83 resultados para Dermatan Sulfate


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The mineral arsentsumebite Pb2Cu(AsO4)(SO4)(OH), a copper arsenate-sulfate hydroxide of the brackebuschite group has been characterised by Raman spectroscopy. The brackebuschite mineral group are a series of monoclinic arsenates, phosphates and vanadates of the general formula A2B(XO4)(OH,H2O), where A may be Ba, Ca, Pb, Sr, while B may be Al, Cu2+,Fe2+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Mn3+, Zn and XO4 may be AsO4, PO4, SO4,VO4. Bands are assigned to the stretching and bending modes of SO42- AsO43- and HOAsO3 units. Raman spectroscopy readily distinguishes between the two minerals arsentsumebite and tsumebite. Raman bands attributed to arsenate are not observed in the Raman spectrum of tsumebite. Phosphate bands found in the Raman spectrum of tsumebite are not found in the Raman spectrum of arsentsumebite. Raman spectroscopy readily distinguishes the two minerals tsumebite and arsentsumebite.


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Blooms of the toxic cyanobacterium majuscula Lyngbya in the coastal waters of southeast Queensland have caused adverse impacts on both environmental health and human health, and on local economies such as fishing and tourism. A number of studies have confirmed that the main limiting nutrients (“nutrients of concern”) that contribute to these blooms area Fe, DOC, N, P and also pH. This study is conducted to establish the distribution of these parameters in a typical southeast Queensland coastal setting. The study maps the geochemistry of shallow groundwater in the mainland Pumicestone catchment with an emphasis on the nutrients of concern to understand how these nutrients relate to aquifer materials, landuse and anthropogenic activities. The results of the study form a GIS information layer which will be incorporated into a larger GIS model being produced by Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) to support landuse management to avoid/minimize blooms of Lyngbya in Moreton Bay, southeast Queensland, and other similar settings. A total of 38 boreholes were established in the mainland Pumicestone region and four sampling rounds of groundwater carried out in both dry and wet conditions. These groundwater samples were measured in the field for physico-chemical parameters, and in the laboratory analyses for the nutrients of concern, and other major and minor ions. Aquifer materials were confirmed using the Geological Survey of Queensland digital geology map, and geomaterials were assigned to seven categories which are A (sands), B (silts, sandy silts), C (estuarine mud, silts), D (humid soils), E (alluvium), F (sandstone) and G (other bedrock). The results of the water chemistry were examined by use of the software package AquaChem/AqQA, and divided into six groundwater groups, based on groundwater chemical types and location of boreholes. The type of aquifer material and location, and proximity to waterways was found to be important because they affected physico-chemical properties and concentrations of nutrients of concern and dissolved ions. The analytical results showed that iron concentrations of shallow groundwaters were high due to acid sulfate soils, and also mud and silt, but were lower in sand materials. DOC concentrations of these shallow groundwaters in the sand material were high probably due to rapid infiltration. In addition, DOC concentrations in some boreholes were high because they were installed in organic rich wetlands. The pH values of boreholes were from acidic to near neutral; some boreholes with pH values were low (< 4), showing acid sulfate soils in these boreholes. Concentrations of total nitrogen and total phosphorus of groundwaters were generally low, and the main causes of elevated concentrations of total nitrogen and total phosphorus are largely due to animal and human wastes and tend to be found in localized source areas. Comparison of the relative percentage of nitrogen species (NH3/NH4< Org-N, NO3-N and NO2-N) demonstrated that they could be related to sources such as animal waste, residential and agricultural fertilizers, forest and vegetation, mixed residents and farms, and variable setting and vegetation covers. Total concentrations of dissolved ions in sampling round 3 (dry period) were higher than those in sampling round 2 (wet period) due to both evaporation of groundwater in the dry period and the dilution of rainfall in the wet period. This showed that the highest concentrations of nutrients of concern were due to acid sulfate soils, aquifer materials, landuse and anthropogenic activities and were typically in aquifer materials of E (alluvium) and C (estuarine muds) and locations of Burpengary, Caboolture, and Glass Mountain catchments.


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Layered doubly hydroxides (LDHs) also known as hydrotalcites or anionic clays are a group of clay minerals that have shown promise for the removal of toxic anions from water through both anion exchange and a process known as the reformation effect. This project has involved the preparation and characterisation of LDH materials as well as the investigation of their ability to remove selected anions from aqueous solutions by the reformation effect. The LDH materials were successfully prepared from magnesium, aluminium, zinc and chromium chloride salts using the co-precipitation method. Samples were characterised using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetry (TG) to confirm the presence of LDHs. Powder XRD revealed a characteristic LDH structure for all LDH samples. Thermal Analysis showed decomposition usual occurred through a three or four step process as expected for LDHs. Preliminary investigations of the removal of sulfate, nitrate and fluoride by an Mg/Al LDH were carried out, and the products were characterised using XRD and TG which showed that an LDH material similar to the original hydrotalcite was formed after reformation. A Zn/Al LDH was investigated as a potential sorbent material for the removal of iodine and iodide from water. It was found that the LDH was a suitable adsorbent which is able to remove almost all of the iodine present in the test solutions. Again, the products were characterised by XRD, TG and evolved gas mass spectrometry (EGMS) in an attempt to better understand the iodine removal process. Powder XRD showed successful reformation of the LDH structure and TG/EGMS showed that only a small amount of iodine species were lost during thermal decomposition. Finally, the mineral stichtite a Mg/Cr LDH was successfully synthesised and investigated using XRD, TG and EGMS. Unfortunately, due to lack of time it was not possible to identify any new uses for the mineral stichtite in the current project.


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Sampling of the El Chichón stratospheric cloud in early May and in late July, 1982, showed that a significant proportion of the cloud consisted of solid particles between 2 μm and 40 μm size. In addition, many particles may have been part of larger aggregates or clusters that ranged in size from < 10 μm to > 50 μm. The majority of individual grains were angular aluminosilicate glass shards with various amounts of smaller, adhering particles. Surface features on individual grains include sulfuric acid droplets and larger (0.5 μm to 1 μm) sulfate gel droplets with various amounts of Na, Mg, Ca and Fe. The sulfate gels probably formed by the interaction of sulfur-rich gases and solid particles within the cloud soon after eruption. Ca-sulfate laths may have formed by condensation within the plume during eruption, or alternatively, at a later stage by the reaction of sulfuric acid aerosols with ash fragments within the stratospheric cloud. A Wilson-Huang formulation for the settling rate of individual particles qualitatively agrees with the observed particle-size distribution for a period at least four months after injection of material into the stratosphere. This result emphasizes the importance of particle shape in controlling the settling rate of volcanic ash from the stratosphere.


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Pyrite and chalcopyrite mineral samples from Mangampet barite mine, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India are used in the present study. XRD data indicate that the pyrite mineral has a face centered cubic lattice structure with lattice constant 5.4179 Å. Also it possesses an average particle size of 91.9 nm. An EPR study on the powdered samples confirms the presence of iron in pyrite and iron and Mn(II) in chalcopyrite. The optical absorption spectrum of chalcopyrite indicates presence of copper which is in a distorted octahedral environment. NIR results confirm the presence of water fundamentals and Raman spectrum reveals the presence of water and sulfate ions.


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Pretreatments of sugarcane bagasse for saccharification using different acid-catalysed imidazolium IL solutions (containing 20% water) at 130 °C for 30 min were investigated. At the same solution pH, pretreatment effectiveness in terms of glucan digestibility, delignification and xylan removal were similar for aqueous 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium methane sulfonate (BMIMCH3SO3), 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium methyl sulfate (BMIMCH3SO4), 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (EMIMCl) and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (BMIMCl). Decreasing solution pH of aqueous IL systems from 6.0 to 0.4 increased bagasse delignification and xylan removal, and as a result, improved glucan digestibility. The glucan digestibilities for bagasse samples pretreated by IL solutions with pH ≤ 0.9 were > 90% after 72 h of enzymatic hydrolysis. Without pH adjustment, the effectiveness of these aqueous IL solutions (except BMIMCH3SO3 because of its low natural pH of 0.9) to deconstruct the biomass was poor and the glucan digestibilities of pretreated bagasse samples were < 20%. These results show that pretreatment effectiveness of aqueous imidazolium ILs can simply be estimated from solution pH rather than hydrogen bond basicity (β) of the IL solution.


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Water and ammonium retention by sandy soils may be low and result in leaching of applied fertiliser. To increase water and nutrient retention, zeolite is sometimes applied as a soil ameliorant for high value land uses including turf and horticulture. We have used a new modified kaolin material (MesoLite) as a soil amendment to test the efficiency of NH4+ retention and compared the results with natural zeolite. MesoLite is made by caustic reaction of kaolin at temperature between 80-95°C; although it has a moderate surface area, its cation exchange capacity is very high;(SA=13m2/g,CEC=500meq/100g). A 13cm tall sand column filled with ~450g of sandy soil homogeneously mixed with 1, 2, 4, and 8g of MesoLite or natural zeolite per 1kg of soil was prepared. After saturation with local bore water, concentrated ammonium sulfate solution was injected at the base. Then, bore water was passed from bottom to top through the column at amounts up to 6 pore volumes and at a constant flow rate of 10ml/min using a peristaltic pump. Concentrations of leached NH4+ were determined using an AutoAnalyser. The concentration of NH4+ leached from the column with 0.4% MesoLite was greatly (90%) reduced relative to unamended soil. Under these conditions NH4+ retention by the soil-MesoLite mixture was 11.5 times more efficient than the equivalent soil-natural zeolite mixture. Glasshouse experiments conducted in a separate study show that NH4+ adsorbed by MesoLite is available to plants.


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The thermal decomposition of hydronium jarosite and ammoniojarosite was studied using thermogravimetric analysis and mass spectrometry, in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction and infrared emission spectroscopy. There was no evidence for the simultaneous loss of water and sulfur dioxide during the desulfonation stage as has previously been reported for hydronium jarosite. Conversely, all hydrogen atoms are lost during the dehydration and dehydroxylation stage from 270 to 400 °C and no water, hydroxyl groups or hydronium ions persist after 400 °C. The same can be said for ammoniojarosite. The first mass loss step during the decomposition of hydronium jarosite has been assigned to the loss of the hydronium ion via protonation of the surrounding hydroxyl groups to evolve two water molecules. For ammoniojarosite, this step corresponds to the protonation of a hydroxyl group by ammonium, so that ammonia and water are liberated simultaneously. Iron(II) sulfate was identified as a possible intermediate during the decomposition of ammoniojarosite (421–521 °C) due to a redox reaction between iron(III) and the liberated ammonia during decomposition. Iron(II) ions were also confirmed with the 1,10-phenanthroline test. Iron(III) sulfate and other commonly suggested intermediates for hydronium and ammoniojarosite decomposition are not major crystalline phases; if they are formed, then they most likely exist as an amorphous phase or a different low temperature phases than usual.


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Ultra-performance LC coupled to quadrupole TOF/MS (UPLC-QTOF/MS) in positive and negative ESI was developed and validated to analyze metabolite profiles for urine from healthy men during the day and at night. Data analysis using principal components analysis (PCA) revealed differences between metabolic phenotypes of urine in healthy men during the day and at night. Positive ions with mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) 310.24 (5.35 min), 286.24 (4.74 min) and 310.24 (5.63 min) were elevated in the urine from healthy men at night compared to that during the day. Negative ions elevated in day urine samples of healthy men included m/z 167.02 (0.66 min), 263.12 (2.55 min) and 191.03 (0.73 min), whilst ions m/z 212.01 (4.77 min) were at a lower concentration in urine of healthy men during the day compared to that at night. The ions m/z 212.01 (4.77 min), 191.03 (0.73 min) and 310.24 (5.35 min) preliminarily correspond to indoxyl sulfate, citric acid and N-acetylneuraminic acid, providing further support for an involvement of phenotypic difference in urine of healthy men in day and night samples, which may be associated with notably different activities of gut microbiota, velocity of tricarboxylic acid cycle and activity of sialic acid biosynthesis in healthy men as regulated by circadian rhythm of the mammalian bioclock.


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The reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome (RPLES) is a condition characterised by reversible neurological and radiological findings that has been associated with use of immunosuppressive, chemotherapeutic and more recently novel targeted therapies. We describe the case of a 50-year-old woman with advanced non-small cell lung cancer who developed status epilepticus shortly after receiving cisplatin and gemcitabine chemotherapy. The clinical, radiological and EEG findings during and post event are presented and are in keeping with a diagnosis of RPLES. Early recognition of this rare syndrome, supportive management and withdrawal of the offending agent appear to result in a reversal of the manifestations described. © 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Particles of carrot red leaf virus (CRLV; luteovirus group) purified from chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium) contain a single ssRNA species of mol. wt. about 1.8 x 106 and a major protein of mol. wt. about 25000. CRLV acts as a helper for aphid transmission of carrot mottle virus (CMotV; ungrouped) from mixedly infected plants. Virus preparations purified from such plants possess the infectivity of both viruses but contain particles indistinguishable from those of CRLV; some of the particles are therefore thought to consist of CMotV RNA packaged in CRLV coat protein. When RNA from such preparations was electrophoresed in agarose/polyacrylamide gels, CMotV infectivity was associated with an RNA band that migrated ahead of the CRLV RNA band and had an estimated mol. wt. of about 1.5 x 106, similar to that previously found for the infective ssRNA extracted directly from Nicotiana clevelandii leaves infected with CMotV alone. Preparations of dsRNA from CMotV-infected N. clevelandii leaves contained two species: one of mol. wt. about 3.2 x 106, presumably the replicative form of the infective ssRNA, and the other, mol. wt. about 0.9 x 106, of unknown origin and function. The infective agent in buffer extracts of CMotV-infected N. clevelandii was resistant to RNase (although the enzyme acted as a reversible inhibitor of infection at high concentrations) and is therefore not unprotected RNA. It may be protected within the approximately 52 nm enveloped structures previously reported.


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In most radicals the singly occupied molecular orbital (SOMO) is the highest-energy occupied molecular orbital (HOMO); however, in a small number of reported compounds this is not the case. In the present work we expand significantly the scope of this phenomenon, known as SOMO-HOMO energy-level conversion, by showing that it occurs in virtually any distonic radical anion that contains a sufficiently stabilized radical (aminoxyl, peroxyl, aminyl) non-pi-conjugated with a negative charge (carboxylate, phosphate, sulfate). Moreover, regular orbital order is restored on protonation of the anionic fragment, and hence the orbital configuration can be switched by pH. Most importantly, our theoretical and experimental results reveal a dramatically higher radical stability and proton acidity of such distonic radical anions. Changing radical stability by 3-4 orders of magnitude using pH-induced orbital conversion opens a variety of attractive industrial applications, including pH-switchable nitroxide-mediated polymerization, and it might be exploited in nature.


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A new strategy has emerged to improve healing of bone defects using exogenous glycosaminoglycans by increasing the effectiveness of bone-anabolic growth factors. Wnt ligands play an important role in bone formation. However, their functional interactions with heparan sulfate/heparin have only been investigated in non-osseous tissues. Our study now shows that the osteogenic activity of Wnt3a is cooperatively stimulated through physical interactions with exogenous heparin. N-Sulfation and to a lesser extent O-sulfation of heparin contribute to the physical binding and optimal co-stimulation of Wnt3a. Wnt3a-heparin signaling synergistically increases osteoblast differentiation with minimal effects on cell proliferation. Thus, heparin selectively reduces the effective dose of Wnt3a needed to elicit osteogenic, but not mitogenic responses. Mechanistically, Wnt3a-heparin signaling strongly activates the phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt pathway and requires the bone-related transcription factor RUNX2 to stimulate alkaline phosphatase activity, which parallels canonical beta-catenin signaling. Collectively, our findings establish the osteo-inductive potential of a heparin-mediated Wnt3a-phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt-RUNX2 signaling network and suggest that heparan sulfate supplementation may selectively reduce the therapeutic doses of peptide factors required to promote bone formation.


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Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are complex and labile macromolecular moieties on the surfaces of cells that control the activities of a range of extracellular proteins, particularly those driving growth and regeneration. Here, we examine the biosynthesis of heparan sulfate (HS) sugars produced by cultured MC3T3-E1 mouse calvarial pre-osteoblast cells in order to explore the idea that changes in HS activity in turn drive phenotypic development during osteogenesis. Cells grown for 5 days under proliferating conditions were compared to cells grown for 20 days under mineralizing conditions with respect to their phenotype, the forms of HS core protein produced, and their HS sulfotransferase biosynthetic enzyme levels. RQ-PCR data was supported by the results from the purification of day 5 and day 20 HS forms by anionic exchange chromatography. The data show that cells in active growth phases produce more complex forms of sugar than cells that have become relatively quiescent during active mineralization, and that these in turn can differentially influence rates of cell growth when added exogenously back to preosteoblasts.


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Heparan sulfate proteoglycans cooperate with basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF/FGF2) signaling to control osteoblast growth and differentiation, as well as metabolic functions of osteoblasts. FGF2 signaling modulates the expression and activity of Runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2/Cbfa1), a key regulator of osteoblast proliferation and maturation. Here, we have characterized novel Runx2 target genes in osteoprogenitors under conditions that promote growth arrest while not yet permitting sustained phenotypic maturation. Runx2 enhances expression of genes related to proteoglycan-mediated signaling, including FGF receptors (e.g., FGFR2 and FGFR3) and proteoglycans (e.g., syndecans [Sdc1, Sdc2, Sdc3], glypicans [Gpc1], versican [Vcan]). Runx2 increases expression of the glycosyltransferase Exostosin-1 (Ext1) and heparanase, as well as alters the relative expression of N-linked sulfotransferases (Ndst1 = Ndst2 > Ndst3) and enzymes mediating O-linked sulfation of heparan sulfate (Hs2st > Hs6st) or chondroitin sulfate (Cs4st > Cs6st). Runx2 cooperates with FGF2 to induce expression of Sdc4 and the sulfatase Galns, but Runx2 and FGF2 suppress Gpc6, thus suggesting intricate Runx2 and FGF2 dependent changes in proteoglycan utilization. One functional consequence of Runx2 mediated modulations in proteoglycan-related gene expression is a change in the responsiveness of bone markers to FGF2 stimulation. Runx2 and FGF2 synergistically enhance osteopontin expression (>100 fold), while FGF2 blocks Runx2 induction of alkaline phosphatase. Our data suggest that Runx2 and the FGF/proteoglycan axis may form an extracellular matrix (ECM)-related regulatory feed-back loop that controls osteoblast proliferation and execution of the osteogenic program.