94 resultados para spectral shift


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Purpose. To investigate whether diurnal variation occurs in retinal thickness measures derived from spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). Methods. Twelve healthy adult subjects had retinal thickness measured with SD-OCT every 2 h over a 10 h period. At each measurement session, three average B-scan images were derived from a series of multiple B-scans (each from a 5 mm horizontal raster scan along the fovea, containing 1500 A-scans/B-scan) and analyzed to determine the thickness of the total retina, as well as the thickness of the outer retinal layers. Average thickness values were calculated at the foveal center, at the 0.5 mm diameter foveal region, and for the temporal parafovea (1.5 mm from foveal center) and nasal parafovea (1.5 mm from foveal center). Results. Total retinal thickness did not exhibit significant diurnal variation in any of the considered retinal regions (p > 0.05). Evidence of significant diurnal variation was found in the thickness of the outer retinal layers (p < 0.05), with the most prominent changes observed in the photoreceptor layers at the foveal center. The photoreceptor inner and outer segment layer thickness exhibited mean amplitude (peak to trough) of daily change of 7 ± 3 μm at the foveal center. The peak in thickness was typically observed at the third measurement session (mean measurement time, 13:06). Conclusions. The total retinal thickness measured with SD-OCT does not exhibit evidence of significant variation over the course of the day. However, small but significant diurnal variation occurs in the thickness of the foveal outer retinal layers.


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Butterfly long-wavelength (L) photopigments are interesting for comparative studies of adaptive evolution because of the tremendous phenotypic variation that exists in their wavelength of peak absorbance (lambda(max) value). Here we present a comprehensive survey of L photopigment variation by measuring lambda(max) in 12 nymphalid and 1 riodinid species using epi-microspectrophotometry. Together with previous data, we find that L photopigment lambda(max) varies from 510-565 nm in 22 nymphalids, with an even broader 505- to 600-nm range in riodinids. We then surveyed the L opsin genes for which lambda(max) values are available as well as from related taxa and found 2 instances of L opsin gene duplication within nymphalids, in Hermeuptychia hermes and Amathusia phidippus, and 1 instance within riodinids, in the metalmark butterfly Apodemia mormo. Using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood ancestral state reconstructions to map the evolution of spectral shifts within the L photopigments of nymphalids, we estimate the ancestral pigment had a lambda(max) = 540 nm +/- 10 nm standard error and that blueshifts in wavelength have occurred at least 4 times within the family. We used ancestral state reconstructions to investigate the importance of several amino acid substitutions (Ile17Met, Ala64Ser, Asn70Ser, and Ser137Ala) previously shown to have evolved under positive selection that are correlated with blue spectral shifts. These reconstructions suggest that the Ala64Ser substitution has indeed occurred along the newly identified blueshifted L photopigment lineages. Substitutions at the other 3 sites may also be involved in the functional diversification of L photopigments. Our data strongly suggest that there are limits to the evolution of L photopigment spectral shifts among species with only one L opsin gene and that opsin gene duplication broadens the potential range of lambda(max) values.


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Microenterprise development programs (MEPs) have been recognised as a valuable way to help the poor engage in micro-businesses (Green et al., 2006; Vargas, 2000), presenting a way out of poverty (Choudhury et al., 2008; Strier, 2010). Concerns have been raised however, that the benefits of MEPs often don’t reach the extremely poor (Jones et al., 2004; Midgley, 2008; Mosley and Hulme, 1998; Nawaz, 2010; Pritchett, 2006). Balancing reach of these programs with depth is a challenging task. Targeting as many poor people as possible often results in MEPs focusing on the upper or middle poor, overlooking the most challenging group. As such, MEPs have been criticised for mission drift – losing sight of the organisation’s core purpose; assisting those more likely to succeed.


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If there is one thing performance studies graduates should be good at, it is improvising – play and improvisation are central to the contemporary and cultural performance practices we teach and the methods by which we teach them. Objective, offer, acceptance, advancing, reversing, character, status, manipulation, impression management, relationship management – whether we know them from Keith Johnson’s theatre theories or Erving Goffman’s theatre theories, the processes by which we play out a story, scenario or social situation to our own benefit are familiar. We understand that identity, action, interaction and its personal, aesthetic, professional or political outcomes are unpredictable, and that we need to adapt to changeable and uncertain circumstances to achieve our aims. Intriguingly, though, in a Higher Education environment that increasingly emphasises employability, skills in play, improvisation and self-performance are never cited as critical graduate attributes. Is the ability to play, improve and produce spontaneous new self-performances learned in the academy worth articulating into an ability to play, improvise and product spontaneous new self-performances after graduates leave the academy and move into the role of a performing arts professional in industry? A study of the career paths of our performance studies graduates over the past decade suggests that addressing the challenges they face in moving between academic culture, professional culture, industry and career in terms of improvisation and play principles may be very productive. In articles on performing arts careers, graduates are typically advised to find a market for their work, and develop career self-management, management and marketing skills, together with an ability to find, make and maintain relationships and opportunities for themselves. Transitioning to career is cast as a challenging process, requiring these skills, because performing arts careers do not offer the security, status and stability of other careers. Our data confirms this. In our study, though, we found that strategies commonly used to build the resilience, self-reliance and persistence graduates require – talking about portfolio careers, parallel careers, and portable, transferable or translatable skills, for example – can engender panic as easily as they engender confidence. In this paper, I consider what happens when we re-articulate some of the skills scholars and industry stakeholders argue are critical in allowing graduates to shift successfully from academy to industry in terms of skills like improvisation, play and self-performance that are already familiar, meaningful and much-practiced amongst performance studies graduates.


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Shift was an exhibition held in October 2008, and was the culmination of a 10 month artist in residence held at Metro Arts, Brisbane in 2008. A number of works were produced and exhibited, and were a response to the ambient urban landscape of inner city Brisbane. The research component contributes to the discussion of the form and display of digital animation, and builds upon strategies of presentation developed from series of works completed in 2005-2007 as part of an MA (research) at QUT, Brisbane. For the two week exhibition, one interactive kiosk and several large scale digital prints were produced, and also a site specific digital animation sequence was projected onto urban landscape features next to the gallery.


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Pyrite and chalcopyrite mineral samples from Mangampet barite mine, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India are used in the present study. XRD data indicate that the pyrite mineral has a face centered cubic lattice structure with lattice constant 5.4179 Å. Also it possesses an average particle size of 91.9 nm. An EPR study on the powdered samples confirms the presence of iron in pyrite and iron and Mn(II) in chalcopyrite. The optical absorption spectrum of chalcopyrite indicates presence of copper which is in a distorted octahedral environment. NIR results confirm the presence of water fundamentals and Raman spectrum reveals the presence of water and sulfate ions.


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In this paper, the spectral approximations are used to compute the fractional integral and the Caputo derivative. The effective recursive formulae based on the Legendre, Chebyshev and Jacobi polynomials are developed to approximate the fractional integral. And the succinct scheme for approximating the Caputo derivative is also derived. The collocation method is proposed to solve the fractional initial value problems and boundary value problems. Numerical examples are also provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the derived methods.


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Introduction Previous research has demonstrated that ground reaction force (GRF) recorded during eccentric ankle exercise is characterised by greater power in the 8-12Hz bandwidth when compared to that recorded during concentric ankle exercise. Subsequently, it was suggested that vibrations in this bandwidth may underpin the beneficial effect of eccentric loading in tendon repair. However, this observation has been made only in individuals without Achilles tendinopathy. This research compared the force frequency characteristics of eccentric and concentric exercises in individuals with and without Achilles tendinopathy., Methods Eleven male adults with unilateral mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy and nine control male adults without tendinopathy participated in the research. Kinematics and GRF were recorded while the participants performed a common eccentric rehabilitation exercise protocol and a concentric equivalent. Ankle joint kinematics and the frequency power spectrum of the resultant GRF were calculated. Results Eccentric exercise was characterised by a significantly greater proportion of spectral power between 4.5 and 11.5Hz when compared to concentric exercise. There were no significant differences between limbs in the force frequency characteristics of concentric exercise. Eccentric exercise, in contrast, was defined by a shift in the power spectrum of the symptomatic limb, resulting in a second spectral peak at 9Hz, rather than 10Hz in the control limb. Conclusions Compared to healthy tendon, Achilles tendinopathy was characterised by lower frequency vibrations during eccentric rehabilitation exercises. This finding may be associated with changes in neuromuscular activation and tendon stiffness which have been shown to occur with tendinopathy and provides a possible rationale for the previous observation of a different biochemical response to eccentric exercise in healthy and injured Achilles tendons., (C)2012The American College of Sports Medicine


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Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy have been applied to a systematic investigation of the adsorption and decomposition of dichlorodifluoromethane (CCl2F2, CFC-12), fluorotrichloromethane (CCl3F, CFC-11), chlorodifluoromethane (CHClF2, HCFC-22) and molecular chlorine on oxide surfaces. Additionally, the effects of heating and ultraviolet photolysis of the CFC and HCFCs adsorbed on the oxide surfaces have been investigated. Spectral features for these species indicated a small wavenumber shift (1-6 cm-1) associated with the adsorbed phase. Some evidence, specifically the appearance of the Raman band at 507 cm-1, is presented to show that chlorine decomposition species are associated with these oxide surfaces. It was concluded that the new spectral feature (at ca. 507 cm-1) related with the decomposition of the CFC and HCFC molecules was an important indicator of the extent to which the reaction between the adsorbed CFC and HCFC and oxide surface has taken place. The extent of CFC-surface interaction has been quantified in terms of a maximum (Raman) frequency shift parameter (AM). Wavenumber shifts suggest both cation-adsorbate and non-specific adsorption interactions are occurring in the internal channels of the zeolites. Slow decomposition of the adsorbed CFCs under ultraviolet-visible photolysis (at ? > 300 nm) and/or thermal treatment was observed spectroscopically. Using FT-IR spectroscopy, the formation of gas-phase products (CO, CO2, HCl) both onyn photolysis and heating was evident. Results of these measurements are compared with the observed atmospheric reactivity of these compounds.


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This thesis investigates the experiences of teachers who trialled an electronic curriculum and assessment tool in the wider context of text-mediated ruling relations organising their work. Problematised as policy and text, this tool is interrogated as a 'solution' to problems perceived in teachers' work in an era of increased accountability. It provides evidence that teachers' work is shaped by forces operating outside their control and mediated by the policy discourses and subjectivities available to them.


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In the field of diagnostics of rolling element bearings, the development of sophisticated techniques, such as Spectral Kurtosis and 2nd Order Cyclostationarity, extended the capability of expert users to identify not only the presence, but also the location of the damage in the bearing. Most of the signal-analysis methods, as the ones previously mentioned, result in a spectrum-like diagram that presents line frequencies or peaks in the neighbourhood of some theoretical characteristic frequencies, in case of damage. These frequencies depend only on damage position, bearing geometry and rotational speed. The major improvement in this field would be the development of algorithms with high degree of automation. This paper aims at this important objective, by discussing for the first time how these peaks can draw away from the theoretical expected frequencies as a function of different working conditions, i.e. speed, torque and lubrication. After providing a brief description of the peak-patterns associated with each type of damage, this paper shows the typical magnitudes of the deviations from the theoretical expected frequencies. The last part of the study presents some remarks about increasing the reliability of the automatic algorithm. The research is based on experimental data obtained by using artificially damaged bearings installed in a gearbox.


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This article proposes that a paradigm shift that has implications for practitioners of parenting interventions is emerging. This shift represents a challenge to the dominant model of parent training. The Triple P Parenting Program is discussed as an example of parent training programme to highlight the relevant issues for practitioners, including common practitioner objections encountered in dissemination as identified, in part, by Mazzucchelli and Sanders. It is argued that apart fromthese objections, there are more essential concerns in relation to the adoption of parent training programmes by practitioners. Rather, the article argues that parent training is “mind-blind” and that approaches emerging from the field of interpersonal neurobiology represent developmentally sophisticated alternatives for intervention. The Circle of Security programme is discussed as one example of this emerging paradigm shift that integrates attachment, social neuroscience, and psychodynamic theory. Contrasts are highlighted between the models, and considerations for future issues in parent intervention conclude the article.