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Rotary ventricular assist device (VAD) support of the cardiovascular system is susceptible to suction events due to the limited preload sensitivity of these devices. This may be of particular concern with rotary biventricular support (BiVAD) where the native, flow-balancing Starling response is diminished in both ventricles. The reliability of sensor and sensor-less based control systems which aim to control VAD flow based on preload have limitations and thus an alternative solution is desired. This study introduces a compliant inflow cannula (CIC) which could improve the preload sensitivity of a rotary VAD by passively altering VAD flow depending on preload. To evaluate the design, both the CIC and a standard rigid inflow cannula were inserted into a mock circulation loop to enable biventricular heart failure support using configurations of atrial and ventricular inflow, and arterial outflow cannulation. A range of left (LVAD) and right VAD (RVAD) rotational speeds were tested as well as step changes in systemic/pulmonary vascular resistance to alter relative preloads, with resulting flow rates recorded. Simulated suction events were observed, particularly at higher VAD speeds, during support with the rigid inflow cannula, while the CIC prevented suction events under all circumstances. The compliant section passively restricted its internal diameter as preload was reduced, which increased the VAD circuit resistance and thus reduced VAD flow. Therefore, a compliant inflow cannula could potentially be used as a passive control system to prevent suction events in rotary left, right and biventricular support.


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Successful anatomic fitting of a total artificial heart (TAH) is vital to achieve optimal pump hemodynamics after device implantation. Although many anatomic fitting studies have been completed in humans prior to clinical trials, few reports exist that detail the experience in animals for in vivo device evaluation. Optimal hemodynamics are crucial throughout the in vivo phase to direct design iterations and ultimately validate device performance prior to pivotal human trials. In vivo evaluation in a sheep model allows a realistically sized representation of a smaller patient, for which smaller third-generation TAHs have the potential to treat. Our study aimed to assess the anatomic fit of a single device rotary TAH in sheep prior to animal trials and to use the data to develop a threedimensional, computer-aided design (CAD)-operated anatomic fitting tool for future TAH development. Following excision of the native ventricles above the atrio-ventricular groove, a prototype TAH was inserted within the chest cavity of six sheep (28–40 kg).Adjustable rods representing inlet and outlet conduits were oriented toward the center of each atrial chamber and the great vessels, with conduit lengths and angles recorded for future analysis. A threedimensional, CAD-operated anatomic fitting tool was then developed, based on the results of this study, and used to determine the inflow and outflow conduit orientation of the TAH. The mean diameters of the sheep left atrium, right atrium, aorta, and pulmonary artery were 39, 33, 12, and 11 mm, respectively. The center-to-center distance and outer-edge-to-outer-edge distance between the atria, found to be 39 ± 9 mm and 72 ± 17 mm in this study, were identified as the most critical geometries for successful TAH connection. This geometric constraint restricts the maximum separation allowable between left and right inlet ports of a TAH to ensure successful alignment within the available atrial circumference.


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A controlled layer of multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) was grown directly on top of fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) glass electrodes as a surface modifier for improving the performance of polymer solar cells. By using low-temperature chemical vapor deposition with short synthesis times, very short MWCNTs were grown, these uniformly decorating the FTO surface. The chemical vapor deposition parameters were carefully refined to balance the tube size and density, while minimizing the decrease in conductivity and light harvesting of the electrode. As created FTO/CNT electrodes were applied to bulk-heterojunction polymer solar cells, both in direct and inverted architecture. Thanks to the inclusion of MWCNT and the consequent nano-structuring of the electrode surface, we observe an increase in external quantum efficiency in the wavelength range from 550 to 650 nm. Overall, polymer solar cells realized with these FTO/CNT electrodes attain power conversion efficiency higher than 2%, outclassing reference cells based on standard FTO electrodes.


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Total Artificial Hearts are mechanical pumps which can be used to replace the failing natural heart. This novel study developed a means of controlling a new design of pump to reproduce physiological flow bringing closer the realisation of a practical artificial heart. Using a mathematical model of the device, an optimisation algorithm was used to determine the best configuration for the magnetic levitation system of the pump. The prototype device was constructed and tested in a mock circulation loop. A physiological controller was designed to replicate the Frank-Starling like balancing behaviour of the natural heart. The device and controller provided sufficient support for a human patient while also demonstrating good response to various physiological conditions and events. This novel work brings the design of a practical artificial heart closer to realisation.


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A novel composite material based on deposition of nanosized zero-valent iron (nZVI) particles on acid-leached diatomite was synthesised for the removal of a chlorinated contaminant in water. The nZVI /diatomite composites were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, elemental analysis, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Compared with the pure nZVI particles, better dispersion of nZVI particles on the surface or inside the pores of diatom shells was observed. The herbicide simazine was selected as the model chlorinated contaminant and the removal efficiency by nZVI /diatomite composite was compared with that of the pristine nZVI and commercial iron powder. It was found that the diatomite supported nZVI composite material prepared by centrifugation exhibits relatively better efficient activity in decomposition of simazine than commercial Fe, lab synthesized nZVI and composite material prepared via rotary evaporation, and the optimum experimental conditions were obtained based on a series of batch experiments. This study on immobilizing nZVI particles onto diatomite opens a new avenue for the practical application of nZVI and the diatomite-supported nanosized zero-valent iron composite materials have potential applications in environmental remediation.


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The transient leaf assay in Nicotiana benthamiana is widely used in plant sciences, with one application being the rapid assembly of complex multigene pathways that produce new fatty acid profiles. This rapid and facile assay would be further improved if it were possible to simultaneously overexpress transgenes while accurately silencing endogenes. Here, we report a draft genome resource for N. benthamiana spanning over 75% of the 3.1 Gb haploid genome. This resource revealed a two-member NbFAD2 family, NbFAD2.1 and NbFAD2.2, and quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) confirmed their expression in leaves. FAD2 activities were silenced using hairpin RNAi as monitored by qRT-PCR and biochemical assays. Silencing of endogenous FAD2 activities was combined with overexpression of transgenes via the use of the alternative viral silencing-suppressor protein, V2, from Tomato yellow leaf curl virus. We show that V2 permits maximal overexpression of transgenes but, crucially, also allows hairpin RNAi to operate unimpeded. To illustrate the efficacy of the V2-based leaf assay system, endogenous lipids were shunted from the desaturation of 18:1 to elongation reactions beginning with 18:1 as substrate. These V2-based leaf assays produced ~50% more elongated fatty acid products than p19-based assays. Analyses of small RNA populations generated from hairpin RNAi against NbFAD2 confirm that the siRNA population is dominated by 21 and 22 nt species derived from the hairpin. Collectively, these new tools expand the range of uses and possibilities for metabolic engineering in transient leaf assays. © 2012 Naim et al.


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Recent studies of gene silencing in plants have revealed two RNA-mediated epigenetic processes, RNA-directed RNA degradation and RNA-directed DNA methylation. These natural processes have provided new avenues for developing high-efficiency, high-throughput technology for gene suppression in plants.


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Plants transformed with Agrobacterium frequently contain T-DNA concatamers with direct-repeat (d/r) or inverted-repeat (i/r) transgene integrations, and these repetitive T-DNA insertions are often associated with transgene silencing. To facilitate the selection of transgenic lines with simple T-DNA insertions, we constructed a binary vector (pSIV) based on the principle of hairpin RNA (hpRNA)-induced gene silencing. The vector is designed so that any transformed cells that contain more than one insertion per locus should generate hpRNA against the selective marker gene, leading to its silencing. These cells should, therefore, be sensitive to the selective agent and less likely to regenerate. Results from Arabidopsis and tobacco transformation showed that pSIV gave considerably fewer transgenic lines with repetitive insertions than did a conventional T-DNA vector (pCON). Furthermore, the transgene was more stably expressed in the pSIV plants than in the pCON plants. Rescue of plant DNA flanking sequences from pSIV plants was significantly more frequent than from pCON plants, suggesting that pSIV is potentially useful for T-DNA tagging. Our results revealed a perfect correlation between the presence of tail-to-tail inverted repeats and transgene silencing, supporting the view that read-through hpRNA transcript derived from i/r T-DNA insertions is a primary inducer of transgene silencing in plants. © CSIRO 2005.


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A major challenge in the post-genome era of plant biology is to determine the functions of all genes in the plant genome. A straightforward approach to this problem is to reduce or knockout expression of a gene with the hope of seeing a phenotype that is suggestive of its function. Insertional mutagenesis is a useful tool for this type of study but is limited by gene redundancy, lethal knockouts, non-tagged mutants, and the inability to target the inserted element to a specific gene. The efficacy of gene silencing in plants using inverted-repeat transgene constructs that encode a hairpin RNA (hpRNA) has been demonstrated by a number of groups, and has several advantages over insertional mutagenesis. In this paper we describe two improved pHellsgate vectors that facilitate rapid generation of hpRNA-encoding constructs, pHellsgate 4 allows the production of an hpRNA construct in a single step from a single polymerase chain reaction product, while pHellsgate 8 requires a two-step process via an intermediate vector. We show that these vectors are effective at silencing three endogenous genes in Arabidopsis, FLOWERING LOCUS C, PHYTOENE DESATURASE and ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE 2. We also show that a construct of sequences from two genes silences both genes.


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Two transgenic callus lines of rice, stably expressing a β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene, were supertransformed with a set of constructs designed to silence the resident GUS gene. An inverted-repeat (i/r) GUS construct, designed to produce mRNA with self-complementarity, was much more effective than simple sense and antisense constructs at inducing silencing. Supertransforming rice calluses with a direct-repeat (d/r) construct, although not as effective as those with the i/r construct, was also substantially more effective in silencing the resident GUS gene than the simple sense and antisense constructs. DNA hybridisation analyses revealed that every callus line supertransformed with either simple sense or antisense constructs, and subsequently showing GUS silencing, had the silence-inducing transgenes integrated into the plant genome in inverted-repeat configurations. The silenced lines containing i/r and d/r constructs did not necessarily have inverted-repeat T-DNA insertions. There was significant methylation of the GUS sequences in most of the silenced lines but not in the unsilenced lines. However, demethylation treatment of silenced lines with 5-azacytidine did not reverse the post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) of GUS. Whereas the levels of RNA specific to the resident GUS gene were uniformly low in the silenced lines, RNA specific to the inducer transgenes accumulated to a substantial level, and the majority of the i/r RNA was unpolyadenylated. Altogether, these results suggest that both sense- and antisense-mediated gene suppression share a similar molecular basis, that unpolyadenylated RNA plays an important role in PTGS, and that methylation is not essential for PTGS.


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Chemically inducible gene switches can provide precise control over gene expression, enabling more specific analyses of gene function and expanding the plant biotechnology toolkit beyond traditional constitutive expression systems. The alc gene expression system is one of the most promising chemically inducible gene switches in plants because of its potential in both fundamental research and commercial biotechnology applications. However, there are no published reports demonstrating that this versatile gene switch is functional in transgenic monocotyledonous plants, which include some of the most important agricultural crops. We found that the original alc gene switch was ineffective in the monocotyledonous plant sugar cane, and describe a modified alc system that is functional in this globally significant crop. A promoter consisting of tandem copies of the ethanol receptor inverted repeat binding site, in combination with a minimal promoter sequence, was sufficient to give enhanced sensitivity and significantly higher levels of ethanol inducible gene expression. A longer CaMV 35S minimal promoter than was used in the original alc gene switch also substantially improved ethanol inducibility. Treating the roots with ethanol effectively induced the modified alc system in sugar cane leaves and stem, while an aerial spray was relatively ineffective. The extension of this chemically inducible gene expression system to sugar cane opens the door to new opportunities for basic research and crop biotechnology.


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Transposable elements, which are DNA sequences that can move between different sites in genomes, comprise approximately 40% of the genome of mammals and are emerging as important contributors to biological diversity. Here we report a transcription unit lying within intron 1 of the murine Magi1 (membrane associated guanylate kinase inverted 1) gene that codes for a cell-cell junction scaffolding protein. The transcription unit, termed Magi1OS (Magi1 Opposite Strand), originates from a region with tandem B1 short interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs) and is an antisense gene to Magi1. Mag1OS transcription initiates in a proximal B1 element that shows only 4% divergence from the consensus sequence, indicating that it has been recently inserted into the mouse genome and could be replication competent. Moreover, a chimaeric transcript may result from intra-chromosomal interaction and trans-splicing of the Magi1 antisense transcript (Magi1OS) and Ghrl, which codes for the multifunctional peptide hormone ghrelin. These two genes are 20 megabases apart on chromosome 6 and are transcribed in opposite directions. We propose that the Magi1OS locus may serve as a useful model system to study exaptation and retrotransposition of B1 SINEs, as well as to examine the mechanisms of intra-chromosomal trans-splicing.


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Purpose: To investigate the changes in axial length with the combined effect of accommodation and angle of gaze (convergence and downward gaze) over 5 minutes in groups of myopes and emmetropes. Methods: A total of 31 subjects (nine emmetropes, 10 low myopes, and 12 moderate to high myopes) aged from 18 to 31 years were recruited. To measure ocular biometrics in inferonasal gaze with accommodation, an optical biometer (Lenstar LS900) was inclined on a tilt and height adjustable stage, with the subject’s chinrest mounted on a rotary stage to induce various levels of convergence by rotation of the subject’s head in primary or downward gaze. Initially, the subjects performed a distance viewing task in primary gaze for 10 minutes to provide a ‘wash-out’ period for prior visual tasks, and then the subject’s axial length and ocular biometrics were measured in nine different combinations of gaze/accommodation over 5 minutes. These nine sessions for all gaze measurements (i.e. three levels of accommodation 9 three levels of convergence) were completed across 3 days of testing (one accommodation condition on each day).The nine combinations of gaze/accommodation were based on those required to view the centre, right and left edges of a distant TV at 6 m in primary gaze, an intermediate task (i.e. computer at 50 cm in 10° downward gaze) and a near task (i.e. reading A4 page at 20 cm in 20° downward gaze). Subjects were wearing a custom built three-axes head tracker throughout the experiment that monitored subjects’ relative head movements (roll, pitch and yaw) during measurements. Results: A significant increase in axial length occurred with the combined effect of accommodation, convergence and downward gaze (repeated measures ANOVA, p < 0.001), with the greatest axial elongation during the near task in downward gaze with convergence (i.e. downward 20°/inward 33°, with 5 D accommodation) (mean change 33 ± 13 lm, after 5 minutes task) followed by the intermediate task (i.e. downward 10°/inward 25°, with 2 D accommodation) (mean change 14 ± 11 lm, after 5 minutes task).Changes in axial length for the distance task (i.e. primary gaze/9° convergence, with 0.16 D accommodation) were not statistically significant (mean change 4 ± 8 lm, after 5 minutes task, p > 0.05). Moderate to high myopes had a greater change in the axial length (mean change 40 ± 11 lm after 5 minutes of near task) than that of emmetropes (mean change 29 ± 15 lm after 5 minutes of near task) and low myopes (mean change 29 ± 16 lm after 5 minutes of near task) associated with time (p = 0.02) and accommodation by time (p = 0.03). Conclusions: The combination of accommodation, convergence and downward angle has a significant short term effect on axial length over time. The near task in downward gaze with convergence caused a greater change in axial length than the intermediate and distant visual tasks. The greater axial elongation measured in the infero-nasal direction with accommodation is most likely associated with a combination of biomechanical factors such as, extraocular muscle forces and ciliary muscle contraction.


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This paper presents the modeling and motion-sensorless direct torque and flux control of a novel dual-airgap axial-flux permanent-magnet machine optimized for use in flywheel energy storage system (FESS) applications. Independent closed-loop torque and stator flux regulation are performed in the stator flux ( x-y) reference frame via two PI controllers. This facilitates fast torque dynamics, which is critical as far as energy charging/discharging in the FESS is concerned. As FESS applications demand high-speed operation, a new field-weakening algorithm is proposed in this paper. Flux weakening is achieved autonomously once the y-axis voltage exceeds the available inverter voltage. An inherently speed sensorless stator flux observer immune to stator resistance variations and dc-offset effects is also proposed for accurate flux and speed estimation. The proposed observer eliminates the rotary encoder, which in turn reduces the overall weight and cost of the system while improving its reliability. The effectiveness of the proposed control scheme has been verified by simulations and experiments on a machine prototype.


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This paper presents the modeling and position-sensorless vector control of a dual-airgap axial flux permanent magnet (AFPM) machine optimized for use in flywheel energy storage system (FESS) applications. The proposed AFPM machine has two sets of three-phase stator windings but requires only a single power converter to control both the electromagnetic torque and the axial levitation force. The proper controllability of the latter is crucial as it can be utilized to minimize the vertical bearing stress to improve the efficiency of the FESS. The method for controlling both the speed and axial displacement of the machine is discussed. An inherent speed sensorless observer is also proposed for speed estimation. The proposed observer eliminates the rotary encoder, which in turn reduces the overall weight and cost of the system while improving its reliability. The effectiveness of the proposed control scheme has been verified by simulations and experiments on a prototype machine.