312 resultados para Environmental monitoring - Australia


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The aim of this study was to characterise the new particle formation events in a subtropical urban environment in the southern hemisphere. The study measured the number concentration of particles and its size distribution in Brisbane, Australia during 2009. The variation of particle number concentration and nucleation burst events were characterised as well as the particle growth rate which was first reported in urban environment of Australia. The annual average NUFP, NAitken and NNuc were 9.3 x 103, 3.7 x 103 and 5.6 x 103 cm-3, respectively. Weak seasonal variation in number concentration was observed. Local traffic exhaust emissions were a major contributor of the pollution (NUFP) observed in morning which was dominated by the Aitken mode particles, while particles formed by secondary formation processes contributed to the particle number concentration during afternoon. Overall, 65 nucleation burst events were identified during the study period. Nucleation burst events were classified into two groups, with and without particles growth after the burst of nucleation mode particles observed. The average particle growth rate of the nucleation events was 4.6 nm hr-1 (ranged from 1.79 – 7.78 nm hr-1). Case studies of the nucleation burst events were characterised including i) the nucleation burst with particle growth which is associated with the particle precursor emitted from local traffic exhaust emission, ii) the nucleation burst without particle growth which is due to the transport of industrial emissions from the coast to Brisbane city or other possible sources with unfavourable conditions which suppressed particle growth and iii) interplay between the above two cases which demonstrated the impact of the vehicle and industrial emissions on the variation of particle number concentration and its size distribution during the same day.


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Alveolar and tracheobronchial-deposited submicrometer particle number and surface area data received by different age groups in Australia are shown. Activity patterns were combined with microenvironmental data through a Monte-Carlo method. Particle number distributions for the most significant microenvironments were obtained from our measurement survey data and people activity pattern data from the Australian Human Activity Pattern Survey were used. Daily alveolar particle number (surface area) dose received by all age groups was equal to 3.0×1010 particles (4.5×102 mm2), varying slightly between males and females. In contrast to gender, the lifestyle was found to significantly affect the daily dose, with highest depositions characterizing adults. The main contribution was due to indoor microenvironments. Finally a comparison between Italian and Australian people in terms of received particle dose was reported; it shows that different cooking styles can affect dose levels: higher doses were received by Italians, mainly due to their particular cooking activity.


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Carbon dioxide (CO2), as a primary product of combustion, is a known factor affecting climate change and global warming. In Australia, CO2 emissions from biomass burning are a significant contributor to total carbon in the atmosphere and therefore, it is important to quantify the CO2 emission factors from biomass burning in order to estimate their magnitude and impact on the Australian atmosphere. This paper presents the quantification of CO2 emission factors for five common tree species found in South East Queensland forests, as well as several grasses taken from savannah lands in the Northern Territory of Australia, under controlled ‘fast burning’ and ‘slow burning’ laboratory conditions. The results showed that CO2 emission factors varied according to the type of vegetation and burning conditions, with emission factors for fast burning being 2574 ± 254 g/kg for wood, 394 ± 40 g/kg for branches and leaves, and 2181 ± 120 g/kg for grass. Under slow burning conditions, the CO2 emission factors were 218 ± 20 g/kg for wood, 392± 80 g/kg for branches and leaves, and 2027 ± 809 g/kg for grass.


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The overall aim of this project was to contribute to existing knowledge regarding methods for measuring characteristics of airborne nanoparticles and controlling occupational exposure to airborne nanoparticles, and to gather data on nanoparticle emission and transport in various workplaces. The scope of this study involved investigating the characteristics and behaviour of particles arising from the operation of six nanotechnology processes, subdivided into nine processes for measurement purposes. It did not include the toxicological evaluation of the aerosol and therefore, no direct conclusion was made regarding the health effects of exposure to these particles. Our research included real-time measurement of sub, and supermicrometre particle number and mass concentration, count median diameter, and alveolar deposited surface area using condensation particle counters, an optical particle counter, DustTrak photometer, scanning mobility particle sizer, and nanoparticle surface area monitor, respectively. Off-line particle analysis included scanning and transmission electron microscopy, energy-dispersive x-ray spectrometry, and thermal optical analysis of elemental carbon. Sources of fibrous and non-fibrous particles were included.


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The focus of this paper is on the measured particle number concentrations (PNC) as well as elemental and organic carbon in 17 primary schools. This study is part of the “Ultrafine Particles from Traffic Emissions and Children’s Health (UPTECH)”, which aims to determine the relationship between exposure to traffic related ultrafine (UF) particles and children’s health (http://www.ilaqh.qut.edu.au/Misc/UPTECH%20Home.htm). To achieve this, air quality and health data are being collected at 25 schools within Brisbane Metropolitan Area in Australia over two years. This paper presents the general aspects of UF particles data and preliminary results from the first 17 schools (S01 to S17), tested from Oct 2010 to Dec 2011.


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This work was motivated by the limited knowledge on personal exposure to ultrafine (UF) particles, and it quantifies school children’s personal exposure to UF particles, in terms of number, using Philips Aerasense Nano Tracers (NTs). This study is being conducted in conjunction with the “Ultrafine Particles from Traffic Emissions and Children’s Health (UPTECH)” project, which aims to determine the relationship between exposure to traffic related UF particles and children’s health (http://www.ilaqh.qut.edu.au/Misc/UPTECH%20 Home.htm). To achieve this, air quality and some health data are being collected at 25 schools within the Brisbane Metropolitan Area in Australia over two years. The school children’s personal exposure to UF particles in the first 17 schools are presented here. These schools were tested between Oct 2010 and Dec 2011. Data collection is expected to be complete by mid 2012.


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New particle formation (NPF) and growth have been observed in different environments all around the world and NPF affects the environment by forming cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). Detailed characterisation of NPF events in a subtropical urban environment is the main aim of this study. Particle size distribution (PSD) of atmospheric aerosol particles in range 9-414 nm were measured using a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS), within the framework of the “Ultrafine Particles from Traffic Emissions and Children’s Health” (UPTECH) study, which seeks to determine the relationship between exposure to traffic related ultrafine particles and children’s health (http://www.ilaqh.qut. edu.au/Misc/UPTECH%20Home.htm). The UPTECH study includes measurements of air quality, meteorological and traffic parameters in 25 randomly selected state primary school within the Brisbane metropolitan area, in Queensland, Australia. Measurements at 17 schools have been completed so far.


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For fuel management and/or ecological reasons prescribed burnings are conducted each year across Australia. Smoke from prescribed burnings could be the major source of air pollution in urban environment during the period of intensive prescribed burning. To investigate the impact of prescribed burning on air quality and the characteristics of prescribed burning particles, field measurements were conducted during the end period of a prescribed burning event in September 2011, Brisbane, Australia.


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A series of flooding events occurred in Queensland, Australia during December 2010 and January 2011. The state’s capital city of Brisbane experienced major flooding in January 2011, when the Brisbane River broke its bank and inundated low lying areas.


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While there are sources of ions both outdoors and indoors, ventilation systems can introduce as well as remove ions from the air. As a result, indoor ion concentrations are not directly related to air exchange rates in buildings. In this study, we attempt to relate these quantities with the view of understanding how charged particles may be introduced into indoor spaces.


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Well-designed indoor environments can support people’s health and welfare. In this literature review, we identify the environmental features that affect human health and wellbeing. Environmental characteristics found to influence health outcomes and/or wellbeing included: environmental safety; indoor air quality (e.g. odour and temperature); sound and noise; premises and interior design (e.g. construction materials, viewing nature and experiencing nature, windows versus no windows, light, colours, unit layout and placement of the furniture, the type of room, possibilities to control environmental elements, environmental complexity and sensory simulations, cleanliness, ergonomics and accessibility, ‛‛wayfinding’’); art, and music, among others. Indoor environments that incorporate healing elements can, for instance, reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, lessen pain and shorten hospital stays.


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Automatic Call Recognition is vital for environmental monitoring. Patten recognition has been applied in automatic species recognition for years. However, few studies have applied formal syntactic methods to species call structure analysis. This paper introduces a novel method to adopt timed and probabilistic automata in automatic species recognition based upon acoustic components as the primitives. We demonstrate this through one kind of birds in Australia: Eastern Yellow Robin.


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The period of developmental vulnerability begins at conception and extends through gestation, parturition, infanthood and adolescence. The World Health Organisation (WHO) acknowledges that children experience quantitatively and qualitatively different exposures to chemicals than adults, and that children may be more or less sensitive to a chemical than adults [1, 2]. For instance, because of mouthing behaviours, children have higher exposure to chemicals through non-dietary ingestion than adults [3, 4], and the possibility exists for different metabolism and/or toxicity between different groups due to the immaturity of defense mechanisms that are fully developed in adults [1]. Traditional toxicological studies are inappropriate for assessing the results of exposure at very low levels during critical periods of development. Biomonitoring data can be used to identify where policies should be directed in order to reduce exposure.


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Climate change and land use pressures are making environmental monitoring increasingly important. As environmental health is degrading at an alarming rate, ecologists have tried to tackle the problem by monitoring the composition and condition of environment. However, traditional monitoring methods using experts are manual and expensive; to address this issue government organisations designed a simpler and faster surrogate-based assessment technique for consultants, landholders and ordinary citizens. However, it remains complex, subjective and error prone. This makes collected data difficult to interpret and compare. In this paper we describe a work-in-progress mobile application designed to address these shortcomings through the use of augmented reality and multimedia smartphone technology.


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Population-representative data for dioxin and PCB congener concentrations are available for the Australian population based on measurements in age- and gender-specific serum pools.1 Such data provide a basis for characterizing the mean concentrations of these compounds in the population, but do not provide information on the inter-individual variation in serum concentrations that may exist in the population within an age- and gender-specific group. Such variation may occur due to inter-individual differences in long-term exposure levels or elimination rates. Reference values are estimates of upper percentiles (often the 95th percentile) of measured values in a defined population that can be used to evaluate data from individuals in the population in order to identify concentrations that are elevated, for example, from occupational exposures.2 The objective of this analysis is to estimate reference values corresponding to the 95th percentile (RV95s) for Australia on an age-specific basis for individual dioxin-like congeners based on measurements in serum pools from Toms and Mueller (2010).