118 resultados para Retinal shape


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Numerical simulations for mixed convection of micropolar fluid in an open ended arc-shape cavity have been carried out in this study. Computation is performed using the Alternate Direct Implicit (ADI) method together with the Successive Over Relaxation (SOR) technique for the solution of governing partial differential equations. The flow phenomenon is examined for a range of values of Rayleigh number, 102 ≤ Ra ≤ 106, Prandtl number, 7 ≤ Pr ≤ 50, and Reynolds number, 10 ≤ Re ≤ 100. The study is mainly focused on how the micropolar fluid parameters affect the fluid properties in the flow domain. It was found that despite the reduction of flow in the core region, the heat transfer rate increases, whereas the skin friction and microrotation decrease with the increase in the vortex viscosity parameter, Δ.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the possibility of an inverted U-shaped relationship between job demands and work engagement, and whether social support moderates this relationship. Design/methodology/approach – This study uses 307 technical and information technology (IT) managers who responded to an online survey. Multiple regressions are employed to examine linear and curvilinear relationship among variables. Findings – Overall, results support the applicability of the quadratic effect of job demands on employee engagement. However, only supervisor support, not colleague support, moderated the relationship between job demands and work engagement. Originality/value – The paper is the first to shed light on the quadratic effect of job demands on work engagement. The findings have noteworthy implications for managers to design optimal job demands that increase employee engagement.


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Four morphologically cryptic species of the Bactrocera dorsalis fruit fly complex (B. dorsalis s.s., B. papayae, B. carambolae and B. philippinensis) are serious agricultural pests. As they are difficult to diagnose using traditional taxonomic techniques, we examined the potential for geometric morphometric analysis of wing size and shape to discriminate between them. Fifteen wing landmarks generated size and shape data for 245 specimens for subsequent comparisons among three geographically distinct samples of each species. Intraspecific wing size was significantly different within samples of B. carambolae and B. dorsalis s.s. but not within samples of B. papayae or B. philippinensis. Although B. papayae had the smallest wings (average centroid size=6.002 mm±0.061 SE) and B. dorsalis s.s. the largest (6.349 mm±0.066 SE), interspecific wing size comparisons were generally non-informative and incapable of discriminating species. Contrary to the wing size data, canonical variate analysis based on wing shape data discriminated all species with a relatively high degree of accuracy; individuals were correctly reassigned to their respective species on average 93.27% of the time. A single sample group of B. carambolae from locality 'TN Malaysia' was the only sample to be considerably different from its conspecific groups with regards to both wing size and wing shape. This sample was subsequently deemed to have been originally misidentified and likely represents an undescribed species. We demonstrate that geometric morphometric techniques analysing wing shape represent a promising approach for discriminating between morphologically cryptic taxa of the B. dorsalis species complex.


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Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) and B. papayae Drew & Hancock represent a closely related sibling species pair for which the biological species limits are unclear; i.e., it is uncertain if they are truely two biological species, or one biological species which has been incorrectly taxonomically split. The geographic ranges of the two taxa are thought to abut or overlap on or around the Isthmus of Kra, a recognised biogeographic barrier located on the narrowest portion of the Thai Peninsula. We collected fresh material of B. dorsalis sensu lato (i.e., B. dorsalis sensu stricto + B. papayae) in a north-south transect down the Thai Peninsula, from areas regarded as being exclusively B. dorsalis s.s., across the Kra Isthmus, and into regions regarded as exclusively B. papayae. We carried out microsatellite analyses and took measurements of male genitalia and wing shape. Both the latter morphological tests have been used previously to separate these two taxa. No significant population structuring was found in the microsatellite analysis and results were consistent with an interpretation of one, predominantly panmictic population. Both morphological datasets showed consistent, clinal variation along the transect, with no evidence for disjunction. No evidence in any tests supported historical vicariance driven by the Isthmus of Kra, and none of the three datasets supported the current taxonomy of two species. Rather, within and across the area of range overlap or abutment between the two species, only continuous morphological and genetic variation was recorded. Recognition that morphological traits previously used to separate these taxa are continuous, and that there is no genetic evidence for population segregation in the region of suspected species overlap, is consistent with a growing body of literature that reports no evidence of biological differentiation between these taxa.


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Background. Digital information is increasingly becoming available on all aspects of the urban landscape, anywhere and any time. Physical objects (c.f. the Internet of Things) and people (c.f. the Social Web) are increasingly infused with actuators, sensors and tagged with a wealth of digital information. Urban Informatics explores these emerging digital layers of the city. However, very little is known about the challenges and new opportunities that these developments may offer to road users. As we gradually spend more time using our mobile devices as well as our car, the tension between appeasing our craving for connectedness and road safety requirements grow farther apart. Objective. The aims of this paper are to identify (a) new opportunities that Urban Informatics research can offer to our future cars and (b) potential benefits to road safety. Methods. 14 Urban Informatics research experts were grouped into seven teams of two to participate in a guided ideation (idea creation) workshop in a driving simulator. They were immersed into different driving scenarios to brainstorm innovative Urban Informatics applications in different driving contexts. This qualitative study was then evaluated in the context of road safety. Outcomes. There is a lack of articulation between Urban Informatics and Road Safety research. Several Urban Informatics applications (e.g., to enhance social interaction between people in urban environments) may provide benefits, rather than threats, towards road safety, provided they are implemented ergonomically and safely. Conclusions. This research initiates a much-needed dialogue between Urban Informatics and Road Safety disciplines, in the context of Intelligent Transport Systems, before the fast approaching digital wave invades our cars. The dialogue will help to avoid driver distraction issues similar to mobile phones use in cars. As such, it provides valuable information for future regulators and policy makers in charge of shaping our future road transport landscape.


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The railhead is severely stressed under the localized wheel contact patch close to the gaps in insulated rail joints. A modified railhead profile in the vicinity of the gapped joint, through a shape optimization model based on a coupled genetic algorithm and finite element method, effectively alters the contact zone and reduces the railhead edge stress concentration significantly. Two optimization methods, a grid search method and a genetic algorithm, were employed for this optimization problem. The optimal results from these two methods are discussed and, in particular, their suitability for the rail end stress minimization problem is studied. Through several numerical examples, the optimal profile is shown to be unaffected by either the magnitude or the contact position of the loaded wheel. The numerical results are validated through a large-scale experimental study.


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Aims:  To investigate the relationship between retinal nerve fibre layer thickness and peripheral neuropathy in patients with Type 2 diabetes, particularly in those who are at higher risk of foot ulceration. Methods:  Global and sectoral retinal nerve fibre layer thicknesses were measured at 3.45 mm diameter around the optic nerve head using optical coherence tomography (OCT). The level of neuropathy was assessed in 106 participants (82 with Type 2 diabetes and 24 healthy controls) using the 0–10 neuropathy disability score. Participants were stratified into four neuropathy groups: none (0–2), mild (3–5), moderate (6–8), and severe (9–10). A neuropathy disability score ≥ 6 was used to define those at higher risk of foot ulceration. Multivariable regression analysis was performed to assess the effect of neuropathy disability scores, age, disease duration and retinopathy on RNFL thickness. Results:  Inferior (but not global or other sectoral) retinal nerve fibre layer thinning was associated with higher neuropathy disability scores (P = 0.03). The retinal nerve fibre layer was significantly thinner for the group with neuropathy disability scores ≥ 6 in the inferior quadrant (P < 0.005). Age, duration of disease and retinopathy levels did not significantly influence retinal nerve fibre layer thickness. Control participants did not show any significant differences in thickness measurements from the group with diabetes and no neuropathy (P > 0.24 for global and all sectors). Conclusions:  Inferior quadrant retinal nerve fibre layer thinning is associated with peripheral neuropathy in patients with Type 2 diabetes, and is more pronounced in those at higher risk of foot ulceration.


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PURPOSE: To examine the foveal retinal thickness (RT) and subfoveal choroidal thickness (ChT) between the fellow eyes of myopic anisometropes. METHODS: Twenty-two young (mean age 23 ± 5 years), healthy myopic anisometropes (≥ 1 D spherical equivalent [SEq] anisometropia) without amblyopia or strabismus were recruited. Spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) was used to capture images of the retina and choroid. Customised software was used to register, align and average multiple foveal OCT B-Scan images from each subject in order to enhance image quality. Two independent masked observers then manually determined the RT and ChT at the centre of the fovea from each SD-OCT image, which were then averaged. Axial length was measured using optical low coherence biometry during relaxed accommodation. RESULTS: The mean absolute SEq anisometropia was 1.74 ± 0.95 D and the mean interocular difference in axial length was 0.58 ± 0.41 mm. There was a strong correlation between SEq anisometropia and the interocular difference in axial length (r = 0.90, p < 0.001). Measures of RT and ChT were highly correlated between the two observers (r = 0.99 and 0.97 respectively) and in close agreement (mean inter-observer difference: RT 1.3 ± 2.2 µm, ChT 1.5 ± 13.7 µm). There was no significant difference in RT between the more (218 ± 18 µm) and less myopic eyes (215 ± 18 µm) (p > 0.05). However, the mean subfoveal ChT was significantly thinner in the more myopic eye (252 ± 46 µm) compared to the fellow, less myopic eye (286 ± 58 µm) (p < 0.001). There was a moderate correlation between the interocular difference in ChT and the interocular difference in axial length (r = -0.50, p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Foveal RT was similar between the fellow eyes of myopic anisometropes; however, the subfoveal choroid was significantly thinner in the more myopic (longer) eye of our anisometropic cohort. The interocular difference in ChT correlated with the magnitude of axial anisometropia.


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Purpose: This study investigates the clinical utility of the melanopsin expressing intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cell (ipRGC) controlled post-illumination pupil response (PIPR) as a novel technique for documenting inner retinal function in patients with Type II diabetes without diabetic retinopathy. Methods: The post-illumination pupil response (PIPR) was measured in seven patients with Type II diabetes, normal retinal nerve fiber thickness and no diabetic retinopathy. A 488 nm and 610 nm, 7.15º diameter stimulus was presented in Maxwellian view to the right eye and the left consensual pupil light reflex was recorded. Results: The group data for the blue PIPR (488 nm) identified a trend of reduced ipRGC function in patients with diabetes with no retinopathy. The transient pupil constriction was lower on average in the diabetic group. The relationship between duration of diabetes and the blue PIPR amplitude was linear, suggesting that ipRGC function decreases with increasing diabetes duration. Conclusion: This is the first report to show that the ipRGC controlled post-illumination pupil response may have clinical applications as a non-invasive technique for determining progression of inner neuroretinal changes in patients with diabetes before they are ophthalmoscopically or anatomically evident. The lower transient pupil constriction amplitude indicates that outer retinal photoreceptor inputs to the pupil light reflex may also be affected in diabetes.


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In order to rigorously test emerging applications using prototypes and pilot designs, high temperature superconductor (HTS) materials must be fabricated into a variety of shapes in an economical manner. We have developed a simple, economical, ceramic slip-casting approach to form complex shaped monolithic HTS articles for which high bulk density has been achieved. The sintered articles exhibit good Meissner signal and consist of phase-pure HTSC phase. A low transport critical current density is observed and is explained on the basis of densification and grain growth. © 1995 The Metallurgical of Society of AIME.


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Purpose: IpRGCs mediate non-image forming functions including photoentrainment and the pupil light reflex (PLR). Temporal summation increases visual sensitivity and decreases temporal resolution for image forming vision, but the summation properties of nonimage forming vision are unknown. We investigated the temporal summation of inner (ipRGC) and outer (rod/cone) retinal inputs to the PLR. Method: The consensual PLR of the left eye was measured in six participants with normal vision using a Maxwellian view infrared pupillometer. Temporal summation was investigated using a double-pulse protocol (100 ms stimulus pairs; 0–1024 ms inter-stimulus interval, ISI) presented to the dilated fellow right eye (Tropicamide 1%). Stimulus lights (blue λmax = 460 nm; red λmax = 638 nm) biased activity to inneror outer retinal inputs to non-image forming vision. Temporal summation was measured suprathreshold (15.2 log photons.cm−2.s−1 at the cornea) and subthreshold (11.4 log photons.cm−2.s−1 at the cornea). Results: RM-ANOVAs showed the suprathreshold and subthreshold 6 second post illumination pupil response (PIPR: expressed as percentage baseline diameter) did not significantly vary for red or blue stimuli (p > .05). The PIPR for a subthreshold red 16 ms double-pulse control condition did not significantly differ with ISI (p > .05). The maximum constriction amplitude for red and blue 100 ms double- pulse stimuli did not significantly vary with ISI (p > .05). Conclusion: The non-significant changes in suprathreshold PIPR and subthreshold maximum pupil constriction indicate that inner retinal ipRGC inputs and outer retinal photoreceptor inputs to the PLR do not show temporal summation. The results suggest a fundamental difference between the temporal summation characteristics of image forming and non-image forming vision.


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Graphene nanoribbon (GNR) with free edges demonstrates unique pre-existing edge energy and edge stress, leading to non-flat morphologies. Using molecular dynamics (MD) methods, we evaluated edge energies as well as edge stresses for four different edge types, including regular edges (armchair and zigzag), armchair edge terminated with hydrogen and reconstructed armchair. The results showed that compressive stress exists in the regular and hydrogen-terminated edges along the edge direction. In contrast, the reconstructed armchair edge is generally subject to tension. Furthermore, we also investigated shape transition between flat and rippled configurations of GNRs with different free edges. It was found that the pre-existing stress at free edges can greatly influence the initial energy state and the shape transition.


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We have presently evaluated membranes prepared from Bombyx mori silk fibroin (BMSF), for their potential use as a prosthetic Bruch’s membrane and carrier substrate for human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cell transplantation. Porous BMSF membranes measuring 3 μm in thickness were prepared from aqueous solutions (3% w/v) containing poly(ethylene oxide) (0.09%). The permeability coefficient for membranes was between 3 and 9 × 10-5 cm/s by using Allura red or 70 kDa FITC-dextran respectively. Average pore size (± sd) was 4.9 ± 2.3 µm and 2.9 ± 1.5 µm for upper and lower membrane surfaces respectively. Optimal attachment of ARPE-19 cells to BMSF membrane was achieved by pre-coating with vitronectin (1 µg/mL). ARPE-19 cultures maintained in low serum on BMSF membranes for approximately 8 weeks, developed a cobble-stoned morphology accompanied by a cortical distribution of F-actin and ZO-1. Similar results were obtained using primary cultures of human RPE cells, but cultures took noticeably longer to establish on BMSF compared with tissue culture plastic. These findings encourage further studies of BMSF as a substrate for RPE cell transplantation.