107 resultados para synthetic peptide


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In order to mimic the chemical reactions in cave systems, the analogue of the mineral stercorite H(NH4)Na(PO4)•4H2O has been synthesised. X-ray diffraction of the stercorite analogue matches the stercorite reference pattern. A comparison is made with the vibrational spectra of synthetic stercorite analogue and the natural Cave mineral. The mineral in nature is formed by the reaction of bat guano chemicals on calcite substrates. A single Raman band at 920 cm-1 (Cave) and 922 cm-1 (synthesised) defines the presence of hydrogen phosphate in the mineral. In the synthetic stercorite analogue, additional bands are observed and are attributed to the dihydrogen and phosphate anions. The vibrational spectra of synthetic stercorite only partly match that of the natural stercorite. It is suggested that natural stercorite is more pure than that of synthesised stercorite. Antisymmetric stretching bands are observed in the infrared spectrum at 1052, 1097, 1135 and 1173 cm-1. Raman spectroscopy shows the stercorite mineral is based upon the hydrogen phosphate anion and not the phosphate anion. Raman and infrared bands are found and assigned to PO43-, H2O, OH and NH stretching vibrations. Raman spectroscopy shows the synthetic analogue is similar to the natural mineral. A mechanism for the formation of stercorite is provided.


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Proteases regulate a spectrum of diverse physiological processes, and dysregulation of proteolytic activity drives a plethora of pathological conditions. Understanding protease function is essential to appreciating many aspects of normal physiology and progression of disease. Consequently, development of potent and specific inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes is vital to provide tools for the dissection of protease function in biological systems and for the treatment of diseases linked to aberrant proteolytic activity. The studies in this thesis describe the rational design of potent inhibitors of three proteases that are implicated in disease development. Additionally, key features of the interaction of proteases and their cognate inhibitors or substrates are analysed and a series of rational inhibitor design principles are expounded and tested. Rational design of protease inhibitors relies on a comprehensive understanding of protease structure and biochemistry. Analysis of known protease cleavage sites in proteins and peptides is a commonly used source of such information. However, model peptide substrate and protein sequences have widely differing levels of backbone constraint and hence can adopt highly divergent structures when binding to a protease’s active site. This may result in identical sequences in peptides and proteins having different conformations and diverse spatial distribution of amino acid functionalities. Regardless of this, protein and peptide cleavage sites are often regarded as being equivalent. One of the key findings in the following studies is a definitive demonstration of the lack of equivalence between these two classes of substrate and invalidation of the common practice of using the sequences of model peptide substrates to predict cleavage of proteins in vivo. Another important feature for protease substrate recognition is subsite cooperativity. This type of cooperativity is commonly referred to as protease or substrate binding subsite cooperativity and is distinct from allosteric cooperativity, where binding of a molecule distant from the protease active site affects the binding affinity of a substrate. Subsite cooperativity may be intramolecular where neighbouring residues in substrates are interacting, affecting the scissile bond’s susceptibility to protease cleavage. Subsite cooperativity can also be intermolecular where a particular residue’s contribution to binding affinity changes depending on the identity of neighbouring amino acids. Although numerous studies have identified subsite cooperativity effects, these findings are frequently ignored in investigations probing subsite selectivity by screening against diverse combinatorial libraries of peptides (positional scanning synthetic combinatorial library; PS-SCL). This strategy for determining cleavage specificity relies on the averaged rates of hydrolysis for an uncharacterised ensemble of peptide sequences, as opposed to the defined rate of hydrolysis of a known specific substrate. Further, since PS-SCL screens probe the preference of the various protease subsites independently, this method is inherently unable to detect subsite cooperativity. However, mean hydrolysis rates from PS-SCL screens are often interpreted as being comparable to those produced by single peptide cleavages. Before this study no large systematic evaluation had been made to determine the level of correlation between protease selectivity as predicted by screening against a library of combinatorial peptides and cleavage of individual peptides. This subject is specifically explored in the studies described here. In order to establish whether PS-SCL screens could accurately determine the substrate preferences of proteases, a systematic comparison of data from PS-SCLs with libraries containing individually synthesised peptides (sparse matrix library; SML) was carried out. These SML libraries were designed to include all possible sequence combinations of the residues that were suggested to be preferred by a protease using the PS-SCL method. SML screening against the three serine proteases kallikrein 4 (KLK4), kallikrein 14 (KLK14) and plasmin revealed highly preferred peptide substrates that could not have been deduced by PS-SCL screening alone. Comparing protease subsite preference profiles from screens of the two types of peptide libraries showed that the most preferred substrates were not detected by PS SCL screening as a consequence of intermolecular cooperativity being negated by the very nature of PS SCL screening. Sequences that are highly favoured as result of intermolecular cooperativity achieve optimal protease subsite occupancy, and thereby interact with very specific determinants of the protease. Identifying these substrate sequences is important since they may be used to produce potent and selective inhibitors of protolytic enzymes. This study found that highly favoured substrate sequences that relied on intermolecular cooperativity allowed for the production of potent inhibitors of KLK4, KLK14 and plasmin. Peptide aldehydes based on preferred plasmin sequences produced high affinity transition state analogue inhibitors for this protease. The most potent of these maintained specificity over plasma kallikrein (known to have a very similar substrate preference to plasmin). Furthermore, the efficiency of this inhibitor in blocking fibrinolysis in vitro was comparable to aprotinin, which previously saw clinical use to reduce perioperative bleeding. One substrate sequence particularly favoured by KLK4 was substituted into the 14 amino acid, circular sunflower trypsin inhibitor (SFTI). This resulted in a highly potent and selective inhibitor (SFTI-FCQR) which attenuated protease activated receptor signalling by KLK4 in vitro. Moreover, SFTI-FCQR and paclitaxel synergistically reduced growth of ovarian cancer cells in vitro, making this inhibitor a lead compound for further therapeutic development. Similar incorporation of a preferred KLK14 amino acid sequence into the SFTI scaffold produced a potent inhibitor for this protease. However, the conformationally constrained SFTI backbone enforced a different intramolecular cooperativity, which masked a KLK14 specific determinant. As a consequence, the level of selectivity achievable was lower than that found for the KLK4 inhibitor. Standard mechanism inhibitors such as SFTI rely on a stable acyl-enzyme intermediate for high affinity binding. This is achieved by a conformationally constrained canonical binding loop that allows for reformation of the scissile peptide bond after cleavage. Amino acid substitutions within the inhibitor to target a particular protease may compromise structural determinants that support the rigidity of the binding loop and thereby prevent the engineered inhibitor reaching its full potential. An in silico analysis was carried out to examine the potential for further improvements to the potency and selectivity of the SFTI-based KLK4 and KLK14 inhibitors. Molecular dynamics simulations suggested that the substitutions within SFTI required to target KLK4 and KLK14 had compromised the intramolecular hydrogen bond network of the inhibitor and caused a concomitant loss of binding loop stability. Furthermore in silico amino acid substitution revealed a consistent correlation between a higher frequency of formation and the number of internal hydrogen bonds of SFTI-variants and lower inhibition constants. These predictions allowed for the production of second generation inhibitors with enhanced binding affinity toward both targets and highlight the importance of considering intramolecular cooperativity effects when engineering proteins or circular peptides to target proteases. The findings from this study show that although PS-SCLs are a useful tool for high throughput screening of approximate protease preference, later refinement by SML screening is needed to reveal optimal subsite occupancy due to cooperativity in substrate recognition. This investigation has also demonstrated the importance of maintaining structural determinants of backbone constraint and conformation when engineering standard mechanism inhibitors for new targets. Combined these results show that backbone conformation and amino acid cooperativity have more prominent roles than previously appreciated in determining substrate/inhibitor specificity and binding affinity. The three key inhibitors designed during this investigation are now being developed as lead compounds for cancer chemotherapy, control of fibrinolysis and cosmeceutical applications. These compounds form the basis of a portfolio of intellectual property which will be further developed in the coming years.


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Biomarker analysis has been implemented in sports research in an attempt to monitor the effects of exertion and fatigue in athletes. This study proposed that while such biomarkers may be useful for monitoring injury risk in workers, proteomic approaches might also be utilised to identify novel exertion or injury markers. We found that urinary urea and cortisol levels were significantly elevated in mining workers following a 12 hour overnight shift. These levels failed to return to baseline over 24h in the more active maintenance crew compared to truck drivers (operators) suggesting a lack of recovery between shifts. Use of a SELDI-TOF MS approach to detect novel exertion or injury markers revealed a spectral feature which was associated with workers in both work categories who were engaged in higher levels of physical activity. This feature was identified as the LG3 peptide, a C-terminal fragment of the anti-angiogenic / anti-tumourigenic protein endorepellin. This finding suggests that urinary LG3 peptide may be a biomarker of physical activity. It is also possible that the activity mediated release of LG3 / endorepellin into the circulation may represent a biological mechanism for the known inverse association between physical activity and cancer risk / survival.


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In order to mimic the formation of archerite in cave minerals, the mineral analogue has been synthesised. The cave mineral is formed by the reaction of the chemicals in bat guano with calcite substrates. X-ray diffraction proves that the synthesised archerite analogue was pure. The vibrational spectra of the synthesised mineral are compared with that of the natural cave mineral. Raman and infrared bands are assigned to H2PO4-, OH and NH stretching and bending vibrations. The Raman band at 917 cm-1 is assigned to the HOP stretching vibration of the H2PO4- units. Bands in the 1200 to 1800 cm-1 region are associated with NH4+ bending modes. Vibrational spectroscopy enables the molecular structure of archerite to be analysed.


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Regulatory sequences with endosperm specificity are essential for foreign gene expression in the desired tissue for both grain quality improvement and molecular pharming. In this study, promoters of seed storage α-kafirin genes coupled with signal sequence (ss) were isolated from Sorghum bicolor L. Moench genomic DNA by PCR. The α-kafirin promoter (α-kaf) contains endosperm specificity-determining motifs, prolamin-box, the O2-box 1, CATC, and TATA boxes required for α-kafirin gene expression in sorghum seeds. The constructs pMB-Ubi-gfp and pMB-kaf-gfp were microprojectile bombarded into various sorghum and sweet corn explants. GFP expression was detected on all explants using the Ubi promoter but only in seeds for the α-kaf promoter. This shows that the α-kaf promoter isolated was functional and demonstrated seed-specific GFP expression. The constructs pMB-Ubi-ss-gfp and pMB-kaf-ss-gfp were also bombarded into the same explants. Detection of GFP expression showed that the signal peptide (SP)::GFP fusion can assemble and fold properly, preserving the fluorescent properties of GFP.


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The mineral brushite has been synthesised by mixing calcium ions and hydrogen phosphate anions to mimic the reactions in a Cave. The vibrational spectra of the synthesised brushite were compared with that of the natural Cave mineral. Bands attributable to the PO43- and HPO42- anions are observed. Brushite, both synthetic and natural, is characterised by an intense sharp band at 985 cm-1 with a shoulder at 1000 cm-1. Characteristic bending modes are observed in the 300 to 600 cm-1 region. The spectra of the synthesised brushite matches very well the spectrum of brushite from the Moorba Cave, Western Australia.


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Evasion of apoptosis contributes to both tumourigenesis and drug resistance in non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). The pro-apoptotic BCL-2 family proteins BAX and BAK are critical regulators of mitochondrial apoptosis. New strategies for targeting NSCLC in a mitochondria-independent manner should bypass this common mechanism of apoptosis block. BRCA1 mutation frequency in lung cancer is low; however, decreased BRCA1 mRNA and protein expression levels have been reported in a significant proportion of lung adenocarcinomas. BRCA1 mutation/deficiency confers a defect in homologous recombination DNA repair that has been exploited by synthetic lethality through inhibition of PARP (PARPi) in breast and ovarian cells; however, it is not known whether this same synthetic lethal mechanism exists in NSCLC cells. Additionally, it is unknown whether the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway is required for BRCA1/PARPi-mediated synthetic lethality. Here we demonstrate that silencing of BRCA1 expression by RNA interference sensitizes NSCLC cells to PARP inhibition. Importantly, this sensitivity was not attenuated in cells harbouring mitochondrial apoptosis block induced by co-depletion of BAX and BAK. Furthermore, we demonstrate that BRCA1 inhibition cannot override platinum resistance, which is often mediated by loss of mitochondrial apoptosis signalling, but can still sensitize to PARP inhibition. Finally we demonstrate the existence of a BRCA1-deficient subgroup (11–19%) of NSCLC patients by analysing BRCA1 protein levels using immunohistochemistry in two independent primary NSCLC cohorts. Taken together, the existence of BRCA1-immunodeficient NSCLC suggests that this molecular subgroup could be effectively targeted by PARP inhibitors in the clinic and that PARP inhibitors could be used for the treatment of BRCA1-immunodeficient, platinum-resistant tumours.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV ) core (C) protein is thought to bind to viral RNA before it undergoes oligomerization leading to RNA encapsidation. Details of these events are so far unknown. The 5ʹ-terminal C protein coding sequence that includes an adenine (A)-rich tract is a part of an internal ribosome entry site(IRES). This nucleotide sequence but not the corresponding protein sequence is needed for proper initiation of translation of viral RNA by an IRES-dependent mechanism. In this study, we examined the importance of this sequence for the ability of the C protein to bind to viral RNA. Serially truncated C proteins with deletions from 10 up to 45 N-terminal amino acids were expressed in Escherichia coli, purified and tested for binding to viral RNA by a gel shift assay. The results showed that truncation of the C protein from its N-terminus by more than 10 amino acids abolished almost completely its expression in E. coli. The latter could be restored by adding a tag to the N-terminus of the protein. The tagged proteins truncated by 15 or more amino acids showed an anomalous migration in SDS-PAGE. Truncation by more than 20 amino acids resulted in a complete loss of ability of tagged C protein to bind to viral RNA. These results provide clues to the early events in the C protein - RNA interactions leading to C protein oligomerization, RNA encapsidation and virion assembly.


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Immunotherapy is a promising new treatment for patients with advanced prostate and ovarian cancer, but its application is limited by the lack of suitable target antigens that are recognized by CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Human kallikrein 4 (KLK4) is a member of the kallikrein family of serine proteases that is significantly overexpressed in malignant versus healthy prostate and ovarian tissue, making it an attractive target for immunotherapy. We identified a naturally processed, HLA-A*0201-restricted peptide epitope within the signal sequence region of KLK4 that induced CTL responses in vitro in most healthy donors and prostate cancer patients tested. These CTL lysed HLA-A*0201+ KLK4 + cell lines and KLK4 mRNA-transfected monocyte-derived dendritic cells. CTL specific for the HLA-A*0201-restricted KLK4 peptide were more readily expanded to a higher frequency in vitro compared to the known HLA-A*0201-restricted epitopes from prostate cancer antigens; prostate-specific antigen (PSA), prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) and prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP). These data demonstrate that KLK4 is an immunogenic molecule capable of inducing CTL responses and identify it as an attractive target for prostate and ovarian cancer immunotherapy.


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Monetite is a phosphate mineral formed by the reaction of the chemicals in bat guano with calcite substrates and is commonly found in caves. The analog of the mineral monetite CaHPO4 has been synthesized and the Raman and infrared spectra of the natural monetite originating from the Murra-el-elevyn Cave, Eucla, Western Australia, compared. Monetite is characterized by a complex set of phosphate bands that arise because of two sets of pairs of phosphate units in the unit cell. Raman and infrared bands are assigned to HPO4(2-), OH stretching and bending vibrations. Infrared bands at 1346 and 1402 cm−1 are assigned to POH deformation modes. Vibrational spectroscopy confirms the presence of monetite in the cave system.


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Railway bridges deteriorate with age. Factors such as environmental effects on different materials of a bridge, variation of loads, fatigue, etc will reduce the remaining life of bridges. Bridges are currently rated individually for maintenance and repair actions according to the structural conditions of their elements. Dealing with thousands of bridges and several factors that cause deterioration, makes the rating process extremely complicated. Current simplified but practical rating methods are not based on an accurate structural condition assessment system. On the other hand, the sophisticated but more accurate methods are only used for a single bridge or particular types of bridges. It is therefore necessary to develop a practical and accurate system which will be capable of rating a network of railway bridges. This paper introduces a new method for rating a network of bridges based on their current and future structural conditions. The method identifies typical bridges representing a group of railway bridges. The most crucial agents will be determined and categorized to criticality and vulnerability factors. Classification based on structural configuration, loading, and critical deterioration factors will be conducted. Finally a rating method for a network of railway bridges that takes into account the effects of damaged structural components due to variations in loading and environmental conditions on the integrity of the whole structure will be proposed. The outcome of this research is expected to significantly improve the rating methods for railway bridges by considering the unique characteristics of different factors and incorporating the correlation between them.


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Railway bridges deteriorate with age. Factors such as environmental effects on different materials of a bridge, variation of loads, fatigue, etc. will reduce the remaining life of bridges. Dealing with thousands of bridges and several factors that cause deterioration, makes the rating process extremely complicated. Current simplified but practical methods of rating a network of bridges are not based on an accurate structural condition assessment system. On the other hand, the sophisticated but more accurate methods are only used for a single bridge or particular types of bridges. It is therefore necessary to develop a practical and accurate system, which will be capable of rating a network of railway bridges. This article introduces a new method to rate a network of bridges based on their current and future structural conditions. The method identifies typical bridges representing a group of railway bridges. The most crucial agents will be determined and categorized to criticality and vulnerability factors. Classification based on structural configuration, loading, and critical deterioration factors will be conducted. Finally a rating method for a network of railway bridges that takes into account the effects of damaged structural components due to variations in loading and environmental conditions on the integrity of the whole structure will be proposed. The outcome of this article is expected to significantly improve the rating methods for railway bridges by considering the unique characteristics of different factors and incorporating the correlation among them.