58 resultados para high power laser


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With new developments in battery technologies, increasing application of Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in power system is anticipated in near future. BESS has already been used for primary frequency regulation in the past. This paper examines the feasibility of using BESS with load shedding, in application for large disturbances in power system. Load shedding is one of the conventional ways during large disturbances, and the performance of frequency control will increase in combination with BESS application. According to the latest news, BESS which are applied in high power side will be employed in practice in next 5 year. A simple low order SMR model is used as a test system, while an incremental model of BESS is applied in this paper. As continuous disturbances are not the main concern in this paper, df/dt is not considered in article.


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Modulation and control of a cascade multilevel static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) configuration to improve the quality of voltage generated by wind power systems are presented. The proposed STATCOM configuration needs only four dc-link capacitors and 24 switches to synthesise nine-level operation. In addition to that, switching losses are further reduced by splitting the voltage source inverter of the STATCOM into two units called the `bulk inverter` and the `conditioning inverter`. The high-power bulk inverter is operated at low frequency whereas the low-power conditioning inverter is operated at high frequency to suppress harmonics produced by the bulk inverter. Fluctuations at the point of common coupling voltage, caused by sudden wind changes, are suppressed by controlling reactive power of the STATCOM. Simulation and experimental results are presented to verify the efficacy of the proposed modulation and control techniques used in the STATCOM.


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This paper presents a novel three-phase to single-phase matrix converter (TSMC) based bi-directional inductive power transfer (IPT) system for vehicle-to-grid (V2G) applications. In contrast to existing techniques, the proposed technique which employs a TSMC to drive an 8th order high frequency resonant network, requires only a single-stage power conversion process to facilitate bi-directional power transfer between electric vehicles (EVs) and a three-phase utility power supply. A mathematical model is presented to demonstrate that both magnitude and direction of power flow can be controlled by regulating either relative phase angles or magnitudes of voltages generated by converters. The viability of the proposed mathematical model is verified using simulated results of a 10 kW bi-directional IPT system and the results suggest that the proposed system is efficient, reliable and is suitable for high power applications which require contactless power transfer.


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Slippage in the contact roller-races has always played a central role in the field of diagnostics of rolling element bearings. Due to this phenomenon, vibrations triggered by a localized damage are not strictly periodic and therefore not detectable by means of common spectral functions as power spectral density or discrete Fourier transform. Due to the strong second order cyclostationary component, characterizing these signals, techniques such as cyclic coherence, its integrated form and square envelope spectrum have proven to be effective in a wide range of applications. An expert user can easily identify a damage and its location within the bearing components by looking for particular patterns of peaks in the output of the selected cyclostationary tool. These peaks will be found in the neighborhood of specific frequencies, that can be calculated in advance as functions of the geometrical features of the bearing itself. Unfortunately the non-periodicity of the vibration signal is not the only consequence of the slippage: often it also involves a displacement of the damage characteristic peaks from the theoretically expected frequencies. This issue becomes particularly important in the attempt to develop highly automated algorithms for bearing damage recognition, and, in order to correctly set thresholds and tolerances, a quantitative description of the magnitude of the above mentioned deviations is needed. This paper is aimed at identifying the dependency of the deviations on the different operating conditions. This has been possible thanks to an extended experimental activity performed on a full scale bearing test rig, able to reproduce realistically the operating and environmental conditions typical of an industrial high power electric motor and gearbox. The importance of load will be investigated in detail for different bearing damages. Finally some guidelines on how to cope with such deviations will be given, accordingly to the expertise obtained in the experimental activity.


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The drive towards high efficiency wind energy conversion systems has resulted in almost all the modern wind turbines to operate in the variable speed mode which inevitably requires back-to-back power electronic converters to decouple generator dynamics from the grid. The aim of this paper is to present an analysis on suitable topologies for the generator-side converter (rectifier) of the back-to-back converter arrangement. Performance of the two most popular rectifier systems, namely, the passive diode bridge rectifier and the active six-switch two-level rectifier are taken as two extremes to evaluate other topologies presented in this paper. The other rectifier systems considered in this study include combinations of a diode bridge rectifier and electronic reactance(s), a combination of a rectifier and a dc-dc converter and a half controlled rectifier. Diode-clamped and capacitor-clamped three-level active rectifier topologies and their possible switch reductions are also discussed in relation to the requirements of modern high power wind energy conversion systems (WECSs). Simulation results are presented to support conclusion derived from this analysis.


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This paper explores the possibility of connecting two Wind Turbine Generators (WTG) to the grid using a single three level inverter. In the proposed system the rectified output of one WTG is connected across the upper dc-link capacitor of a standard diode clamped three level inverter. Similarly the rectified output of the other WTG is connected across the lower capacitor. This particular combination has several advantages such as, direct connection to the grid, reduced parts count, improved reliability and high power capacity. However, the major problem in the proposed system is the imminent imbalance of dc-link voltages. Under such conditions conventional modulation methods fail to produce desired voltage and current waveforms. A detailed analysis on this issue and a novel space vector modulation method, as the solution, are proposed in this paper. To track the Maximum power point of each WTG a power sharing algorithm is proposed. Simulation results are presented to attest the efficacy of the proposed system.


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Modulation and control of a cascade multilevel inverter, which has a high potential in future wind generation applications, are presented. The inverter is a combination of a high power, three level “bulk inverter” and a low power “conditioning inverter”. To minimize switching losses, the bulk inverter operates at a low frequency producing square wave outputs while high frequency conditioning inverter is used to suppress harmonic content produced by the bulk inverter output. This paper proposes an improved Space Vector Modulation (SVM) algorithm and a neutral point potential balancing technique for the inverter. Furthermore, a maximum power tracking controller for the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) is described in detail. The proposed SVM technique eliminates most of the computational burdens on the digital controller and renders a greater controllability under varying DC-link voltage conditions. The DC-link capacitor voltage balancing of both bulk and conditioning inverters is carried out using Redundant State Selection (RSS) method and is explained in detail. Experimental results are presented to verify the proposed modulation and control techniques.


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This paper presents a novel STATCOM configuration for voltage quality improvement in wind power generation systems. The proposed STATCOM is formed by cascading two 3-level inverters, `bulk inverter' and `conditioning inverter', through a coupling transformer. Both inverters are powered by dc-link capacitors and they are charged by a small amount of active power drawn from the grid. To minimize switching losses, the high power bulk inverter operates at low frequency while low power high frequency conditioning inverter is used to suppress harmonic content produced by the bulk inverter output. With only 24 switches this topology can synthesize a nine level inverter, if the dc-link voltage ratio is maintained at 3:1. Modulation and control techniques have been developed to meet this requirement. Reactive power of the STATCOM is controlled to mitigate voltage sags or swells caused by sudden wind changes. Simulation and experimental results are presented to verify the efficacy of the proposed modulation and control techniques used in the STATCOM.


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Summary form only given. Geometric simplicity, efficiency and polarization purity make slot antenna arrays ideal solutions for many radar, communications and navigation applications, especially when high power, light weight and limited scan volume are priorities. Resonant arrays of longitudinal slots have a slot spacing of one-half guide wavelength at the design frequency, so that the slots are located at the standing wave peaks. Planar arrays are implemented using a number of rectangular waveguides (branch line guides), arranged side-by-side, while waveguides main lines located behind and at right angles to the branch lines excite the radiating waveguides via centered-inclined coupling slots. Planar slotted waveguide arrays radiate broadside beams and all radiators are designed to be in phase.


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Two studies documented the “David and Goliath” rule—the tendency for people to perceive criticism of “David” groups (groups with low power and status) as less normatively permissible than criticism of “Goliath” groups (groups with high power and status). The authors confirmed the existence of the David and Goliath rule across Western and Chinese cultures (Study 1). However, the rule was endorsed more strongly in Western than in Chinese cultures, an effect mediated by cultural differences in power distance. Study 2 identified the psychological underpinnings of this rule in an Australian sample. Lower social dominance orientation (SDO) was associated with greater endorsement of the rule, an effect mediated through the differential attribution of stereotypes. Specifically, those low in SDO were more likely to attribute traits of warmth and incompetence to David versus Goliath groups, a pattern of stereotypes that was related to the protection of David groups from criticism.


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Explored in this study are the participative behaviour of organisational leaders in the emerging for-profit sector in Bhutan. Leaders engage primarily in verbal participative behaviour with subordinates when making organisational decisions especially if they believe in the importance of the contribution of participation to organization effectiveness. Leaders who believe in high power distance however are less likely to engage in both verbal participative behaviour and consultative participative behaviour. The research contributes to our understanding of participative decision making by identifying dimensions of participative behavior in the context of emerging economies.


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The development of novel organic polymer thin films is essential for the advancement of many emerging fields including organic electronics and biomedical coatings. In this study, the effect of synthesis conditions, namely radio frequency (rf) deposition power, on the material properties of polyterpenol thin films derived from nonsynthetic environmentally friendly monomer was investigated. At lower deposition powers, the polyterpenol films preserved more of the original monomer constituents, such as hydroxy functional groups; however, they were also softer and more hydrophilic compared to polymers fabricated at higher power. Enhanced monomer fragmentation and consequent reduction in the presence of the polar groups in the structure of the high-power samples reduced their optical band gap value from 2.95 eV for 10 W to 2.64 eV for 100 W. Regardless of deposition power, all samples were found to be optically transparent with smooth, defect-free, and homogenous surfaces.


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There has recently been a rapidly increasing interest in solar powered UAVs. With the emergence of high power density batteries, long range and low-power micro radio devices, airframes, and powerful micro-processors and motors, small/micro UAVs have become applicable in civilian applications such as remote sensing, mapping, traffic monitoring, search and rescue. The Green Falcon UAV is an innovative project from Queensland University of Technology and has been developed and tested during these past years. It comprises a wide range of subsystems to be analyses and studied such as Solar Panel Cells, Gas sensor, Aerodynamics of the wing and others. Previous test however, resulted in damage to the solar cells and some of the subsystems including motor and ESC. This report describes the repair and verification process followed to improve the efficiency of the Green Falcon UAV. The report shows some of the results obtained in previous static and flight tests as well as some of recommendations.