770 resultados para organisation development


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Background It is well known that lifestyle factors including overweight/obesity, physical inactivity, smoking and alcohol use are largely related with morbidity and mortality of chronic diseases including diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The effect of lifestyle factors on people’s mental health who have a chronic disease is less defined in the research. The World Health Organisation has defined health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being”. It is important, therefore to develop an understanding of the relationships between lifestyle and mental health as this may have implications for maximising the efficacy of health promotion in people with chronic diseases. Objectives The overall aim of the research was to examine the relationships between lifestyle factors and mental health among Australian midlife and older women. Methodology The current research measured four lifestyle factors including weight status, physical activity, smoking and alcohol use. Three interconnecting studies were undertaken to develop a comprehensive understanding of the relationships between lifestyle factors and mental health. Study 1 investigated the longitudinal effect of lifestyle factors on mental health by using midlife and older women randomly selected from the community. Study 2 adopted a cross-sectional design, and compared the effect of lifestyle factors on mental health between midlife and older women with and without diabetes. Study 3 examined the mediating effect of self-efficacy in the relationships between lifestyle factors and mental health among midlife and older women with diabetes. A questionnaire survey was chosen as the means to gather information, and multiple linear regression analysis was conducted as the primary statistical approach. Results The research showed that the four lifestyle factors including weight status, physical activity, smoking and alcohol use did impact on mental health among Australian midlife and older women. First, women with a higher BMI had lower levels of mental health than women with normal weight, but as women age, the mental health of women who were overweight and obese becomes better than that of women with normal weight. Second, women who were physically active had higher levels of mental health than those who were not. Third, smoking adversely impacted on women’s mental health. Finally, those who were past-drinkers had less anxiety symptoms than women who were non-drinkers as they age. Women with diabetes appeared to have lower levels of mental health compared to women without. However, the disparities of mental health between two groups were confounded by low levels of physical activity and co-morbidities. This finding underlines the effect of physical activity on women’s mental health, and highlights the potential of reducing the gap of mental health by promoting physical activity. In addition, self-efficacy was shown to be the mediator of the relationships between BMI, physical activity and depression, suggesting that enhancing people’s self-efficacy may be useful for mental health improvement. Conclusions In conclusion, Australian midlife and older women who live with a healthier lifestyle have higher levels of mental health. It is suggested that strategies aiming to improve people’s mental health may be more effective if they focus on enhancing people’s self-efficacy levels. This study has implications to both health education and policy development. It indicates that health professionals may need to consider clients’ mental health as an integrated part of lifestyle changing process. Furthermore, given that lifestyle factors impact on both physical and mental health, lifestyle modification should continue to be the focus of policy development.


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This paper examines some of the implications for China of the creative industries agenda as drawn by some recent commentators. The creative industries have been seen by many commentators as essential if China is to move from an imitative low-value economy to an innovative high value one. Some suggest that this trajectory is impossible without a full transition to liberal capitalism and democracy - not just removing censorship but instituting 'enlightenment values'. Others suggest that the development of the creative industries themselves will promote social and political change. The paper suggests that the creative industries takes certain elements of a prior cultural industries concept and links it to a new kind of economic development agenda. Though this agenda presents problems for the Chinese government it does not in itself imply the kind of radical democratic political change with which these commentators associate it. In the form in which the creative industries are presented – as part of an informational economy rather than as a cultural politics – it can be accommodated by a Chinese regime doing ‘business as usual’.


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The CIGRE WGs A3.20 and A3.24 identify the requirements of simulation tools to predict various stresses during the development and operational phases of medium voltage vacuum circuit breaker (VCB) testing. This paper reviews the modelling methodology [13], VCB models and tools to identify future research. It will include the application of the VCB model for the impending failure of a VCB using electro-magnetic-transient-program with diagnostic and prognostic algorithm development. The methodology developed for a VCB degradation model is to modify the dielectric equation to cover a restriking period of more than 1 millimetre.


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As the societal awareness on sustainability is gaining momentum worldwide, the higher education sector is expected to take the lead in education, research and the promotion of sustainable development. Universities have the diversity of skills and knowledge to explore new concepts and issues, the academic freedom to offer unbiased observations, and the capacity to engage in experimentation for solutions. There is a global trend that universities have realized and responded to sustainability challenge. By adopting green technologies, buildings on university campuses have the potential to offer highly productive and green environments for a quality learning experience for students, while minimising environmental impacts. Despite the potential benefits and metaphorical link to sustainability, few universities have moved towards implementing Green Roof and Living Wall on campuses widely, which have had more successful applications in commercial and residential buildings. Few past research efforts have examined the fundamental barriers to the implementation of sustainable projects on campuses from organizational level. To address this deficiency, an on-going research project is undertaken by Queensland University of Technology in Australia. The research is aimed at developing a comprehensive framework to facilitate better decision making for the promotion of Green Roof and Living Wall application on campuses. It will explore and highlight organizational factors as well as investigate and emphasize project delivery issues. Also, the critical technical indicators for Green Roof and Living Wall implementation will be identified. The expected outcome of this research has the potential to enhance Green Roof and Living Wall delivery in Australian universities, as a vital step towards realizing sustainability in higher education sectors.


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For many years mentoring has been a well-recognised learning strategy for workers in a variety of settings such as schools, hospitals, universities and other types of organisations. It has been used to induct, socialise, train and support the knowledge and skill development of novices in all types of professions, including novice leaders. Some organisations have formalised the mentoring process by introducing mentoring programs that are integral to their human resource management strategies. Other organisations employ mentoring programs to address affirmative action requirements thus providing mentoring opportunities to members of particular target groups as a means of developing their competencies and assisting their career progression. Because of the diversity of ways in which mentoring has been used in organisations it has taken different forms and been experienced by mentors and mentees in different ways. The aim of this chapter is to provide some clarity about the term ‘mentoring’ and its practice within organisations. It begins with an exploration of the meaning and purposes of mentoring before reviewing some of the benefits and drawbacks the process provides for mentors, persons who are mentored (i.e. mentees) and for the organisation as a whole. The chapter also considers a number of issues that are important for program planners, as well as issues that mentors and mentees should understand if they are going to make the most out of their mentoring relationship.


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Urban expansion continues to encroach on existing or newly implemented sewerage infrastructure. In this context, legislation and guidelines, both national and international, provide limited direction to the amenity allocation of appropriate buffering distances for land use planners and infrastructure providers. A review of published literature suggests the dominant influences include topography, wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity, existing land uses and vegetation profiles. A statistical criteria review of these factors against six years of sewerage odour complaint data was undertaken to ascertain their influence and a complaint severity hierarchy was established. These hierarchical results suggested the main criteria were: topographical location, elevation relative to the odour source and wind speed. Establishing a justifiable criterion for buffer zone allocations will assist in analytically determining a basis for buffer separations and will assist planners and infrastructure designers in assessing lower impact sewerage infrastructure locations.


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The historical rhetoric established with the very first public art museums declared that the purpose of such institutions was to provide a space where art could be accessible to all citizens. However contrary to this aim, studies show that art museums are one of the least accessed cultural institutions in the western world. The prevailing consensus for this can be attributed to the perception that museums are elitist, irrelevant and restricted to a small and privileged group. The focus of this research project is to address the issues that lead to these perceptions, and to identify possible curatorial strategies to encourage greater access to, and participation in the visual arts. This will be done through designing and curating an open submission exhibition that utilises new media technologies to increase access and dialogue between artists and audiences. This is part of a hybrid practice-based methodology that also includes scholarly research to critically investigate a number of historical and contemporary theories concerned with public museums and approaches to curatorial practice. This research will culminate in the development of Virion, an Internet based exhibition that aims to develop a curatorial model that facilitates open and democratic participation in arts practice from a diverse public audience.


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This paper describes results of a study evaluating the content, functionality and design features of an innovative online website called the Doorway to Research (http://rsc.acid.net.au/Main.aspx) , which was developed to support international graduate students studying at universities in Australia. First, the key features of the website are described. Second, the result of a pilot study involving 12 students and faculty members who tested key aspects of the design, content and functionality of the website and provided written and oral feedback base on task-based questions and focus group discussions are explored. Finally, recommendations for future development are presented. Results of the study indicate general student satisfaction with the website and its design, content and functionality, with specific areas identified for further development.


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A significant reduction in carbon emissions is a global mission and the construction industry has an indispensable role to play as a major carbon dioxide (CO2) generator. Over the years, various building environmental assessment (BEA) models and concepts have been developed to promote environmentally responsible design and construction. However, limited attention has been placed on assessing and benchmarking the carbon emitted throughout the lifecycle of building facilities. This situation could undermine the construction industry’s potential to reduce its dependence on raw materials, recognise the negative impacts of producing new materials, and intensify the recycle and reuse process. In this paper, current BEA approaches adopted by the construction industry are first introduced. The focus of these models and concepts is then examined. Following a brief review of lifecycle analysis, the boundary in which a lifecycle carbon emission analysis should be set for a construction project is identified. The paper concludes by highlighting the potential barriers of applying lifecycle carbon emissions analysis in the construction industry. It is proposed that lifecycle carbon emission analysis can be integrated with existing BEA models to provide a more comprehensive and accurate evaluation on the cradle-to-grave environmental performance of a construction facility. In doing so, this can assist owners and clients to identify the optimum solution to maximise emissions reduction opportunities.


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During the last decade, globalisation and liberalisation of financial markets, changing societal expectations and corporate governance scandals have increased the attention for the fiduciary duties of non-executive directors. In this context, recent corporate governance reform initiatives have emphasised the control task and independence of non-executive directors. However, little attention has been paid to their impact on the external and internal service tasks of non-executive directors. Therefore, this paper investigates how the service tasks of non-executive directors have evolved in the Netherlands. Data on corporate governance at the top-100 listed companies in the Netherlands between 1997 and 2005 show that the emphasis on non-executive directors' external service task has shifted to their internal service task, i.e. from non-executive directors acting as boundary spanners to non-executive directors providing advice and counselling to executive directors. This shift in board responsibilities affects non-executive directors' ability to generate network benefits through board relationships and has implications for non-executive directors' functional requirements.