257 resultados para Cylindrical shapes


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Our society operates in such a way as to put whiteness at the center of everything, including individual consciousness--so much so that we seldom question the centrality of white- ness, and most people, on hearing 'race', hear 'black'. That is, whiteness is treated as the norm, against which all differences are measured. 1 Race shapes white women's lives. In the same way that both men's and women's lives are shaped by their gender, and that both heterosexual and lesbian women's experiences in the world are marked by their sexuality, white people and people of color live racially structured lives. In other words, any system of differentiation shapes those on whom it bestows privi- lege as well as those it oppresses. White people are 'raced' just as men are 'gendered'. 2


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This work investigates the effect of rib stiffeners on the free and forced vibration of a gradient coil in a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner. Several reinforcement schemes are studied in this paper. One scheme utilizes the existing holes in the gradient coil structure (typically reserved for magnetic shims) to produce the reinforcement. Non-ferrous, non-magnetic carbon fibre rib stiffeners are employed to fill these holes in several ways to strengthen a gradient coil. Another scheme replaces the inner half of the gradient coil material with a grid of interconnected axial and circumferential rib stiffeners. It is found that the structural stiffness of the gradient coil increases substantially when the coil is reinforced by carbon fibre rib stiffeners. The reinforcement affects the noise and vibration response of the gradient coil structure in the following ways. It increases the frequency range of forced response of the gradient coil at low frequencies due to the increased resonant frequency of the fundamental mode of the coil. Secondly, it reduces the forced response amplitude of the coil structure (which is governed by the structural stiffness of the coil). Thirdly, it reduces the number of natural modes in the low and medium frequency range and therefore lessens the chance of the coil structure being excited resonantly by magnetic resonance signal acquisition sequences. It is shown that gradient coils modelled by solid finite element models have higher stiffness along the coil’s circumference and lower stiffness in the axial direction than those using shell finite element models.


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Politics has been described as a man’s game and a man’s place. Further, the design of houses of politics also embeds this dominant masculine ethos. Traditional Chambers have been large with only limited seating arrangements ensuring that only privileged elite can participate and both officials and the public are located at some distance and separate from the elected officials. Such a Chamber ensures that Members need to face each other and the dominant interaction is adversarial. Within this system however, women have been able to carve out new spaces, or use existing ones in different ways, to become more involved with the mechanisms of parliament and provide alternative routes to leadership. In doing so, they have introduced elements of the private domain (nurturing, dialogue and inclusion) to the public domain. The way in which space is used is fundamental and its treatment has consequences for individuals, organizations and societies (Clegg and Kornberger 2006). Dale’s (2005) work emphasises the social character of architecture which recognises the impact which it has on the behaviours of individuals and nowhere is this more pertinent than the way the Australian Parliament House operates. This paper draws on the experiences of Australian parliamentarians to examine the way in which the new Australian Parliament House shapes the way in which the Australian political cultural norms and practices are shaped and maintained. It also seeks to explore the way the Members of Parliament (MPs) experience these spaces and how some MPs have been able to bring new ways of utilising the space to ensure it is more accommodating to the men and women who inhabit this building at the apex of Australia’s political life. In doing so, such MPs are seeking to ensure that the practices and processes of Australia’s political system are reflective of the men and women who inhabit this national institution in the beginning of the 21st century.


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Investigated human visual processing of simple two-colour patterns using a delayed match to sample paradigm with positron emission tomography (PET). This study is unique in that the authors specifically designed the visual stimuli to be the same for both pattern and colour recognition with all patterns being abstract shapes not easily verbally coded composed of two-colour combinations. The authors did this to explore those brain regions required for both colour and pattern processing and to separate those areas of activation required for one or the other. 10 right-handed male volunteers aged 18–35 yrs were recruited. The authors found that both tasks activated similar occipital regions, the major difference being more extensive activation in pattern recognition. A right-sided network that involved the inferior parietal lobule, the head of the caudate nucleus, and the pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus was common to both paradigms. Pattern recognition also activated the left temporal pole and right lateral orbital gyrus, whereas colour recognition activated the left fusiform gyrus and several right frontal regions.


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Bag sampling techniques can be used to temporarily store an aerosol and therefore provide sufficient time to utilize sensitive but slow instrumental techniques for recording detailed particle size distributions. Laboratory based assessment of the method were conducted to examine size dependant deposition loss coefficients for aerosols held in VelostatTM bags conforming to a horizontal cylindrical geometry. Deposition losses of NaCl particles in the range of 10 nm to 160 nm were analysed in relation to the bag size, storage time, and sampling flow rate. Results of this study suggest that the bag sampling method is most useful for moderately short sampling periods of about 5 minutes.


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We developed orthogonal least-squares techniques for fitting crystalline lens shapes, and used the bootstrap method to determine uncertainties associated with the estimated vertex radii of curvature and asphericities of five different models. Three existing models were investigated including one that uses two separate conics for the anterior and posterior surfaces, and two whole lens models based on a modulated hyperbolic cosine function and on a generalized conic function. Two new models were proposed including one that uses two interdependent conics and a polynomial based whole lens model. The models were used to describe the in vitro shape for a data set of twenty human lenses with ages 7–82 years. The two-conic-surface model (7 mm zone diameter) and the interdependent surfaces model had significantly lower merit functions than the other three models for the data set, indicating that most likely they can describe human lens shape over a wide age range better than the other models (although with the two-conic-surfaces model being unable to describe the lens equatorial region). Considerable differences were found between some models regarding estimates of radii of curvature and surface asphericities. The hyperbolic cosine model and the new polynomial based whole lens model had the best precision in determining the radii of curvature and surface asphericities across the five considered models. Most models found significant increase in anterior, but not posterior, radius of curvature with age. Most models found a wide scatter of asphericities, but with the asphericities usually being positive and not significantly related to age. As the interdependent surfaces model had lower merit function than three whole lens models, there is further scope to develop an accurate model of the complete shape of human lenses of all ages. The results highlight the continued difficulty in selecting an appropriate model for the crystalline lens shape.


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Changes in load characteristics, deterioration with age, environmental influences and random actions may cause local or global damage in structures, especially in bridges, which are designed for long life spans. Continuous health monitoring of structures will enable the early identification of distress and allow appropriate retrofitting in order to avoid failure or collapse of the structures. In recent times, structural health monitoring (SHM) has attracted much attention in both research and development. Local and global methods of damage assessment using the monitored information are an integral part of SHM techniques. In the local case, the assessment of the state of a structure is done either by direct visual inspection or using experimental techniques such as acoustic emission, ultrasonic, magnetic particle inspection, radiography and eddy current. A characteristic of all these techniques is that their application requires a prior localization of the damaged zones. The limitations of the local methodologies can be overcome by using vibration-based methods, which give a global damage assessment. The vibration-based damage detection methods use measured changes in dynamic characteristics to evaluate changes in physical properties that may indicate structural damage or degradation. The basic idea is that modal parameters (notably frequencies, mode shapes, and modal damping) are functions of the physical properties of the structure (mass, damping, and stiffness). Changes in the physical properties will therefore cause changes in the modal properties. Any reduction in structural stiffness and increase in damping in the structure may indicate structural damage. This research uses the variations in vibration parameters to develop a multi-criteria method for damage assessment. It incorporates the changes in natural frequencies, modal flexibility and modal strain energy to locate damage in the main load bearing elements in bridge structures such as beams, slabs and trusses and simple bridges involving these elements. Dynamic computer simulation techniques are used to develop and apply the multi-criteria procedure under different damage scenarios. The effectiveness of the procedure is demonstrated through numerical examples. Results show that the proposed method incorporating modal flexibility and modal strain energy changes is competent in damage assessment in the structures treated herein.


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Browse > Journals> Automation Science and Enginee ...> Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Microassembly Fabrication of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds With Customized Design 4468741 abstract Han Zhang; Burdet, E.; Poo, A.N.; Hutmacher, D.W.; GE Global Res. Center Ltd., Shanghai This paper appears in: Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Issue Date: July 2008 Volume: 5 Issue:3 On page(s): 446 - 456 ISSN: 1545-5955 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TASE.2008.917011 Date of Current Version: 02 July 2008 Sponsored by: IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Abstract This paper presents a novel technique to fabricate scaffold/cell constructs for tissue engineering by robotic assembly of microscopic building blocks (of volume 0.5$,times,$0.5$,times,$0.2 ${hbox{mm}}^{3}$ and 60 $mu {hbox{m}}$ thickness). In this way, it becomes possible to build scaffolds with freedom in the design of architecture, surface morphology, and chemistry. Biocompatible microparts with complex 3-D shapes were first designed and mass produced using MEMS techniques. Semi-automatic assembly was then realized using a robotic workstation with four degrees of freedom integrating a dedicated microgripper and two optical microscopes. Coarse movement of the gripper is determined by pattern matching in the microscopes images, while the operator controls fine positioning and accurate insertion of the microparts. Successful microassembly was demonstrated using SU-8 and acrylic resin microparts. Taking advantage of parts distortion and adhesion forces, which dominate at micro-level, the parts cleave together after assembly. In contrast to many current scaffold fabrication techniques, no heat, pressure, electrical effect, or toxic chemical reaction is involved, a critical condition for creating scaffolds with biological agents.


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A common optometric problem is to specify the eye’s ocular aberrations in terms of Zernike coefficients and to reduce that specification to a prescription for the optimum sphero-cylindrical correcting lens. The typical approach is first to reconstruct wavefront phase errors from measurements of wavefront slopes obtained by a wavefront aberrometer. This paper applies a new method to this clinical problem that does not require wavefront reconstruction. Instead, we base our analysis of axial wavefront vergence as inferred directly from wavefront slopes. The result is a wavefront vergence map that is similar to the axial power maps in corneal topography and hence has a potential to be favoured by clinicians. We use our new set of orthogonal Zernike slope polynomials to systematically analyse details of the vergence map analogous to Zernike analysis of wavefront maps. The result is a vector of slope coefficients that describe fundamental aberration components. Three different methods for reducing slope coefficients to a spherocylindrical prescription in power vector forms are compared and contrasted. When the original wavefront contains only second order aberrations, the vergence map is a function of meridian only and the power vectors from all three methods are identical. The differences in the methods begin to appear as we include higher order aberrations, in which case the wavefront vergence map is more complicated. Finally, we discuss the advantages and limitations of vergence map representation of ocular aberrations.


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An Alternate Reality Game (ARG) is a unique experience that blurs the edges between our everyday lives and imagined game worlds. Players are invited to interact with each other and fictional characters using familiar tools such as emails, websites, telephones, and sometimes newspapers, radio and television. ARGs come in all shapes and sizes, tell a variety of different stories and inspire all kinds of interactions between people, their networks and the very streets in which they live. Some ARGs simply immerse you in fictional scenarios and indulge you in quirky challenges. While others reveal hidden histories of a city and teach us about important political causes. But the most exciting thing about ARGs is that they have the potential to inspire participants to imagine their everyday tools and places as resources for their own creative endeavors. Deb Polson will be presenting some of the most inspiring ARGs of recent years and revealing some of the design techniques that were used to create them. Most significantly Deb will discuss ways in which educators can imagine using ARGs as rich teaching tools that inspire collaborative learning and motivate students to engage in all kinds of subject matter.


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This thesis locates the origins of modern secular knowledge in late medieval theology. Problems with modern and postmodern knowledge which arise from these theological origins are then tackled theologically, and the manner in which secular ways of understanding knowledge are embedded in specific university, political and hospital contexts are then described and evaluated from a post-secular theological standpoint. The theoretical component of this thesis looks at knowledge itself and finds that without faith there can be no knowledge. The applied component of this thesis does two things. Firstly it explores how our conception of knowledge shapes the assumptions, operational norms, belief frames and tacit values of some characteristically modern and secular institutions. Secondly the applied component evaluates those contexts from the theologically premised conception of knowledge which was argued for in the theoretical component of this thesis.


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An iterative method for the fit optimisation of a pre-contoured fracture fixation plate for a given bone data set is presented. Both plate shape optimisation and plate fit quantification are conducted in a virtual environment utilising computer graphical methods and 3D bone and plate models. Two optimised shapes of the undersurface of an existing distal medial tibia plate were generated based on a dataset of 45 3D bone models reconstructed from computed tomography image data of Japanese tibiae. The existing plate shape achieved an anatomical fit on 13% of tibiae from the dataset. Modified plate 1 achieved an anatomical fit for 42% and modified plate 2 a fit for 67% of the bones. If either modified plate 1 or plate 2 is used, then the anatomical fit can be increased to 82% for the same dataset. Issues pertaining to any further improvement in plate fit/shape are discussed.


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This paper studies the evolution of tax morale in Spain in the post-France era. In contrast to the previous tax compliance literature, the current paper investigates tax morale as the dependent variable and attempts to answer what actually shapes tax morale. Te analysis uses suevey data from two sources; the World Values Survey and the European Values Survey, allowing us to observe tax morale in Spain for the years 1981,1990, 1995 and 1999/2000. The sutudy of evolution of tax morale in Spain over nearly a 20-year span is particularly interesting because the political and fiscal system evolved very rapidly during this period.


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Differential axial shortening in vertical members of reinforced concrete high-rise buildings occurs due to shrinkage, creep and elastic shortening, which are time dependent effects of concrete. This has to be quantified in order to make adequate provisions and mitigate its adverse effects. This paper presents a novel procedure for quantifying the axial shortening of vertical members using the variations in vibration characteristics of the structure, in lieu of using gauges which can pose problems in use during and after the construction. This procedure is based on the changes in the modal flexiblity matrix which is expressed as a function of the mode shapes and the reciprocal of the natural frequencies. This paper will present the development of this novel procedure.


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A pragmatic method for assessing the accuracy and precision of a given processing pipeline required for converting computed tomography (CT) image data of bones into representative three dimensional (3D) models of bone shapes is proposed. The method is based on coprocessing a control object with known geometry which enables the assessment of the quality of resulting 3D models. At three stages of the conversion process, distance measurements were obtained and statistically evaluated. For this study, 31 CT datasets were processed. The final 3D model of the control object contained an average deviation from reference values of −1.07±0.52 mm standard deviation (SD) for edge distances and −0.647±0.43 mm SD for parallel side distances of the control object. Coprocessing a reference object enables the assessment of the accuracy and precision of a given processing pipeline for creating CTbased 3D bone models and is suitable for detecting most systematic or human errors when processing a CT-scan. Typical errors have about the same size as the scan resolution.