127 resultados para Optical mineralogy.


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Purpose. To evaluate the use of optical coherence tomography (OCT) to assess the effect of different soft contact lenses on corneoscleral morphology. Methods. Ten subjects had anterior segment OCT B-scans taken in the morning and again after six hours of soft contact lens wear. For each subject, three different contact lenses were used in the right eye on non-consecutive days, including a hydrogel sphere, a silicone hydrogel sphere and a silicone hydrogel toric. After image registration and layer segmentation, analyses were performed of the first hyper-reflective layer (HRL), the epithelial basement membrane (EBL) and the epithelial thickness (HRL to EBL). A root mean square difference (RMSD) of the layer profiles and the thickness change between the morning and afternoon measurements, was used to assess the effect of the contact lens on the corneoscleral morphology. Results. The soft contact lenses had a statistically significant effect on the morphology of the anterior segment layers (p <0.001). The average amounts of change for the three lenses (average RMSD values) for the corneal region were lower (3.93±1.95 µm for the HRL and 4.02±2.14 µm for the EBL) than those measured in the limbal/scleral region (11.24±6.21 µm for the HRL and 12.61±6.42 µm for the EBL). Similarly, averaged across the three lenses, the RMSD in epithelial thickness was lower in the cornea (2.84±0.84 µm) than the limbal/scleral (5.47±1.71 µm) region. Post-hoc analysis showed that ocular surface changes were significantly smaller with the silicone hydrogel sphere lens than both the silicone hydrogel toric (p<0.005) and hydrogel sphere (p<0.02) for the combined HRL and EBL data. Conclusions. In this preliminary study, we have shown that soft contact lenses can produce small but significant changes in the morphology of the limbal/scleral region and that OCT technology is useful in assessing these changes. The clinical significance of these changes is yet to be determined.


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Biotites and muscovites from a gneiss have been experimentally shocked between 18 and 70 GPa using powder-propellant guns at NASA Johnson Space Center and at the California Institute of Technology. This study shows that shock in biotite and muscovite can produce homogeneous and devolatilized glasses within microseconds. Shock-deformed micas display fracturing, kinking, and complex extinction patterns over the entire pressure range investigated. However, these deformation features are not a sensitive pressure indicator. Localized melting of micas begins at 33 GPa and goes to completion at 70 GPa. Melted biotite and muscovite are optically opaque, but show extensive microvesiculation and flow when observed with the SEM. Electron diffraction confirms that biotite and muscovite have transformed to a glass. The distribution of vesicles in shock-vitrified mica shows escape of volatiles within the short duration of the shock experiment. Experimentally shocked biotite and muscovite undergo congruent melting. Compositions of the glasses are similar to the unshocked micas except for volatiles (H2O loss and K loss). These unusual glasses derived from mica may be quenched by rapid cooling conditions during the shock experiment. Based on these results, the extremely low H2O content of tektites may be reconciled with a terrestrial origin by impact. Release of volatiles in shock-melted micas affects the melting behavior of coexisting dry silicates during the short duration of the shock experiment. Transportation and escape of volatiles released from shock-melted micas may provide plausible mechanisms for the origin of protoatmospheres on terrestrial planets, hydrothermal activity on phyllosilicate-rich meteorite parent bodies, and fluid entrapment in meteorites.


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Poorly characterized phases (PCP's) may constitute up to 30 volume percent of some C2M carbonaceous chondrite matrices [1] and are an important key to an understanding of matrix evolution. PCPs are usually fine-grained (optical or X-ray techniques [2]. Fuchs et al. [2] introduced the term PCP in their detailed description of Fe-S-Ni-0 phases in the matrix of Murchison. Ramdohr [3] described a similar Fe-S-C phase with trace amounts of Ni in five carbonaceous chondrites and proposed that this mineral has a layer structure. Both the Fe-S-Ni-0 and Fe-S-Ni-C phases have similar optical properties and are conveniently described by the generic term PCP [1]. On the basis of recent high resolution electron microscopy (HREM) studies [4-9], we propose that these PCP's form at least two ordered, stable structures based upon alternating sequences of mackinawite- and brucite- (or amakinite-) type layers.


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The study of matrices of rare Type 4 carbonaceous chondrites can reveal important information on parent body rnetamorp~ic processes and provide a comparison with processes on parent bodies of ordinary chc-idrites. Reflectance spectra (Tholen, 1984) from the two largest asteroids in the asteroid belt, Ceres and Pallas, suggest that they may be metamorphosed carbonaceous chondrites. These two asteroids constitute - onethird of the mass in the asteroid belt implying that type 4-6 carbonaceous chondrites are poorly represented in the meteorite collection and may be of considerable importance. The matrix of the C4 chondrite Karoonda has been investigated using a JEOL 2000FX analytical electron microscope (AEM) with an attached Tracor-Northem TN5500 energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). In previous studies (Scott and Taylor, 1985; Fitzgerald, 1979; Van Schmus, 1969), the petrography of the Karoonda matrix has been described as consisting largely of coarse-grained (50-200 urn in size) olivine and plagioclase (20-100 um in size), associated with micrometer sized magnetite and rare sulphides. AEM observations on matrix show that in addition to these large grains, there is a significant fraction (10 vol%) of interstitial fine grained phases « 5 urn). The mineralogy of these fine-grained phases differs in some respects from that of the coarser-grained matrix identified by optical and SEM techniques (Scott and Taylor, 1985; Fitzgerald, 1979; Van Schmus, 1969). I~ particular crystals of two compositionally distinct pyroxenes « 2 urn in size) have been identified which have not been previously observed in Karoonda by other analytical techniques. Thin film microanalyses (Mackinnon et al., 1986) of these two pyroxenes indicate compositions consistent with augite and low-Ca pyroxene (- Fs27). Fine-grained anhedral olivine « 2 urn size) is the most abundant phase with composition -Fa29' This composition is essentially indistinguishable from that determined for coarser-grained matrix olivines using an electron microprobe (Scott and Taylor, 1985; Fitzgerald, 1979; Van Schmus, 1969). All olivines are associated with subhedral magnetites « 1 urn size) which contain significant Cr (- 2%) and Al (- 1%) as was also noted for larger sized Karoonda magnetites by Delaney et al. (1985). It has recently been suggested (Burgess et al., 1987) on the basis of sulphur release profiles for S-isotope analyses of Karoonda that CaS04 (anhydrite) may be present. However, no sulphate phase has, as yet, been identified in the matrix of Karoonda. Low magnification contrast images suggest that Karoonda may have a significant porosity within the fine-grained matrix fraction. Most crystals are anhedral and do not show evidence for significant compaction. Individual grains often show single point contact with other grains which result in abundant intergranular voids. These voids frequently contain epoxy which was used as part of the specimen preparation procedure due to the friable nature of the bulk sample.


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From a mineralogical survey of approximately 30 chondritic micrometeorites collected from the lower stratosphere and studied in detail using current electron microscopy techniques, it is concluded that these particles represent a unique group of extraterrestrial materials. These micrometeorites differ significantly in form and texture from components of carbonaceous chondrites and contain some mineral assemblages which do not occur in any meteorite class. Electron microscope investigations of chondritic micrometeorites have established that these materials (1) are extraterrestrial in origin, (2) existed in space as small objects, (3) endured minimal alteration by planetary processes since formation, and (4) can suffer minimal pulse heating (<600°C) on entering earth's atmosphere. The probable sources for chondritic interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) are cometary and asteroidal debris and, perhaps to a lesser extent, interstellar regions. These sources have not been conclusively linked to any specific mineralogical subset of IDP, although the chondritic porous (CP) aggregate is considered of likely cometary origin. Chondritic IDPs occur in two predominant mineral assemblages: (1) carbonaceous phases and phyllosilicates and (2) carbonaceous phases and nesosilicates or inosilicates, although particles with both types of silicate assemblages are observed. Olivines, pyroxenes, layer silicates, and carbon-rich phases are the most commonly occurring minerals in many chondritic IDPs. Other phases often observed in variable proportions include sulphides, spinels, metals, metal carbides, carbonates, and minor amounts of sulphates and phosphates. Individual mineral grain sizes range from micrometers (primarily pyroxenes and olivines) to nanometers, with the predominant size for all phases less than 100 nm. Specific mineral characteristics for particular chondritic IDPs provide an indication of processes which may have occurred prior to collection in the earth's stratosphere. For example, pyroxene mineralogy in some chondritic aggregates is consistent with condensation from a vapor phase and, we consider, with condensation in a turbulent solar nebula at relatively low temperatures (<1000°C). Carbonaceous phases present in other CP aggregates have been used to imply low-temperature formation processes such as Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (∼530°C) or carbonization and graphitization (∼315°C). Alteration processes have been implicated in the formation of some layer silicates in CP aggregates and may have involved hydrocryogenic alteration at <0°C. In general, interpretations of transformation processes on submicrometer-size minerals in chondritic IDPs are consistent with formation at a radius equivalent to the asteroid belt or greater during the later stages of solar nebula evolution using currently available models.


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Minor phases in meteorites are important indicators of parent-body processing conditions. For example, Kerridge and others (1, 2) have shown that the presence of sulphates and carbonates in CI chondrites provides evidence for aqueous alteration on the parent body. Carbonates and sulphates are relatively prominent components of CI chondrites (e.g., -11.6 wt.% of total mass' and> 10 um diameter) compared to minor phases in most other classes of meteorite and thus, have been amenable to macro scale characterisation using optical petrography and electron microprobe analysis. These minor phases account for significant accumulations of low abundance elements, such as Na, S, K, Ca, and Ni within the bulk meteorite. The fine grained matrix, which consists mostly oflizardite- and montmorillonite-like clays (3), is the...


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Chondritic porous aggregates (CPA's) belong to an important subset of small particles (usually between 5 and 50 micrometers) collected from the stratosphere by high flying aircraft. These aggregates are approximately chondritic in elemental abundance and are composed of many thousands of small­er, submicrometer particles. CPA particles have been the subject of intensive study during the past few years [1-3] and there is strong evidence that they are a new class of extraterrestrial material not represented in the meteorite collection [3,4]. However, CPA's may be related to carbonaceous chondrites and in fact, both may be part of a continuum of primitive extraterrestrial materials [5]. The importance of CPA's stems from suggestions that they are very primitive solar system material possibly derived from early formed proto­ planets, chondritic parent bodies, or comets [3, 6]. To better understand the origin and evolution of these particles, we have attempted to summarize all of the mineralogical data on identified CPA's published since about 1976.


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Samples from the Callide Coal Measures, Queensland, Australia, containing the minor maceral, micrinite, have been studied using optical and electron-optical techniques to determine the precise compositional and structural nature of micrinite when in association with vitrinite macerals. Emphasis has been placed on direct spatial correlation of optical and electron-optical data due to the fine grain size (<1μm) of micrinite and its relatively low abundance compared with other macerals in the Callide Basin coals. Precise elemental, morphological and structural data, including electron diffraction, provides unambiguous evidence for the presence of kaolinite in the component known as micrinite. Indeed, micrinite consists predominantly of fine-grained kaolinite (>90 per cent of the component) and, as such, should not be considered a maceral.


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The verdine facies of coastal marine tropical sediments shows a common variety characterized by a 1:1 newly-discovered dioctahedral-trioctahedral mineral. Although sometimes nearly pure, this mineral is generally admixed with a chlorite, a pyrophyllite, and a 7/14 Å mixed-layer. The rare variety is mostly composed of a green component intermediate between a smectite and a swelling chlorite. There is an abridged English version. -English summary


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Thin-sectioned samples mounted on glass slides with common petrographic epoxies cannot be easily removed (for subsequent ion-milling) by standard methods such as heating or dissolution in solvents. A method for the removal of such samples using a radio frequency (RF) generated oxygen plasma has been investigated for a number of typical petrographic and ceramic thin sections. Sample integrity and thickness were critical factors that determined the etching rate of adhesive and the survivability of the sample. Several tests were performed on a variety of materials in order to estimate possible heating or oxidation damage from the plasma. Temperatures in the plasma chamber remained below 138°C and weight changes in mineral powders etched for 76 hr were less than ±4%. A crystal of optical grade calcite showed no apparent surface damage after 48 hr of etching. Any damage from the oxygen plasma is apparently confined to the surface of the sample, and is removed during the ion-milling stage of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) sample preparation.


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Pyrite and chalcopyrite mineral samples from Mangampet barite mine, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India are used in the present study. XRD data indicate that the pyrite mineral has a face centered cubic lattice structure with lattice constant 5.4179 Å. Also it possesses an average particle size of 91.9 nm. An EPR study on the powdered samples confirms the presence of iron in pyrite and iron and Mn(II) in chalcopyrite. The optical absorption spectrum of chalcopyrite indicates presence of copper which is in a distorted octahedral environment. NIR results confirm the presence of water fundamentals and Raman spectrum reveals the presence of water and sulfate ions.