128 resultados para Dislocation Nucleation


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Water uptake refers to the ability of atmospheric particles to take up water vapour from the surrounding atmosphere. This is an important property that affects particle size and phase and therefore influences many characteristics of aerosols relevant to air quality and climate. However, the water uptake properties of many important atmospheric aerosol systems, including those related to the oceans, are still not fully understood. Therefore, the primary aim of this PhD research program was to investigate the water uptake properties of marine aerosols. In particular, the effect of organics on marine aerosol water uptake was investigated. Field campaigns were conducted at remote coastal sites on the east coast of Australia (Agnes Water; March-April 2007) and west coast of Ireland (Mace Head; June 2007), and laboratory measurements were performed on bubble-generated sea spray aerosols. A combined Volatility-Hygroscopicity-Tandem Differential Mobility Analyser (VH-TDMA) was employed in all experiments. This system probes the changes in the hygroscopic properties of nanoparticles as volatile organic components are progressively evaporated. It also allows particle composition to be inferred from combined volatility-hygroscopicity measurements. Frequent new particle formation and growth events were observed during the Agnes Water campaign. The VH-TDMA was used to investigate freshly nucleated particles (17-22.5 nm) and it was found that the condensation of sulphate and/or organic vapours was responsible for driving particle growth during the events. Aitken mode particles (~40 nm) were also measured with the VH-TDMA. In 3 out of 18 VH-TDMA scans evaporation of a volatile, organic component caused a very large increase in hygroscopicity that could only be explained by an increase in the absolute water uptake of the particle residuals, and not merely an increase in their relative hygroscopicity. This indicated the presence of organic components that were suppressing the hygroscopic growth of mixed particles on the timescale of humidification in the VH-TDMA (6.5 secs). It was suggested that the suppression of water uptake was caused by either a reduced rate of hygroscopic growth due to the presence of organic films, or organic-inorganic interactions in solution droplets that had a negative effect on hygroscopicity. Mixed organic-inorganic particles were rarely observed by the VH-TDMA during the summer campaign conducted at Mace Head. The majority of particles below 100 nm in clean, marine air appeared to be sulphates neutralised to varying degrees by ammonia. On one unique day, 26 June 2007, particularly large concentrations of sulphate aerosol were observed and identified as volcanic emissions from Iceland. The degree of neutralisation of the sulphate aerosol by ammonia was calculated by the VH-TDMA and found to compare well with the same quantity measured by an aerosol mass spectrometer. This was an important verification of the VH-TMDA‘s ability to identify ammoniated sulphate aerosols based on the simultaneous measurement of aerosol volatility and hygroscopicity. A series of measurements were also conducted on sea spray aerosols generated from Moreton Bay seawater samples in a laboratory-based bubble chamber. Accumulation mode sea spray particles (38-173 nm) were found to contain only a minor organic fraction (< 10%) that had little effect on particle hygroscopicity. These results are important because previous studies have observed that accumulation mode sea spray particles are predominantly organic (~80% organic mass fraction). The work presented here suggests that this is not always the case, and that there may be currently unknown factors that are controlling the transfer of organics to the aerosol phase during the bubble bursting process. Taken together, the results of this research program have significantly improved our understanding of organic-containing marine aerosols and the way they interact with water vapour in the atmosphere.


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The strain-induced self-assembly of suitable semiconductor pairs is an attractive natural route to nanofabrication. To bring to fruition their full potential for actual applications, individual nanostructures need to be combined into ordered patterns in which the location of each single unit is coupled with others and the surrounding environment. Within the Ge/Si model system, we analyze a number of examples of bottom-up strategies in which the shape, positioning, and actual growth mode of epitaxial nanostructures are tailored by manipulating the intrinsic physical processes of heteroepitaxy. The possibility of controlling elastic interactions and, hence, the configuration of self-assembled quantum dots by modulating surface orientation with the miscut angle is discussed. We focus on the use of atomic steps and step bunching as natural templates for nanodot clustering. Then, we consider several different patterning techniques which allow one to harness the natural self-organization dynamics of the system, such as: scanning tunneling nanolithography, focused ion beam and nanoindentation patterning. By analyzing the evolution of the dot assembly by scanning probe microscopy, we follow the pathway which leads to lateral ordering, discussing the thermodynamic and kinetic effects involved in selective nucleation on patterned substrates.


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Volatile properties of particle emissions from four compressed natural gas (CNG) and four diesel buses were investigated under steady state and transient driving modes on a chassis dynamometer. The exhaust was diluted utilising a full-flow continuous volume sampling system and passed through a thermodenuder at controlled temperature. Particle number concentration and size distribution were measured with a condensation particle counter and a scanning mobility particle sizer, respectively. We show that, while almost all the particles emitted by the CNG buses were in the nanoparticle size range, at least 85% and 98% were removed at 100ºC and 250ºC, respectively. Closer analysis of the volatility of particles emitted during transient cycles showed that volatilisation began at around 40°C with the majority occurring by 80°C. Particles produced during hard acceleration from rest exhibited lower volatility than that produced during other times of the cycle. Based on our results and the observation of ash deposits on the walls of the tailpipes, we suggest that these non-volatile particles were composed mostly of ash from lubricating oil. Heating the diesel bus emissions to 100ºC removed ultrafine particle numbers by 69% to 82% when a nucleation mode was present and just 18% when it was not.


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'Delivery' (2005) was an installation work at MetroArts, Brisbane that incorporated drawings, paintings, video projections and temporary architectural structures. The work made central use out of a mock public event, staged in a Gold Coast park by the artist. Documentary footage of the ambiguous event comprised one of the video projections and formed the basic iconographic palette upon which the rest of the works were based. Using 3D animation as well as conventional drawing and paintign approaches, the works conveyed a palpable sense of fragmentation and social dislocation - a quality that was heightened by the reflective panels that bisected the exhibition space. The work was [part of the MetroArts Artistic Program in 2005 and its video elements were included in the 2008 exhibition Video Ground, curated by Rachel O'Reilly for Multimedia Art Asia Pacific (MAAP)/Bangkok Experimental Film Festival (Touring show). The work was the subject of a feature article by Mark Pennings in Eyeline magazine, and also appeared on the front cover of that issue.


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Based on the molecular dynamics (MD) method, the single-crystalline copper nanowire with different surface defects is investigated through tension simulation. For comparison, the MD tension simulations of perfect nanowire are firstly carried out under different temperatures, strain rates, and sizes. It has concluded that the surface-volume ratio significantly affects the mechanical properties of nanowire. The surface defects on nanowires are then systematically studied in considering different defect orientation and distribution. It is found that the Young’s modulus is insensitive of surface defects. However, the yield strength and yield point show a significant decrease due to the different defects. Different defects are observed to serve as a dislocation source.


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Despite its role in determining both indoor and outdoor human exposure to anthropogenic particles, there is limited information describing vertical profiles of particle concentrations in urban environments, especially for ultrafine particles. Furthermore, the results of the few studies performed have been inconsistent. As such, this study aimed to assess the influence of vehicle emissions and nucleation formation on particle characteristics (particle number size distribution-PNSD and PM 2.5 concentration) at different heights around three urban office buildings located next to busy roads in Brisbane, Australia, and place these results in the broader context of the existing literature. Two sets of instruments were used to simultaneously measure PNSD, particle number (PN) and PM 2.5 concentrations, respectively, for up to three weeks at each building. The results showed that both PNSD and PM 2.5 concentration around building envelopes were influenced by vehicle emissions and new particle formation, and that they exhibited variability across the three different office buildings. During nucleation events, PN concentration in size range of <30 nm and total PN concentration increased (7-65% and 5-46%, respectively), while PM 2.5 concentration decreased (36-52%) with height. This study has shown an under acknowledged role for nucleation in producing particles that can affect large numbers of people, due to the high density and occupancy of urban office buildings and the fact that the vast majority of people's time is spent indoors. These findings highlight important new information related to the previously overlooked role of particle formation in the urban atmosphere and its potential effects on selection of air intake locations and appropriate filter types when designing or upgrading mechanical ventilation systems in urban office buildings. The results also serve to better define particle behaviour and variability around building envelopes, which has implications for studies of both human exposure and particle dynamics. © 2012 Author(s).


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This study determined the rate and indication for revision between cemented, uncemented, hybrid and resurfacing groups from NJR (6 th edition) data. Data validity was determined by interrogating for episodes of misclassification. We identified 6,034 (2.7%) misclassified episodes, containing 97 (4.3%) revisions. Kaplan-Meier revision rates at 3 years were 0.9% cemented, 1.9% for uncemented, 1.2% for hybrids and 3.0% for resurfacings (significant difference across all groups, p<0.001, with identical pattern in patients <55 years). Regression analysis indicated both prosthesis group and age significantly influenced failure (p<0.001). Revision for pain, aseptic loosening, and malalignment were highest in uncemented and resurfacing arthroplasty. Revision for dislocation was highest in uncemented hips (significant difference between groups, p<0.001). Feedback to the NJR on data misclassification has been made for future analysis. © 2012 Wichtig Editore.


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The aim of this study was to characterise the new particle formation events in a subtropical urban environment in the southern hemisphere. The study measured the number concentration of particles and its size distribution in Brisbane, Australia during 2009. The variation of particle number concentration and nucleation burst events were characterised as well as the particle growth rate which was first reported in urban environment of Australia. The annual average NUFP, NAitken and NNuc were 9.3 x 103, 3.7 x 103 and 5.6 x 103 cm-3, respectively. Weak seasonal variation in number concentration was observed. Local traffic exhaust emissions were a major contributor of the pollution (NUFP) observed in morning which was dominated by the Aitken mode particles, while particles formed by secondary formation processes contributed to the particle number concentration during afternoon. Overall, 65 nucleation burst events were identified during the study period. Nucleation burst events were classified into two groups, with and without particles growth after the burst of nucleation mode particles observed. The average particle growth rate of the nucleation events was 4.6 nm hr-1 (ranged from 1.79 – 7.78 nm hr-1). Case studies of the nucleation burst events were characterised including i) the nucleation burst with particle growth which is associated with the particle precursor emitted from local traffic exhaust emission, ii) the nucleation burst without particle growth which is due to the transport of industrial emissions from the coast to Brisbane city or other possible sources with unfavourable conditions which suppressed particle growth and iii) interplay between the above two cases which demonstrated the impact of the vehicle and industrial emissions on the variation of particle number concentration and its size distribution during the same day.


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Whilst the compression ignition (CI) engine exhibits many design advantages relative to its spark ignition engine counterpart; such as: high thermal efficiency, fuel economy and low carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions, the issue of Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) emissions continues to be an unresolved problem for the CI engine. Primarily, this thesis investigates a range of DPM mitigation strategies such as alternative fuels, injection technologies and combustion strategies conducted with a view to determine their impact on the physico-chemical properties of DPM emissions, and consequently to shed light on their likely human health impacts. Regulated gaseous emissions, Nitric oxide (NO), Carbon monoxide (CO), and Hydrocarbons (HCs), were measured in all experimental campaigns, although the major focus in this research program was on particulate emissions...


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The technique of femoral cement-in-cement revision is well established, but there are no previous series reporting its use on the acetabular side at the time of revision total hip arthroplasty. We describe the surgical technique and report the outcome of 60 consecutive cement-in-cement revisions of the acetabular component at a mean follow-up of 8.5 years (range 5-12 years). All had a radiologically and clinically well fixed acetabular cement mantle at the time of revision. 29 patients died. No case was lost to follow-up. The 2 most common indications for acetabular revision were recurrent dislocation (77%) and to compliment a femoral revision (20%). There were 2 cases of aseptic cup loosening (3.3%) requiring re-revision. No other hip was clinically or radiologically loose (96.7%) at latest follow-up. One case was re-revised for infection, 4 for recurrent dislocation and 1 for disarticulation of a constrained component. At 5 years, the Kaplan-Meier survival rate was 100% for aseptic loosening and 92.2% (95% CI; 84.8-99.6%) with revision for all causes as the endpoint. These results support the use of the cement-in-cement revision technique in appropriate cases on the acetabular side. Theoretical advantages include preservation of bone stock, reduced operating time, reduced risk of complications and durable fixation.


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The selection of appropriate analogue materials is a central consideration in the design of realistic physical models. We investigate the rheology of highly-filled silicone polymers in order to find materials with a power-law strain-rate softening rheology suitable for modelling rock deformation by dislocation creep and report the rheological properties of the materials as functions of the filler content. The mixtures exhibit strain-rate softening behaviour but with increasing amounts of filler become strain-dependent. For the strain-independent viscous materials, flow laws are presented while for strain-dependent materials the relative importance of strain and strain rate softening/hardening is reported. If the stress or strain rate is above a threshold value some highly-filled silicone polymers may be considered linear visco-elastic (strain independent) and power-law strain-rate softening. The power-law exponent can be raised from 1 to ~3 by using mixtures of high-viscosity silicone and plasticine. However, the need for high shear strain rates to obtain the power-law rheology imposes some restrictions on the usage of such materials for geodynamic modelling. Two simple shear experiments are presented that use Newtonian and power-law strain-rate softening materials. The results demonstrate how materials with power-law rheology result in better strain localization in analogue experiments.


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It is certain that there will be changes in environmental conditions across the globe as a result of climate change. Such changes will require the building of biological, human and infrastructure resilience. In some instances the building of such resilience will be insufficient to deal with extreme changes in environmental conditions and legal frameworks will be required to provide recognition and support for people dislocated because of environmental change. Such dislocation may occur internally within the country of original origin or externally into another State’s territory. International and national legal frameworks do not currently recognise or assist people displaced as a result of environmental factors including displacement occurring as a result of climate change. Legal frameworks developed to deal with this issue will need to consider the legal rights of those people displaced and the legal responsibilities of those countries required to respond to such displacement. The objective of this article is to identify the most suitable international institution to host a program addressing climate displacement. There are a number of areas of international law that are relevant to climate displacement, including refugee law, human rights law and international environmental law. These regimes, however, were not designed to protect people relocating as a result of environmental change. As such, while they indirectly may be of relevance to climate displacement, they currently do nothing to directly address this complex issue. In order to determine the most appropriate institution to address and regulate climate displacement, it is imperative to consider issues of governance. This paper seeks to examine this issue and determine whether it is preferable to place climate displacement programs into existing international legal frameworks or whether it is necessary to regulate this area in an entirely new institution specifically designed to deal with the complex and cross-cutting issues surrounding the topic. Commentators in this area have proposed three different regulatory models for addressing climate displacement. These models include: (a) Expand the definition of refugee under the Refugee Convention to encompass persons displaced by climate change; (b) Implement a new stand alone Climate Displacement Convention; and (c) Implement a Climate Displacement Protocol to the UNFCCC. This article will examine each of these proposed models against a number of criteria to determine the model that is most likely to address the needs and requirements of people displaced by climate change. It will also identify the model that is likely to be most politically acceptable and realistic for those countries likely to attract responsibilities by its implementation. In order to assess whether the rights and needs of the people to be displaced are to be met, theories of procedural, distributive and remedial justice will be used to consider the equity of the proposed schemes. In order to consider the most politically palatable and realistic scheme, reference will be made to previous state practice and compliance with existing obligations in the area. It is suggested that the criteria identified by this article should underpin any future climate displacement instrument.


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Metal and semiconductor nanowires (NWs) have been widely employed as the building blocks of the nanoelectromechanical systems, which usually acted a resonant beam. Recent researches reported that nanowires are often polycrystalline, which contains grain boundaries (GBs) that transect the whole nanowire into a bamboo like structure. Based on the larger-scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, a comprehensive investigation of the influence from grain boundaries on the vibrational properties of doubly clamped Ag NWs is conducted. It is found that, the presence of grain boundary will result in significant energy dissipation during the resonance of polycrystalline NWs, which leads a great deterioration to the quality factor. Further investigation reveals that the energy dissipation is originated from the plastic deformation of polycrystalline NWs in the form of the nucleation of partial dislocations or the generation of micro stacking faults around the GBs and the micro stacking faults is found to keep almost intact during the whole vibration process. Moreover, it is observed that the closer of the grain boundary getting to the regions with the highest strain state, the more energy dissipation will be resulted from the plastic deformation. In addition, either the increase of the number of grain boundaries or the decrease of the distance between the grain boundary and the highest strain state region is observed to induce a lower first resonance frequency. This work sheds lights on the better understanding of the mechanical properties of polycrystalline NWs, which benefits the increasing utilities of NWs in diverse nano-electronic devices.


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Cu/Ni/W nanolayered composites with individual layer thickness ranging from 5nm to 300nm were prepared by a magnetron sputtering system. Microstructures and strength of the nanolayered composites were investigated by using the nanoindentation method combined with theoretical analysis. Microstructure characterization revealed that the Cu/Ni/W composite consists of a typical Cu/Ni coherent interface and Cu/W and Ni/W incoherent interfaces. Cu/Ni/W composites have an ultrahigh strength and a large strengthening ability compared with bi-constituent Cu–X(X¼Ni, W, Au, Ag, Cr, Nb, etc.) nanolayered composites. Summarizing the present results and those reported in the literature, we systematically analyze the origin of the ultrahigh strength and its length scale dependence by taking into account the constituent layer properties, layer scales and heterogeneous layer/layer interface characteristics, including lattice and modulus mismatch as well as interface structure.


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The following types of experiments for a proposed Space Station Microgravity Particle Research Facility are described: (1) nucleation of refractory vapors at low pressure/high temperature; (2) coagulation of refractory grains; (3) optical properties of refractory grains; (4) mantle growth on refractory cores; (5) coagulation of core-mantle grains; (6) optical properties of core-mantle grains; (7) lightning strokes in the primitive solar nebula; and (8) separation of dust from a grain/gas mixture that interacts with a meter-sized planetesimal to determine if accretion occurs. The required capabilities and desired hardware for the facility are detailed.