81 resultados para Holy Spirit.


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Peer review is a reflective process which allows us to formalise, and gain maximum benefit from, collegial feedback on our professional performance. It is also a process that encourages us to engage in cycles of planning, acting, recording and reflection which are familiar components of action learning and action research. Entering into these cycles within the peer-review framework is a powerful and cost-effective means of facilitating professional development which is readily adapted to the library context. In 1996, a project implementing peer review, in order to improve client interaction at the reference desk, was completed at the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) Library. For that project we developed a set of guidelines for library staff involved in peer review. These guidelines explained the value of peer review, and described its principles and purposes. We also devised strategies to assist staff as they prepared for the experience of peer review, engaged in the process and reflected on the outcomes. A number of benefits were identified; the peer-review process enhanced team spirit, enhanced client-orientation, and fostered collaborative efforts in improving the reference service. It was also relatively inexpensive to implement. In this paper we will discuss the nature of peer review and its importance to library and information professionals. We will also share the guidelines we developed, and discuss the implementation and outcomes of the peer review project at the University of Southern Queensland. We will conclude by discussing the benefits perceived and the issues that arose in the USQ context, and by suggesting a range of other aspects of library service in which peer-review could be implemented.


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The encapsulation and release of bioactive molecules from polymeric vehicles represents the holy grail of drug and growth factor delivery therapies, whereby sustained and controlled release is crucial in eliciting a positive therapeutic effect. To this end, electrospraying is rapidly emerging as a popular technology for the production of polymeric particles containing bioactive molecules. Compared with traditional emulsion fabrication techniques, electrospraying has the potential to reduce denaturation of protein drugs and affords tighter regulation over particle size distribution and morphology. In this article, we review the importance of the electrospraying parameters that enable reproducible tailoring of the particles' physical and in vitro drug release characteristics, along with discussion of existing in vivo data. Controlled morphology and monodispersity of particles can be achieved with electrospraying, with high encapsulation efficiencies and without unfavorable denaturation of bioactive molecules throughout the process. Finally, the combination of electrospraying with electrospun scaffolds, with an emphasis on tissue regeneration is reviewed, depicting a technique in its relative infancy but holding great promise for the future of regenerative medicine.


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Background The construct of total wellness includes a holistic approach to the body, mind and spirit components of life. While the health benefits of reducing sedentary behavior and increasing physical activity are well documented, little is known about the influence on total wellness of an internet-based physical activity monitor designed to help people to achieve higher physical activity levels. Purpose The purpose of this four-week, personal activity monitor-based intervention program was to reduce sedentary behavior and increase physical activity levels in daily living for sedentary adults and to determine if these changes would also be associated with improvement in total wellness. Methods Twenty-two men and 11 women (27 years ± 4.0) were randomly assigned to either an intervention (n = 18) or control group (n = 15). The intervention group interacted with an online personal activity monitor (Gruve Solution™) designed to reduce sedentary time and increase physical activity during activities of daily living. The control group did not interact with the monitor, as they were asked to follow their normal daily physical activities and sedentary behavior routines. The Wellness Evaluation of Lifestyle (WEL) inventory was used to assess total wellness. Sedentary time, light, walking, moderate and vigorous intensity physical activities were assessed for both intervention and control groups at baseline and at week-4 by the 7-day Sedentary and Light Intensity Physical Activity Log (7-day SLIPA Log) and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Results Significant increases in pre-post total wellness scores (from 64% ± 5.7 to 75% ± 8.5) (t (17) = -6.5, p < 0.001) were observed in the intervention group by the end of week four. Intervention participants decreased their sedentary time (21%, 2.3 hours/day) and increased their light (36.7%, 2.5 hours/day), walking (65%, 1057 MET-min/week), moderate (67%, 455 MET-min/week) and vigorous intensity (60%, 442 MET-min/week) physical activity (all p < 0.001). No significant differences for total wellness were observed between the groups at baseline and no pre-post significant differences were observed for any outcome variable in the control group. Conclusion Total wellness is improved when sedentary, but sufficiently physically active adults, reduce sedentary time and increase physical activity levels (i.e. light, walking, moderate and vigorous).


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In contemporary game development circles the ‘game making jam’ has become an important rite of passage and baptism event, an exploration space and a central indie lifestyle affirmation and community event. Game jams have recently become a focus for design researchers interested in the creative process. In this paper we tell the story of an established local game jam and our various documentation and data collection methods. We present the beginnings of the current project, which seeks to map the creative teams and their process in the space of the challenge, and which aims to enable participants to be more than the objects of the data collection. A perceived issue is that typical documentation approaches are ‘about’ the event as opposed to ‘made by’ the participants and are thus both at odds with the spirit of the jam as a phenomenon and do not really access the rich playful potential of participant experience. In the data collection and visualisation projects described here, we focus on using collected data to re-include the participants in telling stories about their experiences of the event as a place-based experience. Our goal is to find a means to encourage production of ‘anecdata’ - data based on individual story telling that is subjective, malleable, and resists collection via formal mechanisms - and to enable mimesis, or active narrating, on the part of the participants. We present a concept design for data as game based on the logic of early medieval maps and we reflect on how we could enable participation in the data collection itself.


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Israeli Organised Crime (IOC) gained prominence in the 1990s for its involvement in the manufacturing and wholesale distribution of MDMA through traditional trafficking networks across Europe. Equipped with astute business acumen and an entrepreneurial spirit, IOC dominated MDMA trafficking in Europe for more than a decade and remains as a major participant in this drug market. The paper analyses the entrepreneurial activities of IOC within the context of the MDMA market in Europe between 1990 and 2005 using the Crime Business Analysis Matrix (CBAM) as proffered by Dean, et al (2010). The study is in two parts. Part A provides a review of the literature as it pertains to IOC and its involvement in the European drug market, while Part B provides a qualitative analysis of their criminal business practices and entrepreneurialism of IOC within this context.


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To the Editor: The Victorian Health Records Act 2001 became operational on 1 July 2002. This legislation provides important protection for the individual against misuse of health information through the establishment of Health Privacy Principles. We support the spirit of this legislation, but would like to draw attention to its potential effects on multicentre research and disease surveillance...


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In the expanding literature on creative practice research, art and design are often described as a unified field. They are bracketed together (art-and-design), referred to as interchangeable terms (art/design), and nested together, as if the practices of one domain encompass the other. However it is possible to establish substantial differences in research approaches. In this chapter we argue that core distinctions arise out of the goals of the research, intentions invested in the resulting “artefacts” (creative works, products, events), and the knowledge claims made for the research outcomes. Moreover, these fundamental differences give rise to a number of contingent attributes of the research such as the forming contexts, methodological approaches, and ways of evidencing and reporting new knowledge. We do not strictly ascribe these differences to disciplinary contexts. Rather, we use the terms effective practice research and evocative practice research to describe the spirit of the two distinctive research paradigms we identify. In short, effective practice research (often pursued in design fields) seeks a solution (or resolution) to a problem identified with a particular community, and it produces an artefact that addresses this problem by effecting change (making a situation, product or process more efficient or effective in some way). On the other hand, evocative practice research (often pursued by creative arts fields) is driven by individual pre-occupations, cultural concerns or human experience more broadly. It produces artefacts that evoke affect and resonance, and are poetically irreducible in meaning. We cite recent examples of creative research projects that illustrate the distinctions we identify. We then go on to describe projects that integrate these modes of research. In this way, we map out a creative research spectrum, with distinct poles as well as multiple hybrid possibilities. The hybrid projects we reference are not presented as evidence an undifferentiated field. Instead, we argue that they integrate research modes in deliberate, purposeful and distinctive ways: employing effective practice research methods in the production of evocative artefacts or harnessing evocative (as well as effective) research paradigms to effect change.


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Advocacy is integral to the work of many TESOL specialists. For several decades, ACTA and the state TESOL associations, along with other professional associations, and individual teachers, researchers and administrators have all engaged with conversations about EAL/D education in public forums. These advocates have drawn attention to implications of policy developments for EAL/D students; they have proffered alternative forms of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment to better account for the particularity of EAL/D learning pathways; they have argued the necessity of specialist EAL/D teaching. In response to the Australian Language and Literacy Policy of the early 1990s, for example, there was “a frenzy of writing responses… a conference… and attempts to publicise what was going on through the press and television” (Moore, 1995, p. 6). It is in this spirit that this double issue of TESOL in Context has been compiled...


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Oxygen has been the “holy grail” of contact lens wear for over 100 years, but it is just one piece of a complex jigsaw puzzle. Clearly, high oxygen transmissibility (Dk/t) silicone hydrogel lenses meet the oxygen needs of the cornea. The Dk/t of these lenses is over 75 Dk units, which is far above that of the “best” hydrogel lenses (30 Dk units). Clinical trials have failed to reveal any hypoxic problemswith silicone hydrogel lenses. Thus, conditions such as epithelial microcysts, limbal redness, hypoxic staining, stromal neovascularisation, oedema and endothelial polymegethism do not occur with these lenses. My view is that – looking at the “big picture” – we are far better off now that we have silicone hydrogel lenses.


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This article investigates the discourses of academic legitimacy that surround the production, consumption, and accreditation of online scholarship. Using the web-based media and cultural studies journal (http://journal.media-culture.org.au) as a case study, it examines how online scholarly journals often position themselves as occupying a space between the academic and the popular and as having a functional advantage over print-based media in promoting a spirit of public intellectualism. The current research agenda of both government and academe prioritises academic research that is efficient, self-promoting, and relevant to the public. Yet, although the cost-effectiveness and public-intellectual focus of online scholarship speak to these research priorities, online journals such as M/C Journal have occupied, and continue to occupy, an unstable position in relation to the perceived academic legitimacy of their content. Although some online scholarly journals have achieved a limited form of recognition within a system of accreditation that still privileges print-based scholarship, I argue that this, nevertheless, points to the fact that traditional textual notions of legitimate academic work continue to pervade the research agenda of an academe that increasingly promotes flexible delivery of teaching and online research initiatives.


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Since the establishment of Australia’s earliest formal studies in landscape architecture, landscape planning has been a traditional focus within post-graduate studies at QUT. Study in this area has evolved from an earlier emphasis on applied physical geography through to traditional techniques and processes in visual assessment and management. The emphasis on these techniques has shifted again to a more complex exploration of natural, economic, social and cultural landscapes. Recently, the School has explored more innovative and complex dimensions of human and natural landscapes. This has involved a focus on particular regions under pressure from local social and economic change. These have included the under-threat ‘picturesque’ landscapes of the Blackall Range and the Tweed Valley. Attempts to bridge the institution and the landscape have unearthed, through a studio focus, strong connections with notions of sustainable villages, roadside interpretation, way finding, local economic initiatives, special area creation, cultural heritage brokering and ecological enhancements. These initiatives have spanned both local practice interests and academic pursuits. Central to this exploration is the concept of problem solving through the investigation of the concept of ‘multiple scales’. An open, yet intensive program is being developed with a team of ‘futurist’ practitioners offering a range of experiences and perspectives to students. The program is being increasingly linked to design studios so that landscape planning and landscape design form a fabric of inquiry that works towards reclaiming complex landscapes.


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The current ‘holy grail’ for our health and well-being centres around the search for, and establishment of, a work/life balance. For many individuals, this appears to be an ever-elusive goal – forever slipping from our grasp as we juggle the day-to-day battle for our attention and time from an array of sources. When we add the word ‘Women’ to this mix, often the number of sources related to these demands multiplies in alignment with the number of roles we fill. To take this to even another level, consider the addition of the words ‘Sport’ or ‘Elite Athlete’ to ‘Women’ and ‘Work/Life Balance’, and the search for the ‘holy grail’ becomes more literal! Many sportswomen at the elite level face significant challenges in balancing working to support themselves and/or their families, studying to lay the foundations of a post-sport career, (often) spending the equivalent of full-time hours training towards their sporting goals, and additionally investing in the things that are important for them outside of these two areas – the ‘Life’ component. Getting the work/life balance ‘balanced’ has been suggested to be a key component of investing in our health and well-being. The same is applicable to sportswomen, with the added suggestion that if the balance between work/sport/life is achieved, this can positively impact upon sporting performance itself. These ideas and observations will be explored via experience within the Australian elite sporting environment from a psychologist’s perspective, with questions and invitations for further discussion.


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Achieving business and IT integration is strategic goal for many organisations – it has almost become the ‘Holy Grail’ of organisational success. In this environment Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) packages have become the defacto option for addressing this issue. Integration has come to mean adopting ERP, through configuration and without customization, but this all or nothing approach has proved difficult for many organisations. In part 1 of a 2 part update we provide evidence from the field that suggests that whilst costly, if managed appropriately, customization can have value in aiding organisational integration efforts. In part 2, we discuss in more detail the benefits and pitfalls involved in enacting a non-standard based integration strategy.


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IUCN´s core work involves generating knowledge and tools to influence policy and practice for nature conservation. Whilst it appears that we are collectively making progress in some areas, we acknowledge the need to improve our communication processes and practices to ´move to action´ in this regard. We need to extend the influence of the science and the knowledge beyond the documents to achieve effective impact and action. The training course will focus on the process of getting the conservation messages out to a wider audience. This interactive and participatory training course will develop the skills and knowledge needed to communicate effective conservation messages for a range of IUCN internal and external audiences. The course will cover: • what is communication for conservation? • the communication planning process (developing your communication objectives) • identifying and understanding your target audiences • developing your conservation message • choosing your communication media and • evaluating the effectiveness of your communication strategies. A unique feature of the training course will be the use of Web 2.0 tools in innovative conservation communications e.g. use of social media in concept branding and social marketing. In the spirit of the Forum´s objective of ´Sharing know how´, each participant will bring a current conservation issue to the training course and will leave with their own communication plan. Potentially, the training course adopts a cross-thematic approach as the issues addressed could be drawn from any of the IUCN´s program themes. Primarily though, the training course´s best fit is with the ´Valuing and Conserving Biodiversity´ theme since it will provide concrete and pragmatic solutions to enhancing the implementation of conservation measures through participatory planning and capacity building.


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More than 40 years after the release of Stairway to Heaven, English rock band Led Zeppelin are facing allegations that its iconic guitar riff was stolen from Taurus, a song released in 1968 by the American rock band Spirit. The two riffs are clearly similar: they share a four-bar instrumental guitar passage with similar harmony, tempo and stylistic features. Businessweek has created a short game where you can test your skill at telling the two apart...