71 resultados para Mammary gland


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The LCC15-MB cell line was established from a femoral bone metastasis that arose in a 29-year-old woman initially diagnosed with an infiltrating ductal mammary adenocarcinoma. The tumor had a relatively high (8%) S-phase fraction and 1/23 positive lymph nodes (LN). Both the primary tumor and LN metastasis were positive for estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PgR), but lacked erbB2 expression. Approximately one year later, the patient presented with a 0.8 cm comedo-type intraductal mammary adenocarcinoma in the left breast that was negative for ER and PgR, but positive for erbB2. Thirty-five months after the initial diagnosis she was treated for acute skeletal metastasis, and stabilized with a hip replacement. At this time, tumor cells were removed from surplus involved bone, inoculated into cell culture, and developed into the LCC15-MB cell line. The bone metastasis was a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma lacking ER, PgR, and erbB2, characteristics shared by the LCC15-MB cells, although ER can be re-expressed by treatment of the LCC15-MB cells for 5 days with 75 μM 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine. The LCC15-MB cell line is tumorigenic when implanted subcutaneously in NCr nu/nu mice and produces long-bone metastases after intracardiac injection. Although the bone metastasis from which the LCC15-MB cell line was derived lacked vimentin (VIM) expression, the original primary tumor and lymph node metastasis were strongly VIM positive, as are LCC15-MB cells in vitro and in nude mice. The karyotype and isozyme profiles of LCC15-MB cells are consistent with its origin from a human female, with most chromosome counts in the hypertriploid range. Thirty-two marker chromosomes are present. These cells provide an in vitro/in vivo model in which to study the inter-relationships between ER, VIM, and bone metastasis in human breast cancer.


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We investigated the effects of the matrix metalloproteinase 13 (MMP13)-selective inhibitor, 5-(4-{4-[4-(4-fluorophenyl)-1,3-oxazol-2-yl]phenoxy}phenoxy)-5-(2-methoxyethyl) pyrimidine-2,4,6(1H,3H,5H)-trione (Cmpd-1), on the primary tumor growth and breast cancer-associated bone remodeling using xenograft and syngeneic mouse models. We used human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells inoculated into the mammary fat pad and left ventricle of BALB/c Nu/Nu mice, respectively, and spontaneously metastasizing 4T1.2-Luc mouse mammary cells inoculated into mammary fat pad of BALB/c mice. In a prevention setting, treatment with Cmpd-1 markedly delayed the growth of primary tumors in both models, and reduced the onset and severity of osteolytic lesions in the MDA-MB-231 intracardiac model. Intervention treatment with Cmpd-1 on established MDA-MB-231 primary tumors also significantly inhibited subsequent growth. In contrast, no effects of Cmpd-1 were observed on soft organ metastatic burden following intracardiac or mammary fat pad inoculations of MDA-MB-231 and 4T1.2-Luc cells respectively. MMP13 immunostaining of clinical primary breast tumors and experimental mice tumors revealed intra-tumoral and stromal expression in most tumors, and vasculature expression in all. MMP13 was also detected in osteoblasts in clinical samples of breast-to-bone metastases. The data suggest that MMP13-selective inhibitors, which lack musculoskeletal side effects, may have therapeutic potential both in primary breast cancer and cancer-induced bone osteolysis.


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Bone sialoprotein (BSP), a secreted glycoprotein found in bone matrix, has been implicated in the formation of mammary microcalcifications and osteotropic metastasis of human breast cancer (HBC). BSP possesses an integrin-binding RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) domain, which may promote interactions between HBC cells and bone extracellular matrix. Purified BSP, recombinant human BSP fragments and BSP-derived RGD peptides are shown to elicit migratory, adhesive, and proliferative responses in the MDA-MB-231 HBC cell line. Recombinant BSP fragment analysis localized a significant component of these activities to the RGD domain of the protein, and synthetic RGD peptides with BSP flanking sequences (BSPRGD) also conferred these responses. The fibronectin-derived RGD counterpart, GRGDSP (Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser-Pro), could not support these cellular responses, emphasizing specificity of the BSP configuration. Although most of the proliferative and adhesive responses could be attributed to RGD interactions, these interactions were only partly responsible for the migrational responses. Experiments with integrin-blocking antibodies demonstrated that BSP-RGD-induced migration utilizes the αvβ3 vitronectin receptor, whereas adhesion and proliferation responses were αvβ5-mediated. Using fluorescence activated cell sorting, we selected two separate subpopulations of MDA-MB-231 cells enriched for αvβ3 or αvβ5 respectively. Although some expression of the alternate αv integrin was still retained, the αvβ5-enriched MDA-MB-231 cells showed enhanced proliferative and adhesive responses, whereas the αvβ3-enriched subpopulation was suppressed for proliferation and adhesion, but showed enhanced migratory responses to BSP-RGD. In addition, similar analysis of two other HBC cell lines showed less marked, but similar RGD-dependent trends in adhesion and proliferation to the BSP fragments. Collectively, these data demonstrate BSP effects on proliferative, migratory, and adhesive functions in HBC cells and that the RGD-mediated component differentially employs αvβ3 and αvβ5 integrin receptors.


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Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are potent mitogens, morphogens, and inducers of angiogenesis, and FGF signaling governs the genesis of diverse tissues and organs from the earliest stages. With such fundamental embryonic and homeostatic roles, it follows that aberrant FGF signaling underlies a variety of diseases. Pathological modifications to FGF expression are known to cause salivary gland aplasia and autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets, while mutations in FGF receptors (FGFRs) result in a range of skeletal dysplasias. Anomalous FGF signaling is also associated with cancer development and progression. Examples include the overexpression of FGF2 and FGF6 in prostate cancer, and FGF8 overexpression in breast and prostate cancers. Alterations in FGF signaling regulators also impact tumorigenesis, which is exemplified by the down-regulation of Sprouty 1, a negative regulator of FGF signaling, in prostate cancer. In addition, several FGFRs are mutated in human cancers (including FGFR2 in gastric cancer and FGFR3 in bladder cancer). We recently identified intriguing alterations in the FGF pathway in a novel model of bladder carcinoma that consists of a parental cell line (TSU-Pr1/T24) and two sublines with increasing metastatic potential (TSU-Pr1-B1 and TSU-Pr1-B2), which were derived successively through in vivo cycling. It was found that the increasingly metastatic sublines (TSU-Pr1-B1 and TSU-Pr1-B2) had undergone a mesenchymal to epithelial transition. FGFR2IIIc expression, which is normally expressed in mesenchymal cells, was increased in the epithelial-like TSU-Pr1-B1 and TSU-Pr1-B2 sublines and FGFR2 knock-down was associated with the reversion of cells from an epithelial to a mesenchymal phenotype. These observations suggest that modified FGF pathway signaling should be considered when studying other cancer types.


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The orphan nuclear receptor liver receptor homologue-1 (LRH-1) has roles in the development, cholesterol and bile acid homeostasis, and steroidogenesis. It also enhances proliferation and cell cycle progression of cancer cells. In breast cancer, LRH-1 expression is associated with invasive breast cancer; positively correlates with ERα status and aromatase activity; and promotes oestrogen-dependent cell proliferation. However, the mechanism of action of LRH-1 in breast cancer epithelial cells is still not clear. By silencing or over-expressing LRH-1 in ER-positive MCF-7 and ER-negative MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells, we have demonstrated that LRH-1 promotes motility and cell invasiveness. Similar effects were observed in the non-tumourigenic mammary epithelial cell line, MCF-10A. Remodelling of the actin cytoskeleton and E-cadherin cleavage was observed with LRH-1 over-expression, contributing to increased migratory and invasive properties. Additionally, in LRH-1 over-expressing cells, the truncation of the 120 kDa E-cadherin to the inactive 97 kDa form was observed. These post-translational modifications in E-cadherin may be associated with LRH-1-dependent changes to matrix metalloproteinase 9 expression. These findings suggest a new role of LRH-1 in promoting migration and invasion in breast cancer, independent of oestrogen sensitivity. Therefore, LRH-1 may represent a new target for breast cancer therapeutics.


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In vitro invasion and in vivo metastasis assays were performed with a panel of MCF-7 cells transfected with isogenic constructs of mutated ras(H) genes. Both increased levels of ras(H) expression and ras(H) oncogene activation increased activity of derivative cell lines in in vitro invasion assays. In vivo formation of spontaneous metastases was assessed after intradermal inoculation of MCF-7 cells in the vicinity of the mammary fat pads of ovariectomized nude mice. No metastases were seen in the absence of estradiol treatment of the mice. With estradiol supplementation of the mice both the ras(H)-transfected and control transfected cell lines gave a higher incidence of metastases than parental MCF-7 cells. Prolonged treatment of mice with exogenous estradiol (60 days vs. 21 days) resulted in more frequent metastases to liver and lung at the end of the 90-day observation period. In contrast to activated ras(H)-gene enhancement of metastatic capacity of rodent fibroblast and epithelial cell lines, there was no correlation of ras(H) expression with in vivo metastatic capacity of a human mammary carcinoma cell line.


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In human breast cancer (HBC), as with many carcinoma systems, most matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are largely expressed by the stromal cells, whereas the tumour cells are relatively silent in MMP expression. To determine the tissue source of the most relevant MMPs, we xenografted HBC cell lines and HBC tissues into the mammary fat pad (MFP) or bone of immunocompromised mice and measured the expression of human and mouse MMP-2, -9, -11, -13, membrane-type-1 MMP (MT1-MMP), MT2-MMP and MT3-MMP by species-specific real-time quantitative RT-PCR. Our data confirm a stromal origin for most tumour-associated MMPs and indicate marked and consistent upregulation of stromal (mouse) MMP-13 and MT1-MMP in all xenografts studied, irrespective of implantation in the MFP or bone environments. In addition, we show increased expression of both human MMP-13 and human MT1-MMP by the MDA-MB-231 tumour cells grown in the MFP compared to in vitro production. MMP protein and activity data confirm the upregulation of MMP mRNA production and indicate an increase in the activated MMP-2 species as a result of tumour implantation. These data directly demonstrate tumour induction of MMP production by stromal cells in both the MFP and bone environments. These xenografts are a valuable means for examining in vivo production of MMPs and suggest that MMP-13 and MT1-MMP will be relevant targets for inhibiting breast cancer progression.


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Infection with erbB-2 (E) of Ha-ras (H) oncogene-transfected cells has been previously shown to cooperatively induce anchorage-independent growth of the MCF10A human mammary epithelial cell line in vitro, but not to induce nude mouse tumorigenicity. Here we show that oncogene-transformed MCF10A are able to halt in the lungs of nude mice, a sign of organ colonization potential. We have therefore studied the transformants for in vitro migratory and invasive properties known to correlate with the metastatic potential of human mammary carcinoma cells in nude mice. MCF10A transfected with Ha-ras, infected with a recombinant retroviral vector containing the human c-erB-2 proto-oncogene (MCF10A-HE cells), show a higher invasive index than either the single transfectant (MCF10A-H) or MCF10A-erB-2(MCF10A-E) cells in the Boyden chamber chemotaxis and chemoinvasion assays. The MCF10A-HE cells also adopted an invasive stellate growth pattern when plated or embedded in Matrigel, in contrast to the spherical colonies formed by the single transformants MCF10A-H, MCF10A-E, and the parental cells. Dot-blot analysis of gelatinase A and TIMP-2 mRNA levels revealed increasing gelatinase A mRNA levels (HE > E > H > MCF10A) and reduced TIMP-2 expression in both single and double transformants. Furthermore, MCF10A-HE cells show more MMP-2 activity than parental MCF10A cells or the single transformants. CD44 analysis revealed differential isoform banding for the MCF10A-HE cells compared to parental cells, MCF10A-H and MCF10A-E, accompanied by increased binding of hyaluronan by the double transformants. Our results indicate that erB-2 and Ha-ras co-expression can induce a more aggressive phenotype in vitro, representative of the malignancy of mammary carcinomas.


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Purpose: The cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter is one of the most commonly used promoters for expression of transgenes in mammalian cells. The aim of our study was to evaluate the role of methylation and upregulation of the CMV promoter by irradiation and the chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin in vivo using non-invasive fluorescence in vivo imaging. Procedures: Murine fibrosarcoma LPB and mammary carcinoma TS/A cells were stably transfected with plasmids encoding CMV and p21 promoter-driven green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene. Solid TS/A tumors were induced by subcutaneous injection of fluorescent tumor cells, while leg muscles were transiently transfected with plasmid encoding GFP under the control of the CMV promoter. Cells, tumors, and legs were treated either by DNA methylation inhibitor 5-azacytidine, irradiation, or cisplatin. GFP expression was determined using a fluorescence microplate reader in vitro and by non-invasive fluorescence imaging in vivo. Results: Treatment of cells, tumors, and legs with 5-azacytidine (re)activated the CMV promoter. Furthermore, treatment with irradiation or cisplatin resulted in significant upregulation of GFP expression both in vitro and in vivo. Conclusions: Observed alterations in the activity of the CMV promoter limit the usefulness of this widely used promoter as a constitutive promoter. On the other hand, inducibility of CMV promoters can be beneficially used in gene therapy when combined with standard cancer treatment, such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy. © 2010 The Author(s).


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Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma (Ca ex PA) is a carcinoma arising from a primary or recurrent benign pleomorphic adenoma. It often poses a diagnostic challenge to clinicians and pathologists. This study intends to review the literature and highlight the current clinical and molecular perspectives about this entity. The most common clinical presentation of CA ex PA is of a firm mass in the parotid gland. The proportion of adenoma and carcinoma components determines the macroscopic features of this neoplasm. The entity is difficult to diagnose pre-operatively. Pathologic assessment is the gold standard for making the diagnosis. Treatment for Ca ex PA often involves an ablative surgical procedure which may be followed by radiotherapy. Overall, patients with Ca ex PA have a poor prognosis. Accurate diagnosis and aggressive surgical management of patients presenting with Ca ex PA can increase their survival rates. Molecular studies have revealed that the development of Ca ex PA follows a multi-step model of carcinogenesis, with the progressive loss of heterozygosity at chromosomal arms 8q, then 12q and finally 17p. There are specific candidate genes in these regions that are associated with particular stages in the progression of Ca ex PA. In addition, many genes which regulate tumour suppression, cell cycle control, growth factors and cell-cell adhesion play a role in the development and progression of Ca ex PA. It is hopeful that these molecular data can give clues for the diagnosis and management of the disease.


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The imprinted gene, neuronatin (NNAT), is one of the most abundant transcripts in the pituitary and is thought to be involved in the development and maturation of this gland. In a recent whole-genome approach, exploiting a pituitary tumour cell line, we identified hypermethylation associated loss of NNAT. In this report, we determined the expression pattern of NNAT in individual cell types of the normal gland and within each of the different pituitary adenoma subtypes. In addition, we determined associations between expression and CpG island methylation and used colony forming efficiency assays (CFE) to gain further insight into the tumour-suppressor function of this gene. Immunohistochemical (IHC) co-localization studies of normal pituitaries showed that each of the hormone secreting cells (GH, PRL, ACTH, FSH and TSH) expressed NNAT. However, 33 out of 47 adenomas comprising, 11 somatotrophinomas, 10 prolactinomas, 12 corticotrophinomas and 14 non-functioning tumours, irrespective of subtype failed to express either NNAT transcript or protein as determined by quantitative real-time RT-PCR and IHC respectively. In normal pituitaries and adenomas that expressed NNAT the promoter-associated CpG island showed characteristics of an imprinted gene where approximately 50% of molecules were densely methylated. However, in the majority of adenomas that showed loss or significantly reduced expression of NNAT, relative to normal pituitaries, the gene-associated CpG island showed significantly increased methylation. Induced expression of NNAT in transfected AtT-20 cells significantly reduced CFE. Collectively, these findings point to an important role for NNAT in the pituitary and perhaps tumour development in this gland.


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Technical dinitrotoluene (DNT) is a mixture of 2,4- and 2,6-DNT. In humans, industrial or environmental exposure can occur orally, by inhalation, or by skin contact. The classification of DNT as an 'animal carcinogen' is based on the formation of malignant tumors in kidneys, liver, and mammary glands of rats and mice. Clear signs of toxic nephropathy were found in rats dosed with DNT, and the concept was derived of an interrelation between renal toxicity and carcinogenicity. Recent data point to the carcinogenicity of DNT on the urinary tract of exposed humans. Between 1984 and 1997, 6 cases of urothelial cancer and 14 cases of renal cell cancer were diagnosed in a group of 500 underground mining workers in the copper mining industry of the former GDR and having high exposures to explosives containing technical DNT. The incidences of both urothelial and renal cell tumors in this group were 4.5 and 14.3 times higher, respectively, than anticipated on the basis of the cancer registers of the GDR. The genotyping of all identified tumor patients for the polymorphic enzymes NAT2, GSTM1, and GSTT1 identified the urothelial tumor cases as exclusively 'slow acetylates'. A group of 161 miners highly exposed to DNT was investigated for signs of subclinical renal damage. The exposures were categorized semi-quantitatively into 'low', 'medium', 'high', and 'very high'. A straight dose-dependence of the excretion of urinary biomarker proteins with the ranking of exposure was seen. Biomarker excretion (alpha1-microglobulin, glutathione S-transferases alpha and pi) indicated that DNT-induced damage was directed toward the tubular system. New data on DNT-exposed humans appear consistent with the concept of cancer initiation by DNT isomers and the subsequent promotion of renal carcinogenesis by selective damage to the proximal tubule. The differential pathways of metabolic activation of DNT appear to apply to the proximal tubule of the kidney and to the urothelium of the renal pelvis and lower urinary tract as target tissues of carcinogenicity.


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The coffee components kahweol and cafestol (K/C) have been reported to protect the colon and other organs of the rat against the formation of DNA adducts by 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b] pyridine (PhIP) and aflatoxin B1. PhIP is a cooked-food mutagen to which significant human exposure and a role in colon cancer etiology are attributed, and, interestingly, such cancers appear to develop at a lower rate in consumers of coffees with high amounts of K/C. Earlier studies in rodent liver have shown that a key role in the chemopreventive effect of K/C is likely to be due to the potential of these compounds to induce the detoxification of xenobiotics by glutathione transferase (GST) and to enhance the synthesis of the corresponding co-factor glutathione. However, mutagens like PhIP may also be detoxified by UDP-glucuronosyl transferase (UDPGT) for which data are lacking regarding a potential effect of K/C. Therefore, in the present study, we investigated the effect of K/C on UDPGT and, concomitantly, we studied overall GST and the pattern of individual GST classes, particularly GST-θ, which was not included in earlier experiments. In addition, we analyzed the organ-dependence of these potentially chemopreventive effects. K/C was fed to male F344 rats at 0.122% in the chow for 10 days. Enzyme activities in liver, kidney, lung, colon, salivary gland, pancreas, testis, heart and spleen were quantified using five characteristic substrates and the hepatic protein pattern of GST classes α, μ, and π was studied with affnity chromatography/HPLC. Our study showed that K/C is not only capable of increasing overall GST and GST classes α, μ, and π but also of enhancing UDGPT and GST-θ. All investigated K/C effects were strongest in liver and kidney, and some response was seen in lung and colon but none in the other organs. In summary, our results show that K/C treatment leads to a wide spectrum of increases in phase II detoxification enzymes. Notably, these effects occurred preferentially in the well perfused organs liver and kidney, which may thus not only contribute to local protection but also to anti-carcinogenesis in distant, less stimulated organs such as the colon.


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Background This study reviewed the clinical presentation, cytologic findings and the immunophenotype of 69 Merkel Cell Carcinoma (MCC) cases sampled by FNA. Methods Demographic and clinical data, the cytology findings and results of ancillary testing were reviewed. Results Median patient age was 78 years (37 – 104) with a 1:1.8 female to male ratio. The most common FNA sites sampled included lymph nodes in the neck, the axillary region, the inguinal region and the parotid gland. Most patients had a history of MCC (68%) &/or non-MCC malignancy (70%). The common cytologic pattern was a cellular smear with malignant cells arranged in a dispersed pattern with variable numbers of disorganised groups of cells. Cytoplasm was scant or absent and nuclei showed mild to moderate anisokaryosis, stippled chromatin, inconspicuous nucleoli and nuclear molding. Numerous apoptotic bodies were often present. Cell block samples (28 cases) were usually positive for cytokeratins in a perinuclear dot pattern, including 88% of cases with CK20 positivity. CD56 was the most sensitive (95%) neuroendocrine marker on cell blocks and was also positive with flow cytometry in 9 cases tested. Conclusions MCC is most commonly seen in FNA specimens from the head and neck of elderly patients, often with a history of previous skin lesions. Occasional cases present in younger patients and some may be mistaken for other round blue cell tumors, such as lymphoma. CD 56 may be a useful marker in cell block preparations and in flow cytometric analysis of MCC.


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BACKGROUND: Over the past 10 years, the use of saliva as a diagnostic fluid has gained attention and has become a translational research success story. Some of the current nanotechnologies have been demonstrated to have the analytical sensitivity required for the use of saliva as a diagnostic medium to detect and predict disease progression. However, these technologies have not yet been integrated into current clinical practice and work flow. CONTENT: As a diagnostic fluid, saliva offers advantages over serum because it can be collected noninvasively by individuals with modest training, and it offers a cost-effective approach for the screening of large populations. Gland-specific saliva can also be used for diagnosis of pathology specific to one of the major salivary glands. There is minimal risk of contracting infections during saliva collection, and saliva can be used in clinically challenging situations, such as obtaining samples from children or handicapped or anxious patients, in whom blood sampling could be a difficult act to perform. In this review we highlight the production of and secretion of saliva, the salivary proteome, transportation of biomolecules from blood capillaries to salivary glands, and the diagnostic potential of saliva for use in detection of cardiovascular disease and oral and breast cancers. We also highlight the barriers to application of saliva testing and its advancement in clinical settings. SUMMARY: Saliva has the potential to become a first-line diagnostic sample of choice owing to the advancements in detection technologies coupled with combinations of biomolecules with clinical relevance. (C) 2011 American Association for Clinical Chemistry