504 resultados para Veterinary ophthalmology.


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This study was designed to derive central and peripheral oxygen transmissibility (Dk/t) thresholds for soft contact lenses to avoid hypoxia-induced corneal swelling (increased corneal thickness) during open eye wear. Central and peripheral corneal thicknesses were measured in a masked and randomized fashion for the left eye of each of seven subjects before and after 3 h of afternoon wear of five conventional hydrogel and silicone hydrogel contact lens types offering a range of Dk/t from 2.4 units to 115.3 units. Curve fitting for plots of change in corneal thickness versus central and peripheral Dk/t found threshold values of 19.8 and 32.6 units to avoid corneal swelling during open eye contact lens wear for a typical wearer. Although some conventional hydrogel soft lenses are able to achieve this criterion for either central or peripheral lens areas (depending on lens power), in general, no conventional hydrogel soft lenses meet both the central and peripheral thresholds. Silicone hydrogel contact lenses typically meet both the central and peripheral thresholds and use of these lenses therefore avoids swelling in all regions of the cornea. ' 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 92B: 361–365, 2010


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Purpose: The aim was to construct and advise on the use of a cost-per-wear model based on contact lens replacement frequency, to form an equitable basis for cost comparison. ---------- Methods: The annual cost of professional fees, contact lenses and solutions when wearing daily, two-weekly and monthly replacement contact lenses is determined in the context of the Australian market for spherical, toric and multifocal prescription types. This annual cost is divided by the number of times lenses are worn per year, resulting in a ‘cost-per-wear’. The model is presented graphically as the cost-per-wear versus the number of times lenses are worn each week for daily replacement and reusable (two-weekly and monthly replacement) lenses.---------- Results: The cost-per-wear for two-weekly and monthly replacement spherical lenses is almost identical but decreases with increasing frequency of wear. The cost-per-wear of daily replacement spherical lenses is lower than for reusable spherical lenses, when worn from one to four days per week but higher when worn six or seven days per week. The point at which the cost-per-wear is virtually the same for all three spherical lens replacement frequencies (approximately AUD$3.00) is five days of lens wear per week. A similar but upwardly displaced (higher cost) pattern is observed for toric lenses, with the cross-over point occurring between three and four days of wear per week (AUD$4.80). Multifocal lenses have the highest price, with cross-over points for daily versus two-weekly replacement lenses at between four and five days of wear per week (AUD$5.00) and for daily versus monthly replacement lenses at three days per week (AUD$5.50).---------- Conclusions: This cost-per-wear model can be used to assist practitioners and patients in making an informed decision in relation to the cost of contact lens wear as one of many considerations that must be taken into account when deciding on the most suitable lens replacement modality.


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Extended wear has long been the ‘holy grail’ of contact lenses by virtue of the increased convenience and freedom of lifestyle which they accord; however, this modality enjoyed only limited market success during the last quarter of the 20th century. The introduction of silicone hydrogel materials into the market at the beginning of this century heralded the promise of successful extended wear due to the superior oxygen performance of this lens type. To assess patterns of contact lens fitting, including extended wear, over the past decade, up to 1000 survey forms were sent to contact lens fitters in Australia, Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, the UK and the USA each year between 2000 and 2009. Practitioners were asked to record data relating to the first 10 contact lens fits or refits performed after receiving the survey form. Analysis of returned forms revealed that, averaged over this period, 9% of all soft lenses prescribed were for extended wear, with national figures ranging from 2% in Japan to 17% in Norway. The trend over the past decade has been for an increase from about 5% of all soft lens fits in 2000 to a peak of between 9 and 12% between 2002 and 2007, followed by a decline to around 7% in 2009. A person receiving extended wear lenses is likely to be an older female who is being refitted with silicone hydrogel lenses for full-time wear. Although extended wear has yet again failed to fulfil the promise of being the dominant contact lens wearing modality, it is still a viable option for many people.


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Silicone hydrogel contact lenses were introduced into the market in 1999. To assess prescribing trends of this lens type since then, up to 1000 survey forms were sent to contact lens fitters in Australia, Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, the UK and the USA each year between 2000 and 2008. Practitioners were asked to record data relating to the first 10 contact lens fits or refits performed after receiving the survey form. Analysis of returned forms revealed a rapid increase in the prescribing of silicone hydrogel lenses over the survey period. In 2008, silicone hydrogel lenses represented 36% of all soft lenses prescribed. The categorization of the majority of lenses prescribed as ‘refits’ is primarily attributed to the mass conversion of lens wearers from hydrogel to silicone hydrogel lenses. Silicone hydrogels may soon represent the majority of soft contact lenses prescribed.


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Patients with idiopathic small fibre neuropathy (ISFN) have been shown to have significant intraepidermal nerve fibre loss and an increased prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). It has been suggested that the dysglycemia of IGT and additional metabolic risk factors may contribute to small nerve fibre damage in these patients. Twenty-five patients with ISFN and 12 aged-matched control subjects underwent a detailed evaluation of neuropathic symptoms, neurological deficits (Neuropathy deficit score (NDS); Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS); Quantitative Sensory Testing (QST) and Corneal Confocal Microscopy (CCM)) to quantify small nerve fibre pathology. Eight (32%) patients had IGT. Whilst all patients with ISFN had significant neuropathic symptoms, NDS, NCS and QST except for warm thresholds were normal. Corneal sensitivity was reduced and CCM demonstrated a significant reduction in corneal nerve fibre density (NFD) (Pb0.0001), nerve branch density (NBD) (Pb0.0001), nerve fibre length (NFL) (Pb0.0001) and an increase in nerve fibre tortuosity (NFT) (Pb0.0001). However these parameters did not differ between ISFN patients with and without IGT, nor did they correlate with BMI, lipids and blood pressure. Corneal confocal microscopy provides a sensitive non-invasive means to detect small nerve fibre damage in patients with ISFN and metabolic abnormalities do not relate to nerve damage.


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Daily disposable contact lenses were introduced into the market 16 years ago. Data that we have gathered from annual contact lens fitting surveys conducted in Australia, Canada, Japan, The Netherlands, Norway, the UK and the USA between 2000 and 2008 indicates an overall increase in daily disposable lens fitting during this period. Daily disposable lenses are especially popular in Japan, Norway and the UK. There is a trend for these lenses to be fitted on a part-time basis. Males are over-represented in daily disposable lens fitting—a trend that is especially evident in Canada. Daily disposable lens wearers are about two years younger than wearers of reusable lenses in Japan and The Netherlands. The convenience and health benefits of daily disposable lenses are expected to fuel continued growth in this sector.


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Background/aims: To investigate the influence of a period of sustained near work upon axial length in groups of emmetropes and myopes. Methods: Forty young adult subjects (20 myopes and 20 emmetropes) were recruited for the study. Myopes were further classified as either early onset (EOM), late onset (LOM), stable (SM) or progressing (PM) subgroups. Axial length was measured with the IOLMaster instrument before, immediately after and then again 10 minutes after a continuous 30 minute near task of 5 D accommodation demand. Measures of distance objective refraction were also collected. Results: Significant changes in axial length were observed immediately following the near task. EOM axial length elongated on average by 0.027 ± 0.021 mm, LOM by 0.014 ± 0.020 mm, EMM by 0.010 ± 0.015 mm, PM by 0.031 ± 0.022 mm, and SM by 0.014 ± 0.018 mm. At the conclusion of the 10 minute regression period, axial length measures were not significantly different from baseline values. Conclusion: Axial elongation was observed following a prolonged near task. Both EOM and PM groups showed increases in axial length that were significantly greater than emmetropes


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Purpose: To investigate the influence of accommodation upon axial length (and a comprehensive range of ocular biometric parameters), in populations of young adult myopic and emmetropic subjects. Methods: Forty young adult subjects had ocular biometry measured utilizing a non-contact optical biometer (Lenstar LS 900) based upon the principle of optical low coherence reflectometry, under three different accommodation demands (0 D, 3 D and 6 D). Subjects were classified as emmetropes (n=19) or myopes (n=21) based upon their spherical equivalent refraction (mean emmetropic refraction -0.05 ± 0.27DS and mean myopic refraction -1.82 ± 0.84 DS). Results: Axial length changed significantly with accommodation, with a mean increase of 11.9 ± 12.3 µm and 24.1 ± 22.7 µm for the 3 D and 6 D accommodation stimuli respectively. A significant axial elongation associated with accommodation was still evident even following correction of the axial length data for potential error due to lens thickness change. The mean ‘corrected’ increase in axial length was 5.2 ± 11.2 µm, and 7.4 ± 18.9 µm for the 3 D and 6 D stimuli respectively. There was no significant difference between the myopic and emmetropic populations in terms of the magnitude of change in axial length with accommodation, regardless of whether the data were corrected or not. A number of other ocular biometric parameters, such as anterior chamber depth, lens thickness and vitreous chamber depth also exhibited significant change with accommodation. The myopic and emmetropic populations also exhibited no significant difference in the magnitude of change in these parameters with accommodation. Conclusions: The eye undergoes a significant axial elongation associated with a brief period of accommodation, and the magnitude of this change in eye length increases for larger accommodation demands, however there is no significant difference in the magnitude of eye elongation in myopic and emmetropic subjects.


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Purpose: To investigate the short term influence of imposed monocular defocus upon human optical axial length (the distance from anterior cornea to retinal pigment epithelium) and ocular biometrics. Methods: Twenty-eight young adult subjects (14 myopes and 14 emmetropes) had eye biometrics measured before and then 30 and 60 minutes after exposure to monocular (right eye) defocus. Four different monocular defocus conditions were tested, each on a separate day: control (no defocus), myopic (+3 D defocus), hyperopic (-3 D defocus) and diffuse (0.2 density Bangerter filter) defocus. The fellow eye was optimally corrected (no defocus). Results: Imposed defocus caused small but significant changes in optical axial length (p<0.0001). A significant increase in optical axial length (mean change +8 ± 14 μm, p=0.03) occurred following hyperopic defocus, and a significant reduction in optical axial length (mean change -13 ± 14 μm, p=0.0001) was found following myopic defocus. A small increase in optical axial length was observed following diffuse defocus (mean change +6 ± 13 μm, p=0.053). Choroidal thickness also exhibited some significant changes with certain defocus conditions. No significant difference was found between myopes and emmetropes in the changes in optical axial length or choroidal thickness with defocus. Conclusions: Significant changes in optical axial length occur in human subjects following 60 minutes of monocular defocus. The bi-directional optical axial length changes observed in response to defocus implies the human visual system is capable of detecting the presence and sign of defocus and altering optical axial length to move the retina towards the image plane.


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Purpose: To investigate the influence of keratoconus on peripheral ocular aberrations. Methods: Aberrations of 7 mild and 5 moderate keratoconics were determined over a 42°horizontal x 32° vertical visual field with a modified COAS-HD aberrometer. Control data were obtained from an emmetropic group. Results: Most aberrations in keratoconics showed field dependence predominately along the vertical meridian. Mean spherical equivalent M, oblique astigmatism J45 and regular astigmatism J180 refraction components and total root mean square aberrations (excluding defocus) had high magnitudes in the inferior visual field. The rates of change of aberrations were higher in moderate than in mild keratoconics. Coma was the dominant peripheral higher-order aberration in both emmetropes and keratoconics; for the latter it had high magnitudes in the centre and periphery of the visual field. Conclusion: Greater rates of change of aberrations across the visual field occurred for the keratoconic groups than for the emmetropic control group. Moderate keratoconics had more rapid changes in, and higher magnitudes of aberrations across the visual field than mild keratoconics. The dominant higher-order aberration for the keratoconics across the visual field was vertical coma.


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PURPOSE. To measure tear film surface quality in healthy and dry eye subjects using three noninvasive techniques of tear film quality assessment and to establish the ability of these noninvasive techniques to predict dry eye. METHODS. Thirty four subjects participated in the study, and were classified as dry eye or normal, based on standard clinical assessments. Three non-invasive techniques were applied for measurement of tear film surface quality: dynamic-area high-speed videokeratoscopy (HSV), wavefront sensing (DWS) and lateral shearing interferometry (LSI). The measurements were performed in both natural blinking conditions (NBC) and in suppressed blinking conditions (SBC). RESULTS. In order to investigate the capability of each method to discriminate dry eye subjects from normal subjects, the receiver operating curve (ROC) was calculated and then the area under the curve (AUC) was extracted. The best result was obtained for the LSI technique (AUC=0.80 in SBC and AUC=0.73 in NBC), which was followed by HSV (AUC=0.72 in SBC and AUC=0.71 in NBC). The best result for DWS was AUC=0.64 obtained for changes in vertical coma in suppressed blinking conditions, while for normal blinking conditions the results were poorer. CONCLUSIONS. Non-invasive techniques of tear film surface assessment can be used for predicting dry eye and this can be achieved in natural blinking as well as suppressed blinking conditions. In this study, LSI showed the best detection performance, closely followed by the dynamic-area HSV. The wavefront sensing technique was less powerful, particularly in natural blinking conditions.


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There are several noninvasive techniques for assessing the kinetics of tear film, but no comparative studies have been conducted to evaluate their efficacies. Our aim is to test and compare techniques based on high-speed videokeratoscopy (HSV), dynamic wavefront sensing (DWS), and lateral shearing interferometry (LSI). Algorithms are developed to estimate the tear film build-up time TBLD, and the average tear film surface quality in the stable phase of the interblink interval TFSQAv. Moderate but significant correlations are found between TBLD measured with LSI and DWS based on vertical coma (Pearson's r2=0.34, p<0.01) and higher order rms (r2=0.31, p<0.01), as well as between TFSQAv measured with LSI and HSV (r2=0.35, p<0.01), and between LSI and DWS based on the rms fit error (r2=0.40, p<0.01). No significant correlation is found between HSV and DWS. All three techniques estimate tear film build-up time to be below 2.5 sec, and they achieve a remarkably close median value of 0.7 sec. HSV appears to be the most precise method for measuring tear film surface quality. LSI appears to be the most sensitive method for analyzing tear film build-up.


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Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is one of the most debilitating complications of diabetes. DPN is a major cause of foot ulceration and lower limb amputation. Early diagnosis and management is a key factor in reducing morbidity and mortality. Current techniques for clinical assessment of DPN are relatively insensitive for detecting early disease or involve invasive procedures such as skin biopsies. There is a need for less painful, non-invasive and safe evaluation methods. Eye care professionals already play an important role in the management of diabetic retinopathy; however recent studies have indicated that the eye may also be an important site for the diagnosis and monitoring of neuropathy. Corneal nerve morphology has been shown to be a promising marker of diabetic neuropathy occurring elsewhere in the body, and emerging evidence tentatively suggests that retinal anatomical markers and a range of functional visual indicators could similarly provide useful information regarding neural damage in diabetes – although this line of research is, as yet, less well established. This review outlines the growing body of evidence supporting a potential diagnostic role for retinal structure and visual functional markers in the diagnosis and monitoring of peripheral neuropathy in diabetes.


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Thomas Young (1773-1829) carried out major pioneering work in many different subjects. In 1800 he gave the Bakerian Lecture of the Royal Society on the topic of the “mechanism of the eye”: this was published in the following year (Young, 1801). Young used his own design of optometer to measure refraction and accommodation, and discovered his own astigmatism. He considered the different possible origins of accommodation and confirmed that it was due to change in shape of the lens rather than to change in shape of the cornea or an increase in axial length. However, the paper also dealt with many other aspects of visual and ophthalmic optics, such as biometric parameters, peripheral refraction, longitudinal chromatic aberration, depth-of-focus and instrument myopia. These aspects of the paper have previously received little attention. We now give detailed consideration to these and other less-familiar features of Young’s work and conclude that his studies remain relevant to many of the topics which currently engage visual scientists.


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Thoroughly revised and updated, this popular book provides a comprehensive yet easy to read guide to modern contact lens practice. Beautifully re-designed in a clean, contemporary layout, this second edition presents relevant and up-to-date information in a systematic manner, with a logical flow of subject matter from front to back. This book wonderfully captures the ‘middle ground’ in the contact lens field … somewhere between a dense research-based tome and a basic fitting guide. As such, it is ideally suited for both students and general eye care practitioners who require a practical, accessible and uncluttered account of the contact lens field. Contents Part 1 Introduction Historical perspective. The anterior eye Visual optics Clinical instruments Part 2 Soft contact lenses Soft lens materials Soft lens manufacture Soft lens optics Soft lens measurement Soft lens design and fitting Soft toric lens design and fitting Soft lens care systems Part 3 Rigid contact lenses Rigid lens materials Rigid lens manufacture Rigid lens optics Rigid lens measurement Rigid lens design and fitting Rigid toric lens design and fitting Rigid lens care systems Part 4 Lens replacement modalities Unplanned lens replacement Daily soft lens replacement Planned soft lens replacement Planned rigid lens replacement Part 5 Special lenses and fitting considerations Scleral lenses Tinted lenses Presbyopia Continuous wear Sport Keratoconus High ametropia Paediatric fitting Therapeutic applications Post-refractive Surgery Post-keratoplasty Orthokeratology Diabetes Part 6 Patient examination and management History taking Preliminary examination Patient education Aftercare Complications Digital imaging Compliance Practice management Appendices Index