66 resultados para Structural materials


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The removal of fluoride using red mud has been improved by acidifying red mud with hydrochloric, nitric and sulphuric acid. This investigation shows that the removal of fluoride using red mud is significantly improved if red mud is initially acidified. The acidification of red mud causes sodalite and cancrinite phases to dissociate, confirmed by the release of sodium and aluminium into solution as well as the disappearance of sodalite bands and peaks in infrared and X-ray diffraction data. The dissolution of these mineral phases increases the amount of available iron and aluminium oxide/hydroxide sites that are accessible for the adsorption of fluoride. The removal of fluoride is dependent on the charge of iron and aluminium oxide/hydroxides on the surface of red mud. Acidifying red mud with hydrochloric, nitric and sulphuric acid resulted in surface sites of the form ≡ SOH2+ and ≡ SOH. Optimum removal is obtained when the majority of surface sites are in the form ≡ SOH2+ as the substitution of a fluoride ion doesn’t cause a significant increase in pH. This investigation shows the importance of having a low and consistent pH for the removal of fluoride from aqueous solutions using red mud.


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The effect of nitrogen on the growth of vertically oriented graphene nanosheets on catalyst-free silicon and glass substrates in a plasma-assisted process is studied. Different concentrations of nitrogen were found to act as versatile control knobs that could be used to tailor the length, number density and structural properties of the nanosheets. Nanosheets with different structural characteristics exhibit markedly different optical properties. The nanosheet samples were treated with a bovine serum albumin protein solution to investigate the effects of this variation on the optical properties for biosensing through confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy and UV-Vis spectrophotometry. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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Al-doped zinc oxide (AZO) thin films are deposited onto glass substrates using radio-frequency reactive magnetron sputtering and the improvements in their physical properties by post-synthesis thermal treatment are reported. X-ray diffraction spectra show that the structure of films can be controlled by adjusting the annealing temperatures, with the best crystallinity obtained at 400°C under a nitrogen atmosphere. These films exhibit improved quality and better optical transmittance as indicated by the UV-Vis spectra. Furthermore, the sheet resistivity is found to decrease from 1.87 × 10-3 to 5.63 × 10-4Ω⋅cm and the carrier mobility increases from 6.47 to 13.43 cm2 ⋅ V-1 ⋅ s-1 at the optimal annealing temperature. Our results demonstrate a simple yet effective way in controlling the structural, optical and electrical properties of AZO thin films, which is important for solar cell applications.


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Structural stability, electronic, and optical properties of InN under high pressure are studied using the first-principles calculations. The lattice constants and electronic band structure are found consistent with the available experimental and theoretical values. The pressure of the wurtzite-to-rocksalt structural transition is 13.4 GPa, which is in an excellent agreement with the most recent experimental values. The optical characteristics reproduce the experimental data thus justifying the feasibility of our theoretical predictions of the optical properties of InN at high pressures.


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Cells are the fundamental building block of plant based food materials and many of the food processing born structural changes can fundamentally be derived as a function of the deformations of the cellular structure. In food dehydration the bulk level changes in porosity, density and shrinkage can be better explained using cellular level deformations initiated by the moisture removal from the cellular fluid. A novel approach is used in this research to model the cell fluid with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and cell walls with Discrete Element Methods (DEM), that are fundamentally known to be robust in treating complex fluid and solid mechanics. High Performance Computing (HPC) is used for the computations due to its computing advantages. Comparing with the deficiencies of the state of the art drying models, the current model is found to be robust in replicating drying mechanics of plant based food materials in microscale.


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A single plant cell was modeled with smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and a discrete element method (DEM) to study the basic micromechanics that govern the cellular structural deformations during drying. This two-dimensional particle-based model consists of two components: a cell fluid model and a cell wall model. The cell fluid was approximated to a highly viscous Newtonian fluid and modeled with SPH. The cell wall was treated as a stiff semi-permeable solid membrane with visco-elastic properties and modeled as a neo-Hookean solid material using a DEM. Compared to existing meshfree particle-based plant cell models, we have specifically introduced cell wall–fluid attraction forces and cell wall bending stiffness effects to address the critical shrinkage characteristics of the plant cells during drying. Also, a moisture domain-based novel approach was used to simulate drying mechanisms within the particle scheme. The model performance was found to be mainly influenced by the particle resolution, initial gap between the outermost fluid particles and wall particles and number of particles in the SPH influence domain. A higher order smoothing kernel was used with adaptive smoothing length to improve the stability and accuracy of the model. Cell deformations at different states of cell dryness were qualitatively and quantitatively compared with microscopic experimental findings on apple cells and a fairly good agreement was observed with some exceptions. The wall–fluid attraction forces and cell wall bending stiffness were found to be significantly improving the model predictions. A detailed sensitivity analysis was also done to further investigate the influence of wall–fluid attraction forces, cell wall bending stiffness, cell wall stiffness and the particle resolution. This novel meshfree based modeling approach is highly applicable for cellular level deformation studies of plant food materials during drying, which characterize large deformations.


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In recent years, the electron-accepting diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) moiety has been receiving considerable attention for constructing donor-acceptor (D-A) type organic semiconductors for a variety of applications, particularly for organic thin film transistors (OTFTs) and organic photovoltaics (OPVs). Through association of the DPP unit with appropriate electron donating building blocks, the resulting D-A molecules interact strongly in the solid state through intermolecular D-A and π-π interactions, leading to highly ordered structures at the molecular and microscopic levels. The closely packed molecules and crystalline domains are beneficial for intermolecular and interdomain (or intergranular) charge transport. Furthermore, the energy levels can be readily adjusted, affording p-type, n-type, or ambipolar organic semiconductors with highly efficient charge transport properties in OTFTs. In the past few years, a number of DPP-based small molecular and polymeric semiconductors have been reported to show mobility close to or greater than 1 cm2 V -1 s-1. DPP-based polymer semiconductors have achieved record high mobility values for p-type (hole mobility: 10.5 cm2 V-1 s-1), n-type (electron mobility: 3 cm2 V-1 s-1), and ambipolar (hole/electron mobilities: 1.18/1.86 cm2 V-1 s-1) OTFTs among the known polymer semiconductors. Many DPP-based organic semiconductors have favourable energy levels and band gaps along with high hole mobility, which enable them as promising donor materials for OPVs. Power conversion efficiencies (PCE) of up to 6.05% were achieved for OPVs using DPP-based polymers, demonstrating their potential usefulness for the organic solar cell technology. This article provides an overview of the recent exciting progress made in DPP-containing polymers and small molecules that have shown high charge carrier mobility, around 0.1 cm2 V-1 s-1 or greater. It focuses on the structural design, optoelectronic properties, molecular organization, morphology, as well as performances in OTFTs and OPVs of these high mobility DPP-based materials.


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The construction industry is one of the largest sources of carbon emissions. Manufacturing of raw materials, such as cement, steel and aluminium, is energy intensive and has considerable impact on carbon emissions level. Due to the rising recognition of global climate change, the industry is under pressure to reduce carbon emissions. Carbon labelling schemes are therefore developed as meaningful yardsticks to measure and compare carbon emissions. Carbon labelling schemes can help switch consumer-purchasing habits to low-carbon alternatives. However, such switch is dependent on a transparent scheme. The principle of transparency is highlighted in all international greenhouse gas (GHG) standards, including the newly published ISO 14067: Carbon footprint of products – requirements and guidelines for quantification and communication. However, there are few studies which systematically investigate the transparency requirements in carbon labelling schemes. A comparison of five established carbon labelling schemes, namely the Singapore Green Labelling Scheme, the CarbonFree (the U.S.), the CO2 Measured Label and the Reducing CO2 Label (UK), the CarbonCounted (Canada), and the Hong Kong Carbon Labelling Scheme is therefore conducted to identify and investigate the transparency requirements. The results suggest that the design of current carbon labels have transparency issues relating but not limited to the use of a single sign to represent the comprehensiveness of the carbon footprint. These transparency issues are partially caused by the flexibility given to select system boundary in the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology to measure GHG emissions. The primary contribution of this study to the construction industry is to reveal the transparency requirements from international GHG standards and carbon labels for construction products. The findings also offer five key strategies as practical implications for the global community to improve the performance of current carbon labelling schemes on transparency.


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The excellent multi-functional properties of carbon nanotube (CNT) and graphene have enabled them as appealing building blocks to construct 3D carbon-based nanomaterials or nanostructures. The recently reported graphene nanotube hybrid structure (GNHS) is one of the representatives of such nanostructures. This work investigated the relationships between the mechanical properties of the GNHS and its structure basing on large-scale molecular dynamics simulations. It is found that increasing the length of the constituent CNTs, the GNHS will have a higher Young’s modulus and yield strength. Whereas, no strong correlation is found between the number of graphene layers and Young’s modulus and yield strength, though more graphene layers intends to lead to a higher yield strain. In the meanwhile, the presences of multi-wall CNTs are found to greatly strengthen the hybrid structure. Generally, the hybrid structures exhibit a brittle behavior and the failure initiates from the connecting regions between CNT and graphene. More interestingly, affluent formations of monoatomic chains and rings are found at the fracture region. This study provides an in-depth understanding of the mechanical performance of the GNHSs while varying their structures, which will shed lights on the design and also the applications of the carbon-based nanostructures.


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Plant food materials have a very high demand in the consumer market and therefore, improved food products and efficient processing techniques are concurrently being researched in food engineering. In this context, numerical modelling and simulation techniques have a very high potential to reveal fundamentals of the underlying mechanisms involved. However, numerical modelling of plant food materials during drying becomes quite challenging, mainly due to the complexity of the multiphase microstructure of the material, which undergoes excessive deformations during drying. In this regard, conventional grid-based modelling techniques have limited applicability due to their inflexible grid-based fundamental limitations. As a result, meshfree methods have recently been developed which offer a more adaptable approach to problem domains of this nature, due to their fundamental grid-free advantages. In this work, a recently developed meshfree based two-dimensional plant tissue model is used for a comparative study of microscale morphological changes of several food materials during drying. The model involves Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and Discrete Element Method (DEM) to represent fluid and solid phases of the cellular structure. Simulation are conducted on apple, potato, carrot and grape tissues and the results are qualitatively and quantitatively compared and related with experimental findings obtained from the literature. The study revealed that cellular deformations are highly sensitive to cell dimensions, cell wall physical and mechanical properties, middle lamella properties and turgor pressure. In particular, the meshfree model is well capable of simulating critically dried tissues at lower moisture content and turgor pressure, which lead to cell wall wrinkling. The findings further highlighted the potential applicability of the meshfree approach to model large deformations of the plant tissue microstructure during drying, providing a distinct advantage over the state of the art grid-based approaches.


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The aluminum (Al) doped polycrystalline p-type β-phase iron disilicide (p-β-FeSi2) is grown by thermal diffusion of Al from Al-passivated n-type Si(100) surface into FeSi2 during crystallization of amorphous FeSi2 to form a p-type β-FeSi 2/n-Si(100) heterostructure solar cell. The structural and photovoltaic properties of p-type β-FeSi2/n-type c-Si structures is then investigated in detail by using X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy analysis, and electrical characterization. The results are compared with Al-doped p-β-FeSi2 prepared by using cosputtering of Al and FeSi2 layers on Al-passivated n-Si(100) substrates. A significant improvement in the maximum open-circuit voltage (Voc) from 120 to 320 mV is achieved upon the introduction of Al doping through cosputtering of Al and amorphous FeSi2 layer. The improvement in Voc is attributed to better structural quality of Al-doped FeSi2 film through Al doping and to the formation of high quality crystalline interface between Al-doped β-FeSi2 and n-type c-Si. The effects of Al-out diffusion on the performance of heterostructure solar cells have been investigated and discussed in detail.


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Layered materials exhibit intriguing electronic characteristics and the search for new types of two-dimensional (2D) structures is of importance for future device fabrication. Using state-of-art first principle calculations, we identify and characterize the structural and electronic properties of two 2D layered arsenic materials, namely, arsenic and its alloy AsSb. The stable 2D structural configuration of arsenic is confirmed to be the low-buckled two-dimensional hexagonal structure by phonon and binding energy calculations. The monolayer exhibits indirect semiconducting properties with gap around 1.5 eV (corrected to 2.2 eV by hybrid function), which can be modulated into a direct semiconductor within a small amount of tensile strain. These semiconducting properties are preserved when cutting into 1D nanoribbons, but the band gap is edge dependent. It is interesting to find that an indirect to direct gap transition can be achieved under strain modulation of the armchair ribbon. Essentially the same phenomena can be found in layered AsSb, except a weak Rashba induced band splitting is present in AsSb due to the nonsymmetric structure and spin orbit coupling. When an additional layer is added on the top, a semiconductor–metal transition will occur. The findings here broaden the family of 2D materials beyond graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides and provide useful information for experimental fabrication of new layered materials with possible application in optoelectronics.


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The structural characteristics of raw coal and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-oxidized coals were investigated using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectra, and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The results indicate that the derivative coals oxidized by H2O2 are improved noticeably in aromaticity and show an increase first and then a decrease up to the highest aromaticity at 24 h. The stacking layer number of crystalline carbon decreases and the aspect ratio (width versus stacking height) increases with an increase in oxidation time. The content of crystalline carbon shows the same change tendency as the aromaticity measured by XRD. The hydroxyl bands of oxidized coals become much stronger due to an increase in soluble fatty acids and alcohols as a result of the oxidation of the aromatic and aliphatic C‐H bonds. In addition, the derivative coals display a decrease first and then an increase in the intensity of aliphatic C‐H bond and present a diametrically opposite tendency in the aromatic C‐H bonds with an increase in oxidation time. There is good agreement with the changes of aromaticity and crystalline carbon content as measured by XRD and Raman spectra. The particle size of oxidized coals (<200 nm in width) shows a significant decrease compared with that of raw coal (1 μm). This study reveals that the optimal oxidation time is ∼24 h for improving the aromaticity and crystalline carbon content of H2O2-oxidized coals. This process can help us obtain superfine crystalline carbon materials similar to graphite in structure.


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This study proposes an optimized approach of designing in which a model specially shaped composite tank for spacecrafts is built by applying finite element analysis. The composite layers are preliminarily designed by combining quasi-network design method with numerical simulation, which determines the ratio between the angle and the thickness of layers as the initial value of the optimized design. By adopting an adaptive simulated annealing algorithm, the angles and the numbers of layers at each angle are optimized to minimize the weight of structure. Based on this, the stacking sequence of composite layers is formulated according to the number of layers in the optimized structure by applying the enumeration method and combining the general design parameters. Numerical simulation is finally adopted to calculate the buckling limit of tanks in different designing methods. This study takes a composite tank with a cone-shaped cylinder body as example, in which ellipsoid head section and outer wall plate are selected as the object to validate this method. The result shows that the quasi-network design method can improve the design quality of composite material layer in tanks with complex preliminarily loading conditions. The adaptive simulated annealing algorithm can reduce the initial design weight by 30%, which effectively probes the global optimal solution and optimizes the weight of structure. It can be therefore proved that, this optimization method is capable of designing and optimizing specially shaped composite tanks with complex loading conditions.


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Graphitic like layered materials exhibit intriguing electronic structures and thus the search for new types of two-dimensional (2D) monolayer materials is of great interest for developing novel nano-devices. By using density functional theory (DFT) method, here we for the first time investigate the structure, stability, electronic and optical properties of monolayer lead iodide (PbI2). The stability of PbI2 monolayer is first confirmed by phonon dispersion calculation. Compared to the calculation using generalized gradient approximation, screened hybrid functional and spin–orbit coupling effects can not only predicts an accurate bandgap (2.63 eV), but also the correct position of valence and conduction band edges. The biaxial strain can tune its bandgap size in a wide range from 1 eV to 3 eV, which can be understood by the strain induced uniformly change of electric field between Pb and I atomic layer. The calculated imaginary part of the dielectric function of 2D graphene/PbI2 van der Waals type hetero-structure shows significant red shift of absorption edge compared to that of a pure monolayer PbI2. Our findings highlight a new interesting 2D material with potential applications in nanoelectronics and optoelectronics.