147 resultados para Double pulse


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We present a formalism for the analysis of sensitivity of nuclear magnetic resonance pulse sequences to variations of pulse sequence parameters, such as radiofrequency pulses, gradient pulses or evolution delays. The formalism enables the calculation of compact, analytic expressions for the derivatives of the density matrix and the observed signal with respect to the parameters varied. The analysis is based on two constructs computed in the course of modified density-matrix simulations: the error interrogation operators and error commutators. The approach presented is consequently named the Error Commutator Formalism (ECF). It is used to evaluate the sensitivity of the density matrix to parameter variation based on the simulations carried out for the ideal parameters, obviating the need for finite-difference calculations of signal errors. The ECF analysis therefore carries a computational cost comparable to a single density-matrix or product-operator simulation. Its application is illustrated using a number of examples from basic NMR spectroscopy. We show that the strength of the ECF is its ability to provide analytic insights into the propagation of errors through pulse sequences and the behaviour of signal errors under phase cycling. Furthermore, the approach is algorithmic and easily amenable to implementation in the form of a programming code. It is envisaged that it could be incorporated into standard NMR product-operator simulation packages.


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Background: Radiation-induced skin reaction (RISR) is one of the most common and distressing side effects of radiotherapy in patients with cancer. It is featured with swelling, redness, itching, pain, breaks in skin, discomfort, and a burning sensation. There is a lack of convincing evidence supporting any single practice in the prevention or management of RISR. Methods/Designs: This double-blinded randomised controlled trial aims to investigate the effects of a natural oil-based emulsion containing allantoin (as known as Moogoo Udder Cream®) versus aqueous cream in reducing RISR, improving pain, itching and quality of life in this patient group. One group will receive Moogoo Udder Cream®. Another group will receive aqueous cream. Outcome measures will be collected using patient self-administered questionnaire, interviewer administered questionnaire and clinician assessment at commencement of radiotherapy, weekly during radiotherapy, and four weeks after the completion of radiotherapy. Discussion: Despite advances of radiologic advances and supportive care, RISR are still not well managed. There is a lack of efficacious interventions in managing RISR. While anecdotal evidence suggests that Moogoo Udder Cream® may be effective in managing RISR, research is needed to substantiate this claim. This paper presents the design of a double blind randomised controlled trial that will evaluate the effects of Moogoo Udder Cream® versus aqueous cream for managing in RISR in patients with cancer. Trial registration: ACTRN 12612000568819


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The addition of lime into soils has been widely used to stabilize the expansive sub-grade soils when the road pavements are constructed on them. It is common practice to apply a half of the required lime amount and allow a certain time period for lime to react with soils (Amelioration period) before applying the rest of lime and compacting the sub-grade. The optimum amelioration period is essential to minimize the construction delay and to gain the higher strength. In this study, two different expansive soils procured from two different locations in the state of Queensland in Australia were first mixed with different lime contents. A soil mixed with a particular lime content was compacted at different amelioration periods (e.g.: 0, 6, 12, 18, 24 hrs) to obtain soil samples to measure the Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS). The results suggested that for a given amelioration period, UCS increased with the increase in lime content. The optimum amelioration period could be within 14~17 hours for most of the lime contents in tested soils. This could suggest that the current 24-48 hour amelioration period specified by the Queensland Department of Transport and Main roads could be reduced.


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Layered doubly hydroxides (LDHs) also known as hydrotalcites or anionic clays are a group of clay minerals that have shown promise for the removal of toxic anions from water through both anion exchange and a process known as the reformation effect. This project has involved the preparation and characterisation of LDH materials as well as the investigation of their ability to remove selected anions from aqueous solutions by the reformation effect. The LDH materials were successfully prepared from magnesium, aluminium, zinc and chromium chloride salts using the co-precipitation method. Samples were characterised using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetry (TG) to confirm the presence of LDHs. Powder XRD revealed a characteristic LDH structure for all LDH samples. Thermal Analysis showed decomposition usual occurred through a three or four step process as expected for LDHs. Preliminary investigations of the removal of sulfate, nitrate and fluoride by an Mg/Al LDH were carried out, and the products were characterised using XRD and TG which showed that an LDH material similar to the original hydrotalcite was formed after reformation. A Zn/Al LDH was investigated as a potential sorbent material for the removal of iodine and iodide from water. It was found that the LDH was a suitable adsorbent which is able to remove almost all of the iodine present in the test solutions. Again, the products were characterised by XRD, TG and evolved gas mass spectrometry (EGMS) in an attempt to better understand the iodine removal process. Powder XRD showed successful reformation of the LDH structure and TG/EGMS showed that only a small amount of iodine species were lost during thermal decomposition. Finally, the mineral stichtite a Mg/Cr LDH was successfully synthesised and investigated using XRD, TG and EGMS. Unfortunately, due to lack of time it was not possible to identify any new uses for the mineral stichtite in the current project.


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Background: Nurses routinely use pulse oximetry (SpO2) monitoring equipment in acute care. Interpretation of the reading involves physical assessment and awareness of parameters including temperature, haemoglobin, and peripheral perfusion. However, there is little information on whether these clinical signs are routinely measured or used in pulse oximetry interpretation by nurses. Aim: The aim of this study was to review current practice of SpO2 measurement and the associated documentation of the physiological data that is required for accurate interpretation of the readings. The study reviewed the documentation practices relevant to SpO2 in five medical wards of a tertiary level metropolitan hospital. Method: A prospective casenote audit was conducted on random days over a three-month period. The audit tool had been validated in a previous study. Results: One hundred and seventy seven episodes of oxygen saturation monitoring were reviewed. Our study revealed a lack of parameters to validate the SpO2 readings. Only 10% of the casenotes reviewed had sufficient physiological data to meaningfully interpret the SpO2 reading and only 38% had an arterial blood gas as a comparator. Nursing notes rarely documented clinical interpretation of the results. Conclusion: The audits suggest that medical and nursing staff are not interpreting the pulse oximetry results in context and that the majority of the results were normal with no clinical indication for performing this observation. This reduces the usefulness of such readings and questions the appropriateness of performing “routine” SpO2 in this context.


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In this article, we analyze the three-component reaction-diffusion system originally developed by Schenk et al. (PRL 78:3781–3784, 1997). The system consists of bistable activator-inhibitor equations with an additional inhibitor that diffuses more rapidly than the standard inhibitor (or recovery variable). It has been used by several authors as a prototype three-component system that generates rich pulse dynamics and interactions, and this richness is the main motivation for the analysis we present. We demonstrate the existence of stationary one-pulse and two-pulse solutions, and travelling one-pulse solutions, on the real line, and we determine the parameter regimes in which they exist. Also, for one-pulse solutions, we analyze various bifurcations, including the saddle-node bifurcation in which they are created, as well as the bifurcation from a stationary to a travelling pulse, which we show can be either subcritical or supercritical. For two-pulse solutions, we show that the third component is essential, since the reduced bistable two-component system does not support them. We also analyze the saddle-node bifurcation in which two-pulse solutions are created. The analytical method used to construct all of these pulse solutions is geometric singular perturbation theory, which allows us to show that these solutions lie in the transverse intersections of invariant manifolds in the phase space of the associated six-dimensional travelling wave system. Finally, as we illustrate with numerical simulations, these solutions form the backbone of the rich pulse dynamics this system exhibits, including pulse replication, pulse annihilation, breathing pulses, and pulse scattering, among others.


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In this article, we analyze the stability and the associated bifurcations of several types of pulse solutions in a singularly perturbed three-component reaction-diffusion equation that has its origin as a model for gas discharge dynamics. Due to the richness and complexity of the dynamics generated by this model, it has in recent years become a paradigm model for the study of pulse interactions. A mathematical analysis of pulse interactions is based on detailed information on the existence and stability of isolated pulse solutions. The existence of these isolated pulse solutions is established in previous work. Here, the pulse solutions are studied by an Evans function associated to the linearized stability problem. Evans functions for stability problems in singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion models can be decomposed into a fast and a slow component, and their zeroes can be determined explicitly by the NLEP method. In the context of the present model, we have extended the NLEP method so that it can be applied to multi-pulse and multi-front solutions of singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion equations with more than one slow component. The brunt of this article is devoted to the analysis of the stability characteristics and the bifurcations of the pulse solutions. Our methods enable us to obtain explicit, analytical information on the various types of bifurcations, such as saddle-node bifurcations, Hopf bifurcations in which breathing pulse solutions are created, and bifurcations into travelling pulse solutions, which can be both subcritical and supercritical.


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The resection of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) to generate ssDNA tails is a pivotal event in the cellular response to these breaks. In the two-step model of resection, primarily elucidated in yeast, initial resection by Mre11-CtIP is followed by extensive resection by two distinct pathways involving Exo1 or BLM/WRN-Dna2. However, resection pathways and their exact contributions in humans in vivo are not as clearly worked out as in yeast. Here, we examined the contribution of Exo1 to DNA end resection in humans in vivo in response to ionizing radiation (IR) and its relationship with other resection pathways (Mre11-CtIP or BLM/WRN). We find that Exo1 plays a predominant role in resection in human cells along with an alternate pathway dependent on WRN. While Mre11 and CtIP stimulate resection in human cells, they are not absolutely required for this process and Exo1 can function in resection even in the absence of Mre11-CtIP. Interestingly, the recruitment of Exo1 to DNA breaks appears to be inhibited by the NHEJ protein Ku80, and the higher level of resection that occurs upon siRNA-mediated depletion of Ku80 is dependent on Exo1. In addition, Exo1 may be regulated by 53BP1 and Brca1, and the restoration of resection in BRCA1-deficient cells upon depletion of 53BP1 is dependent on Exo1. Finally, we find that Exo1-mediated resection facilitates a transition from ATM- to ATR-mediated cell cycle checkpoint signaling. Our results identify Exo1 as a key mediator of DNA end resection and DSB repair and damage signaling decisions in human cells.


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To feel another person’s pulse is an intimate and physical interaction. In these prototypes we use near field communications to extend the tangible reach of our heart beat, so another person can feel our heart beat at a distance. The work is an initial experiment in near field haptic interaction, and is used to explore the quality of interactions resulting from feeling another persons pulse. The work takes the form of two feathered white gauntlets, to be worn on the fore arm. Each of the gauntlets contain a pulse sensor, radio transmitter and vibrator. The pulse of the wearer is transmitted to the other feathered gauntlet and transformed into haptic feedback. When there are two wearers, their heart beats are exchanged. To be felt by of each other without physical contact.


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While the productive relationship between praxis and feminist research has been well established, the situation is more complicated for female artist/researchers in the fraught field of creative practice-led research. Firstly, their research is being conducted in the context of ongoing debate, as Andrea Phillips has summarized, over whether practice-led research has been embraced in order to potentially produce emancipatory knowledge, or whether it is simply the rationalization and quantification of creative processes. Secondly, there is a pervasive paradox whereby, rather than feeling empowered by the process of critical and reflective self-analysis, many women are inhibited by enduring insecurities about the value of their work and/or their ownership of it. The reasons for this appear to be twofold: they are disheartened by the ongoing disproportion of successful women artists, and they are intimidated by the fundamentally masculine discourse surrounding research in the university. Many of these anxieties appear to have been exacerbated by the research quality assessment process, the Excellence in Research for Australia Initiative (ERA). This collaborative paper draws on the authors' experiences as both artist-researchers and educators to contextualize this paradox and also discuss what forms of praxis intervention may be useful in the preparation for, and supervision of, creative practice-led research by women.


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This study investigates the potential of a Zn/Al layered double hydroxides (LHDs) as an adsorbent for the removal of iodine species from potable water (Theiss et al., 2011b). In this paper the resultant materials were characterised using powder x-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetry (TG) coupled with evolved gas mass spectrometry (EGMS) (Frost, et al, 2005, Rives, et al, 2001).