76 resultados para Illinois. Developmental Center, Dixon.


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FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) and CENTRORADIALIS (CEN) homologs have been implicated in regulation of growth, determinacy and flowering. The roles of kiwifruit FT and CEN were explored using a combination of expression analysis, protein interactions, response to temperature in high-chill and low-chill kiwifruit cultivars and ectopic expression in Arabidopsis and Actinidia. The expression and activity of FT was opposite from that of CEN and incorporated an interaction with a FLOWERING LOCUS D (FD)-like bZIP transcription factor. Accumulation of FT transcript was associated with plant maturity and particular stages of leaf, flower and fruit development, but could be detected irrespective of the flowering process and failed to induce precocious flowering in transgenic kiwifruit. Instead, transgenic plants demonstrated reduced growth and survival rate. Accumulation of FT transcript was detected in dormant buds and stem in response to winter chilling. In contrast, FD in buds was reduced by exposure to cold. CEN transcript accumulated in developing latent buds, but declined before the onset of dormancy and delayed flowering when ectopically expressed in kiwifruit. Our results suggest roles for FT, CEN and FD in integration of developmental and environmental cues that affect dormancy, budbreak and flowering in kiwifruit.


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A key concept for the centralized provision of Business Process Management (BPM) is the Center of Excellence (CoE). Organizations establish a CoE (aka BPM Support Office) as their BPM maturity increases in order to ensure a consistent and cost-effective way of offering BPM services. The definition of the offerings of such a center and the allocation of roles and responsibilities play an important role within BPM Governance. In order to plan the role of such a BPM CoE, this chapter proposes the productization of BPM leading to a set of fifteen distinct BPM services. A portfolio management approach is suggested to position these services. The approach allows identifying specific normative strategies for each BPM service, such as further training or BPM communication and marketing. A public sector case study provides further insights into how this approach has been used in practice. Empirical evidence from a survey with 15 organizations confirms the coverage of this set of BPM services and shows typical profiles for such BPM Centers of Excellence.


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This study explored early career academics' experiences in using information to learn while building their networks for professional development. A 'knowledge ecosystem' model was developed consisting of informal learning interactions such as relating to information to create knowledge and engaging in mutually supportive relationships. Findings from this study present an alternative interpretation of information use for learning that is focused on processes manifesting as human interactions with informing entities revolving around the contexts of reciprocal human relationships.


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We have investigated the gas-phase reaction of the alpha-aminoacetate (glycyl) radical anion (NH2(sic)CHCO2-) with O-2 using ion trap mass spectrometry, quantum chemistry, and statistical reaction rate theory. This radical is found to undergo a remarkably rapid reaction with O-2 to form the hydroperoxyl radical (HO2(sic)) and an even-electron imine (NHCHCO2-), with experiments and master equation simulations revealing that reaction proceeds at the ion molecule collision rate. This reaction is facilitated by a low-energy concerted HO2(sic) elimination mechanism in the NH2CH(OO(sic))CO2- peroxyl radical. These findings can explain the widely observed free-radical-mediated oxidation of simple amino acids to amides plus alpha-keto acids (their imine hydrolysis products). This work also suggests that imines will be the main intermediates in the atmospheric oxidation of primary and secondary amines, including amine carbon capture solvents such as 2-aminoethanol (commonly known as monoethanolamine, or MEA), in a process that avoids the ozone-promoting conversion of (sic)NO to (sic)NO2 commonly encountered in peroxyl radical chemistry.


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The Bay Area’s Center for Tactical Magic has been performing ‘‘magical’’ art interventions since 2000. The Center’s work augments traditional activist techniques by offering new conceptions of what art and activism can entail in a contemporary urban context. This article explores how Jacques Rancie`re’s reconfigured relationship between art and politics can be applied to the Center’s work, providing new distributions of the sensible for participants.


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The formation of clearly separated vertical graphenenanosheets on silicon nanograss support is demonstrated. The plasma-enabled, two-stage mask-free process produced self-organized vertical graphenes of a few carbon layers (as confirmed by advanced microanalysis), prominently oriented in the substrate center–substrate edge direction. It is shown that the width of the alignment zone depends on the substrate conductivity, and thus the electric field in the vicinity of the growth surface is responsible for the graphene alignment. This finding is confirmed by the Monte Carlo simulations of the ion flux distribution in the silicon nanograss pattern.


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So called “knowledge work” is seen as integral to post-industrial society and, for some, information and communications technologies (ICTs) are critical enablers of the associated practices. Many still propose the technologically deterministic route of rolling out ICTs and expecting that users will, and indeed can, “download” what they know into a system that can then be used in a number of ways. This approach is usually underpinned by the predominant assumption that the system will be developed by one group (developers) and used by another group (users). In this paper, we report on an exploratory case study of the enactment of ICT supported knowledge work in a human resources contact center which illustrates the negotiable boundary between the developer and user in local level innovation processes. Drawing upon ideas from the social shaping of technology, we examine how discussions regarding producer-user relations in innovation processes require a degree of greater sophistication as we show how users often develop (or produce) technologies and work practices in situ—in this case, to enable knowledge work practices and contribute to the project of constructing the knowledge component of professional identity. Much has been made of contextualizing the user; further work is required to contextualize the developer as a user and understand the social actors in ICT innovation environments who straddle both domains


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Identification of the HtrA inhibitor JO146 previously enabled us to demonstrate an essential function for HtrA during the mid-replicative phase of the Chlamydia trachomatis developmental cycle. Here we extend our investigations to other members of the Chlamydia genus. C. trachomatis isolates with distinct replicative phase growth kinetics showed significant loss of viable infectious progeny after HtrA was inhibited during the replicative phase. Mid-replicative phase addition of JO146 was also significantly detrimental to Chlamydia pecorum, Chlamydia suis and Chlamydia cavie. These data combined indicate that HtrA has a conserved critical role during the replicative phase of the chlamydial developmental cycle.


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PURPOSE. To investigate effects of luminance and accommodation stimuli on pupil size and pupil center location and their implications for progressive addition lens wear. METHODS. Participants were young and older adult groups (n=20, 22±2 years, age range 18-25 years; n=19, 49±4 years, 45-58 years). A wave aberrometer included a relay system to allow a 12.5°x11° background for the internal fixation target. Participants viewed the target under a matrix of conditions with luminance levels 0.01, 3.7, 120 and 6100 cd/m² and with accommodation stimuli up to 6 diopters in 2 diopter steps. Pupil sizes and their centers, relative to limbus centers, were determined from anterior eye images. RESULTS. With luminance increase, reduction in pupil size was accentuated by increase in accommodation stimulus in the young, but not in the older, group. As luminance increased, pupil center location altered. This was nasally in both groups with an average shift of approximately 0.12mm. Relative to the lowest stimulus condition, the mean of the maximum absolute pupil center shifts was 0.26±0.08mm for both groups with individual shifts up to 0.5mm, findings consistent with previous studies. There was no significant effect of accommodation on pupil center locations for either age group, or evidence that location was influenced by the combination of luminance and accommodation stimulus that resulted in any particular pupil size. CONCLUSIONS. Variations in luminance and accommodation influence pupil size, but only the former affects pupil center location significantly. Pupil center shifts are too small to be of concern in fitting progressive addition lenses.


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Purpose: To investigate effects of pupil shifts, occurring with changes in luminance and accommodation stimuli, on refraction components and higher-order aberrations. Method: Participants were young and older groups (n=20, 22±2 years, age range 18–25 years; n=19, 49±4 years, 45–58 years). Aberrations/refractions at 4 mm and 3 mm diameters were compared between centered and decentered pupils for low (background 0.01cd/m², 0D), and high (6100cd/m², 4D or 6D) stimuli. Decentration was the difference between pupil centers for low and high stimuli. Clinical important changes with decentration were: M ±0.50D or ±0.25D, J180 and J45 ±0.25D or ±0.125D, HORMS ±0.05m, C(3, 1) ±0.05m, C(4, 0) ±0.05m. Results: Because of small pupil shifts in most participants (mean 0.26mm), there were few important changes in most refraction components and higher-order aberration terms. However, M changed by >0.25 D for a third of participants with 4mm pupils. When determining refractions from 2nd-6th order aberration coefficients, the more stringent criteria gave 76/ 534 (14%) possible important changes. Some participants had large pupil shifts with considerable aberration changes. Comparisons at the high stimulus were possible for only 11 participants because of small pupils. When refractions were determined from 2nd order aberration coefficients only, there were only 35 (7%) important changes for the more stringent criteria. Conclusion: Usually pupil shifts with changes in stimulus conditions have little influence on aberrations, but they can with high shifts. The number of aberrations orders that are considered as contributing to refraction influences the proportion of cases that might be considered clinically important.


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Purposes: The first objective was to propose a new model representing the balance level of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) using Principal Components Analysis (PCA); and the second objective was to use the results from the PCA recorded by regression method to construct and validate summative scales of the standardized values of the index, which may be useful to facilitate a balance assessment in adults with IDD. Methods: A total of 801 individuals with IDD (509 males) mean 33.1±8.5 years old, were recruited from Special Olympic Games in Spain 2009 to 2012. The participants performed the following tests: the timed-stand test, the single leg stance test with open and closed eyes, the Functional Reach Test, the Expanded Timed-Get-up-and-Go Test. Data was analyzed using principal components analysis (PCA) with Oblimin rotation and Kaiser normalization. We examined the construct validity of our proposed two-factor model underlying balance for adults with IDD. The scores from PCA were recorded by regression method and were standardized. Results: The Component Plot and Rotated Space indicated that a two-factor solution (Dynamic and Static Balance components) was optimal. The PCA with direct Oblimin rotation revealed a satisfactory percentage of total variance explained by the two factors: 51.6 and 21.4%, respectively. The median score standardized for component dynamic and static of the balance index for adults with IDD is shown how references values. Conclusions: Our study may lead to improvements in the understanding and assessment of balance in adults with IDD. First, it confirms that a two-factor model may underlie the balance construct, and second, it provides an index that may be useful for identifying the balance level for adults with IDD.


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In early childhood research, one of the most debated topics is that of early child care. This thesis draws upon data from Growing Up In Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children to explore the role of early child care in Australia. It examines the quality of early child care accessed by infants, the patterns of child care use across the early years and the impact of early child care experiences on academic, social-emotional and health outcomes at 6 to 7 years of age. Results indicate child care experiences vary considerably and suggest early child care experiences may have both positive and negative impacts upon later developmental outcomes.


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This paper reports on the development of a playful digital experience, Anim-action, designed for young children with developmental disabilities. This experience was built using the Stomp platform, a technology designed specifically to meet the needs of people with intellectual disability through facilitating whole body interaction. We provide detail on how knowledge gained from key stakeholders informed the design of the application and describe the design guidelines used in the development process. A study involving 13 young children with developmental disabilities was conducted to evaluate the extent to which Anim-action facilitates cognitive, social and physical activity. Results demonstrated that Anim-action effectively supports cognitive and physical activity. In particular, it promoted autonomy and encouraged problem solving and motor planning. Conversely, there were limitations in the system’s ability to support social interaction, in particular, cooperation. Results have been analyzed to determine how design guidelines might be refined to address these limitations.


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Despite being used since 1976, Delusions-Symptoms-States-Inventory/states of Anxiety and Depression (DSSI/sAD) has not yet been validated for use among people with diabetes. The aim of this study was to examine the validity of the personal disturbance scale (DSSI/sAD) among women with diabetes using Mater-University of Queensland Study of Pregnancy (MUSP) cohort data. The DSSI subscales were compared against DSM-IV disorders, the Mental Component Score of the Short Form 36 (SF-36 MCS), and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). Factor analyses, odds ratios, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses and diagnostic efficiency tests were used to report findings. Exploratory factor analysis and fit indices confirmed the hypothesized two-factor model of DSSI/sAD. We found significant variations in the DSSI/sAD domain scores that could be explained by CES-D (DSSI-Anxiety: 55%, DSSI-Depression: 46%) and SF-36 MCS (DSSI-Anxiety: 66%, DSSI-Depression: 56%). The DSSI subscales predicted DSM-IV diagnosed depression and anxiety disorders. The ROC analyses show that although the DSSI symptoms and DSM-IV disorders were measured concurrently the estimates of concordance remained only moderate. The findings demonstrate that the DSSI/sAD items have similar relationships to one another in both the diabetes and non-diabetes data sets which therefore suggest that they have similar interpretations.