52 resultados para Dimethyl oxalate


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Magnetic behavior of soils can seriously hamper the performance of geophysical sensors. Currently, we have little understanding of the types of minerals responsible for the magnetic behavior, as well as their distribution in space and evolution through time. This study investigated the magnetic characteristics and mineralogy of Fe-rich soils developed on basaltic substrate in Hawaii. We measured the spatial distribution of magnetic susceptibility (χlf) and frequency dependence (χfd%) across three test areas in a well-developed eroded soil on Kaho'olawe and in two young soils on the Big Island of Hawaii. X-ray diffraction spectroscopy, x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XFCF), chemical dissolution, thermal analysis, and temperature-dependent magnetic studies were used to characterize soil development and mineralogy for samples from soil pits on Kaho'olawe, surface samples from all three test areas, and unweathered basalt from the Big Island of Hawaii. The measurements show a general increase in magnetic properties with increasing soil development. The XRF Fe data ranged from 13% for fresh basalt and young soils on the Big Island to 58% for material from the B horizon of Kaho'olawe soils. Dithionite-extractable and oxalate-extractable Fe percentages increase with soil development and correlate with χlf-and χfd%, respectively. Results from the temperature-dependent susceptibility measurements show that the high soil magnetic properties observed in geophysical surveys in Kaho'olawe are entirely due to neoformed minerals. The results of our studies have implications for the existing soil survey of Kaho'olawe and help identify methods to characterize magnetic minerals in tropical soils.


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Background Ugni molinae Turcz. is one of the most studied species of South American Myrtaceae due to its edible fruits and foliar medicinal compounds. However, there is no anatomical study of the leaves or secretory cavities. This paper seeks to describe the leaf micromorphology and anatomy of the species using standard protocols for light and scanning electron microscopy. Secretory cavities were anatomically characterized in young and mature leaves. Histochemical staining of the cavities was performed. Results The leaves of U. molinae are hypostomatic, have a wavy surface and possess scattered hairs. Leaf anatomical features include dorsiventral mesophyll, two to three layers of palisade parenchyma with abundant chloroplasts, calcium oxalate crystals and internal phloem in vascular bundles. Schizogenous secretory cavities are present on the abaxial surface and are mainly located on the margins of the leaves. Histochemical tests of these cavities suggest the presence of lipophilic substances. Conclusions This is the first study of secretory cavities in Chilean Myrtaceae. In general, micromorphological and anatomical characters are similar to other species of the family. The present findings could provide valuable anatomical information for future research in South American Myrtaceae.


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Although species of Syzygium are abundant components of the rainforests in Queensland and New South Wales, little is known about the anatomy of the Australian taxa. Here we describe the foliar anatomy and micromorphology of Syzygium floribundum (syn: Waterhousea floribunda) using standard protocols for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy. Syzygium floribundum possesses dorsiventral leaves with cyclo-staurocytic stomata, single epidermis, internal phloem, rhombus-shaped calcium oxalate crystals and complex-open midrib. In general, leaf anatomical and micromorphological characters are common with some species of the tribe Syzygieae. However, this particular combination of leaf characters has not been reported in a species of the genus. The anatomy of the species is typical of mesophytic taxa.


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A strategy to tackle the synthesis of azoporphyrins with unsubstituted terminal meso positions was investigated. It comprised the combination of diaza-Diels–Alder (DADA) reaction of 1,3-dienes with dialkyl azodicarboxylates, decarboxylative hydrolysis of the bis(carbamates), palladium-catalyzed amination of bromoporphyrin precursors, and retro-DADA reactions to release the ultimate targets. The somewhat confused historical results on the DADA reactions of 1,3-cyclohexadiene were clarified, but the hydrolyses yielded extremely air-sensitive amines which decomposed completely in minutes via autooxidation and retro-DADA reaction. With anthracene or 2,3-dimethyl-1,3-butadiene as the diene, the synthesis of azoporphyrin was not achieved but three amino-substituted porphyrins were obtained in moderate yields under mild conditions. The X-ray crystal structures of several of the intermediates and the final aminoanthracene-porphyrin nickel(II) complex were determined.


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The single electron transfer-nitroxide radical coupling (SET-NRC) reaction has been used to produce multiblock polymers with high molecular weights in under 3 min at 50◦C by coupling a difunctional telechelic polystyrene (Br-PSTY-Br)with a dinitroxide. The well known combination of dimethyl sulfoxide as solvent and Me6TREN as ligand facilitated the in situ disproportionation of CuIBr to the highly active nascent Cu0 species. This SET reaction allowed polymeric radicals to be rapidly formed from their corresponding halide end-groups. Trapping of these carbon-centred radicals at close to diffusion controlled rates by dinitroxides resulted in high-molecular-weight multiblock polymers. Our results showed that the disproportionation of CuI was critical in obtaining these ultrafast reactions, and confirmed that activation was primarily through Cu0. We took advantage of the reversibility of the NRC reaction at elevated temperatures to decouple the multiblock back to the original PSTY building block through capping the chain-ends with mono-functional nitroxides. These alkoxyamine end-groups were further exchanged with an alkyne mono-functional nitroxide (TEMPO–≡) and ‘clicked’ by a CuI-catalyzed azide/alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) reaction with N3–PSTY–N3 to reform the multiblocks. This final ‘click’ reaction, even after the consecutive decoupling and nitroxide-exchange reactions, still produced high molecular-weight multiblocks efficiently. These SET-NRC reactions would have ideal applications in re-usable plastics and possibly as self-healing materials.


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The significant advancement and growth of organic and flexible electronic applications demand materials with enhanced properties. This paper reports the fabrication of a nonsynthetic polymer thin film using radio frequency plasma polymerisation of 3,7-dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol. The fabricated optically transparent thin film exhibited refractive index of approximately 1.55 at 500 nm and rate of deposition was estimated to be 40 nm/min. The surface morphology and chemical properties of the thin films were also reported in this paper. The optical band gap of the material is around 2.8 eV. The force of adhesion and Young's modulus of the linalool polymer thin films were measured using force-displacement curves obtained from a scanning probe microscope. The friction coefficient of linalool polymer thin films was measured using the nanoscratch test. The calculated Young's modulus increased linearly with increase in input power while the friction coefficient decreased.


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Modern dairy farming in Australia relies on substantial inputs of fertiliser nitrogen (N) to underpin economic production. However, N lost from dairy systems represents an opportunity cost and can pose a number of environmental risks. Nitrogen cycle inhibitors can be co-applied with N fertilisers to slow the conversion of urea to NH4+ to reduce losses via volatilisation, and slow the conversion of NH4+ to NO3- to minimize leaching of NO3- and gaseous losses via nitrification and denitrification. In a field campaign in a high input ryegrass-kikuyu pasture system we compared the soil N pools, losses and pasture production between a) urea coated with the nitrification inhibitor (3,4-dimethyl pyrazole phosphate - DMPP) b) urea coated with the urease inhibitor (N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide - NBPT) and c) standard urea. There was no treatment effect (P>0.05) on soil mineral N, pasture yield, N2O flux nor leaching of NO3- cf. standard urea. We hypothesise that at our site, because gaseous losses were highly episodic (rainfall was erratic and displayed no seasonal rainfall nor soil wetting pattern) that there was a lack of coincidence of N application and conditions conducive to gaseous losses, thus the effectiveness of the inhibitor products was minimal and did not result in an increase in pasture yield. There remains a paucity of knowledge on N cycle inhibitors in relation to their effective use in field system to increase N use efficiency. Further research is required to define under what field conditions inhibitor products are effective in order to be able to provide accurate advice to managers of nitrogen in production systems.