230 resultados para Fiber Strain Sensors


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Pure and Iron incorporated nanostructured Tungsten Oxide (WO3) thin films were investigated for gas sensing applications using noise spectroscopy. The WO3 sensor was able to detect lower concentrations (1 ppm-10 ppm) of NH3, CO, CH4 and Acetaldehyde gases at higher operating temperatures between 100oC to 250oC. The response of the WO3 sensor to NH3, CH4 and Acetaldehyde at lower temperatures (50oC-100oC) was significant when the sensor was photo-activated using blue-light emitting diode (Blue-LED). The WO3 with Fe (WO3:Fe) was found to show some response to Acetaldehyde gas only at relatively higher operating temperature (250oC) and gas concentration of 10 ppm.


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Pure Tungsten Oxide (WO3) and Iron-doped (10 at%) Tungsten Oxide (WO3:Fe) nanostructured thin films were prepared using a dual crucible Electron Beam Evaporation techniques. The films were deposited at room temperature in high vacuum condition on glass substrate and post-heat treated at 300 oC for 1 hour. From the study of X-ray diffraction and Raman the characteristics of the as-deposited WO3 and WO3:Fe films indicated non-crystalline nature. The surface roughness of all the films showed in the order of 2.5 nm as observed using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) analysis revealed tungsten oxide films with stoichiometry close to WO3. The addition of Fe to WO3 produced a smaller particle size and lower porosity as observed using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). A slight difference in optical band gap energies of 3.22 eV and 3.12 eV were found between the as-deposited WO3 and WO3:Fe films, respectively. However, the difference in the band gap energies of the annealed films were significantly higher having values of 3.12 eV and 2.61 eV for the WO3 and WO3:Fe films, respectively. The heat treated samples were investigated for gas sensing applications using noise spectroscopy and doping of Fe to WO3 reduced the sensitivity to certain gasses. Detailed study of the WO3 and WO3:Fe films gas sensing properties is the subject of another paper.


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An Approach with Vertical Guidance (APV) is an instrument approach procedure which provides horizontal and vertical guidance to a pilot on approach to landing in reduced visibility conditions. APV approaches can greatly reduce the safety risk to general aviation by improving the pilot’s situational awareness. In particular the incidence of Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) which has occurred in a number of fatal air crashes in general aviation over the past decade in Australia, can be reduced. APV approaches can also improve general aviation operations. If implemented at Australian airports, APV approach procedures are expected to bring a cost saving of millions of dollars to the economy due to fewer missed approaches, diversions and an increased safety benefit. The provision of accurate horizontal and vertical guidance is achievable using the Global Positioning System (GPS). Because aviation is a safety of life application, an aviation-certified GPS receiver must have integrity monitoring or augmentation to ensure that its navigation solution can be trusted. However, the difficulty with the current GPS satellite constellation alone meeting APV integrity requirements, the susceptibility of GPS to jamming or interference and the potential shortcomings of proposed augmentation solutions for Australia such as the Ground-based Regional Augmentation System (GRAS) justifies the investigation of Aircraft Based Augmentation Systems (ABAS) as an alternative integrity solution for general aviation. ABAS augments GPS with other sensors at the aircraft to help it meet the integrity requirements. Typical ABAS designs assume high quality inertial sensors to provide an accurate reference trajectory for Kalman filters. Unfortunately high-quality inertial sensors are too expensive for general aviation. In contrast to these approaches the purpose of this research is to investigate fusing GPS with lower-cost Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) and a mathematical model of aircraft dynamics, referred to as an Aircraft Dynamic Model (ADM) in this thesis. Using a model of aircraft dynamics in navigation systems has been studied before in the available literature and shown to be useful particularly for aiding inertial coasting or attitude determination. In contrast to these applications, this thesis investigates its use in ABAS. This thesis presents an ABAS architecture concept which makes use of a MEMS IMU and ADM, named the General Aviation GPS Integrity System (GAGIS) for convenience. GAGIS includes a GPS, MEMS IMU, ADM, a bank of Extended Kalman Filters (EKF) and uses the Normalized Solution Separation (NSS) method for fault detection. The GPS, IMU and ADM information is fused together in a tightly-coupled configuration, with frequent GPS updates applied to correct the IMU and ADM. The use of both IMU and ADM allows for a number of different possible configurations. Three are investigated in this thesis; a GPS-IMU EKF, a GPS-ADM EKF and a GPS-IMU-ADM EKF. The integrity monitoring performance of the GPS-IMU EKF, GPS-ADM EKF and GPS-IMU-ADM EKF architectures are compared against each other and against a stand-alone GPS architecture in a series of computer simulation tests of an APV approach. Typical GPS, IMU, ADM and environmental errors are simulated. The simulation results show the GPS integrity monitoring performance achievable by augmenting GPS with an ADM and low-cost IMU for a general aviation aircraft on an APV approach. A contribution to research is made in determining whether a low-cost IMU or ADM can provide improved integrity monitoring performance over stand-alone GPS. It is found that a reduction of approximately 50% in protection levels is possible using the GPS-IMU EKF or GPS-ADM EKF as well as faster detection of a slowly growing ramp fault on a GPS pseudorange measurement. A second contribution is made in determining how augmenting GPS with an ADM compares to using a low-cost IMU. By comparing the results for the GPS-ADM EKF against the GPS-IMU EKF it is found that protection levels for the GPS-ADM EKF were only approximately 2% higher. This indicates that the GPS-ADM EKF may potentially replace the GPS-IMU EKF for integrity monitoring should the IMU ever fail. In this way the ADM may contribute to the navigation system robustness and redundancy. To investigate this further, a third contribution is made in determining whether or not the ADM can function as an IMU replacement to improve navigation system redundancy by investigating the case of three IMU accelerometers failing. It is found that the failed IMU measurements may be supplemented by the ADM and adequate integrity monitoring performance achieved. Besides treating the IMU and ADM separately as in the GPS-IMU EKF and GPS-ADM EKF, a fourth contribution is made in investigating the possibility of fusing the IMU and ADM information together to achieve greater performance than either alone. This is investigated using the GPS-IMU-ADM EKF. It is found that the GPS-IMU-ADM EKF can achieve protection levels approximately 3% lower in the horizontal and 6% lower in the vertical than a GPS-IMU EKF. However this small improvement may not justify the complexity of fusing the IMU with an ADM in practical systems. Affordable ABAS in general aviation may enhance existing GPS-only fault detection solutions or help overcome any outages in augmentation systems such as the Ground-based Regional Augmentation System (GRAS). Countries such as Australia which currently do not have an augmentation solution for general aviation could especially benefit from the economic savings and safety benefits of satellite navigation-based APV approaches.


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Pure and Iron incorporated nanostructured Tungsten Oxide (WO3) thin films were investigated for gas sensing applications using noise spectroscopy. The WO3 sensor was able to detect lower concentrations (1 ppm-10 ppm) of NH3, CO, CH4 and Acetaldehyde gases at operating temperatures between 100 degrees celcius to 250 degrees celcius. The iron doped Tungsten Oxide sensor (WO3:Fe) showed some response to Acetaldehyde gas at relatively higher operating temperature (250 degrees celcius) and gas concentration of 10 ppm. The sensitivity of the WO3 sensor towards NH3, CH4 and Acetaldehyde at lower operating temperatures (50 degrees celcius - 100 degrees celcius) was significant when the sensor was photo-activated using blue-light emitting diode (Blue-LED). From the results, photo-activated WO3 thin film that operates at room temperature appeared to be a promising gas sensor. The overall results indicated that the WO3 sensor exhibited reproducibility for the detection of various gases and the WO3:Fe indicated some response towards Acetaldehyde gas.


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The previous investigations have shown that the modal strain energy correlation method, MSEC, could successfully identify the damage of truss bridge structures. However, it has to incorporate the sensitivity matrix to estimate damage and is not reliable in certain damage detection cases. This paper presents an improved MSEC method where the prediction of modal strain energy change vector is differently obtained by running the eigensolutions on-line in optimisation iterations. The particular trail damage treatment group maximising the fitness function close to unity is identified as the detected damage location. This improvement is then compared with the original MSEC method along with other typical correlation-based methods on the finite element model of a simple truss bridge. The contributions to damage detection accuracy of each considered mode is also weighed and discussed. The iterative searching process is operated by using genetic algorithm. The results demonstrate that the improved MSEC method suffices the demand in detecting the damage of truss bridge structures, even when noised measurement is considered.


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Chlamydia pneumoniae is a common human and animal pathogen associated with a wide range of upper and lower respiratory tract infections. In more recent years there has been increasing evidence to suggest a link between C. pneumoniae and chronic diseases in humans, including atherosclerosis, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease. C. pneumoniae human strains show little genetic variation, indicating that the human-derived strain originated from a common ancestor in the recent past. Despite extensive information on the genetics and morphology processes of the human strain, knowledge concerning many other hosts (including marsupials, amphibians, reptiles and equines) remains virtually unexplored. The koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is a native Australian marsupial under threat due to habitat loss, predation and disease. Koalas are very susceptible to chlamydial infections, most commonly affecting the conjunctiva, urogenital tract and/or respiratory tract. To address this gap in the literature, the present study (i) provides a detailed description of the morphologic and genomic architecture of the C. pneumoniae koala (and human) strain, and shows that the koala strain is microscopically, developmentally and genetically distinct from the C. pneumoniae human strain, and (ii) examines the genetic relationship of geographically diverse C. pneumoniae isolates from human, marsupial, amphibian, reptilian and equine hosts, and identifies two distinct lineages that have arisen from animal-to-human cross species transmissions. Chapter One of this thesis explores the scientific problem and aims of this study, while Chapter Two provides a detailed literature review of the background in this field of work. Chapter Three, the first results chapter, describes the morphology and developmental stages of C. pneumoniae koala isolate LPCoLN, as revealed by fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy. The profile of this isolate, when cultured in HEp-2 human epithelial cells, was quite different to the human AR39 isolate. Koala LPCoLN inclusions were larger; the elementary bodies did not have the characteristic pear-shaped appearance, and the developmental cycle was completed within a shorter period of time (as confirmed by quantitative real-time PCR). These in vitro findings might reflect biological differences between koala LPCoLN and human AR39 in vivo. Chapter Four describes the complete genome sequence of the koala respiratory pathogen, C. pneumoniae LPCoLN. This is the first animal isolate of C. pneumoniae to be fully-sequenced. The genome sequence provides new insights into genomic ‘plasticity’ (organisation), evolution and biology of koala LPCoLN, relative to four complete C. pneumoniae human genomes (AR39, CWL029, J138 and TW183). Koala LPCoLN contains a plasmid that is not shared with any of the human isolates, there is evidence of gene loss in nucleotide salvage pathways, and there are 10 hot spot genomic regions of variation that were previously not identified in the C. pneumoniae human genomes. Sequence (partial-length) from a second, independent, wild koala isolate (EBB) at several gene loci confirmed that the koala LPCoLN isolate was representative of a koala C. pneumoniae strain. The combined sequence data provides evidence that the C. pneumoniae animal (koala LPCoLN) genome is ancestral to the C. pneumoniae human genomes and that human infections may have originated from zoonotic infections. Chapter Five examines key genome components of the five C. pneumoniae genomes in more detail. This analysis reveals genomic features that are shared by and/or contribute to the broad ecological adaptability and evolution of C. pneumoniae. This analysis resulted in the identification of 65 gene sequences for further analysis of intraspecific variation, and revealed some interesting differences, including fragmentation, truncation and gene decay (loss of redundant ancestral traits). This study provides valuable insights into metabolic diversity, adaptation and evolution of C. pneumoniae. Chapter Six utilises a subset of 23 target genes identified from the previous genomic comparisons and makes a significant contribution to our understanding of genetic variability among C. pneumoniae human (11) and animal (6 amphibian, 5 reptilian, 1 equine and 7 marsupial hosts) isolates. It has been shown that the animal isolates are genetically diverse, unlike the human isolates that are virtually clonal. More convincing evidence that C. pneumoniae originated in animals and recently (in the last few hundred thousand years) crossed host species to infect humans is provided in this study. It is proposed that two animal-to-human cross species events have occurred in the context of the results, one evident by the nearly clonal human genotype circulating in the world today, and the other by a more animal-like genotype apparent in Indigenous Australians. Taken together, these data indicate that the C. pneumoniae koala LPCoLN isolate has morphologic and genomic characteristics that are distinct from the human isolates. These differences may affect the survival and activity of the C. pneumoniae koala pathogen in its natural host, in vivo. This study, by utilising the genetic diversity of C. pneumoniae, identified new genetic markers for distinguishing human and animal isolates. However, not all C. pneumoniae isolates were genetically diverse; in fact, several isolates were highly conserved, if not identical in sequence (i.e. Australian marsupials) emphasising that at some stage in the evolution of this pathogen, there has been an adaptation/s to a particular host, providing some stability in the genome. The outcomes of this study by experimental and bioinformatic approaches have significantly enhanced our knowledge of the biology of this pathogen and will advance opportunities for the investigation of novel vaccine targets, antimicrobial therapy, or blocking of pathogenic pathways.


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In this paper we discuss how a network of sensors and robots can cooperate to solve important robotics problems such as localization and navigation. We use a robot to localize sensor nodes, and we then use these localized nodes to navigate robots and humans through the sensorized space. We explore these novel ideas with results from two large-scale sensor network and robot experiments involving 50 motes, two types of flying robot: an autonomous helicopter and a large indoor cable array robot, and a human-network interface. We present the distributed algorithms for localization, geographic routing, path definition and incremental navigation. We also describe how a human can be guided using a simple hand-held device that interfaces to this same environmental infrastructure.


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ElectricCOW is a network, animal behaviour and agent simulator designed to allow detailed simulation of an ad-hoc model network built from small mote-like devices called flecks. Detailed radio communications, cattle behaviour and sensor and actuator network modelling allows a closed-loop environment, where the network can influence the behaviour of its mobile platforms.


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This paper presents the feasibility of using structural modal strain energy as a parameter employed in correlation- based damage detection method for truss bridge structures. It is an extension of the damage detection method adopting multiple damage location assurance criterion. In this paper, the sensitivity of modal strain energy to damage obtained from the analytical model is incorporated into the correlation objective function. Firstly, the sensitivity matrix of modal strain energy to damage is conducted offline, and for an arbitrary damage case, the correlation coefficient (objective function) is calculated by multiplying the sensitivity matrix and damage vector. Then, a genetic algorithm is used to iteratively search the damage vector maximising the correlation between the corresponding modal strain energy change (hypothesised) and its counterpart in measurement. The proposed method is simulated and compared with the conventional methods, e.g. frequency-error method, coordinate modal assurance criterion and multiple damage location assurance criterion using mode shapes on a numerical truss bridge structure. The result demonstrates the modal strain energy correlation method is able to yield acceptable damage detection outcomes with less computing efforts, even in a noise contaminated condition.


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Axial loads of load bearing elements impact on the vibration characteristics. Several methods have been developed to quantify axial loads and hence axial deformations of individual structural members using their natural frequencies. Nevertheless, these methods cannot be applied to individual members in structural framing systems as the natural frequency is a global parameter for the entire framing system. This paper proposes an innovative method which uses modal strain energy phenomenon to quantify axial deformations of load bearing elements of structural framing systems. The procedure is illustrated through examples and results confirm that the proposed method has an ability to quantify the axial deformations of individual elements of structural framing systems


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A point interpolation method with locally smoothed strain field (PIM-LS2) is developed for mechanics problems using a triangular background mesh. In the PIM-LS2, the strain within each sub-cell of a nodal domain is assumed to be the average strain over the adjacent sub-cells of the neighboring element sharing the same field node. We prove theoretically that the energy norm of the smoothed strain field in PIM-LS2 is equivalent to that of the compatible strain field, and then prove that the solution of the PIM- LS2 converges to the exact solution of the original strong form. Furthermore, the softening effects of PIM-LS2 to system and the effects of the number of sub-cells that participated in the smoothing operation on the convergence of PIM-LS2 are investigated. Intensive numerical studies verify the convergence, softening effects and bound properties of the PIM-LS2, and show that the very ‘‘tight’’ lower and upper bound solutions can be obtained using PIM-LS2.