178 resultados para applied physics


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Faulted stacking layers are ubiquitously observed during the crystal growth of semiconducting nanowires (NWs). In this paper, we employ the reverse non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation to elucidate the effect of various faulted stacking layers on the thermal conductivity (TC) of silicon (Si) NWs. We find that the stacking faults can greatly reduce the TC of the Si NW. Among the different stacking faults that are parallel to the NW's axis, the 9R polytype structure, the intrinsic and extrinsic stacking faults (iSFs and eSFs) exert more pronounced effects in the reduction of TC than the twin boundary (TB). However, for the perpendicularly aligned faulted stacking layers, the eSFs and 9R polytype structures are observed to induce a larger reduction to the TC of the NW than the TB and iSFs. For all considered NWs, the TC does not show a strong relation with the increasing number of faulted stacking layers. Our studies suggest the possibility of tuning the thermal properties of Si NWs by altering the crystal structure via the different faulted stacking layers.


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The biosafety of carbon nanomaterial needs to be critically evaluated with both experimental and theoretical validations before extensive biomedical applications. In this letter, we present an analysis of the binding ability of two dimensional monolayer carbon nanomaterial on actin by molecular simulation to understand their adhesive characteristics on F-actin cytoskeleton. The modelling results indicate that the positively charged carbon nanomaterial has higher binding stability on actin. Compared to crystalline graphene, graphene oxide shows higher binding influence on actin when carrying positive surface charge. This theoretical investigation provides insights into the sensitivity of actin-related cellular activities on carbon nanomaterial.


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The K-means algorithm is one of the most popular techniques in clustering. Nevertheless, the performance of the K-means algorithm depends highly on initial cluster centers and converges to local minima. This paper proposes a hybrid evolutionary programming based clustering algorithm, called PSO-SA, by combining particle swarm optimization (PSO) and simulated annealing (SA). The basic idea is to search around the global solution by SA and to increase the information exchange among particles using a mutation operator to escape local optima. Three datasets, Iris, Wisconsin Breast Cancer, and Ripley’s Glass, have been considered to show the effectiveness of the proposed clustering algorithm in providing optimal clusters. The simulation results show that the PSO-SA clustering algorithm not only has a better response but also converges more quickly than the K-means, PSO, and SA algorithms.


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In this paper we modeled a quantum dot at near proximity to a gap plasmon waveguide to study the quantum dot-plasmon interactions. Assuming that the waveguide is single mode, this paper is concerned about the dependence of spontaneous emission rate of the quantum dot on waveguide dimensions such as width and height. We compare coupling efficiency of a gap waveguide with symmetric configuration and asymmetric configuration illustrating that symmetric waveguide has a better coupling efficiency to the quantum dot. We also demonstrate that optimally placed quantum dot near a symmetric waveguide with 50 nm x 50 nm cross section can capture 80% of the spontaneous emission into a guided plasmon mode.


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Graphene has been increasingly used as nano sized fillers to create a broad range of nanocomposites with exceptional properties. The interfaces between fillers and matrix play a critical role in dictating the overall performance of a composite. However, the load transfer mechanism along graphene-polymer interface has not been well understood. In this study, we conducted molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the influence of surface functionalization and layer length on the interfacial load transfer in graphene polymer nanocomposites. The simulation results show that oxygen-functionalized graphene leads to larger interfacial shear force than hydrogen-functionalized and pristine ones during pull-out process. The increase of oxygen coverage and layer length enhances interfacial shear force. Further increase of oxygen coverage to about 7% leads to a saturated interfacial shear force. A model was also established to demonstrate that the mechanism of interfacial load transfer consists of two contributing parts, including the formation of new surface and relative sliding along the interface. These results are believed to be useful in development of new graphene-based nanocomposites with better interfacial properties.


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Titanium oxide films with trilayer structure grown on fluorine doped tin oxide substrate were prepared from one-step hydrothermal process. The trilayer structure consists of microflowers, nanorod array and compact nanoparticulates, which is expected to possess the merits of good light harvesting, a high electron transport rate, while avoiding the issues of electron shunting. The photovoltaic performance was comprehensively studied and a 60% enhancement in short circuit photocurrent density was found from microflowers contribution as a light scattering layer. This unique trilayer structure exhibits great potential application in future dye-sensitized solar cells.


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Much interest surrounds the effect of extracellular matrix (ECM) elasticity on cell behavior. Here we present a rapid method for measuring the elasticity of synthetic ECM substrates based on indentation of the substrate with a ferromagnetic sphere and optical tracking of the resulting deformation. We find that this method yields order-of-magnitude agreement with atomic force microscopy elasticity measurements, but that the degree of this agreement depends strongly on sphere density and gel elasticity. In its regime of greatest accuracy, we envision that this method may be used for high-throughput characterization of ECM substrates in cell biological studies.


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Based on the characterization by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), we report that the mechanical property of single chondrocytes has dependency on the strain-rates. By comparing the mechanical deformation responses and the Young’s moduli of living and fixed chondrocytes at four different strain-rates, we explore the deformation mechanisms underlying this dependency property. We found that the strain-rate-dependent mechanical property of living cells is governed by both of the cellular cytoskeleton (CSK) and the intracellular fluid when the fixed chondrocytes is mainly governed by their intracellular fluid which is called the consolidation-dependent deformation behavior. Finally, we report that the porohyperelastic (PHE) constitutive material model which can capture the consolidation-dependent behavior of both living and fixed chondrocytes is a potential candidature to study living cell biomechanics.


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This paper introduces an integral approach to the study of plasma-surface interactions during the catalytic growth of selected nanostructures (NSs). This approach involves basic understanding of the plasma-specific effects in NS nucleation and growth, theoretical modelling, numerical simulations, plasma diagnostics, and surface microanalysis. Using an example of plasma-assisted growth of surface-supported single-walled carbon nanotubes, we discuss how the combination of these techniques may help improve the outcomes of the growth process. A specific focus here is on the effects of nanoscale plasma-surface interactions on the NS growth and how the available techniques may be used, both in situ and ex situ to optimize the growth process and structural parameters of NSs.


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Ferromagnetism in graphene is fascinating, but it is still a big challenge for practical applications due to the weak magnetization. In order to enhance the magnetization, here, we design plasma-enabled graphene nanopetals with ultra-long defective edges of up to 105 m/g, ultra-dense lattice vacancies, and hydrogen chemisorptions. The designed graphene nanopetals display robust ferromagnetism with large saturation magnetization of up to 2 emu/g at 5 K and 1.2 emu/g at room temperatures. This work identifies the plasma-enabled graphene nanopetals as a promising candidate for graphene-based magnetic devices.


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Nucleation and growth of highly crystalline silicon nanoparticles in atmospheric-pressure low-temperature microplasmas at gas temperatures well below the Si crystallization threshold and within a short (100 μs) period of time are demonstrated and explained. The modeling reveals that collision-enhanced ion fluxes can effectively increase the heat flux on the nanoparticle surface and this heating is controlled by the ion density. It is shown that nanoparticles can be heated to temperatures above the crystallization threshold. These combined experimental and theoretical results confirm the effective heating and structure control of Si nanoparticles at atmospheric pressure and low gas temperatures.


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Phase-selective synthesis of copper oxide nanowires is warranted by several applications, yet it remains challenging because of the narrow windows of the suitable temperature and precursor gas composition in thermal processes. Here, we report on the room-temperature synthesis of small-diameter, large-area, uniform, and phase-pure Cu2O nanowires by exposing copper films to a custom-designed low-pressure, thermally non-equilibrium, high-density (typically, the electron number density is in the range of 10 11-1013cm-3) inductively coupled plasmas. The mechanism of the plasma-enabled phase selectivity is proposed. The gas sensors based on the synthesized Cu2O nanowires feature fast response and recovery for the low-temperature (∼140°C) detection of methane gas in comparison with polycrystalline Cu2O thin film-based gas sensors. Specifically, at a methane concentration of 4%, the response and the recovery times of the Cu2O nanowire-based gas sensors are 125 and 147s, respectively. The Cu2O nanowire-based gas sensors have a potential for applications in the environmental monitoring, chemical industry, mining industry, and several other emerging areas.


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Palladium is sputtered on multi-walled carbon nanotube forests to form carbon-metal core-shell nanowire arrays. These hybrid nanostructures exhibited resistive responses when exposed to hydrogen with an excellent baseline recovery at room temperature. The magnitude of the response is shown to be tuneable by an applied voltage. Unlike the charge-transfer mechanism commonly attributed to Pd nanoparticle-decorated carbon nanotubes, this demonstrates that the hydrogen response mechanism of the multi-walled carbon nanotube-Pd core-shell nanostructure is due to the increase in electron scattering induced by physisorption of hydrogen. These hybrid core-shell nanostructures are promising for gas detection in hydrogen storage applications.


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Effects of surrounding gases on the propagation of room-temperature atmospheric-pressure plasma jets are reported. A highly unusual feather-like plasma plume is observed only when N2 is used as surrounding gas. The He concentration on the axis at the starting point of the feather-like plume is ∼0.85 of the maximum value and is independent on the He flow rates. High-speed optical imaging reveals that dim diffuse plasmas emerge just behind the bright head of the plasma bullet at the starting point of the feather-like plume. These results help tailoring surface exposure in emerging applications of plasma jets in medicine and nanotechnology.


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Asymmetrical electrical boundary conditions in (001)-oriented Pb(Zr 0.2TiO0.8)O3 (PZT) epitaxial ultrathin ferroelectric films are exploited to control surface photochemical reactivity determined by the sign of the surface polarization charge. It is shown that the preferential orientation of polarization in the as-grown PZT layer can be manipulated by choosing an appropriate type of bottom electrode material. PZT films deposited on the SrRuO3 electrodes exhibit preferential upward polarization (C) whilst the same films grown on the (La,Sr)CoO 3-electrodes are polarized downward (C-). Photochemical activity of the PZT surfaces with different surface polarization charges has been tested by studying deposition of silver nanoparticles from AgNO3 solution under UV irradiation. PZT surfaces with preferential C orientation possess a more active surface for metal reduction than their C- counterparts, evidenced by large differences in the concentration of deposited silver nanoparticles. This effect is attributed to band bending at the bottom interface which varies depending on the difference in work functions of PZT and electrode materials.