87 resultados para 343.0146


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Platelet-derived microparticles (PMPs) which are produced during platelet activation contribute to coagulation1 and bind to traumatized endothelium in an animal model2. Such endothelial injury occurs during percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), a procedure which restores the diameter of occluded coronary arteries using balloon inflations. However, re-occlusions subsequently develop in 20-25% of patients3, although this is limited by treatment with anti-platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor drugs such as abciximab4. However, abciximab only partially decreases the need for revascularisation5, and therefore other mechanisms appear to be involved. As platelet activation occurs during PTCA, it is likely that PMPs may be produced and contribute to restenosis. This study population consisted of 113 PTCA patients, of whom 38 received abciximab. Paired peripheral arterial blood samples were obtained from the PTCA sheath: 1) following heparinisation (baseline); and 2) subsequent to all vessel manipulation (post-PTCA). Blood was prepared with an anti-CD61 (glycoprotein IIIa) fluorescence conjugated antibody to identify PMPs using flow cytometry, and PMP results expressed as a percentage of all CD61 events. The level of PMPs increased significantly from baseline following PTCA in the without abciximab group (paired t test, P=0.019). However, there was no significant change in the level of PMPs following PTCA in patients who received abciximab. Baseline clinical characteristics between patient groups were similar, although patients administered abciximab had more complex PTCA procedures, such as increased balloon inflation pressures (ANOVA, P=0.0219). In this study, we have clearly demonstrated that the level of CD61-positive PMPs increased during PTCA. This trend has been demonstrated previously, although a low sample size prevented statistical significance being attained6. The results of our work also demonstrate that there was no increase in PMPs after PTCA with abiciximab treatment. The increased PMPs may adhere to traumatized endothelium, contributing to re-occlusion of the arteries, but this remains to be determined. References: (1) Holme PA, Brosstad F, Solum NO. Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis. 1995;6:302-310. (2) Merten M, Pakala R, Thiagarajan P, Benedict CR. Circulation. 1999;99:2577-2582. (3) Califf RM. American Heart Journal.1995;130:680-684. (4) Coller BS, Scudder LE. Blood. 1985;66:1456-1459. (5) Topol EJ, Califf RM, Weisman HF, Ellis SG, Tcheng JE, Worley S, Ivanhoe R, George BS, Fintel D, Weston M, Sigmon K, Anderson KM, Lee KL, Willerson JT on behalf of the EPIC investigators. Lancet. 1994;343:881-886. (6) Scharf RE, Tomer A, Marzec UM, Teirstein PS, Ruggeri ZM, Harker LA. Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis. 1992;12:1475-87.


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The Brain Research Institute (BRI) uses various types of indirect measurements, including EEG and fMRI, to understand and assess brain activity and function. As well as the recovery of generic information about brain function, research also focuses on the utilisation of such data and understanding to study the initiation, dynamics, spread and suppression of epileptic seizures. To assist with the future focussing of this aspect of their research, the BRI asked the MISG 2010 participants to examine how the available EEG and fMRI data and current knowledge about epilepsy should be analysed and interpreted to yield an enhanced understanding about brain activity occurring before, at commencement of, during, and after a seizure. Though the deliberations of the study group were wide ranging in terms of the related matters considered and discussed, considerable progress was made with the following three aspects. (1) The science behind brain activity investigations depends crucially on the quality of the analysis and interpretation of, as well as the recovery of information from, EEG and fMRI measurements. A number of specific methodologies were discussed and formalised, including independent component analysis, principal component analysis, profile monitoring and change point analysis (hidden Markov modelling, time series analysis, discontinuity identification). (2) Even though EEG measurements accurately and very sensitively record the onset of an epileptic event or seizure, they are, from the perspective of understanding the internal initiation and localisation, of limited utility. They only record neuronal activity in the cortical (surface layer) neurons of the brain, which is a direct reflection of the type of electrical activity they have been designed to record. Because fMRI records, through the monitoring of blood flow activity, the location of localised brain activity within the brain, the possibility of combining fMRI measurements with EEG, as a joint inversion activity, was discussed and examined in detail. (3) A major goal for the BRI is to improve understanding about ``when'' (at what time) an epileptic seizure actually commenced before it is identified on an eeg recording, ``where'' the source of this initiation is located in the brain, and ``what'' is the initiator. Because of the general agreement in the literature that, in one way or another, epileptic events and seizures represent abnormal synchronisations of localised and/or global brain activity the modelling of synchronisations was examined in some detail. References C. M. Michel, G. Thut, S. Morand, A. Khateb, A. J. Pegna, R. Grave de Peralta, S. Gonzalez, M. Seeck and T. Landis, Electric source imaging of human brain functions, Brain Res. 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Engel Jr., Report of the ilae classification core group, Epilepsia , 47 (9), 2006, 1558--1568. doi:10.1111/j.1528-1167.2006.00215.x L. Lemieux, A. Salek-Haddadi, O. Josephs, P. Allen, N. Toms, C. Scott, K. Krakow, R. Turner and D. R. Fish, Event-related fmri with simultaneous and continuous eeg: description of the method and initial case r port, NeuroImage , 14 (3), 2001, 780--7. doi:10.1006/nimg.2001.0853 P. Federico, D. F. Abbott, R. S. Briellmann, A. S. Harvey and G. D. Jackson, Functional mri of the pre-ictal state, Brain , 128 (8), 2005, 1811-7. doi:10.1093/brain/awh533 C. S. Hawco, A. P. Bagshaw, Y. Lu, F. Dubeau and J. Gotman, bold changes occur prior to epileptic spikes seen on scalp eeg, NeuroImage , 35 (4), 2007, 1450--1458. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.12.042 F. Moeller, H. R. Siebner, S. Wolff, H. Muhle, R. Boor, O. Granert, O. Jansen, U. Stephani and M. Siniatchkin, Changes in activity of striato-thalamo-cortical network precede generalized spike wave discharges, NeuroImage , 39 (4), 2008, 1839--1849. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2007.10.058 V. Osharina, E. Ponchel, A. Aarabi, R. Grebe and F. Wallois, Local haemodynamic changes preceding interictal spikes: A simultaneous electrocorticography (ecog) and near-infrared spectroscopy (nirs) analysis in rats, NeuroImage , 50 (2), 2010, 600--607. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.01.009 R. S. Fisher, W. Boas, W. Blume, C. Elger, P. Genton, P. Lee and J. Engel, Epileptic seizures and epilepsy: Definitions proposed by the international league against epilepsy (ilae) and the international bureau for epilepsy (ibe), Epilepsia , 46 (4), 2005, 470--472. doi:10.1111/j.0013-9580.2005.66104.x H. Berger, Electroencephalogram in humans, Arch. Psychiat. Nerven. , 87 , 1929, 527--570. C. M. Michel, M. M. Murray, G. Lantz, S. Gonzalez, L. Spinelli and R. G. de Peralta, eeg source imaging, Clin. 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In Australia, as in many western education systems over the last two decades, discourses of accountability and performativity have reshaped education policy that has in turn reorganised the work of school leaders and teachers. One of the effects of this reorganisation is increased attention to the production, analysis and display of student achievement data. In this paper we examine in detail a sequence of the production and reading of literacy assessment data in a small Catholic school. Our analysis uses institutional ethnography’s concept of the ‘active text’, the text as occurring in a specific place and time even as it is articulated to social relations beyond its immediate context. Through this process we learn from those involved how their everyday work brings into being formalised, textually authorised processes in a local site that ensure the school meets accountability requirements while enabling teachers to resist standardisation of literacy teaching and assessment.


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An in situ X-ray diffraction investigation of goethite-seeded Al(OH)3 precipitation from synthetic Bayer liquor at 343 K has been performed. The presence of iron oxides and oxyhydroxides in the Bayer process has implications for alumina reversion, which causes significant process losses through unwanted gibbsite precipitation, and is also relevant for the nucleation and growth of scale on mild steel process equipment. The gibbsite, bayerite and nordstrandite polymorphs of Al(OH)3 precipitated from the liquor; gibbsite appeared to precipitate first, with subsequent formation of bayerite and nordstrandite. A Rietveld-based approach to quantitative phase analysis was implemented for the determination of absolute phase abundances as a function of time, from which kinetic information for the formation of the Al(OH)3 phases was determined.


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AIM: This paper analyses and illustrates the application of Bandura's self-efficacy construct to an innovative self-management programme for patients with both type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease. BACKGROUND: Using theory as a framework for any health intervention provides a solid and valid foundation for aspects of planning and delivering such an intervention; however, it is reported that many health behaviour intervention programmes are not based upon theory and are consequently limited in their applicability to different populations. The cardiac-diabetes self-management programme has been specifically developed for patients with dual conditions with the strategies for delivering the programme based upon Bandura's self-efficacy theory. This patient group is at greater risk of negative health outcomes than that with a single chronic condition and therefore requires appropriate intervention programmes with solid theoretical foundations that can address the complexity of care required. SOURCES OF EVIDENCE: The cardiac-diabetes self-management programme has been developed incorporating theory, evidence and practical strategies. DISCUSSION: This paper provides explicit knowledge of the theoretical basis and components of a cardiac-diabetes self-management programme. Such detail enhances the ability to replicate or adopt the intervention in similar or differing populations and/or cultural contexts as it provides in-depth understanding of each element within the intervention. CONCLUSION: Knowledge of the concepts alone is not sufficient to deliver a successful health programme. Supporting patients to master skills of self-care is essential in order for patients to successfully manage two complex, chronic illnesses. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE OR HEALTH POLICY: Valuable information has been provided to close the theory-practice gap for more consistent health outcomes, engaging with patients for promoting holistic care within organizational and cultural contexts.


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Abnormal event detection has attracted a lot of attention in the computer vision research community during recent years due to the increased focus on automated surveillance systems to improve security in public places. Due to the scarcity of training data and the definition of an abnormality being dependent on context, abnormal event detection is generally formulated as a data-driven approach where activities are modeled in an unsupervised fashion during the training phase. In this work, we use a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) to cluster the activities during the training phase, and propose a Gaussian mixture model based Markov random field (GMM-MRF) to estimate the likelihood scores of new videos in the testing phase. Further-more, we propose two new features: optical acceleration, and the histogram of optical flow gradients; to detect the presence of any abnormal objects and speed violations in the scene. We show that our proposed method outperforms other state of the art abnormal event detection algorithms on publicly available UCSD dataset.


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Despite the wide array of contemporary advertising formats and media, television advertising remains the most dominant form to which typical consumers are exposed. Research on attitudes toward advertising in general (Att-AiG) implicitly assumes that the Att-AiG measure represents advertising as a whole. A major finding of the current research is that consumers tend to have a mental representation, or exemplar, of the most typical type of advertising—television advertising—when they report their Att-AiG. Therefore, in reality, Att-AiG primarily reflects attitudes toward television advertising. In addition, the results of our experiments indicate that television ad exemplars generate temporal changes in consumers’ reported Att-AiG and attitudes toward television advertising. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.


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Objective While home visiting in the early postpartum period appears to have increased, there are limited data defining which women receive a visit and none that include Queensland. We aimed to investigate patterns of postpartum home visiting in the public and private sectors in Queensland. Methods Data were collected via a retrospective cross-sectional survey of women birthing in Queensland between 1st February and 31st May 2010 at 4 months postpartum (N = 6948). Logistic regression was used to assess associations between receiving a home visit and sociodemographic, clinical and hospital variables. Analyses were stratified by public and private birthing sector because of significant differences between sectors. Results Public sector women were more likely to receive a visit from a nurse or midwife (from the hospital or child health sector) within 10 days of hospital discharge (67.2%) than private sector women (7.2%). Length of hospital stay was associated with home visiting in both sectors. Some vulnerable sub-populations in both sectors were more likely to be visited, while others were not. Conclusions Home visiting in Queensland varies markedly between the public and private sector and is less common in some vulnerable populations. Further consideration to improving the equity of community postpartum care in Queensland is needed.


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In 2013 the newly elected conservative Liberal National Party government instigated amendments to the Youth Justice Act 1992 (Qld). Boot camps replaced court ordered youth justice conferencing. In 2014 there were more drastic changes, including opening the Children’s Court proceedings to the public, permitting publication of identifying information of repeat offenders, removing the principle of ‘detention as a last resort’, facilitating prompt transferral of 17 year olds to adult prisons and instigating new bail offences and mandatory boot camp orders for recidivist motor vehicle offenders in Townsville. This article compares these amendments to the legislative frameworks in other jurisdictions and current social research. It argues that these amendments are out of step with national and international best practice benchmarks for youth justice. Early indications are that Indigenous children are now experiencing increased rates of unsentenced remand. The article argues that the government’s policy initiatives are resulting in negative outcomes and that early and extensive evaluations of these changes are essential.


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DNA may take a leading role in a future generation of blockbuster therapeutics. DNA has inherent advantages over other biomolecules such as protein, RNA and virus-like particles including safety, production simplicity and higher stability at ambient temperatures. Vaccination is the principal measure for preventing influenza and reducing the impact of pandemics; however, vaccines take up to 8-9 months to produce, and the global production capacity is woefully low. With production times as short as 2 weeks, improved safety and stability, bioprocess engineering developments, and the ability to perform numerous therapeutic roles, DNA has the potential to meet the demands of emerging and existing diseases. DNA is experiencing sharp growths in demand as indicated by its use in gene therapy trials and DNA vaccine related patents. Of particular interest for therapeutic use is plasmid DNA (pDNA), a form of non-genomic DNA that makes use of cellular machinery to express proteins or antigens. The production stages of fermentation and downstream purification are considered in this article. Forward looking approaches to purifying and delivering DNA are reported, including affinity chromatography and nasal inhalation. The place that pDNA may take in the preparation for and protection against pandemics is considered. If DNA therapeutics and vaccines prove to be effective, the ultimate scale of production will be huge which shall require associated bioprocess engineering research and development for purification of this large, unique biomolecule.


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Besides the elastic stiffness, the relaxation behavior of single living cells is also of interest of various researchers when studying cell mechanics. It is hypothesized that the relaxation response of the cells is governed by both intrinsic viscoelasticity of the solid phase and fluid-solid interactions mechanisms. There are a number of mechanical models have been developed to investigate the relaxation behavior of single cells. However, there is lack of model enable to accurately capture both of the mechanisms. Therefore, in this study, the porohyperelastic (PHE) model, which is an extension of the consolidation theory, combined with inverse Finite Element Analysis (FEA) technique was used at the first time to investigate the relaxation response of living chondrocytes. This model was also utilized to study the dependence of relaxation behavior of the cells on strain-rates. The stress-relaxation experiments under the various strain-rates were conducted with the Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The results have demonstrated that the PHE model could effectively capture the stress-relaxation behavior of the living chondrocytes, especially at intermediate to high strain-rates. Although this model gave some errors at lower strain-rates, its performance was acceptable. Therefore, the PHE model is properly a promising model for single cell mechanics studies. Moreover, it has been found that the hydraulic permeability of living chondrocytes reduced with decreasing of strain-rates. It might be due to the intracellular fluid volume fraction and the fluid pore pressure gradients of chondrocytes were higher when higher strain-rates applied.


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BACKGROUND Endometriosis is a heritable common gynaecological condition influenced by multiple genetic and environmental factors. Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have proved successful in identifying common genetic variants of moderate effects for various complex diseases. To date, eight GWAS and replication studies from multiple populations have been published on endometriosis. In this review, we investigate the consistency and heterogeneity of the results across all the studies and their implications for an improved understanding of the aetiology of the condition. METHODS Meta-analyses were conducted on four GWASs and four replication studies including a total of 11 506 cases and 32 678 controls, and on the subset of studies that investigated associations for revised American Fertility Society (rAFS) Stage III/IV including 2859 cases. The datasets included 9039 cases and 27 343 controls of European (Australia, Belgium, Italy, UK, USA) and 2467 cases and 5335 controls of Japanese ancestry. Fixed and Han and Elkin random-effects models, and heterogeneity statistics (Cochran's Q test), were used to investigate the evidence of the nine reported genome-wide significant loci across datasets and populations. RESULTS Meta-analysis showed that seven out of nine loci had consistent directions of effect across studies and populations, and six out of nine remained genome-wide significant (P < 5 × 10(-8)), including rs12700667 on 7p15.2 (P = 1.6 × 10(-9)), rs7521902 near WNT4 (P = 1.8 × 10(-15)), rs10859871 near VEZT (P = 4.7 × 10(-15)), rs1537377 near CDKN2B-AS1 (P = 1.5 × 10(-8)), rs7739264 near ID4 (P = 6.2 × 10(-10)) and rs13394619 in GREB1 (P = 4.5 × 10(-8)). In addition to the six loci, two showed borderline genome-wide significant associations with Stage III/IV endometriosis, including rs1250248 in FN1 (P = 8 × 10(-8)) and rs4141819 on 2p14 (P = 9.2 × 10(-8)). Two independent inter-genic loci, rs4141819 and rs6734792 on chromosome 2, showed significant evidence of heterogeneity across datasets (P < 0.005). Eight of the nine loci had stronger effect sizes among Stage III/IV cases, implying that they are likely to be implicated in the development of moderate to severe, or ovarian, disease. While three out of nine loci were inter-genic, the remaining were in or near genes with known functions of biological relevance to endometriosis, varying from roles in developmental pathways to cellular growth/carcinogenesis. CONCLUSIONS Our meta-analysis shows remarkable consistency in endometriosis GWAS results across studies, with little evidence of population-based heterogeneity. They also show that the phenotypic classifications used in GWAS to date have been limited. Stronger associations with Stage III/IV disease observed for most loci emphasize the importance for future studies to include detailed sub-phenotype information. Functional studies in relevant tissues are needed to understand the effect of the variants on downstream biological pathways.


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CoMFA and CoMSIA analysis were utilized in this investigation to define the important interacting regions in paclitaxel/tubulin binding site and to develop selective paclitaxel-like active compounds. The starting geometry of paclitaxel analogs was taken from the crystal structure of docetaxel. A total of 28 derivatives of paclitaxel were divided into two groups—a training set comprising of 19 compounds and a test set comprising of nine compounds. They were constructed and geometrically optimized using SYBYL v6.6. CoMFA studies provided a good predictability (q2 = 0.699, r2 = 0.991, PC = 6, S.E.E. = 0.343 and F = 185.910). They showed the steric and electrostatic properties as the major interacting forces whilst the lipophilic property contribution was a minor factor for recognition forces of the binding site. These results were in agreement with the experimental data of the binding activities of these compounds. Five fields in CoMSIA analysis (steric, electrostatic, hydrophobic, hydrogen-bond acceptor and donor properties) were considered contributors in the ligand–receptor interactions. The results obtained from the CoMSIA studies were: q2 = 0.535, r2 = 0.983, PC = 5, S.E.E. = 0.452 and F = 127.884. The data obtained from both CoMFA and CoMSIA studies were interpreted with respect to the paclitaxel/tubulin binding site. This intuitively suggested where the most significant anchoring points for binding affinity are located. This information could be used for the development of new compounds having paclitaxel-like activity with new chemical entities to overcome the existing pharmaceutical barriers and the economical problem associated with the synthesis of the paclitaxel analogs. These will boost the wide use of this useful class of compounds, i.e. in brain tumors as the most of the present active compounds have poor blood–brain barrier crossing ratios and also, various tubulin isotypes has shown resistance to taxanes and other antimitotic agents.


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