, protein interactions or signaling cascades induced by DNA damage or cellular stress might lead to the formation of stabilized cleavage complexes rather than the DNA lesion itself. Finally, we show that p53 not only plays a key role in the regulation of the htopoI response to UV-C irradiation but also to treatment with colcemid.


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BACKGROUND Tubulointerstitial lesions, characterized by tubular injury, interstitial fibrosis and the appearance of myofibroblasts, are the strongest predictors of the degree and progression of chronic renal failure. These lesions are typically preceded by macrophage infiltration of the tubulointerstitium, raising the possibility that these inflammatory cells promote progressive renal disease through fibrogenic actions on resident tubulointerstitial cells. The aim of the present study, therefore, was to investigate the potentially fibrogenic mechanisms of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), a macrophage-derived pro-inflammatory cytokine, on human proximal tubule cells (PTC). METHODS Confluent, quiescent, passage 2 PTC were established in primary culture from histologically normal segments of human renal cortex (N = 11) and then incubated in serum- and hormone-free media supplemented with either IL-1beta (0 to 4 ng/mL) or vehicle (control). RESULTS IL-1beta significantly enhanced fibronectin secretion by up to fourfold in a time- and concentration-dependent fashion. This was accompanied by significant (2.5- to 6-fold) increases in alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA) expression, transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta1) secretion, nitric oxide (NO) production, NO synthase 2 (NOS2) mRNA and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release. Cell proliferation was dose-dependently suppressed by IL-1beta. NG-methyl-l-arginine (L-NMMA; 1 mmol/L), a specific inhibitor of NOS, blocked NO production but did not alter basal or IL-1beta-stimulated fibronectin secretion. In contrast, a pan-specific TGF-beta neutralizing antibody significantly blocked the effects of IL-1beta on PTC fibronectin secretion (IL-1beta, 268.1 +/- 30.6 vs. IL-1beta+alphaTGF-beta 157.9 +/- 14.4%, of control values, P < 0.001) and DNA synthesis (IL-1beta 81.0 +/- 6.7% vs. IL-1beta+alphaTGF-beta 93.4 +/- 2.1%, of control values, P < 0.01). CONCLUSION IL-1beta acts on human PTC to suppress cell proliferation, enhance fibronectin production and promote alpha-smooth muscle actin expression. These actions appear to be mediated by a TGF-beta1 dependent mechanism and are independent of nitric oxide release.


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A new strategy has emerged to improve healing of bone defects using exogenous glycosaminoglycans by increasing the effectiveness of bone-anabolic growth factors. Wnt ligands play an important role in bone formation. However, their functional interactions with heparan sulfate/heparin have only been investigated in non-osseous tissues. Our study now shows that the osteogenic activity of Wnt3a is cooperatively stimulated through physical interactions with exogenous heparin. N-Sulfation and to a lesser extent O-sulfation of heparin contribute to the physical binding and optimal co-stimulation of Wnt3a. Wnt3a-heparin signaling synergistically increases osteoblast differentiation with minimal effects on cell proliferation. Thus, heparin selectively reduces the effective dose of Wnt3a needed to elicit osteogenic, but not mitogenic responses. Mechanistically, Wnt3a-heparin signaling strongly activates the phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt pathway and requires the bone-related transcription factor RUNX2 to stimulate alkaline phosphatase activity, which parallels canonical beta-catenin signaling. Collectively, our findings establish the osteo-inductive potential of a heparin-mediated Wnt3a-phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt-RUNX2 signaling network and suggest that heparan sulfate supplementation may selectively reduce the therapeutic doses of peptide factors required to promote bone formation.


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Senescence and genomic integrity are thought to be important barriers in the development of malignant lesions. Human fibroblasts undergo a limited number of cell divisions before entering an irreversible arrest, called senescence. Here we show that human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) do not conform to this paradigm of senescence. In contrast to fibroblasts, HMECs exhibit an initial growth phase that is followed by a transient growth plateau (termed selection or M0; refs 3-5), from which proliferative cells emerge to undergo further population doublings (approximately 20-70), before entering a second growth plateau (previously termed senescence or M1; refs 4-6). We find that the first growth plateau exhibits characteristics of senescence but is not an insurmountable barrier to further growth. HMECs emerge from senescence, exhibit eroding telomeric sequences and ultimately enter telomere-based crisis to generate the types of chromosomal abnormalities seen in the earliest lesions of breast cancer. Growth past senescent barriers may be a pivotal event in the earliest steps of carcinogenesis, providing many genetic changes that predicate oncogenic evolution. The differences between epithelial cells and fibroblasts provide new insights into the mechanistic basis of neoplastic transformation.


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Software to create individualised finite element (FE) models of the osseoligamentous spine using pre-operative computed tomography (CT) data-sets for spinal surgery patients has recently been developed. This study presents a geometric sensitivity analysis of this software to assess the effect of intra-observer variability in user-selected anatomical landmarks. User-selected landmarks on the osseous anatomy were defined from CT data-sets for three scoliosis patients and these landmarks were used to reconstruct patient-specific anatomy of the spine and ribcage using parametric descriptions. The intra-observer errors in landmark co-ordinates for these anatomical landmarks were calculated. FE models of the spine and ribcage were created using the reconstructed anatomy for each patient and these models were analysed for a loadcase simulating clinical flexibility assessment. The intra-observer error in the anatomical measurements was low in comparison to the initial dimensions, with the exception of the angular measurements for disc wedge and zygapophyseal joint (z-joint) orientation and disc height. This variability suggested that CT resolution may influence such angular measurements, particularly for small anatomical features, such as the z-joints, and may also affect disc height. The results of the FE analysis showed low variation in the model predictions for spinal curvature with the mean intra-observer variability substantially less than the accepted error in clinical measurement. These findings demonstrate that intra-observer variability in landmark point selection has minimal effect on the subsequent FE predictions for a clinical loadcase.


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The role of Bone Tissue Engineering in the field of Regenerative Medicine has been the topic of substantial research over the past two decades. Technological advances have improved orthopaedic implants and surgical techniques for bone reconstruction. However, improvements in surgical techniques to reconstruct bone have been limited by the paucity of autologous materials available and donor site morbidity. Recent advances in the development of biomaterials have provided attractive alternatives to bone grafting expanding the surgical options for restoring the form and function of injured bone. Specifically, novel bioactive (second generation) biomaterials have been developed that are characterised by controlled action and reaction to the host tissue environment, whilst exhibiting controlled chemical breakdown and resorption with an ultimate replacement by regenerating tissue. Future generations of biomaterials (third generation) are designed to be not only osteo- conductive but also osteoinductive, i.e. to stimulate regeneration of host tissues by combining tissue engineer- ing and in situ tissue regeneration methods with a focus on novel applications. These techniques will lead to novel possibilities for tissue regeneration and repair. At present, tissue engineered constructs that may find future use as bone grafts for complex skeletal defects, whether from post-traumatic, degenerative, neoplastic or congenital/developmental “origin” require osseous reconstruction to ensure structural and functional integrity. Engineering functional bone using combinations of cells, scaffolds and bioactive factors is a promising strategy and a particular feature for future development in the area of hybrid materials which are able to exhibit suitable biomimetic and mechanical properties. This review will discuss the state of the art in this field and what we can expect from future generations of bone regeneration concepts.


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Large, osseous, segmental defects heal poorly. Muscle has a propensity to form bone when exposed to an osteogenic stimulus such as that provided by transfer and expression of cDNA encoding bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2). The present study evaluated the ability of genetically modified, autologous muscle to heal large cranial defects in rats. Autologous grafts (8 mm � 2 mm) were punched from the biceps femoris muscle and transduced intraoperatively with recombinant adenovirus vector containing human BMP-2 or green fluorescent protein cDNA. While the muscle biopsies were incubating with the vector, a central parietal 8 mm defect was surgically created in the calvarium of the same animal. The gene-activated muscle graft was then implanted into the cranial defect. After 8 weeks, crania were examined radiographically, histologically, and by micro-computed tomography and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Although none of the defects were completely healed in this time, muscle grafts expressing BMP-2 deposited more than twice as much new bone as controls. Histology confirmed the anatomical integrity of the newly formed bone, which was comparable in thickness and mineral density to the original cranial bone. This study confirms the in vivo osteogenic properties of genetically modified muscle and suggests novel strategies for healing bone. � 2011 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 30:1095–1102, 2012


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This study reports that treatment of osseous defects with different growth factors initiates distinct rates of repair. We developed a new method for monitoring the progression of repair, based upon measuring the in vivo mechanical properties of healing bone. Two different members of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) family were chosen to initiate defect healing: BMP-2 to induce osteogenesis, and growth-and-differentiation factor (GDF)-5 to induce chondrogenesis. To evaluate bone healing, BMPs were implanted into stabilised 5 mm bone defects in rat femurs and compared to controls. During the first two weeks, in vivo biomechanical measurements showed similar values regardless of the treatment used. However, 2 weeks after surgery, the rhBMP-2 group had a substantial increase in stiffness, which was supported by the imaging modalities. Although the rhGDF-5 group showed comparable mechanical properties at 6 weeks as the rhBMP-2 group, the temporal development of regenerating tissues appeared different with rhGDF-5, resulting in a smaller callus and delayed tissue mineralisation. Moreover, histology showed the presence of cartilage in the rhGDF-5 group whereas the rhBMP-2 group had no cartilaginous tissue. Therefore, this study shows that rhBMP-2 and rhGDF-5 treated defects, under the same conditions, use distinct rates of bone healing as shown by the tissue mechanical properties. Furthermore, results showed that in vivo biomechanical method is capable of detecting differences in healing rate by means of change in callus stiffness due to tissue mineralisation.


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We report a novel technology for the rapid healing of large osseous and chondral defects, based upon the genetic modification of autologous skeletal muscle and fat grafts. These tissues were selected because they not only possess mesenchymal progenitor cells and scaffolding properties, but also can be biopsied, genetically modified and returned to the patient in a single operative session. First generation adenovirus vector carrying cDNA encoding human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (Ad.BMP-2) was used for gene transfer to biopsies of muscle and fat. To assess bone healing, the genetically modified (“gene activated”) tissues were implanted into 5mm-long critical size, mid-diaphyseal, stabilized defects in the femora of Fischer rats. Unlike control defects, those receiving gene-activated muscle underwent rapid healing, with evidence of radiologic bridging as early as 10 days after implantation and restoration of full mechanical strength by 8 weeks. Histologic analysis suggests that the grafts rapidly differentiated into cartilage, followed by efficient endochondral ossification. Fluorescence in situ hybridization detection of Y-chromosomes following the transfer of male donor muscle into female rats demonstrated that at least some of the osteoblasts of the healed bone were derived from donor muscle. Gene activated fat also healed critical sized defects, but less quickly than muscle and with more variability. Anti-adenovirus antibodies were not detected. Pilot studies in a rabbit osteochondral defect model demonstrated the promise of this technology for healing cartilage defects. Further development of these methods should provide ways to heal bone and cartilage more expeditiously, and at lower cost, than is presently possible.


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Breast cancer metastasis to the bone occurs frequently, causing numerous complications including severe pain, fracture, hypercalcemia, and paralysis. Despite its prevalence and severity, few effective therapies exist. To address this, we examined whether the heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) inhibitor, 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-AAG), would be efficacious in inhibiting breast cancer metastasis to bone. Utilizing the human breast cancer subline, MDA-MB-231SA, previously in vivo selected for its enhanced ability to generate osteolytic bone lesions, we determined that 17-AAG potently inhibited its in vitro proliferation and migration. Moreover, 17-AAG significantly reduced MDA-MB-231SA tumor growth in the mammary-fat pad of nude mice. Despite these findings, 17-AAG enhanced the incidence of bone metastasis and osteolytic lesions following intracardiac inoculation in the nude mouse. Consistent with these findings, 17-AAG enhanced osteoclast formation 2- to 4-fold in mouse bone marrow/osteoblast cocultures, receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (BANKL)-stimulated bone marrow, and RAW264.7 cell models of in vitro osteoclastogenesis. Moreover, the drug enhanced osteoclastogenesis in human cord blood progenitor cells, demonstrating that its effects were not limited to mouse models. In addition to 17-AAG, other Hsp90 inhibitors, such as radicicol and herbimycin A, also enhanced osteoclastogenesis. A pro-osteolytic action of 17-AAG independent of tumor presence was also determined in vivo, in which 17-AAG-treated tumor-naive mice had reduced trabecular bone volume with an associated increase in osteoclast number. Thus, HSP90 inhibitors can stimulate osteoclast formation, which may underlie the increased incidence of osteolysis and skeletal tumor incidence causedby 17-AAG in vivo. These data suggest an important contraindication to the Hsp90 targeted cancer therapy currently undergoing clinical trial.


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Using both human and murine cell lines, we show that malignant cells are able to invade through basement membrane and also secrete elevated amounts of collagenase IV, an enzyme implicated in the degradation of basement membranes. Using serine proteinase inhibitors and antibodies to plasminogen activators as well as a newly described collagenase inhibitor we demonstrate that a protease cascade leads to the activation of an enzyme(s) that cleaves collagen IV. Inhibition at each step reduces the invasion of the tumor cells through reconstituted basement membrane in vitro. Treatment with a collagenase inhibitor reduced the incidence of lung lesions in mice given i.v. injections of malignant melanoma cells.


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Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) in general, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related KS (AIDS-KS) in particular, is a highly invasive and intensely angiogenic neoplasm of unknown cellular origin. We have recently established AIDS-KS cells in long term culture and reported the development of KS-like lesions in nude mice inoculated with these cells. Here, we have examined the in vitro invasiveness of basement membrane by AIDS-KS cells, as well as the effect(s) of their supernatants on the migration and invasiveness of human vascular endothelial cells. AIDS-KS cells were highly invasive in the Boyden chamber invasion assay and formed invasive, branching colonies in a 3-dimensional gel (Matrigel). Normal endothelial cells form tube-like structures on Matrigel. AIDS-KS cell-conditioned media induced endothelial cells to form invasive clusters in addition to tubes. KS-cell-conditioned media, when placed in the lower compartment of the Boyden chamber, stimulated the migration of human and bovine vascular endothelial cells across filters coated with either small amounts of collagen IV (chemotaxis) or a Matrigel barrier (invasion). Basic fibroblast growth factor could also induce endothelial cell chemotaxis and invasion in these assays. However, when antibodies to basic fibroblast growth factor were used the invasive activity induced by the AIDS-KS-cell-conditioned media was only marginally inhibited, suggesting that the large quantities of basic fibroblast growth factor-like material released by the AIDS-KS cells are not the main mediators of this effect. Specific inhibitors of laminin and collagenase IV action, which represent critical determinants of basement membrane invasion, blocked the invasiveness of the AIDS-KS cell-activated endothelial cells in these assays. These data indicate that KS cells appear to be of smooth muscle origin but secrete a potent inducer of endothelial cell chemotaxis and invasiveness which could be responsible for angiogenesis and the resulting highly vascularized lesions. These assays appear to be a model to study the invasive spread and angiogenic capacity of human AIDS-related KS and should prove useful in the identification of molecular mediators and potential inhibitors of neoplastic neovascularization.


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Muscle invasive transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the bladder is associated with a high frequency of metastasis, resulting in poor prognosis for patients presenting with this disease. Models that capture and demonstrate step-wise enhancement of elements of the human metastatic cascade on a similar genetic background are useful research tools. We have utilized the transitional cell carcinoma cell line TSU-Pr1 to develop an in vivo experimental model of bladder TCC metastasis. TSU-Pr1 cells were inoculated into the left cardiac ventricle of SCID mice and the development of bone metastases was monitored using high resolution X-ray. Tumor tissue from a single bone lesion was excised and cultured in vitro to generate the TSU-Pr1-B1 subline. This cycle was repeated with the TSU-Pr1-B1 cells to generate the successive subline TSU-Pr1-B2. DNA profiling and karyotype analysis confirmed the genetic relationship of these three cell lines. In vitro, the growth rate of these cell lines was not significantly different. However, following intracardiac inoculation TSU-Pr1, TSU-Pr1-B1 and TSU-Pr1-B2 exhibited increasing metastatic potential with a concomitant decrease in time to the onset of radiologically detectable metastatic bone lesions. Significant elevations in the levels of mRNA expression of the matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) membrane type 1-MMP (MT1-MMP), MT2-MMP and MMP-9, and their inhibitor, tissue inhibitor of metalloprotease-2 (TIMP-2), across the progressively metastatic cell lines, were detected by quantitative PCR. Given the role of MT1-MMP and TIMP-2 in MMP-2 activation, and the upregulation of MMP-9, these data suggest an important role for matrix remodeling, particularly basement membrane, in this progression. The TSU-Pr1-B1/B2 model holds promise for further identification of important molecules.


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We have investigated the role of bone sialoprotein (BSP), a secreted glycoprotein normally found in bone, in breast cancer progression. To explore functions for BSP in human breast cancer invasion and metastasis, the full-length BSP cDNA was transfected into the MDA-MB-231-BAG human breast cancer cell line under the control of the CMV promoter. Clones expressing BSP and vector control clones were isolated. BSP producing clones showed increased monolayer wound healing, a faster rate of stellate outgrowth in Matrigel and increased rate of invasion into a collagen matrix when compared to control clones. Clones were also examined in models of breast cancer growth and metastasis in vivo. BSP transfected clones showed an increased rate of primary tumor growth following mammary fat pad injection of nude mice. BSP transfected clones and vector control clones metastasized to soft organs and bone at a similar rate after intra-cardiac injection as determined by real-time PCR and X-ray analysis. Although these organs were targets for both BSP transfected and non-transfected cells, the size of the metastatic lesion was shown to be significantly larger for BSP expressing clones. This was determined by real-time PCR analysis for soft organs and by X-ray analysis of bone lesions. For bone this was confirmed by intra-tibial injections of cells in nude mice. We conclude that BSP acts to drive primary and secondary tumor growth of breast cancers in vivo.


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Cellular plasticity is fundamental to embryonic development. The importance of cellular transitions in development is first apparent during gastrulation when the process of epithelial to mesenchymal transition transforms polarized epithelial cells into migratory mesenchymal cells that constitute the embryonic and extraembryonic mesoderm. It is now widely accepted that this developmental pathway is exploited in various disease states, including cancer progression. The loss of epithelial characteristics and the acquisition of a mesenchymal-like migratory phenotype are crucial to the development of invasive carcinoma and metastasis. However, given the morphological similarities between primary tumour and metastatic lesions, it is likely that tumour cells re-activate certain epithelial properties through a mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET) at the secondary site, although this is yet to be proven. MET is also an essential developmental process and has been extensively studied in kidney organogenesis and somitogenesis. In this review we describe the process of MET, highlight important mediators, and discuss their implication in the context of cancer progression.