104 resultados para Ferroelectric memories


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Body and Forgetting is a powerful dance performance that brings together the work of choreographer Liz Roche and film maker Alan Gilsenan, with a live score by Denis Roche. Inspired by the writings of Milan Kundera, Liz Roche Company's remarkable dancers find their way through delicately woven circumstances of disappearance, loss, relationship and hope. Their attempts to hold fast to memories and objects of meaning is at the heart of this work. The live performers move in dialogue with filmed versions of their dancing selves. They re-write their histories, make better endings to their stories, say what they regret not having said. These filmed reflections or versions of themselves, by offering a mirror, ultimately bring the performers back to themselves, richer from the experience.


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Each September since 1983 in the rural Shire of Ravensthorpe, Western Australia, volunteers collect samples of up to 700 wildfl ower species which are then displayed in the Ravensthorpe Senior Citizens Centre from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm daily over a two-week period. This chapter offers an ethnographic interpretation of this enduring annual event focusing on the 25th show held in 2007. The study contributes to understanding the complex and nuanced role of local wildflower shows in shaping and supporting rural senses of place and of community. Importantly, this particular type of festival, and more specifically this local instance, foregrounds a less-remarked aspect of festivals, namely the (re)production and celebration of place-specific knowledge through validations of, and interconnections between, scientific flower classification and emotive experience. This feature, encapsulated in Laurel Lamperd’s poem above, invites consideration of the ways in which local place knowledge and the simultaneous (re)production of ‘place’ are constituted by a complex layering of rational, objective ways of knowing and those which emphasize emotions, aesthetics and memories. This rural wildflower show not only mobilises both the rational and the emotional in ‘making sense of the world’ for local residents and for tourists, but also offers insights into the production of place as constituted in and through relations between humans and non-human life forms (Cloke & Jones, 2001; Conradson, 2005; see also Chapter 6).


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It has been proposed that spatial reference frames with which object locations are specified in memory are intrinsic to a to-be-remembered spatial layout (intrinsic reference theory). Although this theory has been supported by accumulating evidence, it has only been collected from paradigms in which the entire spatial layout was simultaneously visible to observers. The present study was designed to examine the generality of the theory by investigating whether the geometric structure of a spatial layout (bilateral symmetry) influences selection of spatial reference frames when object locations are sequentially learned through haptic exploration. In two experiments, participants learned the spatial layout solely by touch and performed judgments of relative direction among objects using their spatial memories. Results indicated that the geometric structure can provide a spatial cue for establishing reference frames as long as it is accentuated by explicit instructions (Experiment 1) or alignment with an egocentric orientation (Experiment 2). These results are entirely consistent with those from previous studies in which spatial information was encoded through simultaneous viewing of all object locations, suggesting that the intrinsic reference theory is not specific to a type of spatial memory acquired by the particular learning method but instead generalizes to spatial memories learned through a variety of encoding conditions. In particular, the present findings suggest that spatial memories that follow the intrinsic reference theory function equivalently regardless of the modality in which spatial information is encoded.


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It has been shown that abilities in spatial learning and memory are adversely affected by aging. The present study was conducted to investigate whether increasing age has equal consequences for all types of spatial learning or impacts certain types of spatial learning selectively. Specifically, two major types of spatial learning, exploratory navigation and map reading, were contrasted. By combining a neuroimaging finding that the medial temporal lobe (MTL) is especially important for exploratory navigation and a neurological finding that the MTL is susceptible to age-related atrophy, it was hypothesized that spatial learning through exploratory navigation would exhibit a greater decline in later life than spatial learning through map reading. In an experiment, young and senior participants learned locations of landmarks in virtual environments either by navigating in them in the first-person perspective or by seeing aerial views of the environments. Results showed that senior participants acquired less accurate memories of the layouts of landmarks than young participants when they navigated in the environments, but the two groups did not differ in spatial learning performance when they viewed the environments from the aerial perspective. These results suggest that spatial learning through exploratory navigation is particularly vulnerable to adverse effects of aging, whereas elderly adults may be able to maintain their map reading skills relatively well.


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The present study investigated whether memory for a room-sized spatial layout learned through auditory localization of sounds exhibits orientation dependence similar to that observed for spatial memory acquired from stationary viewing of the environment. Participants learned spatial layouts by viewing objects or localizing sounds and then performed judgments of relative direction among remembered locations. The results showed that direction judgments following auditory learning were performed most accurately at a particular orientation in the same way as were those following visual learning, indicating that auditorily encoded spatial memory is orientation dependent. In combination with previous findings that spatial memories derived from haptic and proprioceptive experiences are also orientation dependent, the present finding suggests that orientation dependence is a general functional property of human spatial memory independent of learning modality.


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We investigated memories of room-sized spatial layouts learned by sequentially or simultaneously viewing objects from a stationary position. In three experiments, sequential viewing (one or two objects at a time) yielded subsequent memory performance that was equivalent or superior to simultaneous viewing of all objects, even though sequential viewing lacked direct access to the entire layout. This finding was replicated by replacing sequential viewing with directed viewing in which all objects were presented simultaneously and participants’ attention was externally focused on each object sequentially, indicating that the advantage of sequential viewing over simultaneous viewing may have originated from focal attention to individual object locations. These results suggest that memory representation of object-to-object relations can be constructed efficiently by encoding each object location separately, when those locations are defined within a single spatial reference system. These findings highlight the importance of considering object presentation procedures when studying spatial learning mechanisms.


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It has been shown that spatial information can be acquired from both visual and nonvisual modalities. The present study explored how spatial information from vision and proprioception was represented in memory, investigating orientation dependence of spatial memories acquired through visual and proprioceptive spatial learning. Experiment 1 examined whether visual learning alone and proprioceptive learning alone yielded orientation-dependent spatial memory. Results showed that spatial memories from both types of learning were orientation dependent. Experiment 2 explored how different orientations of the same environment were represented when they were learned visually and proprioceptively. Results showed that both visually and proprioceptively learned orientations were represented in spatial memory, suggesting that participants established two different reference systems based on each type of learning experience and interpreted the environment in terms of these two reference systems. The results provide some initial clues to how different modalities make unique contributions to spatial representations.


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I created Experience Has No Shadow (2010) following a successful Ausdance Qld choreographic grant in 2010, which comprised of two solos and a video-dance at the Performance Space at the Judith Wright Centre. The aim of the Bell Tower III residency was to research and construct a Stage One Development that explored choreographic approaches to oral histories. Like many first generation Australians, oral histories are the way memories and experiences of distant homelands often offer the only connection to cultural origins. Consequently, I drew on auto-ethnographic references in the form of family stories – specifically those of my mother’s family - told and retold by my mother and her family as East German refugees during World War II. While working on the video, I explored a way to make a direct connection to the past stories by using a recording of my mother’s voice. She is re-telling a favourite story about Salamo the circus horse that was sold to my great grandfather as a work horse. Rather than representing the text literally, I attempted to capture the intensity of the storytelling which accompanied abstract footage of Avril Huddy filmed through perspex glass producing animal-like shapes that continually blur and morph in and out of focus. Strangely, by tying the story in with the filmed images a whole new story seems to emerge. Two distinct solos were created in collaboration with the performers, Expressions Dance Company’s Elise May and QUT’s Avril Huddy. These were performed at the Judith Wright Centre for Contemporary Arts, Performance Space, 1st April, 2010. The simplicity of its design became a key concept behind the work in terms of sets, spacing requirements, and costumes – almost minimalist. The choreographic process was conceived as highly collaborative, with commissioned music (and eventually lighting features) to act as equal partners in the performance.


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"Naik Naik, conceived and directed by Cheryl Stock, is a multi-site promenade performance in which the audience joins the artists in physically exploring the notion of ‘ascent’ through their upward journey from Fort A Famosa at the base of the hill to Site 1 of St Paul’s Hill at the summit. Beginning at dusk with vignette performances along the ascending path, the journey finishes on entering the church ruins at nightfall. An evocation of place through performative contemplations, this processional experience lingers on the traces of history that remain hidden or partially and silently exposed, interwoven with personal and cultural stories related to the sites, in a celebration of the present. Naik Naik brings together eight established and emerging professional artists whose disciplines range across dance, music, visual arts and media production. Excitingly, this will be the first performance at MAPFest arising from a pre-festival collaborative residency with development time in Malaysia for all artists to work on a new production from its inception. The collaboration has been based on ideas arising from site research as well as myths and local stories from longterm Melaka residents who contributed their knowledge and memories of the chosen sites. Naik Naik has been created by its artists in an acknowledgement of Melaka’s unique multicultural heritage and contemporary identity.


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A travel article about a journey to Reykholt in Western Iceland, once the farm of saga author Snorri Sturluson. A TRIP back into snowbound Iceland's past in search of a famed warrior-poet throws up some old memories and fresh revelations for Kari Gislason "The fish must sing." An odd idea, I know - one uttered by a merchant in a novel by Halldor Laxness. But it said no more than what every Icelander since the settlement had known. If you were going to live on the edge of the world, it paid to do something to remind the rest of the world you were still here...


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"Christy Dena’s online-remix-narrative takes iconic images of popular culture and builds with them a strange world where the human fallibility is programmatically deleted. Both dystopic and playful, Dena’s work is an ironic reimagining of pleasure as a state of robotic flatlining, using tropes of science fiction to critique processes of social normalisation and increasing alienation from emotionality." This creative response began as a completely different story and form. What excited me in the end was the concept of deletion and how it could be an interesting mechanic: where the only thing you can do in the world is delete. I thought about deleting parts of robots to make them better. Healing comes from taking away, from removing things. Memories of Joseph Weizenbaum’s chatbot ELIZA came flooding back: where the (human) player is a patient talking to a Rogerian psychotherapist. But in this work I’m switching the roles and making the player the doctor, a doctor to robots…a doctor that can only prescribe deletions. I conceived of the work as a branching narrative, and started writing it in Twine. With every robot patient, the player chose one of many deletions. But when I realised I wouldn’t be able to arrange an artist and sound designer I looked for another option. I played with Zeega and felt that I could get the mood I was after with that platform. So the piece transformed into a work where the player/viewer is imprisoned in the decisions of the deleting protagonist…which has its own effect on the experience and meaning.


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Priceite is a calcium borate mineral and occurs as white crystals in the monoclinic pyramidal crystal system. We have used a combination of Raman spectroscopy with complimentary infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy with Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) to study the mineral priceite. Chemical analysis shows a pure phase consisting of B and Ca only. Raman bands at 956, 974, 991, and 1019 cm−1 are assigned to the BO stretching vibration of the B10O19 units. Raman bands at 1071, 1100, 1127, 1169, and 1211 cm−1 are attributed to the BOH in-plane bending modes. The intense infrared band at 805 cm−1 is assigned to the trigonal borate stretching modes. The Raman band at 674 cm−1 together with bands at 689, 697, 736, and 602 cm−1 are assigned to the trigonal and tetrahedral borate bending modes. Raman spectroscopy in the hydroxyl stretching region shows a series of bands with intense Raman band at 3555 cm−1 with a distinct shoulder at 3568 cm−1. Other bands in this spectral region are found at 3221, 3385, 3404, 3496, and 3510 cm−1. All of these bands are assigned to water stretching vibrations. The observation of multiple bands supports the concept of water being in different molecular environments in the structure of priceite. The molecular structure of a natural priceite has been assessed using vibrational spectroscopy.


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Feminist research on girlhood has drawn extensively on Butler's conceptual work in order to theorise the normative forces of heterosexuality in the everyday construction of gender. This chapter explores girlhood by drawing on memories and artwork generated in a collective biography workshop held in Australian on the topic of girlhood and sexuality. We are interested in thinking through Butler's notion of the heterosexual matrix. Following Renold and Ringrose (2008) we do so with the help of Deleuze and Guattari, who invite us to think about difference as differenciation or continuous becoming, where difference is an evolutionary multiplicity.


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The mineral meliphanite (Ca,Na)2Be[(Si,Al)2O6(F,OH)] is a crystalline sodium calcium beryllium silicate which has the potential to be used as piezoelectric material and for other ferroelectric applications. The mineral has been characterized by a combination of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and vibrational spectroscopy. EDS analysis shows a material with high concentrations of Si and Ca and low amounts of Na, Al and F. Beryllium was not detected. Raman bands at 1016 and 1050 cm−1 are assigned to the SiO and AlOH stretching vibrations of three dimensional siloxane units. The infrared spectrum of meliphanite is very broad in comparison with the Raman spectrum. Raman bands at 472 and 510 cm−1 are assigned to OSiO bending modes. Raman spectroscopy identifies bands in the OH stretching region. Raman spectroscopy with complimentary infrared spectroscopy enables the characterization of the silicate mineral meliphanite.


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A home embodies a sensorial space that is layered with personal memories and traces of history. The success of a home in providing a strong sense of place depends on various factors such as geographical location, climatic conditions, and occupants’ world-views and perceptions. This paper explores Muslims’ perceptions of privacy, modesty and hospitality within their homes through their lived experiences. This case study focuses on three Muslim families living in Australian designed homes within the same suburb of Brisbane, Australia. The study provides prefatory insight into the ways in which these families perform their daily activities and entertain their guests without jeopardizing their privacy needs. The study examines the significance of modesty in the design of Muslim homes as a means by which family members are able to achieve optimum privacy while simultaneously extending hospitality to guests inside and outside their homes. The findings of this study provide opportunities too, for expanding research into culturally adaptable housing systems to help meet the changing needs of Australian multicultural society.