140 resultados para Al-cu Alloys


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Zanazziite is the magnesium member of a complex beryllium calcium phosphate mineral group named roscherite. The studied samples were collected from the Ponte do Piauí mine, located in Itinga, Minas Gerais. The mineral was studied by electron microprobe, Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The chemical formula can be expressed as Ca2.00(Mg3.15,Fe0.78,Mn0.16,Zn0.01,Al0.26,Ca0.14)Be4.00(PO4)6.09(OH)4.00⋅5.69(H2O) and shows an intermediate member of the zanazziite–greinfeinstenite series, with predominance of zanazziite member. The molecular structure of the mineral zanazziite has been determined using a combination of Raman and infrared spectroscopy. A very intense Raman band at 970 cm−1 is assigned to the phosphate symmetric stretching mode whilst the Raman bands at 1007, 1047, 1064 and 1096 cm−1 are attributed to the phosphate antisymmetric stretching mode. The infrared spectrum is broad and the antisymmetric stretching bands are prominent. Raman bands at 559, 568, 589 cm−1 are assigned to the ν4 out of plane bending modes of the PO4 and HPO4 units. The observation of multiple bands supports the concept that the symmetry of the phosphate unit in the zanazziite structure is reduced in symmetry. Raman bands at 3437 and 3447 cm−1 are attributed to the OH stretching vibrations; Raman bands at 3098 and 3256 are attributed to water stretching vibrations. The width and complexity of the infrared spectral profile in contrast to the well resolved Raman spectra, proves that the pegmatitic phosphates are better studied with Raman spectroscopy.


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Sedimentary palygorskite (SP) and hydrothermal palygorskite (HP) were characterized by XRF, TG/DSC, andXRD. The total iron and dissociative iron in palygorskite were detected using spectrophotometry. The results showed that about 3.57 wt% of Fe2O3 was detected in SP in contrast with 0.4 wt% in HP. SP was a Fe-substituted palygorskite, and HP was an Al-rich palygorskite. The occurrence of Fe substitution in SP resulted in two mass loss steps of coordinated water and resulted in a larger d spacing. The SP showed greater thermal stability than the HP. It was proposed the change of (200) diffraction peak and (240) diffraction peak reflect changes of tetrahedral and octahedral structures in palygorskite.


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In 1971, Rempt et al. reported peripheral refraction patterns (skiagrams) along the horizontal visual field in 442 people. Later in the same year, Hoogerheide et al. used skiagrams in combination with medical records to relate skiagrams in emmetropes and hyperopes to progression of myopia in young adults. The two articles have spurred interest in peripheral refraction in the past decade. We challenge the understanding that their articles provide evidence that the peripheral refraction pattern along the horizontal visual field is predictive of whether or not a person develops myopia. First, although it has been generally assumed that the skiagrams were measured before the changes in refraction were monitored, Hoogerheide et al. did not state that this was the case. Second, if the skiagrams were obtained at an initial examination and given the likely rates of recruitment and successful completion of training, the study must have taken place during a period of 10 to 15 years; it is much more likely that Hoogerheide et al. measured the skiagrams in a shorter period. Third, despite there being many more emmetropes and hyperopes in the Rempt et al. article than there are in the Hoogerheide et al. article, the number of people in two types of “at risk” skiagrams is greater in the latter; this is consistent with the central refraction status being reported from an earlier time by Hoogerheide et al. than by Rempt et al. In summary, we believe that the skiagrams reported by Hoogerheide et al. were taken at a later examination, after myopia did or did not occur, and that the refraction data from the initial examination were retrieved from the medical archives. Thus, this work does not provide evidence that peripheral refraction pattern is indicative of the likely development of myopia.


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The phosphate mineral series eosphorite–childrenite–(Mn,Fe)Al(PO4)(OH)2·(H2O) has been studied using a combination of electron probe analysis and vibrational spectroscopy. Eosphorite is the manganese rich mineral with lower iron content in comparison with the childrenite which has higher iron and lower manganese content. The determined formulae of the two studied minerals are: (Mn0.72,Fe0.13,Ca0.01)(Al)1.04(PO4, OHPO3)1.07(OH1.89,F0.02)·0.94(H2O) for SAA-090 and (Fe0.49,Mn0.35,Mg0.06,Ca0.04)(Al)1.03(PO4, OHPO3)1.05(OH)1.90·0.95(H2O) for SAA-072. Raman spectroscopy enabled the observation of bands at 970 cm−1 and 1011 cm−1 assigned to monohydrogen phosphate, phosphate and dihydrogen phosphate units. Differences are observed in the area of the peaks between the two eosphorite minerals. Raman bands at 562 cm−1, 595 cm−1, and 608 cm−1 are assigned to the �4 bending modes of the PO4, HPO4 and H2PO4 units; Raman bands at 405 cm−1, 427 cm−1 and 466 cm−1 are attributed to the �2 modes of these units. Raman bands of the hydroxyl and water stretching modes are observed. Vibrational spectroscopy enabled details of the molecular structure of the eosphorite mineral series to be determined.


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The pegmatite mineral qingheiite Na2(Mn2+,Mg,Fe2+)2(Al,Fe3+)(PO4)3 has been studied by a combination of SEM and EMP, Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The studied sample was collected from the Santa Ana pegmatite, Argentina. The mineral occurs as a primary mineral in lithium bearing pegmatite, in association with beausite and lithiophilite. The Raman spectrum is characterized by a very sharp intense Raman band at 980 cm�1 assigned to the PO3�4 symmetric stretching mode. Multiple Raman bands are observed in the PO3�4 antisymmetric stretching region, providing evidence for the existence of more than one phosphate unit in the structure of qingheiite and evidence for the reduction in symmetry of the phosphate units. This concept is affirmed by the number of bands in the m4 and m2 bending regions. No intensity was observed in the OH stretching region in the Raman spectrum but significant intensity is found in the infrared spectrum. Infrared bands are observed at 2917, 3195, 3414 and 3498 cm�1 are assigned to water stretching vibrations. It is suggested that some water is coordinating the metal cations in the structure of qingheiite.


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The mineral kulanite BaFe2Al2(PO4)3(OH)3, a barium iron aluminum phosphate, has been studied by using a combination of electron microscopy and vibrational spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscopy with EDX shows the mineral is homogenous with no other phases present. The Raman spectrum is dominated by an intense band at 1022 cm−1 assigned to the PO43-ν1 symmetric stretching mode. Low intensity Raman bands at 1076, 1110, 1146, 1182 cm−1 are attributed to the PO43-ν3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The infrared spectrum shows a complex spectral profile with overlapping bands. Multiple phosphate bending vibrations supports the concept of a reduction in symmetry of the phosphate anion. Raman spectrum at 3211, 3513 and 3533 cm−1 are assigned to the stretching vibrations of the OH units. Vibrational spectroscopy enables aspects on the molecular structure of kulanite to be assessed.


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Recent work [S. Chaudhuri, J.T. Muckerman, J. Phys. Chem. B 109 (2005) 6952] reported that two Ti-substituted atoms on an Al(0 0 1) surface can form a catalytically active site for the dissociation of H2, but the diffusion barrier of atomic H away from Ti site is as high as 1.57 eV. By using ab initio density functional calculations, we found that two hydrogen molecules can dissociate on isolated-Ti atom doped Al(0 0 1) surface with small activation barriers (0.21 and 0.235 eV for first and second H2, respectively). Additionally, the diffusion barrier of atomic H away from Ti site is also moderate (0.47 eV). These results contribute further towards understanding the improved kinetics observed in recycling of hydrogen with Ti-doped NaAlH4.


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The deposition of small metal clusters (Cu, Au and Al) on f.c.c. metals (Cu, Au and Ni) has been studied by molecular dynamics simulation using Finnis–Sinclair (FS) potential. The impact energy varied from 0.01 to 10 eV/atom. First, the deposition of single cluster was simulated. We observed that, even at much lower energy, a small cluster with (Ih) icosahedral symmetry was reconstructed to match the substrate structure (f.c.c.) after deposition. Next, clusters were modeled to drop, one after the other, on the surface. The nanostructure was found by soft landing of Au clusters on Cu with increasing coverage, where interfacial energy dominates. While at relatively higher deposition energy (a few eV), the ordered f.c.c.-like structure was observed in the first adlayer of the film formed by Al clusters depositing on Ni substrate. This characteristic is mainly attributive to the ballistic collision. Our results indicate that the surface morphology synthesized by cluster deposition could be controlled by experimental parameters, which will be helpful for controlled design of nanostructure.


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In this paper, the formation of heteroepitaxial interfacial layers was investigated by molecular dynamics simulation of soft silver particles landing on the (001) surface of single-crystal copper. In our simulations, the clusters Ag13, Ag55, Ag147 and Ag688 were chosen as projectiles. A small cluster will rearrange into an f.c.c. structure when it is supported on the substrate, due to the large value of its surface/volume ratio. Contact epitaxy appeared in large clusters. The characteristic structure of an epitaxial layer in large silver cluster shows the 〈111〉 direction to be the preferential orientation of heteroepitaxial layers on the surface because of the lattice mismatch between the cluster and the substrate. This was confirmed by studying soft landing events in other systems (Au/Cu and Al/Ni).


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Vibrational spectroscopy has been used to characterize the sulphate mineral khademite Al(SO4)F∙5(H2O). Raman band at 991 cm-1 with a shoulder at 975 cm-1 is assigned to the ν1 (SO4)2- symmetric stretching mode. The observation of two symmetric stretching modes suggests that the sulphate units are not equivalent. Two low intensity Raman bands at 1104 and 1132 cm-1 are assigned to the ν3 (SO4)2- antisymmetric stretching mode. The broad Raman band at 618 cm-1 is assigned to the v4 (SO4)2- bending modes. Raman bands at 455, 505 and 534 cm-1 are attributable to the doubly degenerate v2 (SO4)2- bending modes. Raman bands at 2991, 3146 and 3380 cm-1 are assigned to the OH stretching bands of water. Five infrared bands are noted at 2458, 2896, 3203, 3348 and 3489 cm-1 are also due to water stretching bands. The observation of multiple water stretching vibrations gives credence to the non-equivalence of water units in the khademite structure. Vibrational spectroscopy enables an assessment of the structure of khademite.


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Infrared spectra are reported of methanol adsorbed at 295 K on reduced Cu/SiO2 and on Cu/SiO2 which had been preoxidised by exposure to excess nitrous oxide. Methanol was chemisorbed on reduced Cu/SiO2 to give methoxy species on both silica and copper, gave a trace of formate on copper via reaction with residual surface oxygen, and was weakly adsorbed at SiOH sites on the silica support. Heating the adsorbed species at 393 K led to the loss of methoxy groups on copper and the concomitant formation of a bidentate surface formate. Heating reduced Cu/SiO2 in methanol at 538 K initially gave both gaseous and adsorbed (on Cu) methyl formate which subsequently decomposed to CO and hydrogen. The reactions of methanol with oxidised Cu/SiO2 were similar to those for the reduced catalyst although surface oxygen promoted the formation of surface methoxy groups on copper. Subsequent heating at 393 K led first to unidentate formate before the appearance of bidentate formate.


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In situ FT-IR spectroscopy allows the methanol synthesis reaction to be investigated under actual industrial conditions of 503 K and 10 MPa. On Cu/SiO2 catalyst formate species were initially formed which were subsequently hydrogenated to methanol. During the reaction a steady state concentration of formate species persisted on the copper. Additionally, a small quantity of gaseous methane was produced. In contrast, the reaction of CO2 and H2 on ZnO/SiO2 catalyst only resulted in the formation of zinc formate species: no methanol was detected. The interaction of CO2 and H2 with Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst gave formate species on both copper and zinc oxide. Methanol was again formed by the hydrogenation of copper formate species. Steady-state concentrations of copper formate existed under actual industrial reaction conditions, and copper formate is the pivotal intermediate for methanol synthesis. Collation of these results with previous data on copper-based methanol synthesis catalysts allowed the formulation of a reaction mechanism


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FTIR spectra are reported of methanol adsorbed at 295 K on ZnO/SiO 2, on reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 and on Cu/ZnO/SiO2 which had been preoxidised by exposure to nitrous oxide. Methanol on ZnO/SiO2 gave methoxy species on ZnO and SiO, in addition to both strongly and weakly physisorbed methanol on SiO2. The corresponding adsorption of methanol on reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 also gave methoxy species on Cu and a small amount of bridging formate. Reaction of methanol with a reoxidised Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst resulted in an enhanced quantity of methoxy species on Cu. Heating adsorbed species on Cu/ZnO/SiO2 at 393 K led to the loss of methoxy groups on Cu and the concomitant formation of formate species on both ZnO and Cu. The comparable reaction on a reoxidised Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst gave an increased amount of formate species on ZnO and this correlated with an increased quantity of methoxy groups lost from Cu. An explanation is given in terms of adsorption of formate and formaldehyde species at special sites located at the copper/zinc oxide interface.


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Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra are reported of formic acid and formaldehyde on ZnO/SiO2, reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 and reoxidised Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst. Formic acid adsorption on ZnO/SiO2 produced mainly bidentate zinc formate species with a lesser quantity of unidentate zinc formate. Formic acid on reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst resulted not only in the formation of bridging copper formate structures but also in an enhanced amount of formate relative to that for ZnO/SiO2 catalyst. Formic acid on reoxidised Cu/ZnO/SiO2 gave unidentate formate species on copper in addition to zinc formate moieties. The interaction of formaldehyde with ZnO/SiO2 catalyst resulted in the formation of zinc formate species. The same reaction on reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst gave bridging formate on copper and a remarkable increase in the quantity of formate species associated with the zinc oxide. Adsorption of formaldehyde on a reoxidised Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst produced bridging copper formate and again an apparent increase in the concentration of zinc formate species. An explanation in terms of the adsorption of molecules at special sites located at the interface between copper and zinc oxide is given.


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The reaction of CO2 and H2 with ZnO/SiO2 catalyst at 295 K gave predominantly hydrogencarbonate on zinc oxide and a small quantity of formate was evolved after heating at 393 K. Elevation of the reaction temperature to 503 K enhanced the rate of formation of zinc formate species. Significantly these formate species decomposed at 573 K almost entirely to CO2 and H2. Even after exposure of CO2-H2 or CO-CO2-H2 mixtures to highly defected ZnO/SiO2 catalyst, the formate species produced still decomposed to give CO2 and H2. It was concluded that carboxylate species which were formed at oxygen anion vacancies on polar Zn planes were not significantly hydrogenated to formate. Consequently it was proposed that the non-polar planes on zinc oxide contained sites which were specific for the synthesis of methanol. The interaction of CO2 and H2 with reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst at 393 K gave copper formate species in addition to substantial quantities of formate created at interfacial sites between copper and zinc oxide. It was deduced that interfacial formate species were produced from the hydrogenation of interfacial bidentate carbonate structures. The relevance of interfacial formate species in the methanol synthesis reaction is discussed. Experiments concerning the reaction of CO2-H2 with physical mixtures of Cu/SiO2 and ZnO/SiO2 gave results which were simply characteristic of the individual components. By careful consideration of previous data a detailed proposal regarding the role of spillover hydrogen is outlined. Admission of CO to a gaseous CO2-H2 feedstock resulted in a considerably diminished amount of formate species on copper. This was ascribed to a combination of over-reduction of the surface and site-blockage.