85 resultados para Stratum-corneum Reservoir


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The cancer stem-cell (CSC) hypothesis suggests that there is a small subset of cancer cells that are responsible for tumor initiation and growth, possessing properties such as indefinite self-renewal, slow replication, intrinsic resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and an ability to give rise to differentiated progeny. Through the use of xenotransplantation assays, putative CSCs have been identified in many cancers, often identified by markers usually expressed in normal stem cells. This is also the case in lung cancer, and the accumulated data on side population cells, CD133, CD166, CD44 and ALDH1 are beginning to clarify the true phenotype of the lung cancer stem cell. Furthermore, it is now clear that many of the pathways of normal stem cells, which guide cellular proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis are also prominent in CSCs; the Hedgehog (Hh), Notch, and Wnt signaling pathways being notable examples. The CSC hypothesis suggests that there is a small reservoir of cells within the tumor, which are resistant to many standard therapies, and can give rise to new tumors in the form of metastases or relapses after apparent tumor regression. Therapeutic interventions that target CSC pathways are still in their infancy and clinical data of their efficacy remain limited. However Smoothened inhibitors, gamma-secretase inhibitors, anti-DLL4 antagonists, Wnt antagonists, and CBP/β-catenin inhibitors have all shown promising anticancer effects in early studies. The evidence to support the emerging picture of a lung cancer CSC phenotype and the development of novel therapeutic strategies to target CSCs are described in this review.


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This paper presents an approach to developing indicators for expressing resilience of a generic water supply system. The system is contextualised as a meta-system consisting of three subsystems to represent the water catchment and reservoir, treatment plant and the distribution system supplying the end-users. The level of final service delivery to end-users is considered as a surrogate measure of systemic resilience. A set of modelled relationships are used to explore relationships between system components when placed under simulated stress. Conceptual system behaviour of specific types of simulated pressure is created for illustration of parameters for indicator development. The approach is based on the hypothesis that an in-depth knowledge of resilience would enable development of decision support system capability which in turn will contribute towards enhanced management of a water supply system. In contrast to conventional water supply system management approaches, a resilience approach facilitates improvement in system efficiency by emphasising awareness of points-of-intervention where system managers can adjust operational control measures across the meta-system (and within subsystems) rather than expansion of the system in entirety in the form of new infrastructure development.


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The computer is fast becoming part of the furniture in many hospital settings. Increasing reliance on the computer for documentation and dissemination of information in patient-care areas has increased the need to consider this equipment as a potential environmental reservoir for microorganisms. This paper reports on a small experimental study which investigated the potential role of computers in cross-infection. The results indicate that computer surfaces are similar to other environmental surfaces and carry the same risks for cross-infection.


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An Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) has been used to investigate the freshwater sensitivity of secondary corrensite (regularly interstratified chlorite/smectite) and chlorite-rich chlorite/smectite in order to determine whether hydrocarbon reservoirs hosting these clays should be regarded as freshwater sensitive. ESEM experiments involved an examination and close comparison of selected clay areas in three samples at high magnification before, during and after prolonged freshwater treatments. Corrensite and chlorine/smectite in the samples did not visibly swell when immersed in fresh water. After soaking in fresh water for up to three months, these clays retained their original morphology and associated porosity. Hence, the presence of corrensite or chlorite/smectite in a hydrocarbon reservoir need not indicate that the reservoir is freshwater sensitive. © 1994.


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The effect of HCl on authigenic chlorite in three different sandstones has been examined uisng an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM), together with conventional analytical techniques. The ESEM enabled chlorites to be directly observed in situ at high magnifications during HCl treatment, and was particularly effective in allowing the same chlorite areas to be closely compared before and after acid treatment. Chlorites were reacted with 1M to 10M HCl at temperatures up to 80°C and for periods up to five months. After all treatments, chlorites show extensive leaching of iron, magnesium and aluminum, and their crystalline structure is destroyed. However, despite these major compositional and structural changes, chlorites show little or no visible evidence of acid attack, with precise morphological detail of individual plates preserved in all samples following acid treatments. Chlorite dissolution, sensu stricto, did not occur as a result of acidization of the host sandstones. Acid-treated chlorides are likely to exits in a structurally weakened state that may make them susceptible to physical disintegration during fluid flow. Accordingly, fines migration may be a significant engineering problem associated with the acidization of chlorite-bearing sandstones. © 1993.


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The water sensitivity of authigenic smectite- and illite-rich illite/smectites in sandstone reservoirs has been investigated using an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM). The ESEM enabled the illite/smectites to be directly observed in situ at high magnification during freshwater immersion, and was also particularly effective in allowing the same selected illite/smectite areas to be closely compared before and after freshwater treatments. The tendency of authigenic smectite-rich illite/smectite to swell on contact with fresh water varies greatly. Smectite-rich illite/smectite may osmotically swell to many times its original volume to form a gel which greatly reduces porosity and permeability, or may undergo only a subtle morphological change which has little or no adverse effect on reservoir quality. Authigenic illite-rich illite/smectite in sandstones does not swell when immersed in fresh water. Even after prolonged soaking in fresh water, illite-rich illite/smectite particles retain their original morphology. Accordingly, illite-rich illite/smectite in sandstones is unlikely to cause formation damage if exposed to freshwater-based fluids. © 1993.


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Environmental Burkholderia pseudomallei isolated from sandy soil at Castle Hill, Townsville, in the dry tropic region of Queensland, Australia, was inoculated into sterile-soil laboratory microcosms subjected to variable soil moisture. Survival and sublethal injury of the B. pseudomallei strain were monitored by recovery using culture-based methods. Soil extraction buffer yielded higher recoveries as an extraction agent than sterile distilled water. B. pseudomallei was not recoverable when inoculated into desiccated soil but remained recoverable from moist soil subjected to 91 days desiccation and showed a growth response to increased soil moisture over at least 113 days. Results indicate that endemic dry tropic soil may act as a reservoir during the dry season, with an increase in cell number and potential for mobilization from soil into water in the wet season.


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Small-angle and ultra-small-angle neutron scattering (SANS and USANS), low-pressure adsorption (N2 and CO2), and high-pressure mercury intrusion measurements were performed on a suite of North American shale reservoir samples providing the first ever comparison of all these techniques for characterizing the complex pore structure of shales. The techniques were used to gain insight into the nature of the pore structure including pore geometry, pore size distribution and accessible versus inaccessible porosity. Reservoir samples for analysis were taken from currently-active shale gas plays including the Barnett, Marcellus, Haynesville, Eagle Ford, Woodford, Muskwa, and Duvernay shales. Low-pressure adsorption revealed strong differences in BET surface area and pore volumes for the sample suite, consistent with variability in composition of the samples. The combination of CO2 and N2 adsorption data allowed pore size distributions to be created for micro–meso–macroporosity up to a limit of �1000 Å. Pore size distributions are either uni- or multi-modal. The adsorption-derived pore size distributions for some samples are inconsistent with mercury intrusion data, likely owing to a combination of grain compression during high-pressure intrusion, and the fact that mercury intrusion yields information about pore throat rather than pore body distributions. SANS/USANS scattering data indicate a fractal geometry (power-law scattering) for a wide range of pore sizes and provide evidence that nanometer-scale spatial ordering occurs in lower mesopore–micropore range for some samples, which may be associated with inter-layer spacing in clay minerals. SANS/USANS pore radius distributions were converted to pore volume distributions for direct comparison with adsorption data. For the overlap region between the two methods, the agreement is quite good. Accessible porosity in the pore size (radius) range 5 nm–10 lm was determined for a Barnett shale sample using the contrast matching method with pressurized deuterated methane fluid. The results demonstrate that accessible porosity is pore-size dependent.


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High heat-producing granites (HHPGs) are reservoir rocks for enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), yet the origins of their anomalous chemistry remain poorly understood. To gain a better understanding of the characteristic distribution of elemental depletions and enrichments (focussing on U, Th & K) within granite suites of different heritage and tectonic setting, and the processes that lead to these enrichments, we are undertaking a systematic accessory-mineral chronochemical study of two suites of S- and I-type granites in northern Queensland, as well as two archetypal HHPGs in Cornwall, England (S-type) and Soultz-sous- Forêts, France (I-type). Novel zircon LA-ICP-MS chronochemical methods will later be underpinned by a systematic petrographic, scanning electron microscope (SEM), and electron microprobe (EPMA) study of all the REE-Y-Th-U-rich accessory minerals to fully characterise how the composition, textural distributions and associations change with rock chemistry between and among the suites. Preliminary results indicate that zircons with inherited ages do not have anomalously high U (>1000 ppm) & Th (>400 ppm) values (Ahrens, 1965). Instead, enrichment in these HPE is seen in zircons dated to around the time of magmatic emplacement. These results indicate that enrichment arose primarily through fractional crystallisation of the granitic magmas. Our results support the suggestion that a source pre-enriched in the HPEs does not appear to be fundamental for the formation of all HHPGs. Instead fractional crystallisation processes, and the accessory minerals formed in magmas of differing initial compositions, are the key controls on the levels of enrichment observed (e.g. Champion & Chappell, 1992; Chappell & Hine, 2006). One implication is that the most fractionated granites may not be the most enriched in the HPEs and therefore prospective to future EGS development.


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The geology/reservoir program of the Queensland Geothermal Energy Centre of Excellence (QGECE) has the mission to improve the existing knowledge and develop new innovative scientific approaches for the identification of geothermal resources in Australia, with a particular focus on Queensland. Specifically, the QGECE geology/reservoir program is currently (1) producing a comprehensive geochemical dataset for high heat producing rocks, (2) conducting detailed mineralogical and geochronological studies of granites and hydrothermal alteration minerals, and ; (3) investigating the Cooper Basin representing a superb natural laboratory for understanding of radiogenic heat enrichment process and possible involvement of mantle heat flow. Seven research projects have been established, which are being conducted largely as PhD studies. In the preliminary studies, high quality and valuable results were obtained to address the research topics of understanding the causes and timing of heat producing element enrichment.


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This report discusses the geologic framework and petroleum geology used to assess undiscovered petroleum resources in the Bohaiwan basin province for the 2000 World Energy Assessment Project of the U.S. Geological Survey. The Bohaiwan basin in northeastern China is the largest petroleum-producing region in China. Two total petroleum systems have been identified in the basin. The first, the Shahejie–Shahejie/Guantao/Wumishan Total Petroleum System, involves oil and gas generated from mature pods of lacustrine source rock that are associated with six major rift-controlled subbasins. Two assessment units are defined in this total petroleum system: (1) a Tertiary lacustrine assessment unit consisting of sandstone reservoirs interbedded with lacustrine shale source rocks, and (2) a pre-Tertiary buried hills assessment unit consisting of carbonate reservoirs that are overlain unconformably by Tertiary lacustrine shale source rocks. The second total petroleum system identified in the Bohaiwan basin is the Carboniferous/Permian Coal–Paleozoic Total Petroleum System, a hypothetical total petroleum system involving natural gas generated from multiple pods of thermally mature coal beds. Low-permeability Permian sandstones and possibly Carboniferous coal beds are the reservoir rocks. Most of the natural gas is inferred to be trapped in continuous accumulations near the center of the subbasins. This total petroleum system is largely unexplored and has good potential for undiscovered gas accumulations. One assessment unit, coal-sourced gas, is defined in this total petroleum system.


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Objective: To investigate the density of the primary epidermal lamellae (PEL) around the solar circumference of the forefeet of near-term fetal feral and nonferal (ie, domesticated) horses. Sample: Left forefeet from near-term Australian feral (n = 14) and domesticated (4) horse fetuses. Procedures: Near-term feral horse fetuses were obtained from culled mares within 10 minutes of death; fetuses that had died in utero 2 weeks prior to anticipated birth date and were delivered from live Thoroughbred mares were also obtained. Following disarticulation at the carpus, the left forefoot of each fetus was frozen during dissection and data collection. In a standard section of each hoof, the stratum internum PEL density was calculated at the midline center (12 o'clock) and the medial and lateral break-over points (11 and 1 o'clock), toe quarters (10 and 2 o'clock), and quarters (4 and 6 o'clock). Values for matching lateral and medial zones were averaged and expressed as 1 density. Density differences at the 4 locations between the feral and domesticated horse feet were assessed by use of imaging software analysis. Results: In fetal domesticated horse feet, PEL density did not differ among the 4 locations. In fetal feral horse feet, PEL density differed significantly among locations, with a pattern of gradual reduction from the dorsal to the palmar aspect of the foot. The PEL density distribution differed significantly between fetal domesticated and feral horse feet. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Results indicated that PEL density distribution differs between fetal feral and domesticated horse feet, suggestive of an adaptation of feral horses to environment challenges.


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Ancient sandstones include important reservoirs for hydrocarbons (oil and gas), but, in many cases, their ability to serve as reservoirs is heavily constrained by the effects of carbonate cements on porosity and permeability. This study investigated the controls on distribution and abundance of carbonate cements within the Jurassic Plover Formation, Browse Basin, North West Shelf, Australia. Samples were analysed petrographically with point counting of 59 thin sections and mineralogically with x-ray diffraction from two wells within the Torosa Gas Field. Selected samples were also analysed for stable isotopes of O and C. Sandstones are classified into eleven groups. Most abundant are quartzarenites and then calcareous quartzarenites. Lithology ranged between sandstones consisting of mostly quartz with scant or no carbonate in the form of cement or allochems, to sandstones with as much as 40% carbonate. The major sources of carbonate cement in Torosa 1 and Torosa 4 sandstones were found to be early, shallow marine diagenetic processes (including cementation), followed by calcite cementation and recrystallisation of cements and allochems during redistribution by meteoric waters. Blocky and sparry calcite cements, indicative of meteoric environments on the basis of stable isotope values and palaeotemperature assessment, overprinted the initial shallow marine cement phase in all cases and meteoric cements are dominant. Torosa 4 was influenced more by marine settings than Torosa 1, and thus has the greater potential for calcite cement. The relatively low compaction of calcite-cemented sandstones and the stable isotope data suggest deep burial cementation was not a major factor. Insufficient volcanic rock fragments or authigenic clay content infers alteration of feldspars was not a major source of calcite. Very little feldspar is present, altered or otherwise. Hence, increased alkalinity from feldspar dissolution is not a contributing factor in cement formation. Increased alkalinity from bacterial sulphate reduction in organic–rich fine sediments may have driven limited cementation in some samples. The main definable and significant source of diagenetic marine calcite cement originated from original marine cements and the nearby dissolution of biogenic sources (allochems) at relatively shallow depths. Later diagenetic fluids emplaced minor dolomite, but this cement did not greatly affect the reservoir quality in the samples studied.


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This paper presents an approach to assess the resilience of a water supply system under the impacts of climate change. Changes to climate characteristics such as rainfall, evapotranspiration and temperature can result in changes to the global hydrological cycle and thereby adversely impact on the ability of water supply systems to meet service standards in the future. Changes to the frequency and characteristics of floods and droughts as well as the quality of water provided by groundwater and surface water resources are the other consequences of climate change that will affect water supply system functionality. The extent and significance of these changes underline the necessity for assessing the future functionality of water supply systems under the impacts of climate change. Resilience can be a tool for assessing the ability of a water supply system to meet service standards under the future climate conditions. The study approach is based on defining resilience as the ability of a system to absorb pressure without going into failure state as well as its ability to achieve an acceptable level of function quickly after failure. In order to present this definition in the form of a mathematical function, a surrogate measure of resilience has been proposed in this paper. In addition, a step-by-step approach to estimate resilience of water storage reservoirs is presented. This approach will enable a comprehensive understanding of the functioning of a water storage reservoir under future climate scenarios and can also be a robust tool to predict future challenges faced by water supply systems under the consequence of climate change.


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This paper presents an approach for identifying the limit states of resilience in a water supply system when influenced by different types of pressure (disturbing) forces. Understanding of systemic resilience facilitates identification of the trigger points for early managerial action to avoid further loss of ability to provide satisfactory service availability when the ability to supply water is under pressure. The approach proposed here is to illustrate the usefulness of a surrogate measure of resilience depicted in a three dimensional space encompassing independent pressure factors. That enables visualisation of the transition of the system-state (resilience) between high to low resilience regions and acts as an early warning trigger for decision-making. The necessity of a surrogate measure arises as a means of linking resilience to the identified pressures as resilience cannot be measured directly. The basis for identifying the resilience surrogate and exploring the interconnected relationships within the complete system, is derived from a meta-system model consisting of three nested sub-systems representing the water catchment and reservoir; treatment plant; and the distribution system and end-users. This approach can be used as a framework for assessing levels of resilience in different infrastructure systems by identifying a surrogate measure and its relationship to relevant pressures acting on the system.