751 resultados para Phonegap, mobile, localizzazione, social


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Leadership in elementary education is currently recognized as a political imperative in Papua New Guinea (PNG), as the nation develops strategies towards equitable access to schooling. One recent initiative aimed at building educational leadership was an intensive Australian Leadership Award Fellowship (ALAF) program funded by AusAID, involving a group of 10 teacher trainers from PNG. As part their involvement participants completed self-authored journal entries at the beginning and end of the leadership program. Participants were also involved in focus groups after completion of the initiative. Referring to the experiences of these teacher trainers, this paper draws on Nancy Fraser’s (2005, 2008) social justice framework to examine participants’ views of what constituted effective leadership in elementary education in PNG and how these views may have changed throughout the ALAF program. Key findings of this study included participants’ emphasis on relationships and valuing people in elementary education leadership contexts, participants’ concern about economic/financial barriers to effective leadership in the PNG context and participants’ perception of research as a way to support leadership roles.


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A distributed fuzzy system is a real-time fuzzy system in which the input, output and computation may be located on different networked computing nodes. The ability for a distributed software application, such as a distributed fuzzy system, to adapt to changes in the computing network at runtime can provide real-time performance improvement and fault-tolerance. This paper introduces an Adaptable Mobile Component Framework (AMCF) that provides a distributed dataflow-based platform with a fine-grained level of runtime reconfigurability. The execution location of small fragments (possibly as little as few machine-code instructions) of an AMCF application can be moved between different computing nodes at runtime. A case study is included that demonstrates the applicability of the AMCF to a distributed fuzzy system scenario involving multiple physical agents (such as autonomous robots). Using the AMCF, fuzzy systems can now be developed such that they can be distributed automatically across multiple computing nodes and are adaptable to runtime changes in the networked computing environment. This provides the opportunity to improve the performance of fuzzy systems deployed in scenarios where the computing environment is resource-constrained and volatile, such as multiple autonomous robots, smart environments and sensor networks.


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The iPhone represents an important moment in both the short history of mobile media and the long history of cultural technologies. Like the Walkman of the 1980s, it marks a juncture in which notions about identity, individualism, lifestyle and sociality require rearticulation. This book explores not only the iPhone’s particular characteristics, uses and "affects," but also how the "iPhone moment" functions as a barometer for broader patterns of change. In the iPhone moment, this study considers the convergent trajectories in the evolution of digital and mobile culture, and their implications for future scholarship. Through the lens of the iPhone—as a symbol, culture and a set of material practices around contemporary convergent mobile media—the essays collected here explore the most productive theoretical and methodological approaches for grasping media practice, consumer culture and networked communication in the twenty-first century.


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Book Description: The iPhone represents an important moment in both the short history of mobile media and the long history of cultural technologies. Like the Walkman of the 1980s, it marks a juncture in which notions about identity, individualism, lifestyle and sociality require rearticulation. this book explores not only the iPhone’s particular characteristics, uses and "affects," but also how the "iPhone moment" functions as a barometer for broader patterns of change. In the iPhone moment, this study considers the convergent trajectories in the evolution of digital and mobile culture, and their implications for future scholarship. Through the lens of the iPhone—as a symbol, culture and a set of material practices around contemporary convergent mobile media—the essays collected here explore the most productive theoretical and methodological approaches for grasping media practice, consumer culture and networked communication in the twenty-first century.


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This paper considers the opportunity, presented by the forthcoming charity law review in Northern Ireland, for adjusting the charity law framework so as to focus charitable activity on the circumstances typical of societies in conflict or experiencing transition. This opportunity is one for broadening the definition of 'charitable purpose' to include activities directed towards forestalling alienation and facilitating social inclusion. It would include rehabilitating the victims of social confrontation and developing related services of advocacy, mediation and reconciliation. It argues that a creative response to this opportunity could address the current social inclusion agenda and thereby contribute to the consolidation of civil society in this jurisdiction. It suggests that the experience in Northern Ireland, as an exemplar of a society in transition, has a resonance with the experience in Australia. It further suggests that it could also have a relevance for approaching the management of tensions within or between nations where people may otherwise come to perceive themselves as alienated...


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In an age of mobile phones, Facebook, Twitter and online dating, interactions in mediated environments often outnumber face to face encounters. Kiss is an interactive light artwork by artists Priscilla Bracks & Gavin Sade. Kiss reacts to people standing in front of the artwork looking at each other - the moment before kissing. Without interaction the work generates a seductive, ambient, red lighting display, that creates the restful sense of staring into a fire. A fleeting response of white light – like sparks flying in the air – occurs the moment before two faces touch. These sparks are visible in peripheral vision, but fade when the kissing couple turns to look at the work. This moment - as two people look at each other - is a primal moment when two people recognise each other. Face to face encounters with another person are a privileged phenomenon in which the other person's presence and proximity are strongly felt. Kiss does not respond to every instance of a kiss or a look. Its recognition algorithms are fussy, selecting some faces and not others. As in life it’s difficult to tell why sparks fly with some people but not with others. For some this will be felt as a glitch. “This machine should be part of my social life!” But it does promote trial and error, asking viewers to be intimate in public and look at each other for longer than otherwise socially normal. 10 minutes continuous eye contact is said in most cases to arouse sexual feelings in both parties. But even if we don’t look that long, a short time may be all that is needed to explore the face of the person we are looking at. We see that they are human like us. We experience beauty, difference, discomfort, perhaps even nervous laughing, before turning to a more intimate moment of recognition.


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This series of research vignettes is aimed at sharing current and interesting research findings from our team of international entrepreneurship researchers. In this vignette Dr Maria Kaya and Associate Professor Paul Steffens consider both the classification of musicians and their use of online social networks.


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With the advent of social web initiatives, some argued that these new emerging tools might be useful in tacit knowledge sharing through providing interactive and collaborative technologies. However, there is still a poverty of literature to understand how and what might be the contributions of social media in facilitating tacit knowledge sharing. Therefore, this paper is intended to theoretically investigate and map social media concepts and characteristics with tacit knowledge creation and sharing requirements. By conducting a systematic literature review, five major requirements found that need to be present in an environment that involves tacit knowledge sharing. These requirements have been analyzed against social media concepts and characteristics to see how they map together. The results showed that social media have abilities to comply some of the main requirements of tacit knowledge sharing. The relationships have been illustrated in a conceptual framework, suggesting further empirical studies to acknowledge findings of this study.


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Social entrepreneurship can be conceived generally as a creative force born to address emergent or longstanding unfulfilled community needs occurring within or across the non-profit, business or government sectors. In this paper, we consider the current case study of a collective comprising a non-profit community organisation, pro-bono design group and university researchers and its attempts to negotiate the tension between social innovation and social entrepreneurship in order to address the lack of suitable options for independent living for individuals with disabilities and their families. With much of the developed world coming to terms with a rapidly aging population, and increased survival rates for individuals with disabilities, there has never been a more opportune time to consider work such as this which attempts to address social and market gaps in a socially innovative and inclusive way.


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Social media networks have emerged as a powerful tool in allowing collaboration and sharing of information during times of crisis (Bruns, The Centre for Creative Industries Blog, comment posted on January 19,2011). The 2011 Queensland floods provided a unique opportunity to explore social media use during an emergency. This paper presents the findings of a pilot study that explored the information experiences of people using social media during the flooding of the Brisbane River. Analysis of data from four interviews supported the emergence of four categories of information experience. Examination of the categories revealed variation between the way in which individuals experienced social media and the point of the flooding at which each category of experience occurred. Information regarding individual’s use of social media has the potential to inform the development of social media platforms that can provide relevant and accessible information for the general public in event of a natural disaster.


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This paper discusses human and post-human relationships with nature and animals, using the work e. Menura Superba1 as a focal point. This interactive artwork takes the form of a Lyre bird in a cage, that mimics it’s audience in evocative ways. It is inspired by the historical practice of displaying taxidermy specimens and live species as trophies of travels to distant lands, and as symbols of wealth and status. In both form and intent the work hybridises elements from Enlightenment culture, with materials that conjure associations with dystopic post human futures (wire, post consumer electronic & other waste, as well working parts such as mobile phone screens, LED’s, camera, and cabling etc). Speculative science fiction, such as Phillip K Dick in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Blade Runner), provides prescient stories about future (post) human worlds. This novel remains thought provoking as it describes a world that is all to rapidly approaching: where human activity has caused the destruction of most large animal species. In this fictional world, care for animals is not only a civic duty, it is one of the ways humans distinguish themselves from androids. As in Enlightenment times, ownership of animals (real, taxidermies, ersatz) is a form of commodity fetishism indicative of social status. Though whilst well heeled Victorians may have owned an elephant or have been proud of a trophy specimen, the wealthy in Dick’s future must be content with once common, even ersatz, animals such as sheep and owls, and would be repulsed to the core by the notion of killing an animal, even an ersatz animal, for sport. In becoming post human, humans have sought to separate themselves from the natural world, destroying much of it in the process. No technical prothesis will bring back to life the species we have rendered extinct. This (evolving) relationship between humanity and other species, therefore forms a central question in this work, providing a way of approaching the post human, and problematising anthropocentric perspectives. The world promised by post-human technology is indeed rich with possibility, but without corresponding steps to ensure the sustainability of technology (human society), this paper asks whether the richness of that experience will continue to be mirrored by the richness of the environments within which we exist?


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In this paper, we present an account of children's interactions with a mobile technology prototype within the school context. The noise detectives trial was conducted in a school setting with the aim of better understanding the role of mobile resources as mediators within science and environmental learning activities. Over 80 children, aged between 10 and 12, completed an outdoor data-gathering activity, using a mobile learning prototype that included paper and software components. They measured and recorded noise levels in various locations throughout the school. We analysed the activity to determine how the components of the prototype were integrated into the learning activity, and to identify differences in behaviour that resulted from using these components. We present design implications that resulted from observed differences in prototype use and appropriation.


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Artists with disabilities working in Live Art paradigms often present performances which replay the social attitudes they are subject to in daily life as guerilla theatre in public spaces – including online spaces. In doing so, these artists draw spectators’ attention to the way their responses to disabled people contribute to the social construction of disability. They provide different theatrical, architectural or technological devices to encourage spectators to articulate their response to themselves and others. But – the use of exaggeration, comedy and confrontation in these practices notwithstanding – their blurry boundaries mean some spectators experience confusion as to whether they are responding to real life or a representation of it. This results in conflicted responses which reveal as much about the politics of disability as the performances themselves. In this paper, I examine how these conflicted responses play out in online forums. I discuss diverse examples, from blog comments on Liz Crow’s Resistance on the Plinth on YouTube, to Aaron Williamson and Katherine Araneillo’s Disabled Avant-Garde clips on YouTube, to Ju Gosling’s Letter Writing Project on her website, to segments of UK Channel 4’s mock reality show Cast Offs on YouTube. I demonstrate how online forums become a place not just for recording memories of an original performance (which posters may not have seen), but for a new performance, which goes well beyond re-membering/remediating the original. I identify trends in the way experience, memory and meaningmaking play out in these performative forums – moving from clarification of the original act’s parameters, to claims of disgust, insult or offense, to counter-claims confirming the comic or political efficacy of the act, often linked disclosure of personal memory or experience of disability. I examine the way these encounters at the interstices of live and/or online performance, memory, technology and public/private history negotiate ideas about disability, and what they tell us about the ethics and efficacy of the specific modes of performance and spectatorship these artists with disabilities are invoking.


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Medical industries have brought Information Technology (IT) in their systems for both patients and medical staffs due to the numerous benefits of IT we experience at presently. Moreover, the Mobile healthcare (M-health) system has been developed as the first step of Ubiquitous Health Environment (UHE). With the mobility and multi-functions, M-health system will be able to provide more efficient and various services for both doctors and patients. Due to the invisible feature of mobile signals, hackers have easier access to hospital networks than wired network systems. This may result in several security incidents unless security protocols are well implemented. In this paper, user authentication and authorization procedures will applied as a featured component at each level of M-health systems inthe hospital environment. Accordingly, M-health system in the hospital will meet the optimal requirements as a countermeasure to its vulnerabilities.