288 resultados para Rule-based techniques


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Plasma-based techniques offer many unique possibilities for the synthesis of various nanostructures both on the surface and in the plasma bulk. In contrast to the conventional chemical vapor deposition and some other techniques, plasma-based processes ensure high level of controllability, good quality of the produced nanomaterials, and reduced environmental risk. In this work, the authors briefly review the unique features of the plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition approaches, namely, the techniques based on inductively coupled, microwave, and arc discharges. Specifically, the authors consider the plasmas with the ion/electron density ranging from 10^10 to 10^14 cm−3, electron energy in the discharge up to ∼10 eV, and the operating pressure ranging from 1 to 10^4 Pa (up to 105 Pa for the atmospheric-pressure arc discharges). The operating frequencies of the discharges considered range from 460 kHz for the inductively coupled plasmas, and up to 2.45 GHz for the microwave plasmas. The features of the direct-current arc discharges are also examined. The authors also discuss the principles of operation of these systems, as well as the effects of the key plasma parameters on the conditions of nucleation and growth of the carbon nanostructures, mainly carbon nanotubes and graphene. Advantages and disadvantages of these plasma systems are considered. Future trends in the development of these plasma-based systems are also discussed.


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Self-assembly of size-uniform and spatially ordered quantum dot (QD) arrays is one of the major challenges in the development of the new generation of semiconducting nanoelectronic and photonic devices. Assembly of Ge QD (in the ∼5-20 nm size range) arrays from randomly generated position and size-nonuniform nanodot patterns on plasma-exposed Si (100) surfaces is studied using hybrid multiscale numerical simulations. It is shown, by properly manipulating the incoming ion/neutral flux from the plasma and the surface temperature, the uniformity of the nanodot size within the array can be improved by 34%-53%, with the best improvement achieved at low surface temperatures and high external incoming fluxes, which are intrinsic to plasma-aided processes. Using a plasma-based process also leads to an improvement (∼22% at 700 K surface temperature and 0.1 MLs incoming flux from the plasma) of the spatial order of a randomly sampled nanodot ensemble, which self-organizes to position the dots equidistantly to their neighbors within the array. Remarkable improvements in QD ordering and size uniformity can be achieved at high growth rates (a few nms) and a surface temperature as low as 600 K, which broadens the range of suitable substrates to temperature-sensitive ultrathin nanofilms and polymers. The results of this study are generic, can also be applied to nonplasma-based techniques, and as such contributes to the development of deterministic strategies of nanoassembly of self-ordered arrays of size-uniform QDs, in the size range where nanodot ordering cannot be achieved by presently available pattern delineation techniques.


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Large arrays and networks of carbon nanotubes, both single- and multi-walled, feature many superior properties which offer excellent opportunities for various modern applications ranging from nanoelectronics, supercapacitors, photovoltaic cells, energy storage and conversation devices, to gas- and biosensors, nanomechanical and biomedical devices etc. At present, arrays and networks of carbon nanotubes are mainly fabricated from the pre-fabricated separated nanotubes by solution-based techniques. However, the intrinsic structure of the nanotubes (mainly, the level of the structural defects) which are required for the best performance in the nanotube-based applications, are often damaged during the array/network fabrication by surfactants, chemicals, and sonication involved in the process. As a result, the performance of the functional devices may be significantly degraded. In contrast, directly synthesized nanotube arrays/networks can preclude the adverse effects of the solution-based process and largely preserve the excellent properties of the pristine nanotubes. Owing to its advantages of scale-up production and precise positioning of the grown nanotubes, catalytic and catalyst-free chemical vapor depositions (CVD), as well as plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) are the methods most promising for the direct synthesis of the nanotubes.


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This book is a practical and useful tool for getting your sleep back on track. Even if you have suffered from insomnia for many years, this book contains simple, easy to learn strategies to manage your sleep loss through evidence-based techniques such as cognitive therapy and stimulus control. Dr. Sacre will guide you through these approaches and explain how they work and why they are recommended above other approaches. There is a chapter on special populations that tells you what to do if you are a shift worker, long distance traveller, parent, older adult, woman (including pregnancy and menopause) or an elite athlete. If you want to enjoy natural, healthy and satisfying sleep again, this handbook gives you all the tools you need to achieve it. You only need to have the motivation and discipline to apply the strategies and stick to them over time. This handbook first explains what normal sleep is all about and challenges some myths about sleep and insomnia. Then you will be guided through a thorough sleep assessment. Insomnia is then described in detail including different types of insomnia and the kinds of factors that contribute to sleep loss. Through the following chapters, you will be shown step-by-step what to do to bring about change in your sleeping patterns and habits, through addressing the factors that perpetuate poor sleep. These factors mainly revolve around unhelpful thinking, compensatory behaviors, poor sleep hygiene and environmental influences. These are all things that are within your control and Dr. Sacre will show you how. Dr. Sacre has worked in the fields of sleep health, mental health and addictive disorders for 25 years and over that time, she has encountered hundreds of people who have struggled with insomnia and sleep loss due to other causes. She currently heads the Therapy Programs department at Belmont Private Hospital in Brisbane, Australia, where there is an emphasis on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, including a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-i) program. A psychologist and nurse, Dr. Sacre is a long-time member of the Australasian Sleep Association and the Australian Psychological Society. She has conducted research into the function of dreaming, online sleep surveys and the usefulness of sleep self-help guides for students, older adults and carers of people with dementia. She has also published on diverse topics, including the management of nightmares in war veterans. She is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane and lectures professionals, including psychologists, school counselors and psychiatrists, on sleep disorders and their management as well as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.


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The Kyoto Protocol is remarkable among global multilateral environmental agreements for its efforts to depoliticize compliance. However, attempts to create autonomous, arm’s length and rule-based compliance processes with extensive reliance on putatively neutral experts were only partially realized in practice in the first commitment period from 2008 to 2012. In particular, the procedurally constrained facilitative powers vested in the Facilitative Branch were circumvented, and expert review teams (ERTs) assumed pivotal roles in compliance facilitation. The ad hoc diplomatic and facilitative practices engaged in by these small teams of technical experts raise questions about the reliability and consistency of the compliance process. For the future operation of the Kyoto compliance system, it is suggested that ERTs should be confined to more technical and procedural roles, in line with their expertise. There would then be greater scope for the Facilitative Branch to assume a more comprehensive facilitative role, safeguarded by due process guarantees, in accordance with its mandate. However, if – as appears likely – the future compliance trajectories under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will include a significant role for ERTs without oversight by the Compliance Committee, it is important to develop appropriate procedural safeguards that reflect and shape the various technical and political roles these teams currently play.


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Both a systemic inflammatory response as well as DNA damage has been observed following exhaustive endurance exercise. Hypothetically, exercise-induced DNA damage might either be a consequence of inflammatory processes or causally involved in inflammation and immunological alterations after strenuous prolonged exercise (e.g. by inducing lymphocyte apoptosis and lymphocytopenia). Nevertheless, up to now only few studies have addressed this issue and there is hardly any evidence regarding a direct relationship between DNA or chromosomal damage and inflammatory responses in the context of exercise. The most conclusive picture that emerges from available data is that reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) appear to be the key effectors which link inflammation with DNA damage. Considering the time-courses of inflammatory and oxidative stress responses on the one hand and DNA effects on the other the lack of correlations between these responses might also be explained by too short observation periods. This review summarizes and discusses the recent findings on this topic. Furthermore, data from our own study are presented that aimed to verify potential associations between several endpoints of genome stability and inflammatory, immune-endocrine and muscle damage parameters in competitors of an Ironman triathlon until 19 days into recovery. The current results indicate that DNA effects in lymphocytes are not responsible for exercise-induced inflammatory responses. Furthermore, this investigation shows that inflammatory processes, vice versa, do not promote DNA damage, neither directly nor via an increased formation of RONS derived from inflammatory cells. Oxidative DNA damage might have been counteracted by training- and exercise-induced antioxidant responses. However, further studies are needed that combine advanced -omics based techniques (transcriptomics, proteomics) with state-of-the-art biochemical biomarkers to gain more insights into the underlying mechanisms.


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Carbon nanostructures (CNs) are amongst the most promising biorecognition nanomaterials due to their unprecedented optical, electrical and structural properties. As such, CNs may be harnessed to tackle the detrimental public health and socio-economic adversities associated with neurodegenerative diseases (NDs). In particular, CNs may be tailored for a specific determination of biomarkers indicative of NDs. However, the realization of such a biosensor represents a significant technological challenge in the uniform fabrication of CNs with outstanding qualities in order to facilitate a highly-sensitive detection of biomarkers suspended in complex biological environments. Notably, the versatility of plasma-based techniques for the synthesis and surface modification of CNs may be embraced to optimize the biorecognition performance and capabilities. This review surveys the recent advances in CN-based biosensors, and highlights the benefits of plasma-processing techniques to enable, enhance, and tailor the performance and optimize the fabrication of CNs, towards the construction of biosensors with unparalleled performance for the early diagnosis of NDs, via a plethora of energy-efficient, environmentally-benign, and inexpensive approaches.


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In this paper, we tackle the problem of unsupervised domain adaptation for classification. In the unsupervised scenario where no labeled samples from the target domain are provided, a popular approach consists in transforming the data such that the source and target distributions be- come similar. To compare the two distributions, existing approaches make use of the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD). However, this does not exploit the fact that prob- ability distributions lie on a Riemannian manifold. Here, we propose to make better use of the structure of this man- ifold and rely on the distance on the manifold to compare the source and target distributions. In this framework, we introduce a sample selection method and a subspace-based method for unsupervised domain adaptation, and show that both these manifold-based techniques outperform the cor- responding approaches based on the MMD. Furthermore, we show that our subspace-based approach yields state-of- the-art results on a standard object recognition benchmark.


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This paper discusses the use of observational video recordings to document young children’s use of technology in their homes. Although observational research practices have been used for decades, often with video-based techniques, the participant group in this study (i.e., very young children) and the setting (i.e., private homes), provide a rich space for exploring the benefits and limitations of qualitative observation. The data gathered in this study point to a number of key decisions and issues that researchers must face in designing observational research, particularly where non-researchers (in this case, parents) act as surrogates for the researcher at the data collection stage. The involvement of parents and children as research videographers in the home resulted in very rich and detailed data about children’s use of technology in their daily lives. However, limitations noted in the dataset (e.g., image quality) provide important guidance for researchers developing projects using similar methods in future. The paper provides recommendations for future observational designs in similar settings and/or with similar participant groups.


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Orgasm is a subjective experience accompanied by involuntary muscle contractions. We hypothesized that orgasm in women would be distinguishable by frequency analysis of a perineal muscle-derived signal. Rectal pressure, an index of perineal muscle activity, was measured continuously in 23 healthy women during different sexual tasks: receiving clitoral stimulation, imitation of orgasm, and attempt to reach orgasm, in which case the women were asked to report whether orgasm had been reached ("orgasm") or not ("failed orgasm attempt"). We performed spectral analysis on the rectal pressure data and calculated the spectral power in the frequency bands delta (0.5-4 Hz), theta (4-8 Hz), alpha (8-13 Hz), and beta (13-25 Hz). The most significant and most important difference in spectral power between orgasm and both control motor tasks (imitation of orgasm and failed orgasm attempt) was found in the alpha band. An objective rule based on spectral power in the alpha band recognized 94% (29/31) of orgasms and correctly labeled 69% (44/64) of all orgasm attempts as either successful or failed. Because outbursts of alpha fluctuations in rectal pressure only occurred during orgasm and not during voluntary imitation of orgasm or failed attempts, we propose that they represent involuntary contractions of muscles in the rectal vicinity. This is the first objective and quantitative measure that has a strong correspondence with the subjective experience of orgasm.


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Information Overload and Mismatch are two fundamental problems affecting the effectiveness of information filtering systems. Even though both term-based and patternbased approaches have been proposed to address the problems of overload and mismatch, neither of these approaches alone can provide a satisfactory solution to address these problems. This paper presents a novel two-stage information filtering model which combines the merits of term-based and pattern-based approaches to effectively filter sheer volume of information. In particular, the first filtering stage is supported by a novel rough analysis model which efficiently removes a large number of irrelevant documents, thereby addressing the overload problem. The second filtering stage is empowered by a semantically rich pattern taxonomy mining model which effectively fetches incoming documents according to the specific information needs of a user, thereby addressing the mismatch problem. The experimental results based on the RCV1 corpus show that the proposed twostage filtering model significantly outperforms the both termbased and pattern-based information filtering models.


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Understanding the motion characteristics of on-site objects is desirable for the analysis of construction work zones, especially in problems related to safety and productivity studies. This article presents a methodology for rapid object identification and tracking. The proposed methodology contains algorithms for spatial modeling and image matching. A high-frame-rate range sensor was utilized for spatial data acquisition. The experimental results indicated that an occupancy grid spatial modeling algorithm could quickly build a suitable work zone model from the acquired data. The results also showed that an image matching algorithm is able to find the most similar object from a model database and from spatial models obtained from previous scans. It is then possible to use the matched information to successfully identify and track objects.